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Jungle Fever [Open to 2]

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#1Mysterious Merchant 

Jungle Fever [Open to 2] Empty Wed Jun 12, 2024 2:24 pm

Mysterious Merchant

Never one to stick too close to the beaten track and routes of men when there was so much to be found beyond them, the Mysterious Merchant plucked the steepled hat from his head for a moment to mop his brow as he ventured through the bush and the wild overgrowth which was so very abundant in about the capital of Stella, and then sighed as he spied something rising from beyond the trees and vines ahead of him as he lamented a tragedy which occurred only too long ago.

"The empire of the sun, 'twas a sad day when I saw it fall~?"

Shaking his head as he recalled events which had played out more than a few lifetimes ago as if they had passed only by a matter of days, from within the pockets and pouches he carried there might still be a remnant of something from days which most had forgotten which he would only be too happy to share for the right price, and perhaps with that feel happy for allowing at least a certain something to endure to this day. Though, much like the other treasures of history, what one did with the gifts they might garner was up to them, no~?

  • Open for 24 hours, max two purchases.
  • Each player can make only one purchase, this includes players who made a purchase in a previous thread this round.
  • Characters must travel to this location.
  • Requirement: The Character must have at least 250 Speed.


Jungle Fever [Open to 2] Empty Thu Jun 13, 2024 4:03 pm


WORDS: ### | Simple and Clean  

“My, my, of all the people we might run into here~ Hello again?” The beauty with the beryl eyes blinking as she and her pink pet laid eyes upon a figure who had arrived at the ancient temple whom she hadn't seen for more than a few years, after lowering her hand to wave away the suspicion which Lion showed this old acquaintance Sofia Serena stepped forward with a smile, and a greeting to someone whom she expected would recognise her given the number of times she had visited him now.
“Or maybe not~? No matter, I'll see your wares…” The fair fox found surprised then when the enigmatic figure looked to her with a note of confusion at the familiarity she showed, with a sigh and a shake of her head the girl dismissed the idea entirely without really regarding much whether the man had actually forgotten her or was just playing dumb, and instead asked after his wares.

“An intriguing selection as always~? Oh, now this one's interesting?” Dipping forward to inspect them as soon as he showed her what was on display and narrowing her emerald eyes as she did so, the enchantress looked over the practical arsenal he carried when it came to arms and the like as well as the strange parts of anatomy as well, but frankly her intrigue always seemed to rest upon the odd little keys that the man collected if only for the amusing effects they had.
“Yes, she'll love this… How much~?” Not one for waving around weapons of legend or augmenting her form beyond the gift she had within her eye either for that matter, while some might seek this figure for how he might bolster their chances in battle this brunette was happier finding items which seemed to provide her and those she loved with entertainment and experience, and so the deft digit of the doll seemed to settle upon a small something she could use to add a little spice to the life she shared with the woman she loved. After all, making love was so much better than war, eh~?

OOC: Buying Tal Rasha's Master Key with the Ageing Effect!

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

#3Mysterious Merchant 

Jungle Fever [Open to 2] Empty Thu Jun 13, 2024 4:53 pm

Mysterious Merchant
@Sofia has purchased Tal Rasha's Master Key and may complete the Purchase in the Mysterious Merchant shop topic.

#4Brone Heavyaxe 

Jungle Fever [Open to 2] Empty Sat Jun 15, 2024 12:12 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
It was Huginn and Muninn, the reliable ravens, who had guided Brone Heavyaxe deep within the jungle. Never had the dwarf been to this country, let alone this jungle. If it wasn't for his companions, he would have surely been lost for a decade; he mentally kept note to feed them greatly when he could. Though he has been known to be sturdy and resilient, this was usually in the cold terrain or mountainous areas. The woodlands wasn't his preference, for the humidity and the bugs were bothersome to a great degree. Nevertheless, he needed to push forward... for what he sought was something that was only hinted by a local engineer.

There he was, spotting the blue hat, there was no doubt about who this person was; mission was close to completion, "By Dhurain's beard, ye a handsome sight, good day te ye!" overly excited and exhausted, Brone didn't even think about how weird his greeting was. He slapped his face, feeling one of those bugs touching him, "I'm looking for something of the future-" he hesitated and pulled out a notepad and read something with squinted eyes, trying to be careful of what he was asking for, "But not too far in the future... more like... 'steampunk', not sure what that is... something that would make my body stronger" he breathed, feeling as if he had walked for a hundred miles straight.

OOC: Looking to purchase Modiciation Steampunk Heart


Jungle Fever [Open to 2] Empty Mon Jun 17, 2024 12:59 pm

@Brone has purchased Steampunk Heart and may complete the Purchase in the Mysterious Merchant shop topic.

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