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Walking up Rocks, Is good right?(Kaito)

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Walking up Rocks, Is good right?(Kaito) Empty Tue Nov 07, 2023 5:05 pm

Why and how this ended up happening no one really knows but Averie was the base of Mount Kuja and waiting for Kaito. It was going to be a fun time and if anything Averie had just been locked into her shell for a while and did not get out much, so it was not overly shocking that she could eventually be wanting to go outside. She had been studying too much and needed to stretch her legs a bit.

It was more then perfect time to do something with Kaito, even if you did not know what that something is. Even looking around to admire a few things so far Averie did not sense any undead or spirit lingering about at this time. But she was not really focusing on at that during this moment. But at least the weather was nice from what Averie knew of the weather was like here.


Walking up Rocks, Is good right?(Kaito) Empty Wed Nov 08, 2023 8:22 am


Kaito had got an invite to meet up somewhere which seemed very out of character for Averie to him but he was still going to go as maybe she had found something and he was always down for a good adventure if they could have one, he walked through a portal and came out near Averie with Revy walking with him as Averie's invite did not say if he was to come alone or not and he didn't want to come without Revy and make Averie feel bad as she hadn't meant to not invite Revy and he walked around and he can smell Averie but he had not yet seen her around. "I am here Averie can you hear me?"

Kaito hopes he hadn't came out in the wrong place as he had not fully check around this place before cause this place had a strange aura about it and Kaito was not one to mess too much into the strange if he can help it and get the answers that he seeks before trouble finds him even though trouble seems to find him every so often and regularly to that fact.


Walking up Rocks, Is good right?(Kaito) Empty Wed Nov 08, 2023 3:21 pm

With that mention, Averie looked around. Not really thinking how good or a bad of a planner she was but if anything she was good at finding who was seeking her out. She hear her name face the area towards in which she heard his voice, Then with a bit of a rumble a ghost hand picked up Averie and threw her towards where she heard Kaito's voice, not sign or warning just the sound of the moving wind while Averie was thrown towards Kaito.

It was a strange thing to do. But Averie was not exactly the most normal person, she was just solving problem in her best manner possible. This was a risky one but if Kaito and Revvy where paying attention they would most likely see Averie flying in the sky for the moment, at least that was her internal theory currently she could br wrong.


Walking up Rocks, Is good right?(Kaito) Empty Wed Nov 08, 2023 6:44 pm


Kaito having hear something from the way Averie had come from and at first Kaito thought that Averie was using a flight spell but he soon realized that she was indeed not flying but falling with style and Kaito braced himself and he caught her in his arms and he looked down at her. "Are you crazy? Are you okay did you get hurt or what happened?" He was a bit worried as he wondered if she had fallen from somewhere or if something had attacked her as she just came flying at him and he wasn't sure if she was okay or not but he didn't see any injuries on her that he could see. He gently sets her on her feet and he makes sure she can stand before he lets go of her as he was confused and unsure what on earth had happened to her or why she had just come flying through the air like that.


Walking up Rocks, Is good right?(Kaito) Empty Sat Nov 11, 2023 11:05 am

Was Averie crazy? if anything anyone could argue that Averie was some what crazy between her magic and how she acted as a person at times. But Averie did not answer Kaito's question right away. But really before she spoke about anything Kaito seemed realize that Averie was in fact entirely fine and she was not hurt."I heard you calling, So i just summoned something to help me get to you quicker."Averie mentioned about that matter over all, Sure it was a bit sudden but Averie knew she was safe in the end.

She would even follow it up by mentioning."It was harmless in the end it seems."Averie mentioned it as that was not entirely what Kaito might have been worried about and she did not just almost cause a form of panic."It seems, my plan did work."Given Averie's normal state of being she did not sound smug or cheeky about her behaviour.

But as that situation was over she did seem to smile for a moment and said."And Thank you."Averie seemed happy, in her own way she was having things work in these matters. Even giving him a kiss on the cheek being that it was all something that was seemingly have this idea come into place."A walk up a mountain is what people normally do together as couples right?"Averie asked as a serious question.


Walking up Rocks, Is good right?(Kaito) Empty Sun Nov 12, 2023 6:51 am


Kaito just blinked as he was not sure if this was some kind of strange trust test or what but he was starting to wonder if he really hadn't known this woman in the time that they had been seeing the other as she seemed far more risk taking than he had thought she was as she had always seemed smarter with a bit of being naïve mixed in but she was acting now completely different than she had before to him so he wondered if maybe he had hurt her, or she being scared that he was just going to leave her one day was acting over the top but he was going to be careful with her here as he doesn't want her to feel that he will not support her or that he would just take off and leave her. "Please don't act so recklessly in the future... Also this is a special mountain so I am not sure normal couples would be walking on this mountain or not." He takes her hand in his own and he gets to walking and climbing with her as he wants her to enjoy herself and he doesn't want the woman to feel like he is not thankful to her inviting him out as her happiness is important to him.


Walking up Rocks, Is good right?(Kaito) Empty Tue Nov 14, 2023 7:38 pm

As these did not have the affect Averie hoped. So she would have to remember to not repeat this again. So she would have to remember these don't work like she thought it would in her books. This cute idea was not working entirely as she thought just so far would not mention it right away."I see, my books had failed again. I promise I won't."Averie said. It seemed she was getting crazy ideas from her romance books, she thought something seemed cute at the time to do thus she tried it. Not realizing that the fictional ideas might not translate well

But Averie seemed to have done some kind of studying about this place."I am not here to bother the monks. I thought it would be nice to see one of the many views here either just the normal cliff views or the top." Everything was seemingly normal it was just Averie putting effort in some kind of casual manner while trying to make this progress some what smoothly."If we get too tired or sore there is a spa too."It seemed Averie was doing some reading about the area outside of yokai.


Walking up Rocks, Is good right?(Kaito) Empty Sun Nov 19, 2023 11:18 am


"I don't know why you are so worried about failing." He gently ruffles her hair and smiles at her as he doesn't want her to feel like she had really failed or anything as he was sure that she had her heart in the right place and that he would be fine as long as he didn't make her upset some how. He hears that she had not intended to bother anyone here and he laughed softly as he had never thought that she would be here to bother anyone else that had been here that she just wanted to go here.

He walks with her following the path up that might lead them to one of the spots that the woman had been looking to get to and he knows that she is what she is a book wormy girl that is shy and is currently pushing herself for him so he needed to make sure that he respected her hard work. He heard her speak of the spa and he looked at her. "Oh do you like going to those kinds of places like spas? That sounds good hopefully they don't freak out from the huge scar on my back."


Walking up Rocks, Is good right?(Kaito) Empty Wed Nov 22, 2023 4:04 pm

It was a good general mention but Averie was Averie and she took things to a more simple explain mind set."Because I value everything i have gained so far, Failure could logically set me back mentally."Averie explained, sure it was hard to tell given almost at times emotionless Averie was, But in some manner these things seemed to be valued by her as she view things like these goals to achieve, She only slightly feared failure because in some manner."I feel a lot more joy for the things starting to be achieved here, It was something I almost thought I would never achieve."Averie has mentioned it before she almost felt like she would not be desired by anyone thus she was fearful of this failure.

When she asked about it her answer might."I can't say I entirely know. these things are what my sister wanted to do with me before but...knowing Helena it would very different thing."Averie mentioned because that was how she thought of it. being fine with the idea."It is normal to have scars, I am sure my skin and flesh isn't perfect from the people i've met who dislike me for the magic i use."Averie was not sure of this but she just assumed she had scars.


Walking up Rocks, Is good right?(Kaito) Empty Thu Nov 23, 2023 11:46 am


Kaito tilted his head as he looked at her. "It is hard to think that you would fail as you are a very lovely person and I am sure even if you hadn't found me, you would have found someone else that would make you happy so I am glad it was me that you picked~" His tone at the end was slightly teasing as Revy often scolds him for talking to Averie with such a strange tone and not a more welcoming and tone filled with a lighter feeling. He hopes that Averie knows that she means a lot to him and that he would not just randomly abandon her to a fate of loneliness and sadness but he feels like something was about to happen and he might have to ended up leaving the fold and be gone for awhile if not forever but he hopes that he gets a chance to say good bye.

"Wait you have been mortally wounded before? I don't remember seeing a scar on your soft skin." He rubbed his chin as he had not remembered there being any marks on her like that but maybe he had just over looked them when he had seen her. He wasn't going to argue with Averie about her own body but he knows that he should not put to much pressure onto her head if he can help it but he takes her hand and he keeps walking with her and he thinks he sees the first view point that she had spoken about.


Walking up Rocks, Is good right?(Kaito) Empty Sat Nov 25, 2023 4:10 pm

Kaito said that to her Averie seemed unsure of how to take that information, almost as if some one did not explain this information over all to her or ever had to consider this before. She in some manner was speechless at this part and almost seemed to turn slightly red while hearing this. She almost seemed to struggle with this. Clearly this was nothing she expected to see in any of her recent books this was old material she did not expect to encounter. Or because it was reality something so unexpected that it left her confused.

Then she would to focusing on the questioned as of her."Not that I know of, I have had people throw bottles at me before, a long with a few other thrown objects...been beaten with sticks and clubs, some sword but i am sure they are one now...but i suppose maybe there is a chance to check over."this was a casual and nice conversation that Averie had forgotten to kind of let her self be back on her feet or if she was already walking or not because she she was. So Averie would finally try to be free to walk on her own just with out saying it."But suppose before i forget...I am far more happy with how it has worked out with both of us...i often fear these matters would have gone over my head."In which she thought it was entirely what happen.


Walking up Rocks, Is good right?(Kaito) Empty Sun Nov 26, 2023 9:44 am


Kaito saw Averie go red and he laughed softly to himself as she had the prettiest blush because of her paler white skin it shown through in a cute way to him. He rested his hand on her hip as he walked next to her to the next point to look out from. "I guess depending how the night finds us I hope help you by looking over your body~" He was teasing her as he knows that by the end of this he was going to probably be carrying her as yes she has spunk but from what he has seen she is not one for the stamina of having much left in the tank after doing so much climbing and he hoped that she would be okay and not feel bad afterward as she was excited but when that wears off she is going to probably get weak in the knees but he has faith in her.

"I am as well as you needed me as much as I truly needed you to come into my life as I was pretty lost." Kaito kept close to her and enjoying the view that that could see as far as they had come this was a good day and would probably keep being a good day for them to keep going.


Walking up Rocks, Is good right?(Kaito) Empty Wed Nov 29, 2023 6:02 pm

That seemed to be a combo breaker for Averie as she seemed to in fact be unable to contain the flesh red that was over taking her face anymore. Averie was not entirely defeated in this manner."If that is something you might want to do, This there is nothing stopping it."Averie answered after giving herself a bit of time. At least Averie took it the best she could in stride.

After there was not much to think about here with the things they where doing. At least for once Averie was not thinking about too many things she could be studying at the time."Lost...how so?"Averie was curious, over all she had not tried to dig into too much even if she was curious. She figured in due time she would learn things about it how he might be thinking with in his life at the time.


Walking up Rocks, Is good right?(Kaito) Empty Sat Dec 02, 2023 1:33 am


Kaito can clearly see that one didn't hit the mark and he figures he shouldn't dwell on it as there wasn't anything he could do about it as she was special in some ways and that means he needed to be willing to give her time to figure out what he is saying sometimes as she was clearly not use to people talking to her like that or if she was, she was good at not showing or talking about it at all. When she questioned him on the him being lost part he rubbed his chin and thought about it. "It was more I had a void in my chest and really thought no one could care about me like that, and you showed me differently and that I was worth someone's time." He is not sure how clear that was to the woman as it was a bit foggy to himself and he was the one that been saying it and that was just one of the many things that he doesn't really get about himself and how bad he often is at explaining things.


Walking up Rocks, Is good right?(Kaito) Empty Tue Dec 05, 2023 5:39 am

It might not hit the mark, But Kaito's efforts will always pay off. Then again Averie read a lot of things but she was as dense as a hard covered book when it came to understanding, But trying was her main goal to start with. Maybe there was other ways for her to figure it out, just not at this time.

But it seemed maybe they both agreed on that."I suppose this is a nice mutual feeling."Averie would mention upon it after it took a bit of time to think on it. Almost like she was actually trying to think of it. alas in the end it seemed Averie's eyes where on what they were exploring around them

Averie in some manner seemed to have thought a lot of varying different things."Suppose with how we both seemed to be feel with one another, With how these times we spend together work, I feel like my studies in the future will be slow, But not that it isn't going to be a bad thing."Averie seemed to think it was funny. But she did ponder just the limit of things before but seemed to think she could reach the end of that wonder.


Walking up Rocks, Is good right?(Kaito) Empty Tue Dec 05, 2023 2:33 pm


"Why would your studies be slow Averie?" Kaito looked at her and he wonders if there is something that was going wrong or if he was getting in her way. He doesn't want to be in the way of her who was working hard to study the summoning of spirits and things and he wonders where there where things and he wonders if this place was magical and he wondered where she was trying to go with it.

Kaito looked around and he wondered if there was anyone else around them or if there were beings that aren't human around them as this place feels strong with mana and something else and there was a feeling that something was watching them and he was going to keep an eye out and he wonders if he might even be able to handle what ever that might be and if she will be safe if he does and he wanted to make sure that she will remain safe.


Walking up Rocks, Is good right?(Kaito) Empty Wed Dec 06, 2023 2:55 pm

It was a good question to ask Averie had a simple answer, one she would make sure to mention in a manner that did not make it seem like she was really going to be horribly impacted by these new developments."Because I will be an eternal student to my cause, But I will want to make time for this life with you."It was more of a wholesome reason. She was trying to make it work the best she could."I don't assume any other nercomancer will make an in-depth discovery for as far as I know i am the only one around at this time."Averie said she was trying to mention these things to not make it sound like a bad thing.

Averie would continue on hopefully not making it seem horrible or she was making it seem like she was slowing down her work."Knowing my mind, I will be forever fixed on these matter, When I also want to make sure I achieve the things in life i want to when staying as your partner." Averie was try to commit to a balance of life and magic studies because she was valuing the changes in her life. She even seemed happy with what she was doing right now.


Walking up Rocks, Is good right?(Kaito) Empty Sun Dec 10, 2023 5:37 pm


"I guess I can see your point but still you should give yourself some time to find some enjoyment. Can’t have you burning out Averie." Kaito made sure to take her hand and walk with her as he wanted her to know he supported her as sometimes he seems distant and he seems like he is indifferent to the issues and troubles some people have but he knows that Averie is a bit special and some times she doesn’t understand things and he doesn’t want to add to her stress. Kaito wonders if they are gonna be stopped before reaching the top or if they will be scared of him as others are scared of him as he is different and he was one of the heroes of the war that took place here even through he usually doesn’t take sides in things. Kaito looked around the area as he wonders if there was something that he needed to do or if he was find just to enjoy himself.


Walking up Rocks, Is good right?(Kaito) Empty Tue Dec 12, 2023 7:06 pm

She had to ponder if burning out was an actual option, Averie just assumed one worked forever and ever. But if anything maybe in her mind that situation with Kaito was her break and risk of not burning out. Over all maybe it was just also she was unsure. But she would learn one day the balance of the two. She had plenty of time for it they where just building the steps together. Even remarking about."It is a promise I will my best for that too."Averie said that because she knew in some manner she might lost track a few times.

But that was the normal part of being as focused on things like Averie was and being self aware. Averie looking around simply seemed to ponder."Would you prefer the spa they have here before or after we go to the top to see the golden tree?"Averie had to ask because with either option. But even if she asked and seemed to be looking around she didn't let go of his hand, almost like she still valued it at this time even if her mind was thinking other things.


Walking up Rocks, Is good right?(Kaito) Empty Wed Dec 13, 2023 7:17 am


When Averie spoke he listened and he wondered if she was really going to be okay as she seemed to nearly work herself to death training to push herself to do things and he was not sure if he was really the best person for her as he was very hands off and she probably needed someone to step in and make her stop working so hard but he also knows that sounds controlling and not right so he figured that he should not be rocking the boat like that and just let her be for now.

The woman asking him about if the should hit the spa before or after seeing the tree. "I think we should wait till after, as we will probably be more sore and tired after and will be in need of the waters to help to loosen up the tightness we will have from all the climbing." He is tapping his chin and wondering if what he said was really the right answer but it is the one that seemed to make sense to him as he always went to the hot springs or took a hot bath after train and working hard to do things.


Walking up Rocks, Is good right?(Kaito) Empty Fri Dec 15, 2023 9:16 am

So the plan was after. It was over all seemingly a good thing that things where going as they where, It was a solid plan and Averie was over all pretty happy about it. "Good good."Averie mentioned happily while they walked about. Considering Averie did not try to be the most exercise as much compared to a few other people in some manner it would most likely make Averie fairly tired in the future, but if anything Averie would be okay.

But Averie would continue making topics of conversations."It is a peaceful place here, seemingly there is not as many possible spirits linger around here, Unless Yokai work differently." Averie did seem to have her mind still in the things she normally did too. After all she did not know much about Yokai quite yet.

But it seemed Averie was managing well she was not tired as of yet, she was not feeling the need to slow down either. But they did still seem to have a fair amount to go and Averie almost seemed to be some what determine to reach the top.


Walking up Rocks, Is good right?(Kaito) Empty Sat Dec 16, 2023 10:13 am


Kaito keeps walking with Averie and he has a thought that he should probably ask of her if she would use him if she got to tired to keep walking or if she was going to stubbornly keep walking till she collapsed. "If you grow too tired to walk let me know and I will carry you okay?" He figured that really the only thing to do here was offer her this if she felt that she was going to need it as he doesn't want her thinking that he will see it as a sense of weakness or will make him not see her in a good light.

"Yeah this place is quiet a little too quiet if I am honest, almost like most of the animals don't come near this place." He had to wonder if that might not just be true that animals would avoid this place as there were strange feelings in this place to Kaito so maybe there was more going on her than he had first thought could be going on so he will need to keep an eye out at least for her safety.


Walking up Rocks, Is good right?(Kaito) Empty Sun Dec 17, 2023 7:14 pm

It was a fair request, Averie was not feeling that quite yet but kept it in mind. So far Averie seemed okay but she did take note of how Kaito thought of the situation around them."It is strange yes, Normally..I would feel something magic related here."Averie said because there is always some kind of undead lingering. But Averie seemed to over all continue walking with out much problem.

But Averie did some what know her limits."If we don't reach the top soon, I will be moving on to the next thing."Averie said because she figured it would have been sooner but she did not know much of Joya and barely seemed to venture here, Not that she couldn't have figured out that quite easily. Averie just did not think about wanting to do the simple idea at the time. But if she was ever curious enough she would.


Walking up Rocks, Is good right?(Kaito) Empty Mon Dec 18, 2023 9:44 am


Kaito looked at her and it seemed that she had accepted his offer about if it started to get to much she would allow him to bare her burden and keep her going and help her to feel lighter. He was not fully sure what this place held but he was going to make sure that they make it to the top and he looked for a way to get to the top faster and would spare a bit of time with then he remembers he can fly and he looked to Averie. "How are you about flying?" He figured that he should ask as he could get them closer to the top faster by flying her up there and he knows it defeats the purpose a little about walking it but as she said she wanted to get to the top sooner.

"It does feel strange here like the mana around here is a bit different feels a bit over powering like this whole place is a living creature waiting to awaken and become it's own thing." He was being honest as the place had a strange amount of mana and pressure like it was alive or if something strong might even be sealed in this place and it's power might be leaking or being pulled out. Kaito wondered if there was something sealed here or living here that was giving off this feeling to them and he knows that him poking around would only lead to him bringing more trouble forward as he had caused a few issues on earth land which was only saved and ended thanks to him and the friends he had made but there was no proof against him for right now that the people knew.


Walking up Rocks, Is good right?(Kaito) Empty Wed Dec 20, 2023 12:09 pm

At least with Averie she was pretty good about a lot of things. How she felt about flying might be different compared to most people."Flying is not a horrible thing."The problem now since they where walking and talking Averie was now going to go into a story."It a nice feeling of wind, over all any time i have been flying was nice...side from a few free falls like when i saved that kid before that nun in minstrel attacked me."It was a short story but some what a story none the less.

But moving she would still ask."Why?"It was fair to ponder that. It seemed she was entirely okay with flying even with the story. So Kaito could deal with that how he chose to, As normal however Averie was clueless to what it might entail.

Averie did not have exactly that feeling but she did feel weird here at this time, even if she wanted to see things. Keep in mind Averie felt odd in most places because of what is her normal things and field of study if anything there was rarely a time she didn't feel weird right away outside of being around Kaito.

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