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Potion Prepper (Solo Quest)

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Potion Prepper (Solo Quest) Empty Sun Aug 11, 2024 7:36 am

Ryuuji had gotten a request that asked him to find things for a potion and then bring it back to the man that wanted them, after accepted the request he was handed the list of things the man was after and where abouts to find the things that they were after but Ryuuji was not sure if he really was going to go and do this quest so fast but as judith seemed to be busy he guessed it was just fully on himself to handle this all alone as it was simple enough for him to try and do. Ryuuji headed out toward the forest to look and see if he could find any of the pieces that the paper asked for and he was able to pretty quickly find the first herb of the potion as the paper was right and the curly fern was common enough that he found it after barely entering the forest.


Potion Prepper (Solo Quest) Empty Sun Aug 11, 2024 7:37 am

Ryuuji checked the piece of paper right next to the curly fern. Then sees that the second piece was something that was completely simple as well he just had to find a few logs and check them that shouldn't be hard right? He thought that but as he walked around he was not having any luck with the rotting logs he was finding but he guessed if it was that easy to find then the man that requested the mission wouldn't have had to do that but Ryuuji also keeps his eyes open as Kaito had told him of some of the strange creatures that are sometimes found out here in the east forest and he was not sure it was only said to scare him but he found another rotting log but this time he was in luck and he found the blue lichen that he was seeking out here in this part of the forest.


Potion Prepper (Solo Quest) Empty Sun Aug 11, 2024 7:37 am

He checked the list where the blue lichen was on the paper then the next was in the deeper parts of the forest on some bigger trees and he was hoping that he was not going to have to do a lot of climbing even though he was as nimble as a cat doing it climbing trees was not one of the things that Ryuuji liked to do unless he had too as he preferred his feet on the ground planted. He looked at the trees as he went deeper into the forest looking for any of the red vine that he was seeking while he was in here but he was not seeing anything that could be called that yet. Well he knew what he was looking for from his wife teaching him about plants and things but those memories were pain filled for him and he was going to find these vines and get the hell out of the forest it was kind of giving him the creeps.


Potion Prepper (Solo Quest) Empty Sun Aug 11, 2024 7:37 am

He finally sees some but he has to climb up the tree to get to it so he started to climb the tree as he needed to get it then return to the city and turn them in and hope his rough ways hadn't bruised or other wise injured the plants he had collected for the potion maker. He got the vine that he was after then he gets down out of the tree and he started back out of the forest and he felt safe so he figured that was a good sign, once he had made it back into the city he headed for the place of the man that would be paying him for his trouble but he knows that he still needed to be careful as he was not sure what these mixed together made, the man greeted him and then collected the herbs and threw them into the already hot caldron and he stirred it around a bit then collected a vial of it and had Ryuuji try it and Ryuuji feared it was poison but once he drank it he felt something strange and the potion make made not of it and then sent him on his way with his payment in hand.
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