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III. Everfrost

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III. Everfrost Empty Wed Feb 23, 2022 6:27 pm



Name: Everfrost

Slot: Necklace

Type: Enhanced Amulet

Class: Unique

Quantity: Custom

Element: Frost

Durability: 1x S-Rank


Description: Crafted in Sieghart Mountain then enhanced by the mages of the syndicate, this piece was specifically commissioned for Konyo however was seemingly rendered inherent during the process. Still finding the broach aesthetically appealing alongside its abilities, the mage retained the piece wearing it at all times. It was much after acquiring the piece that its properties were revealed.


Requirements: None.

  • None

  • None


  • Frost Shift: The user may change the element of their item spells to Frost, regardless of the spell original element, the modifiers of the spells will also be changed accordingly. This requires the user to pay the base amount of mana for the item spells for the effect to apply. Therefore, any mana reduction that would normally apply to item spells cast by the user would no longer apply when the item spell element is shifted. This doesn't grant the user elemental synergy since it doesn't change the elemental alignment of the item.

Points Breakdown

Please list Forge Points gained and lost for a faster approval process.
  • Rarity
  • Necklace
  • N/A
  • N/A
  • N/A
  • 1x Level 4 Effect
  • N/A

Total points Acquired: 20
Total Points Spent: 20


III. Everfrost Empty Wed Feb 23, 2022 6:30 pm


Custom Claim Source

Please state you received the custom:


III. Everfrost Empty Thu Feb 24, 2022 8:50 am

@Konyo has claimed Everfrost using Zagan's Dungeon.

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