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A Dragon's dogma P1 [Epic- Lore]

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A Dragon's dogma P1 [Epic- Lore] Empty Wed Feb 07, 2024 8:44 pm


An important note about this storyline: The contents of this storyline were started as a prologue in my previous long, and will extend over to this long and 4 consecutive epics as part of a larger lore-impacting saga.

Seated upon a throne forged from the flesh, blood and bones of her own kin. A somber gaze toward the future, a reminder that neither god nor dragon are invulnerable.

Name: A Dragon's Dogma

Difficulty: Epic

Participants: Ryuko

The Dragon League Conflict has been rekindled! After the failed attempt to stop a cult has led to the resurrection of the Ancient Dragon Vortigern the gears have been set into motion for an event that could shape not just the future of Caelum, but of the remnants of the dragon race that remain on Earthland.

While Vortigern is bidding his time waiting for a final confrontation and regaining his strength, his nemesis Nozrum seeks to find allies in the people of Earthland in the hope of stopping him.

Meanwhile, Ryuko has returned to Joya to seek counsel from her father and discovers the truth of her origins. Now with the revelation that she is not Shinryu's own flesh and blood the Dragon Girl seeks to forge her own path, still unaware of the role she will play in the approaching conflict.

  • A - After her return to her father's sanctuary Ryuko is torn between the memories and feelings of gratitude toward her foster parents, and the embers of rage that boil at her defeat by Vortigern's hand.

    However, forces at play would seek to employ Ryuko to further their own agenda. With Ryuko vulnerable from her defeat and her hunger for power one particular faction decides now is the time to set events in motion.

  • A - Despite the recent events having changed her remarkably, the turmoil in Ryuko's heart as rage toward her loss against Vortigern slowly simmers in the darkness of her being, meanwhile rumors of her defeat at the hands of Vortigern and her lust for power has led to a particular deity among the Joyan pantheon to denounce Ryuko as a stigma on the reputation of the gods and orders their champion to hunt her down.

  • A - Recovering from the recent events that led to her to become a Dragonkin, Ryuko finds herself forced to fight for her survival when the Joyan champion arrives in an attempt to take her head. Enraged she engages in a violent duel against the man but soon finds herself aided by an enigmatic figure claiming to be an attendant of Prince Igor Illin. Together the two of them vanquish the champion. Scorned and spiteful Ryuko turns the corpse of the Joyan deity's champion into a reminder that no God or Dragon is truly invulnerable and taunts them by denouncing her pact with the gods.

  • A - Learning from the attendant that the Prince of Pergrade is currently seeking for these who obtained the powers of the void, the young Dragonkin decides to travel toward Pergrade in an attempt to meet this 'Prince of the Void'.

  • A - During her travels toward Pergrande Ryuko discovers an ancient legend about how there was once a powerful Dragon Slayer that was considered the ruler among their kin, in fact he was so strong that even the Dragons respected his power and authority. While their presence disappeared from Earthland, his legend did not, and so the tale of the Dragon Emperor remains... His throne unclaimed.

  • A - The story gives Ryuko an idea, one to enrich her appeal to the mysterious Igor Illin. With the secret teachings of the Dragonkin at her disposal, she has the idea of creating an organization of similar individuals as herself with the intention of opposing both divinity and dragon alike. Needing strength to oppose one, Ryuko hopes to borrow the power of the Void Prince so she could feast upon the other.

  • S- Finally granted an audience with Igor Illin, Ryuko offers to join his forces in exchange for his support in pursuing her ambitions. Will the Prince of the Void accept the fledgeling Dragonkin as his champion and help her in the mad pursuit of power in exchange for her knowledge and experiences from within the void? Only time will tell...

  • S- With the previous meeting concluded, Ryuko proceeds with the next course of her plan: Finding likeminded allies among the Dragons. Fortunately, she is not the only one who has a grudge with divinity, and among them is an Ancient Dragon whose desire for vengeance is only matches by his curiosity for Ryuko's peculiar condition.

  • S- Having found an ally in the Monarch Dragon Ryuko establishes the Dragon Order in Pergrande, and while on the surface they seem like a elite force in service of Prince Igor Illin, in truth the Dragon Order seeks to overthrow the gods, and for that they are bidding their time hunting these that oppose them, usurping their powers and taking them as their own, all so that one day they could challenge divinity itself.

  • S- Having become powerful enough thanks to the Monarch Dragon's power, Ryuko proceeds to spearhead Igor Illin's efforts to unite Pergrade, offering protection and prosperity to those who join, and brutally crushing those who would oppose the prince.

  • S- With the combined power of Ryuko's Dragon Order and Prince Igor Illin's forces the surrounding provinces have been quickly conquered in the name of the Prince, leaving Pergrande in a state of unrest. With the remaining factions believing they have to do something or they will end up being next calls for aid are being sent out to surrounding nations in the hope of gaining support in what will surely become a brutal civil war.

  • S- With events of this epic concluding, a part of Pergrande is now officially united under Prince Igor Illin's name, and with the Dragon Order officially established in Pergrande it is only a matter of time until the Void Prince's desire for a united Pergrande will stir the flames of war in his country...

Lore Consequences:
  • Ryuko officially establishes the Dragon Order faction within Pergrande and gains the backing/favor of Prince Igor Illin
  • A part of Pergrande is united under the Prince's faction in the wake of Ryuko's Dragon Order conquering the surrounding provinces.


A Dragon's dogma P1 [Epic- Lore] Empty Sat Apr 13, 2024 5:07 am


Name: Shattered Pride
Rank: A

Type: Good

Participants: Ryuko

Summary: After her return to her father's sanctuary Ryuko is torn between the memories and feelings of gratitude toward her foster parents, and the embers of rage that boil at her defeat by Vortigern's hand.

However, forces at play would seek to employ Ryuko to further their own agenda. With Ryuko vulnerable from her defeat and her hunger for power one particular faction decides now is the time to set events in motion.

- Contemplate your next course of action after losing the battle against the Aspect of Vortigern

Name: Stigma of the Gods
Rank: A

Type: Good

Participants: Ryuko

Despite the recent events having changed her remarkably, the turmoil in Ryuko's heart as rage toward her loss against Vortigern slowly simmers in the darkness of her being, meanwhile rumors of her defeat at the hands of Vortigern and her lust for power has led to a particular deity among the Joyan pantheon to denounce Ryuko as a stigma on the reputation of the gods and orders their champion to hunt her down.

Non Player Characters's: Lesser Joyan deity, Joyan Divine Champion

- Recovering from her recent affliction that saw her transformed into a Dragonkin, Ryuko takes a moment to recover her strength, unaware of the hunt a particular Joyan deity has launched against her.

Name: Here be dragons
Rank: A

Type: Good

Participants: Ryuko

Recovering from the recent events that led to her to become a Dragonkin, Ryuko finds herself forced to fight for her survival when the Joyan champion arrives in an attempt to take her head. Enraged she engages in a violent duel against the man but soon finds herself aided by an enigmatic figure claiming to be an attendant of Prince Igor Illin. Together the two of them vanquish the champion. Scorned and spiteful Ryuko turns the corpse of the Joyan deity's champion into a reminder that no God or Dragon is truly invulnerable and taunts them by denouncing her pact with the gods.

Non Player Characters's: Joyan Divine Champion, Attendant of Prince Igor Illin

- Fight for your survival against the Joyan Champion that came to claim your head!

Name: Prince of the Void
Rank: A

Type: Good

Participants: Ryuko

Learning from the attendant that the Prince of Pergrade is currently seeking for these who obtained the powers of the void, the young Dragonkin decides to travel toward Pergrade in an attempt to meet this 'Prince of the Void'.

Non Player Characters's: Attendant of the Void

- Travel to Peregrande
- Learn more about the current state of affairs there

Name: The Dragon Emperor
Rank: A

Type: Good

Participants: Ryuko
During her travels toward Pergrande Ryuko discovers an ancient legend about how there was once a powerful Dragon Slayer that was considered the ruler among their kin, in fact he was so strong that even the Dragons respected his power and authority. While their presence disappeared from Earthland, his legend did not, and so the tale of the Dragon Emperor remains... His throne unclaimed.

Non Player Characters's: Attendant

- Learn more about the ancient legends involving the Dragon Emperor

Name: Orden Drakona
Rank: A

Type: Good

Participants: Ryuko

The story gives Ryuko an idea, one to enrich her appeal to the mysterious Igor Illin. With the secret teachings of the Dragonkin at her disposal, she has the idea of creating an organization of similar individuals as herself with the intention of opposing both divinity and dragon alike. Needing strength to oppose one, Ryuko hopes to borrow the power of the Void Prince so she could feast upon the other.

Non Player Characters's: Attendant

- Interact with the locals to discover the ongoing tension in Peregrande
- Think about how to strengthen her appeal to Prince Igor Illin

Name: A Royal Audience
Rank: S

Type: Good

Participants: Ryuko

Summary: Finally granted an audience with Igor Illin, Ryuko offers to join his forces in exchange for his support in pursuing her ambitions. Will the Prince of the Void accept the fledgling Dragonkin as his champion and help her in the mad pursuit of power in exchange for her knowledge and experiences from within the void? Only time will tell...

Non Player Characters's: Prince Igor Illin - to be npc-ed by an admin

- Have your audience with the Prince
- Convince him of your worth

Name: Gathering Allies
Rank: S

Type: Good

Participants: Ryuko

Summary: With the previous meeting concluded, Ryuko proceeds with the next course of her plan: Finding likeminded allies among the Dragons. Fortunately, she is not the only one who has a grudge with divinity, and among them is an Ancient Dragon whose desire for vengeance is only matches by his curiosity for Ryuko's peculiar condition.

Non Player Characters's: The Monarch Dragon

- Find the lair of the 'King of Dragons'
- Try to convince the Monarch Dragon to join you

Name: The Dragon Order
Rank: S

Type: Good

Participants: Ryuko

Having found an ally in the Monarch Dragon Ryuko establishes the Dragon Order in Pergrande, and while on the surface they seem like a elite force in service of Prince Igor Illin, in truth the Dragon Order seeks to overthrow the gods, and for that they are bidding their time hunting these that oppose them, usurping their powers and taking them as their own, all so that one day they could challenge divinity itself.

Non Player Characters's: The Monarch Dragon, Attendant

- Establish the Dragon Order
- Make your first order of business to conquer one of the surrounding Provinces to prove your strength to the people of Peregrande

Name: Unite and Conquer
Rank: S

Type: Bad

Participants: Ryuko

Having become powerful enough thanks to the Monarch Dragon's power, Ryuko proceeds to spearhead Igor Illin's efforts to unite Pergrade, offering protection and prosperity to those who join, and brutally crushing those who would oppose the prince.

Non Player Characters's: The Monarch Dragon, Dragon Order

- Lead the invasion on a surrounding Province of Peregrande.
- Upon conquering the defending forces, offer them an opportunity to join the Prince
- Facing Rejection make an example out of the leader of the Province.
- Establish the headquarters of the Dragon Order.

Name: Stormblood
Rank: S

Type: Bad

Participants: Ryuko

With the combined power of Ryuko's Dragon Order and Prince Igor Illin's forces the surrounding provinces have been quickly conquered in the name of the Prince, leaving Pergrande in a state of unrest. With the remaining factions believing they have to do something or they will end up being next calls for aid are being sent out to surrounding nations in the hope of gaining support in what will surely become a brutal civil war.

Non Player Characters's: Dragon Order

- Your initial goals accomplished, learn about how the surrounding provinces that remain are sending pleas for help to the other nations.

Name: Champion of the Void
Rank: S

Type: Bad

Participants: Ryuko

With events of this epic concluding, a part of Pergrande is now officially united under Prince Igor Illin's name, and with the Dragon Order officially established in Pergrande it is only a matter of time until the Void Prince's desire for a united Pergrande will stir the flames of war in his country...

Non Player Characters's: Monarch Dragon

- Officially found the Dragon Order in Pergrande
- Prepare for war.


A Dragon's dogma P1 [Epic- Lore] Empty Sat Apr 13, 2024 5:39 am

This Storyline is approved to start.


A Dragon's dogma P1 [Epic- Lore] Empty Wed Apr 17, 2024 1:24 pm



The 6 A-ranks are done

Jewels: 250,000 (+30% from Guild, +10% from helmet, +10% from ring, +20% from SL) > 425.000
EXP: 10,000 (+20% from chest piece, +20% from helmet, +20% from SL) > 16,000
Fame: 400
SP: 10

Total Rewards:
96.000 EXP
2400 Fame
60 INT

#5Alaric Holloway 

A Dragon's dogma P1 [Epic- Lore] Empty Fri Apr 19, 2024 5:08 pm

Alaric Holloway
This Storyline has been completed! Rewards have been given

A Dragon's dogma P1 [Epic- Lore] 1ttePXg
#B72F22 | Sheet
#A96161 | App

A Dragon's dogma P1 [Epic- Lore] Empty Tue Apr 23, 2024 11:27 am



my S-ranks~

Jewels: 500,000 (+30% from Guild, +10% from helmet, +10% from ring, +20% from SL) > 850.000
EXP: 15,000 (+20% from chest piece, +20% from helmet, +20% from SL) > 24.000
Fame: 500
SP: 15

Total Rewards:
5.100.000 jewels
144,000 EXP
3000 Reputation (from which 1500 will go into infamy)
SP: 90 INT please.

Mythic coupon will be used for a Custom Dragon Slayer magic.


A Dragon's dogma P1 [Epic- Lore] Empty Tue Apr 23, 2024 2:00 pm

Ryuko has finished this storyline and has been rewarded

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