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Whats Mine is Mine- S rank (Lumikki)

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#1Knuckles Shi 

Whats Mine is Mine- S rank (Lumikki)  Empty Sun Dec 17, 2023 8:33 pm

Knuckles Shi

Knuckles had chosen a seat in the dimly lit corner of the bar, a deliberate vantage point that allowed him to observe the comings and goings without drawing much attention to himself. His sharp eyes scanned the crowd for any sign of Lumikki, his fingers drumming restlessly on the worn wooden table. Suddenly, his attention was drawn to a group of miners at a nearby table. Their faces flushed from the generous pints of ale, they were speaking louder than they probably intended, their words carrying over the low murmur of the bar. Through their slurred speech, Knuckles picked up on an enticing snippet of information - a rumor of a newly discovered vein of ore in the Dawncliff Mine. Their words held a note of anticipation, as they hinted at the substantial reward that awaited the one who secured it for one of the major mining outfits in town. The potential for colossal wealth rang clear in their boisterous laughter, igniting a spark of interest in Knuckles.

With a subtle lowering of his hand beneath the table, Knuckles released his pet raven into the shadows of the bar. The raven, a stealthy and loyal companion, was trained to aid him in such circumstances. Like a wraith, the bird took flight, its dark wings brushing against the smoky air as it soared above the heads of the oblivious patrons. Its task was to circle around, positioning itself closer to the group of miners to pick up the hidden details of their conversation. Meanwhile, Knuckles' hawk-like gaze roamed around the bar, slicing through the murky ambiance. He ensured that the miners' tale had not sparked curiosity in any other ears, his heart pounding to the rhythm of the low, background hum of the bar. The anticipation was a bitter-sweet symphony, a blend of danger and opportunity, and it was in these moments that Knuckles truly thrived.

The raven, a creature of extraordinary intelligence and stealth, fluttered effortlessly to a darkened corner near the miners. An unnoticed observer in the dim light, it inclined its head, its beady eyes gleaming with a unique intensity. The miners, oblivious to its presence, continued their raucous chatter, their uninhibited laughter punctuating the air. The raven's head tilted in rhythmic synchronization, picking up and decoding every word, every languid gesture, and the exact location of the new ore vein. The raven listened, its keen senses focused on the conversation, registering the specifics of the tale.

Once satisfied, it slipped away as silently as it had come, its dark form slipping through the dim light and back towards the solitary figure in the corner. Knuckles, his gaze still wandering the room, felt the soft brush of wings as the raven returned and perched unobtrusively on his shoulder. The bird leaned in, its low caws whispering the secrets it had acquired into Knuckles' ear. The details of the miners' conversation were unveiled: directions, potential dangers, and the sweet promise of untold riches. The corners of Knuckles' mouth lifted in a subtle smirk as he processed the information, his mind already charting the course for their next adventurous pursuit.

WC 522

"There shall never be peace as long as there are Gods in a Man's world"

Whats Mine is Mine- S rank (Lumikki)  Empty Mon Dec 18, 2023 6:12 pm


" Do you have to meet him my Lumi? There are other things we could tend to." Tenevi would plea to the Demoness as she was almost done finishing up with her hair. Pulling it back into two braids and tying the end with vermilion ribbons. She was oblivious to her recent preference for adorning herself in red. Hardly gave it any thought more than how it suited her nicely. But Tenevi would look at the change with shrewd attentive awareness. And she did not like the shift in her master at all, but she was powerless to diminish it.

" The plans are set, and I am already running late. Yer free to come along, but I must be gone now." With one last look, she checked her appearance. All she could need was already packed within her void. So the shoeless Demon would take to running to her window so that she could jump out. Her short black dress would hold off from restricting her moments as she climbed out. A flourish of feathers would cycle around her like a vortex, obscuring her form so that she was hidden away as she dropped from the building. A raven would dart out of the plumage, making her way to the bar that he chose to meet.

As Lumikki soared through the sky, Tenevi would follow behind. The harpy was in silence for the moment, refraining from souring her master's good mood. While Lumi would only be focused on her flight alone.

The little raven would stop right before the bar, shifting rapidly in another cluster of feathers. She hardly let herself get close to the ground before dropping herself down. Pulling down her dress in place as she sauntered inside. It did not take her more than a few seconds to find him. Besides the bond they shared giving her the gist of where he was, the man's crimson mane would alert her to where he sat. She caught him as he was scanning the room, and so she'd look around as well as she walked over. The cool aura that she was known for was pushing the heat out of the room. But regardless of her chill, the many patrons would look her way. Though she appeared human, she still tended to draw attention. Lumi hardly paid the looks any mind as she joined with her Daemon. Her eyes sparkled to see him, though she hoped he didn't notice her excitement. " Gretting Gunnae." She looked around once more to give her a moment to look away, but the bartender held her gaze as she wanted to order. " I'd say ye've haven't been here long, but yer guild was around the corner. Wish ya picked a more interesting bar to reside, I know a few meself." She looked him over quickly from the corner of her eye before attempting to get up and order a drink.


Whats Mine is Mine- S rank (Lumikki)  Img_0811

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#3Knuckles Shi 

Whats Mine is Mine- S rank (Lumikki)  Empty Wed Dec 20, 2023 4:26 am

Knuckles Shi

The Daemon let out a chuckle, its laughter low and quiet yet conveying a clear message. "Perhaps there are more aesthetically pleasing places, but this location is a goldmine of information you won't find in those snobbish establishments," it remarked. Uncertain as to why she was attempting to rise to order a drink, Knuckles gently reached out to grasp her arm. "Paul will be joining us soon; I informed him that I was meeting a friend. The staff here attend to our table, my esteemed Demoness."

Knuckles' audacity reverberated through the dimly lit room as he reached out to grasp Lumikki's arm without permission. His hand, gnarled and hardened from countless battles, contrasted sharply with her smooth, icy skin.  Despite knowing the peril that could arise from such a bold move, a smite from Lumikki, he chose this course. His eyes gleamed with a certain defiance, a silent challenge to Lumikki. This was their game now, this dance on the edge of danger. It was a testament to their unique bond that blurred the lines between audacity and respect.

"Please sit, I have learned the news. "

Knuckles waved over to Paul who came up with a throw towel over his left shoulder. Paul, the bartender, was a striking figure. Tall and broad-shouldered, his features were a blend of rugged and stern, evidence of a lifetime spent in the grit and hustle of city living. His eyes, a piercing blue, were the kind that seemed to hold a lifetime of stories. Despite the rough exterior, there was a gentleness to Paul, a warmth that seeped into his interactions with the regulars. His outfit was typically simple, a white shirt, trousers, and a throw towel perpetually flung over his left shoulder. His presence was a constant in this ever-changing world, a steady heartbeat in the chaotic symphony that was the bar.

Paul's accent was a distinctive mix of the city's edge and a hint of a forgotten rural upbringing. The rough-hewn cadence of his words, coupled with the occasional lilt of a country drawl, offered an intriguing contrast to his urban persona. Turning to Lumikki and Knuckles, his deep voice echoed across the room, "What'll it be this evening, Lumikki, Knuckles?" With a nod of his head and a quick, professional smile, he readied himself to take their drink orders.

Knuckles, still holding Lumikki's glance, leisurely took in her form. His eyes, dark pools of intrigue and admiration, roamed over her figure, painting a picture of his appreciation for the woman who stood before him. She was his present, his future, an enigma wrapped in a conundrum that he couldn't help but want to solve. His voice, a low rumble in the dimly lit bar, broke the ensuing silence. "Paul, an Ale, if you please," he ordered, not diverting his gaze from Lumikki for even a moment.

The exchange was a silent dance they participated in, their eyes the lead. It was a moment suspended in time, a testament to the magnetism that lay between them. With Lumikki, the weight of the world felt like feathers on his shoulders, a collar of responsibility transformed into a gift of purpose. His eyes met hers again, their depths reflecting an unspoken promise of shared tomorrows. His words, a mere whisper in the quiet chatter of the bar, slipped out, "You, Lumikki, are a sight for sore eyes, a true vision." His words, a compliment drenched in genuine affection, were his tribute to his Demoness. "Changed your hair have we? Looks amazing"

WC: 597
TWC 1119

"There shall never be peace as long as there are Gods in a Man's world"

Whats Mine is Mine- S rank (Lumikki)  Empty Wed Dec 20, 2023 7:45 am


” Information isn’t difficult to gather for me.” She began to say while stepping forward. The grasp for her arm was unexpected, and though she didn’t mind his touch the sudden gesture stop her movement was met with annoyance. The chill of her skin would run up his hand like he grasped the tundra itself. And the frigid sensation would run up his arm, rapidly sapping his strength and most of his heat. She would turn to face him, eyes playful but sharp. Her gaze would apply another chill before softening entirely as Lumi felt she had her fill of fun. Grabbing his hand and biting it gently before sitting back down.

” I was simply impatient was all. What news did ye gather, me precious Gunnar.” She interlocked her fingers and rested her head atop them. Leaning her weight onto the table her glimmering doe eyes would look back at Knuckles. Their connection would bear all to the other, but she kept a loose hold on it. Letting it passively wash over her as oppose to peering into it like one would the water’s surface to gleam all that was within the depths below. Lumikki would feel the constant pull toward him, though she would hate to show it. It was his mutal affection that would soften and ease her out of her embrassment, sinking her instead.

Paul would heed Knuckles’ call, puttingh is task on hold to come and take their order. Lumikki would look over to him as he walked over, still impatient to get a drink in her, but not to the extent that she could not wait until it was her turn. Paul would note Knuckles’ order before hearing hers. It was a simple request for the sweetest one he could muster. Those were the ones more to her liking. He would nod before walking off and leaving them to themselves once more. And with his absence, the sound of the crowd would turn murky once more as she herself did not very much care to listen to them.

Lumikki’s gaze would return to Knuckles only to find his eyes were already locked on her. Both holding themselves in the view of the other. She would smile as she relaxed her position once more. Leaning onto the table with a playful and almost sleepish expression on her face.” Hmmm? The braids? I used to wear them braided often as it was something I grew up accostumed to. Dwarves take great care to maintain their hair. But coming to Fiore and traveling had gotten me too relaxed to some of me older traditions. I suppose since ye remind me of home, its been rubbing off on me.” Her eyes would narrow as a smirk would creep along her lips. ” Who would of thought ye’d be such a good influence on me.”

The wait for their drinks would not take long and as they waited, Lumikki would feed the little raven companion some nuts she stored in her void, while snacking on nearby shadows herself. Paul would promptly come over, placing their drinks on the tabel before setting off once more. After stealing one more caress on MÓRÐVÍG, scratching gently at the feathers of his neck, she finally reached fo her drink. Bringing it to her lips as drank until half was gone. ” Aaaaah, how pleasing.”


Whats Mine is Mine- S rank (Lumikki)  Img_0811

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#5Knuckles Shi 

Whats Mine is Mine- S rank (Lumikki)  Empty Thu Dec 21, 2023 9:03 am

Knuckles Shi

Knuckles, the audacious figure he was, couldn't help but glance down at his arm as Lumikki applied her frosty touch. The chill seemed to creep under his skin, spreading a numbing sensation that was both unsettling and curiously exhilarating. His eyes, glittering with a mix of surprise and delight, studied the frost on his arm a tangible testament to the power she held. Yet, the crimson-haired Knuckles bore the ordeal with a grin that never wavered. A thrill ran up his spine, the icy nibble on his hand a novel sensation he found himself enjoying. His eyes held an inexplicable hint of satisfaction as if he was savoring the price he had to pay for the audacity of touching his formidable Demoness without permission. It was an odd paradox, to revel in the discomfort brought upon by his own brashness. And through it all, that smile, irrepressible and defiant, stayed plastered on his face, hinting at a complex dance of dominance and submission, punishment and pleasure.

s he countered Lumikki's impatience. "My love," he drawled, his tone teasing yet sincere,  "With your eternal lifespan, why the hurry? Shouldn't you relish each moment?" His words hung in the cold air, challenging the very essence of her haste. Yet, the audacious Knuckles never took his gaze off the frost maiden, unfazed by her chilly disposition. He retracted his hand, pulling it back to the safety of his chest. His fingers began a gentle massage, stimulating the numbed area to bring back sensation. The grin on his face never faltered, instead broadening into a confident smirk an embodiment of his relentless audacity.

Knuckles let out a hearty laugh, the sound echoing in the frosty expanse around them. "A good influence, eh?" He chuckled, his grin now taking on a playful edge. "That's a first for me." His gaze softened as he studied Lumikki, his eyes lingering on her crimson locks styled differently than usual. The change was subtle, but it hadn't escaped his keen eyes. "You know, I've never seen you wear your hair like that before," he mused aloud, the appreciation evident in his voice. "It suits you." His words were sincere and unguarded, a rarity that only Lumikki had the privilege of witnessing. "I must say, it's a good look for you, my frost-haired Demoness." His eyes twinkled with mirth, the quirk of his lips revealing his fondness for the woman before him, his audacity ever present even amidst the cold.

Knuckles lifted his mug, the bitter aroma of the Ale wafting up into his nostrils. It wasn't the taste he was interested in, but the potent effects of the strong brew. Nodding in thanks to Paul, he took a hefty gulp, the liquid burning a trail down his throat. As he leaned closer to Lumikki, he could feel the bond between them intensifying, its power surging with their proximity. The sensation was overwhelming, but not unpleasant. He needed a moment to compose himself, to focus on the task at hand and not be swept away by the allure of their connection.  

Leaning in even closer, a devilish grin spread across his face. His eyes glinted with mischief as he spoke, his voice barely above a whisper. "Well, I'm a man of tradition, but this piece of intel might just change the game for you, my Demoness. Word's out about the discovery of a new mineral deposit quite a hush-hush affair. If we can claim it under your banner, it'll provide a significant boost to the development of your territories." His voice dropped to an even lower murmur, the hint of a challenge hanging in his words.

WC 620
TWC 1739

"There shall never be peace as long as there are Gods in a Man's world"

Whats Mine is Mine- S rank (Lumikki)  Empty Thu Dec 21, 2023 7:03 pm


” Love? Confessing to me already me Gunnar?” Lumikki, already leaning on the table by this point, dipped forward a tad further as she narrowed her eyes in a playful reaction. But it would be followed by a deep sigh as the rest of his words would settle in her mind and with a pout etched on her face, she would answer.” Aye eternal yes, but I still can’t shake the desire not to move at a glacier’s pace. I feel as though I am still written to go fast, hmmmm perhaps that’s something I should indeed resolve now. Time spent with ye shouldn’t be made to feel so fleeting. Granted, yer not allowed to leave me any time soon.”

Her miss-matched eyes would wander as she shook her thoughts. Softly trying to recall if everything she did was often in bursts. It was the movement of him pulling his arm to his chest that would warrant the return of her gaze and though she attempted not to, she grew a giddy smile on her face. A soft giggle would build within her throat and escape her lips. Observing the pain she would inflict on him was admittedly amusing for her, as Lumi could not help the darker tendencies of her nature. Yet the man would smile at her like she just exchanged words of affection. It would confuse her if they were not so intertwined. She tilted her head, taking in his cavalier expression. Lumikki adored his boldness, his defiance. Where a Demon would see an unruly puppet, an aggravating warrior to wear down until he was hollow and willing to heed commands. Lumikki saw fun and potential. A partner who would entertain her in a dance of power and control. She could assume this would be a bane for her, something any of her kin would harshly ridicule as they insisted her daft for entertaining a pet with such audacity. But mindless golems and humorless homunculi were not to her preference. Loyalty did not denote a lack of character, just the assurance that they would stay by your side. She wanted someone who would gladly play with her. A constant reminder to enjoy the small interactions in life.

But his comments on her hair would shake her out of those thoughts and so Lumi went back to focusing on his gaze. Knuckles’ laugh took her further by surprise, but it sunk her in an even merrier mood. ” I like this.” She would think to herself, watching his eyes trace over her braided locks in admiration. She shifted in her seat, pulling back to grab her hair and hold it up. She felt the pleats in the braids and played with the ribbon that held her hair. It was a lovely vermillion that she didn’t remember she had. It only caught her eye just recently as she was moving her things around. Lumikki didn’t give such an accessory much thought, only that the addition of it to her style brought her comfort. The Demoness was still entirely oblivious to the shift in her preferences, or how it mirrored her latent affections. She simply thought the choice was her own.

” Highly doubt it’ll even be the last first I take from ye.” She looked back up at him cheekily,” And there’s a lot ya haven’t seen me in. Exciting, isn’t it? Oh but what now should do next, I wonder~” The cheeky Demoness would grin, reaching over for her drink and bringing it to her lips. Her Daemon was brimming with excitement to share the news, and she would properly entertain it. She slipped along slowly as she told her in a hushed voice, obviously mindful not to be heard by the other patrons. ” Is that so Gunnar?~ I am not fond of the underground, but perhaps ye could make this fun.” Lumikki said such with a smile before through back the rest of her drink. The mild burn was pleasing to her, but the feeling of the drink settling in was bliss.


Whats Mine is Mine- S rank (Lumikki)  Img_0811

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#7Knuckles Shi 

Whats Mine is Mine- S rank (Lumikki)  Empty Thu Dec 21, 2023 10:39 pm

Knuckles Shi

The word 'love' echoed in her mind, a stark contrast to the boisterous tavern atmosphere. There was something about the way he claimed her as his that made her heart flutter in a way she hadn't felt before. It wasn't just the love that was apparent in his voice, but also the profound respect and admiration he held for her. He had indeed felt every ounce of her self-love, every blessing she had bestowed upon him. She had unshackled him from a restricting collar, offering him instead a source of burgeoning power without bounds. It wasn't a restriction but an opportunity for growth, a testament to the trust and affection that had blossomed between them.

Knuckles reveled in her delight at the sensation of his arm going cold, a response befitting a Demoness. Yet, he took no offense. Certain Daemons would have veiled their true feelings, or even harbored resentment or sought vengeance for such an act. However, Knuckles was far removed from such petty concerns. He had endured the excruciating pain of being set ablaze before. Still, thanks to the life-restoring potency of healing potions and spells, his body had never suffered permanent destruction, save for the scars from wounds incurred in times when he lacked the means to secure such magical brews for self-healing.

Indeed, Knuckles was no stranger to pain. His resilience had been tested time and again, his audacious spirit on full display each time he would face down the point of a spear. Not once, but twice, he had endured the brutal intrusion of such weapons through his chest. Yet, remarkably, he never flinched, never allowed the throbbing pain to interrupt his concentration during the heat of battle. To him, the sensation of Lumikki's chilling touch was a refreshing diversion, a playful tease. For a warrior such as Knuckles, these moments of flirtatious banter were as exhilarating as any battlefield encounter.

Knuckles spoke, his voice steady and resolute, "I shall not leave your side until a blade removes life from my body." His eyes, gleaming with unwavering loyalty, met hers directly. "Even then I shall be absorbed by you and forever in your essence." His words, though stark, carried a profound sincerity that left no room for doubt. His commitment was etched in stone, steadfast as the mountains themselves.

Knuckles' gaze fell upon the ribbon that adorned Lumikki's hair, a simple yet charming accessory that hinted at her softer, more feminine side. It was uncharacteristic of the hardened, battle-worn warrior to notice such details, but Lumikki was an exception, she always was. A small smile tugged at the corners of his mouth as he made a mental note. Next time he found himself amidst the bustle of the marketplace, he would keep an eye out for similar ribbons. He had been oblivious to her liking for such adornments until this moment. It was a small token, but one he hoped would bring a smile to her face, a bright spot in their brutal world.

As Lumikki's words washed over him, a sense of contentment unfurled in Knuckles' heart. He reveled in the promise of shared experiences and new beginnings that her statement implied. "I look forward to exploring all kinds of new firsts with you, My Lady," he responded, the sincerity of his words mirrored in the warmth of his gaze. He reached over, his hand enveloping hers in a firm yet gentle grasp, his thumb tracing lazy circles on the back of her hand. "I shall see to it that you are properly taken care of and entertained, Lumikki. In whichever capacity you wish for me to do so," he vowed, his voice firm, yet tender - a testament to his unwavering commitment.

Seeing the conviction in Lumikki's eyes, it was clear she shared his vision. She understood the gravity of the path she was embarking on, the necessity of establishing a solid and unmovable foothold in this world. This was the first step in a journey of ascension, a path to divine power fueled by faith and worship. Each prayer sent her way, every deal struck in her name would serve as a conduit, channeling power directly into her. Then, and only then, would they delve into the abyss. She would feast upon the ancients, grow in might and influence until she stood unrivaled, the most dominant Demon of all the Hells. Knuckles could see the determination flicker in her eyes, a fire kindled by ambition and desire. Their shared vision of the future was a beacon in the dark, a lighthouse guiding them through the treacherous waters of destiny.

"Let us enjoy these drinks and have a few more rounds.  We can start in the morning." Knuckles declared, the jovial lilt in his voice carrying an unspoken promise of camaraderie and good times. He lifted his left hand into the air, catching Pauls' attention effortlessly with a commanding yet friendly air about him. He made a circular motion with his hand, a universally recognized gesture signaling the bartender to keep the rounds coming. His eyes glinted with anticipation and mirth, hinting at the enjoyable night that lay ahead of them.


"There shall never be peace as long as there are Gods in a Man's world"

Whats Mine is Mine- S rank (Lumikki)  Empty Sun Dec 24, 2023 10:01 am


” Foolish Daemon. I would never allow that to happen. I’d simply have to make all blades brittle within me storms. Absorbing ye won’t replace yere company, I’ve taken too much of a liking to ya. Even cut out prior interests.” Her mind would slip into memories of Michael, if but for a moment, before she forced it back on the here and the now. One could feel the love she had for him, but she didn’t want to think of him at all. She made her choice the moment she allowed the Daemon his pact, though she didn’t know the extent it would embed into her, Lumi didn’t pull away the moment became clear either. Her interest shifted elsewhere, to someone who could walk a path alongside her.

” Must feel like such a change, to be desired as such. To not be just someone’s tool, their means to an end. Not many want to preserve a warrior, let alone insist on their company to the end of time.” She felt his devotion, and Lumi let him feel all her desire. It was a mutual thread that locked them in, but not caged them down. It was bliss.

And his words….would never fail to melt her ice more and more. Her fortress would always crumble in his presence and reforge all around him. Keeping him near to her at her core. It made her feel as though she would savor being cruel all that much more, to counter his sweetness as they plot to destroy all in their way. Lumi was itching to see him in battle even in this moment.

” Aye, morning would be for the best. I feel as though I rather ye warm me bed than see the caverns below.” She rolled her eyes at the utterance of the caverns. The little raven found no joy slinking down the depths below. Though she could tolerate it before, she now found it now to be wuite restrictive. The walls of the tunnels foiling any chance of her happily opening her wings. Like her Dwarven kin found the sky frightful and far removed from their element, she had come to understand their sentiments in the earth that they love dearly.

But word was to be done, and she would not shy away from the task. She had methods to slip through the cracks and the overbearing darkness did not phase her. So she happily took her next glass and brought it to his. A cheers for the opportunity to sink their talons even deeper into this realm.

And so the Demoness would drink her fill until she could hardly fly, letting her Daemon lead her to the comfort of their sheets.

Morning would stir for quite a bit before she let Knuckles drag her from the bliss of her darkness and pillows. But once she was up, she got to moving. Lumikki would hardly take any time to get ready, willing a dress into existence and pulling her hair back into two braided pigtails after a good shower. She slipped into her human form the moment the left the door. The pair before leaving the guild, would visit the mess hall. Finding a breakfast of eggs, potatoes, and ham to hold them for the morning.                      

The cliffs in question were hardly any meters away from their home in the guild, and the walk was brisk and nice warm up to the trekking they would soon find themselves doing down below. Lumi was hopping among the stones, pushing the chance of a fall. Her shadows would grab her faster than gravity would though, so she found it to be an entertaining jest to the depths below.


Whats Mine is Mine- S rank (Lumikki)  Img_0811

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