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Staff Applications: June 2024

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Staff Applications: June 2024 Empty Fri May 31, 2024 8:17 am


Staff Applications: June 2024

Attention All

We are currently looking for immediate help with the review, specifically Quests and Shop. If there are certain sections you will do and ones you will not do, please add that in your sign-up post. Being staff comes with its own rewards other than helping others of course. We do monthly rewards for staff members in thanks for their help and the rewards are given even more so the more you do for the community in terms of reviewing. People get their monthly salary, plus the more they do, the more they'll get rewarded. These things can be converted to Stat potions, EXP, and jewels.

Know that signing up does not immediately qualify but for consideration and insight of interest. If You have any questions or concerns, please message an admin.

[b]Age:[/b] Real age, of course.

[b]Activity:[/b] How active are you really?

[b]Discord:[/b] Who are you on Discord? Discord is our primary form of communication.

[b]Reason:[/b] What motivates you to join the staff?

[b]Skills:[/b] Please detail what you can do for FTRP.

[b]Specific Type of Review mod?:[/b] Please put here what you're willing to review rather it be; battle mod, spells, etc.

[b]Experience:[/b] Do you have any other forum experiences in similar roles?

[b]Timezone:[/b] Self-explanatory.

#2Knuckles Shi 

Staff Applications: June 2024 Empty Fri May 31, 2024 11:13 am

Knuckles Shi

Age: 32

Activity: 30-150'post a month

Discord: Darth Owndatazz

Reason: Getting things graded quickly so my stuff can be graded, and I like to create things for sites.

Skills: Was admin on Magi RP for about 5 years, was Head in creation dealing with items ,events, abilities,characters, and balancing, and lastly systems.

Specific Type of Review mod?: Items, characters, purchases, anything with systems or content.

Experience: been some level of staff on every site I have been on since NDRP back in 2014 besides maybe 3 even then was still playing a hand in system creation

Timezone: -600 Central US

"There shall never be peace as long as there are Gods in a Man's world"

Staff Applications: June 2024 Empty Fri May 31, 2024 12:53 pm

Age: 30

Activity: I'm fairly new, but I have 3 active characters. Two  that have done around 30 posts this month alone. I'm around on the site and discord often.

Discord: shinshaa

Reason: I've really enjoyed my time on the site since joining and It feels right to give a little back. Ryuko and Saturn have been especially lovely as I've found my footing on the site and they work really, really hard. I'd like to help ease their workload in what ways I can.

Skills: I'm very resourceful and consistent when it comes to doing things right. I understand the system mechanics of the site fairly well, and constantly spend time reading over the regulations whenever a question props up. I'm pretty easy to work with I think. I'm kind of perfect for grunt work X3

Specific Type of Review mod?: Quests, Shop, Characters, Items, etc. I'm willing to do Spell stuff, but I'd be a little more hesitant on those currently.

Experience: I have some experience as a global moderator for another Naruto-based RP forum.

Timezone: Eastern US (UTC−05:00)


Staff Applications: June 2024 Empty Fri May 31, 2024 6:54 pm


Age: 30

Activity: >_> maybe too much if I'm honest. But my AC talks for itself at this point as well as my name usually being seen in top poster to some regard.

Discord: straycatceleste/unnerfedraven

Reason: I plan too much about how to assist with content on the site, as well as lore and engagement. Essentially, I want to make people have fun and be happy, maybe help inspire them to be more active or have more agency and impact on their characters. I hope passion spreads to become more passion.

Skills: I can fill in some of the gaps in terms of content, help plan events, help with lore expansion. I don't mind taking over updating history, its been a while and I feel so much has happened since I was here. I also already had thoughts and plans to help create more quest options as well, including in other countries. As I want to help the world feel more alive and lived in.

Specific Type of Review mod?: Content creation: lore, events, quests, even new kinds of activities(ex Magus ball), as well as create more new player content to help ease them into the site and the systems or soften the entry.(can be a back up for other things. spells and shops. maybe more if i become more comfortable.)

Experience: This is my first RP site and I am fairly new to this, but perhaps that will also be useful as my plans might bring a fresh perspective, being that I am new and can pinpoint things to address. I've also engaged a lot within my year here enough to know how to build on it.

Timezone: Eastern standard time (ET)

Last edited by Lumikki on Fri May 31, 2024 7:15 pm; edited 1 time in total

Staff Applications: June 2024 Img_0811

Pokedex Entry

Staff Applications: June 2024 Empty Fri May 31, 2024 7:13 pm

Age: 31

Activity: Relatively active. I like to think I'm around lol.

Discord: tae3467

Reason: I've really enjoyed my time on the site and want to help maintain and elevate it as best I can. I'm here to help!

Skills: I consider myself a pretty creative and resourceful writer. I enjoy plot and find building out content and stories exciting. I can definitely help with written content, and brainstorming future events/lore concepts and innovative ideas. I work well with others, as a plus.

Specific Type of Review mod?: As the immediate needs are the shops and quests review, I can definitely help with those. Additionally, I’d love to help craft lore, events and even help with spells and other creative elements. I’m a plug and play type of guy so I get in where I fit in.

Experience: Although I currently only actively participate in one or two sites at a time, which has led to some rustiness, I have an extensive background in working as both an administrator and moderator. With years of experience moderating various animanga sites, I have served as the creator and admin of several sites and have been an integral part of staff teams. While these specific sites are no longer active, I have collaborated with numerous action shounen sites dedicated to popular series such as Naruto, Bleach, Dragon Ball Z, and Pokémon. Additionally, I have contributed to many other role-playing communities, including NRP, DFRP, PFRP, and many others.

Timezone: EST.


Staff Applications: June 2024 Empty Tue Jun 04, 2024 6:37 am

Age: 28

Activity: Due to an irl issue I haven't been able to be as active as I'd like but said issue has recently been dealt with so I should be becoming more active going forwards

Discord: Dan Drake

Reason: I like being able to help the site run faster and being able to help my fellow RPer

Skills: I've done the role of moderating the quest and shop areas previously so I feel I could do so again

Specific Type of Review mod?: Quest and Shop moderation

Experience: I was a A Jr Mod on Naruto Saga, A Mod on Demon Slayer RP as well as a staff member here previously that modded in these areas

Timezone: Eastern US (UTC-5)

#7Go D. Drakkon 

Staff Applications: June 2024 Empty Thu Aug 29, 2024 9:59 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Age: 33

Activity: Active as Hell

Discord: iYuurei#3486

Reason: To Help the homies

Skills: I have been a mod before. For an entire year. I know a lot of the rules and know what to do.

Specific Type of Review mod?: Spell, Quest, Character, Fight, etc. I can do it all, no problem.

Experience: Yes, I have been a staff here before. I have been a member of this site for almost 3 years

Timezone: Eastern US

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