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The Last Song [Lumikki]

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The Last Song [Lumikki] Empty Thu Apr 11, 2024 12:36 am

Of the list of activities that had been given to him by Aurora he had eventually picked one that he felt was something the both of them would enjoy. A live musical performance by one of the many groups here. It wouldn’t be hard to find really; just follow the bustle and talk to people; asking where to go or even just simply following the sounds of the music itself. From a distance it was easy enough to pick it out. Music was hardly something quiet; especially to someone as saturn who loved it so.

A proper skip in his step, a gentle hum, he was a usual happy and chipper sort of person but getting to spend some time with someone he cared for was something he didn’t get to do super often he found. It was nice; even if every time that they spent time together had been mostly sitting about and talking this was exciting.

The towering… demon? Had the idea of paying for her; make it his treat so that maybe she’d enjoy it a little more. Even going so far as to try to distract her with small talk as they walked along figuring that she’d probably like the chitter chatter and he could sneak paying for the both of them before she realized anything.

Have you ever been to a live performance Aurora?

He’d tilt his head to one side; he wasn’t the best at drawing attention away from certain things and the concentration on the current ‘goal’ was something that he seemed to miss in terms of ‘distracting’. His outfit still put him miles apart from people from sin and he stuck out like a sore thumb compared to her but… all the better right?


The Last Song [Lumikki] Empty Thu Apr 11, 2024 4:48 pm


” I haven’t been to one in ages, and never had for Sin. I heard a little about it, enough to get curious, but I’m still at a loss for how music and performance in Sin are like.” Because although her birds will disclose many things to her, they were also privy to let her enjoy things in time as well. Opting to allow Lumi to fall into things by chance, or spill enough to spark her interest and let her discover it from there.

And so she was just as excited as Saturn to see something new. Though unlike him, she would go nearly under looked as her short stature and appearance gave no need for drawing the eye. Lumi was wearing clothes she bought in Sin, a long blue silk dress with a slit to the side. Her hair was done up and held with a hair stick made of bone carved into a branch with flowers. But she would also have feathers and frosted flowers adorning her hair. And as she did before, she would wear a dark pair of shades to hide away her eyes. But her skin and face was freely shown.

The pair had been walking on their way to discover the menu. Usually Lumi allowed her birds to lead but even she figured it would be more fun to aimlessly walk as they hunted the hints of song. Thought she would let Saturn do most of the talking in inquiring where to go next, he appreciated the practice she was sure, she keenly listened to their words as a second filter to catch all the meaning of their directions.

” Ye know Osmond, I’m truly a bird but even I found the time to forge meself a human form. Ya should consider the versatility of presenting human and saving yer real appearance. Really, ye shouldn’t let annoy ol’ stranger know ye too soon to hold off their treachery if you could help it.”

The Last Song [Lumikki] Img_0811

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The Last Song [Lumikki] Empty Fri Apr 12, 2024 8:25 am

Their song would likely be so different than anywhere else I reckon. I’d love to hear it; hope that they don’t mind questions after…

He liked learning about where songs came from and who wrote them; he loved learning about the various cultures and had to admit that he was hoping there was something there that might help with another issue he was having. Something that he didn’t really know how to bring up to anyone he knew; even Lumikki.

The two of them couldn’t be more different when it came to their appearance; he garnered so much attention often it was hard for him to go hidden from even the slightest attention. He had his hands at his side, moving barely but he could feel some tugs of curiosity from children as they felt his fur or pulled at his fingers. He didn’t seem to mind so much and gave some of them pats on the head; his eyes sliding over to Aurora after a moment as she started to speak to him again. He could hear the distant trembles of the song they sought but her voice was more important anyways.

It’s funny you say that, some of my fellow knights told me the same thing. Even showed me some pictures of long dead knights that did the same. Hmm.

He’d ponder for a moment; he had been thinking about this sort of thing for a while but never really settled on a face. Something simple but handsome he figured. Something that maybe would draw less attention but still feel ‘him’. He’d rumble and cock his head to the side, shooing off the giggling children after a moment.

Let me just try this…

Ducking into an alleyway he’d ponder again, simple attire, hooves maybe? A long tail with a little tuft of blond… Long blond hair, some ears. A simple black green overshirt with golden leaves, a dark cyan undershirt… Oh some horns wouldn’t go awry now would it? It was crude at best honestly, not quite his best work but given that he dropped about four feet and was no longer covered in fur the demon presented himself again. It took maybe about five minutes off to the side to get to this point; there were some things that probably looked off but he was far less conspicuous than before. He had to remind himself to open his eyes too, rather than the golden hues they were a deep purple. He could never get the face right and he could feel the gentle tug of some earrings on one of them. A little touch that one of the knights had suggested once upon a time.

Honestly I’m not sure how long I can keep this going but… It was good enough to fool folks that had never met me before. What do you think Aurora?

He’d rub that pointed chin, angular, elegant. Almost a little too handsome. A little too perfect. You could hardly tell that this was even Saturn at all.


The Last Song [Lumikki] Empty Mon Apr 15, 2024 1:51 am


Lumi waited outside the alley and watched the passerby. They continued to walk the streets with focus and intention while the pair were inversely quite aimless in comparison. But getting lost and walking stray paths felt nice, like it added more wonder and maybe even more magic at the moment. Seeing things from the skies or often having a raven lead the way had made traversing a tad boring. Walking around like this reminded her of the time before the war. Before she got stronger and eventually grew a flock of ravens.

Eventually, Saturn would finally step out revealing the work he threw together. Lumi knew she asked it of him but it was still very surprised that he actually was able to throw something together. And in such little time. But she kept yer proud and eager face hidden as she pretended to inspect the man before her. Tugging at his horns and clothes. " Nice, nice....Hmmm. Ye know, there was a time I used to wear horns meself. Though considering yer usually a pup, I'm surprised ye chose this facade. Charming all the same Osmond. And easier on the Sin's eyes." It was also easier on her eyes now that she didn't have to strain herself to see him like she did when he was far taller. It was almost somewhat refreshing. Like more cute things were stacking within her day leaving the small Demoness very pleased.

The Last Song [Lumikki] Img_0811

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The Last Song [Lumikki] Empty Mon Apr 15, 2024 3:18 pm

He felt that his decision on this appearance was the right one and was glad he had an ample amount of time to prepare this. Or rather that he had an ample amount of time to figure this out. Though maybe next time he did this he’d use a mirror. There was something off he couldn’t quite place; maybe he made the tail a little too long? Or maybe that was just cause he was used to a shorter one that his balance seemed to be slightly off. With Lumikki inspecting him he couldn’t help but get a somewhat happy but lopsided grin on his face; showing off the set of pearly whites this form had.

The tugging on his clothing and horns was to be expected, a soft chuckle coming from his lips as the horns were quite firmly a part of his body; just as much as any other part that he had made. Though he had to wonder if he got the consistency of the horns right. They wouldn’t take a sword blow he figured but for the purposes of disguise they’d do nicely. The clothing certainly felt real enough; he based it off of his own that he wore or at least the fabric. He’d look down to them as he spoke, inspecting the pattern in them with a wry grin.

I didn’t think there’d be such parallels hah. What was your reason for wearing them if you don’t mind me asking? Well experimentation is the spice of life as they say. I had a few other ideas but for some reason this one stuck out the most to me.

Hearing that she was surprised and thought it was charming earned a pair of earflicks and a slight rub to the back of his head. The goofy grin that he usually had was replaced with a sheepish one in this form. He would have to get used to having to watch where he was going a little more due to people likely not moving out of his way since he didn’t tower of them but this also made conversations with Lumikki easier…

I’m glad you think that though, I thought you’d like it Aurora.

Saturns smile grew a little wider, and he’d be able to put his hands in his pockets, digging around a bit. Everything was still in there, his notepads felt way bigger and so did the writing utensils. There was even some other stuff he had forgotten about too. Adjusting his shoulders, stretching a bit and eventually seeming ready; both of his ears would flick this way or that before his attention adjusted on the song again.

Shall we?

He could smell some food too; it wasn't as though he was excessively hungry and the slight clack of his hooves on the street was something that came from him taking a slight step figuring that she was ready; though honestly he cherished each moment they had together he also knew that she wasn't one to want to loiter around too much.


The Last Song [Lumikki] Empty Thu Apr 18, 2024 9:50 pm


Lumikki took a moment before she answered while looking somewhat blankly. She was pondering the benefits of the truth. This was not indicative of her feelings towards Saturn, nor did it denote a lack of trust. It was just a bout of apprehension that took deep root the moment her humanity was gone, but she did give it much thought.

There is this anxious pull, that tugs at the heart and mind when one wonders just how much they want to be known. Humans flourish in the exchange of thoughts, feelings, ideas, and memories. But a Demon would wonder of the validity and need to become understood. What reason do they need to know me? What weakness do they mean to find? What is there left to peel back in an ageless being, in one which apathy washes over like bountiful waves kissing the shore?

But Saturn was earnest and more lost in this boundless world than she could ever experience. Not flock and family center him within their world. So the Demoness took pity, or did she as Lumi didn’t know. She thought in the injection of the abyss and its merge with her soul that compassion would be eaten out. And in her desire to apply perceptions in her reality and state of being, she no longer paid note to the nuances of her being. Her definitions were enough, until time wears them out as it does all things and she will one day find that all she choose to identify was nonsensical.

” Spice aye,” Lumi finally mustered. ” I am the heir to the Hrútr clan and their signifier is a ram. I took on the horns after me Nan had passed. It was a desperate attempt to space myself from who she was and the Omena from which I was born. I needed the chance to spare meself the pain of me lost, but it was simply running away. And eventually I would shed ‘em horns and return to feather and wing.”

To his invitation to keep going, Lumi would simply nod in response. The pair would take a few steps as she observed his clumsy walk. His appearance was no longer as flashy, the yellow rivaling the glow of the sun, but he still stood out in a way. The horns and hooves would foster fascination and curiosity and while the clack of his steps though irregular at first, would eventually shift into a more melodically sound rhythm that pair with the stray notes from afar.

” Would ye take the pieces of another onto yerself? Would ye wear “horns” of another to carry ‘em with ye as ya go?”

The Last Song [Lumikki] Img_0811

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The Last Song [Lumikki] Empty Fri Apr 19, 2024 1:53 pm

The blank look that Lumikki had on her face puzzled saturn, earning a slight tilt of his head and a sort of focus on her that expressed concern over her well being. Was it something that she wasn’t sure she should share? Or maybe he pried a little too far and she wasn’t feeling like answering? His curiosity knew no bounds and he would have said something sooner but she seemed to finally come to a decision on her own; he’d adjust slightly and listen to what she had to say regarding it.

She was the heir to a clan, the ram being their signifier. So she wore it to represent it and her Nan. Something he struggled to understand for a few long moments until it sort of clicked why she would. She had worn them in a way to cope with loss but eventually moved on; something that saturn could understand entirely.

I think I understand. Or at least I think I do. I bet they still looked nice and I think they’d probably of appreciated you doing that though.

Saturn was always bright and chipper about that sort of thing and hearing that she had been a clan heir made him wonder if she was the clan leader now that her nan had passed? Or was that someone else? He looked ponderous over the information and finally asked…

Does that mean that you’re no long the heir but leader of the clan? Or is that heir position still where you reside?

It’d take him a little bit to get used to walking this way, but thankfully like with most things he was a quick study. It was easier to learn how to walk in a new form than to say learn a new language. The slight clicks and clacks of his hooves on pavement as he sought the song would steady out and he’d pause as Aurora asked him a question. Bringing a hand up to his chin he’d rub at it thoughtfully. Ears twitching, tail flicking and a general thoughtful overtone approached.

I think it would depend on the relationship I’d have with the person. I’d like to keep remembering them if I could, to honor them in a way. Though there’s only one or two people right now that I think I’d do it for.

His brows furrowed and he’d glance to Lumikki, he’d want to understand her better no doubt if he were to wear her ‘horns’ as it were. He’d have to do the respectful thing and uphold their way of life too. There was a thoughtful hum that emerged, something akin to that first musical note he had led with back in a particular bar.

Though if someone were to be that far along I’d have wanted to spend a lot of time with them before that sort of occurrence. I might be very young but time is still very precious to me and the few people I care for.


The Last Song [Lumikki] Empty Sat Apr 20, 2024 12:04 am


” Suppose I wasn’t clear. Hrútr is the clan of me father. Tis a Dwarven clan of seven families combined. Me pa, who took me and ma in after the other left, named me such not all the long ago. The loss I endured was from me mother’s side, the Omena clan. Raven Demi-humans that rose to acclaim over the years. I am still but an heir, and would be for sometime. And if I had me way, even more time than that. But for now, all is well.” Lumi placed a hand just below her navel,” I still hold the ram dear even if it’s not obvious. I bear a tattoo of one here to keep them with me. A reminder of where I get me guts and grit,” her hand would slide up to her solar plexus. ” And here I have an axe to represent me Uncle and his clan among the rest. As he too is quite dear to me.”

Saturn would humor her question with a thoughtful response. One that could be considered wise for his years and Lumi nodded along to his answer with approval and understanding.

” And yet time is all we have. And so much of it. We could live the lifetimes of many beings a plethora of times over, but in a blink they are done with one. Ye never lived with such mortality, but it is both humbling and ambitious. Every flame that walks among ye longs to burn bright before burning out, while also trying to leave the traces of flames and ashes about to prove they even burned at all. There is wisdom to be gathered by beings who were destined to never stagnate, understanding that timeless will never comprehend. I was blessed to be born among them and enjoy their ways but now I shall learn the true extent and hurt of loss. I can only hope to destroy to me hearts content, and preserve the things of me desires. Stories, songs, recipes, art, memories, and history. May they all collect in me as slowly…until one day…me ice stills the world and returns it to the quiet, cold dark from whence all came…”

The Last Song [Lumikki] Img_0811

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The Last Song [Lumikki] Empty Wed Apr 24, 2024 7:36 pm

Perhaps it was because saturn simply couldn’t understand families that he didn’t understand lumikkis ties with her parents all that well. As she explained he grew silent, staring at her with his deep purple eyes. She made it seem as though all she wanted to do was be a heir rather than in charge and the ‘demi-human’ rubbed at his chin ever so thoughtfully. She kept a tattoo or marking of her mothers clan there; a ram. And then following suit she kept an axe to represent her uncle’s clan as well as the individual themselves.

...I think I understand. Or at least; close enough to it. Do you miss them?

He’d tilt his head to one side as she explained further about time; how he hadn’t lived with mortality so he would never of… understood that. The flames that burnt the brightest burnt out the fastest; how he would have been more humble perhaps if he had worked to that point. He’d hum thoughtfully as more and more was given to him.

They truly don’t have that much time… and do so much with so little.

Saturn’s eyes traced over some of those that passed them by, the two had for the most part taken a leisurely walking pace. Lumikki wanted to destroy and preserve, likely the former being things that she felt needed it. He liked the sound of preserving stories, songs, recipes, art, memories and history. It felt right to him honestly. He’d pause after a moment and stare at her. Thoughtfully taking her in as though seeing her differently.

You don’t think it’ll last that long?

There was concern on his face, he couldn't imagine Lumikki being gone. In fact he could hardly imagine himself ever ending at least properly. Maybe 'evolving' into other instances or further bettering himself but death? It was such a foreign concept to the god he seemed to be in a daze considering it even for a fraction of a moment.

"...I can't even..."


The Last Song [Lumikki] Empty Thu Apr 25, 2024 1:25 pm


” I do but I visit ‘em back home. But…” she lingered on this thought. Lately her ravens have been telling her weird stories about Iceberg. They had been expanding a few weeks now but she wasn’t ready to investigate them. For now, she will visit home before confronting the brewing conflict at the fringes of her land.” But I’ll see ‘em soon enough.” she finished curtly. The Demoness has no interest sharing such matters.

” Hmmm? Last long? I’ll last long sure. Maybe this world will too. But if it ends, I hope it’ll becomes if faces me ice age…..” she spoke so matter-of-factly but quickly shifted into a more playful tone. Playing of truth as a jest. She didn’t feel the need to hide all of herself or her intentions to a creature who was still so plainly naive.” but that would be a million years later~ if ever. What do ye hope to create in many years time?”

The Last Song [Lumikki] Img_0811

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The Last Song [Lumikki] Empty Sun Apr 28, 2024 6:18 pm

Saturn could feel that there was more he wasn’t being told but rather than pry he’d let Aurora simply keep what she wished to herself and wouldn’t push further. If it was enough for her it was enough for him. He’d nod his head as she explained simply that she’d see them soon enough. It sounded like she had plans to visit there soon so what was the problem there? He felt a distinct… empty feeling however when he realized he didn’t have anyone like that in his life where he could go and check on them. The closest thing being the outsider but they weren’t a parent in a traditional sense and going to space wasn’t exactly on his list of things that were important at the moment.

Hope you enjoy your time there.

Was all that he could really add to it, he’d cock his head slowly as she spoke again. It was quaint he felt; something that didn’t quite make sense to him but at the same time she had lived far longer than he did and had different goals and aspirations… even a different view of life entirely. The playful tone was welcomed with a smile; it was a long time off for the both of them really. At her question saturn found himself becoming a little startled but there was an answer on his lips almost immediately; as if he had thought about it before but never quite committed to it.

A guild I think. Erm… Maybe a country someday.

Saturn gave a small apologetic shrug which was laced with a big smile of his. He liked the idea of helping people out with their problems and helping them with their lives in one way or another. The idea of founding a guild or being a part of one that was more than the rune knights had always been there. Just maybe not very important to him. There was also…

But… I’d also like to make a song.


The Last Song [Lumikki] Empty Mon Apr 29, 2024 8:05 pm


" Perhaps the song would be the best one to start with friend." Lumi spoke with a tired voice. She was currently aimless herself and whatever fronts she managed were just small embers, parting remnants of things she thought she wanted when she was human. There was no way for her to know that soon enough fate planned to show her otherwise.

The pair slowly approach the place of venue. Various kinds of individuals stood outside. Some in flashy dresses of various kinds. As if some were fit to join the show, while others were nobles who were arriving. There would be a number in plain dress as well but they made do listening to the music from the outside.

As Lumi walked up to the door a raven from just above would glide down, perching on her shoulder. He would serve to help her get the conversation across smoothly. And sure enough, the man would begin his greeting. " Huānyíng lái dào xì wù jùchǎng. Nǐ yǒu piào ma?("Welcome to the Fine Mist Theater. Do you have a ticket?")" He reached out his hand expectantly and with how well Lumi dressed, the man was sure she had the means to enter.

Lumikki's bird would cue in her ear and pass along the message, along with the answer she wanted. And the Demoness would repeat its words with perfect annunciation due to her talent for mimicry. "Shì de, zhè shì bǎoshí, wǒ xūyào liǎng kē.(" Yea, here's the jewel, I require two.")" The man was pleased and with a quick and curt bow, he took the pouch and pointed the pair inside. From there Lumi took the lead and wandered for a spot she liked. Unlike the ones she was used to with rows and levels, this one was mostly grounded. the stage was also closer to the ground than most but it made it easier for anyone on any level to watch. Mats and cushions were provided for the viewer's leisure and Lumi found a nice little spot to the side. Where this show was five meters or one hundred, she would have seen it all the same. But she was mindful of how far her friend could manage to see. If anything, his height would let him see it far more easily than she could but she'd remedy this by sitting on top of him if need be. But if all that mattered was the music, Lumi would have just laid down and relaxed on pillows instead.

The Last Song [Lumikki] Img_0811

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The Last Song [Lumikki] Empty Wed May 01, 2024 1:25 am

The suggestion of starting with the song made the most sense to him and Saturn would just simply bob his head in agreement. It was the simplest and likely he could take as much time as he wanted on it. He had to wonder where to start when creating it… though maybe studying various songs would lead him to his own. Or simply just listening to it. His drive to do things were varied and he wanted to experience as much as he could as often as he could.

A lot of work to do for it then…

With them arriving at the venue saturn would look about in a sort of wondrous daze; plenty of people dressed in such different outfits that it was like multiple worlds colliding. There were some that didn’t seem to be interested in going inside and were just enjoying what they could hear. Likely couldn’t afford it which made saturn’s eyebrows furrow a little bit. He was about to say something but with the raven coming down his attention was quickly yanked to it. He always had to wonder where lumikki found them and if they were the same ones that she had traveled with elsewhere. Or if there were a bunch she didn’t know of.

When the man came to the both of them he spoke almost immediately to Lumikki, Saturn probably didn’t strike him as the one to be ‘leading’ out of the two with how he was looking all over the place star eyed and bushy tailed… literally. Though saturn’s ears twitched a bit and he’d mumble to himself; he wished he had his pad out and could write down what the both were saying. He didn’t fully understand everything that they were saying; little snippets and shorter words were easier but the longer ones had him staring dumbfoundedly at the two.

He’d smile at the man as they were let inside and with lumi taking the lead he’d look around as though he was still in his own little world. He hadn’t been to one of these in a long time and nothing so grand in comparison. There were some houses that had little platforms and maybe the one outside venue that was just chairs with a little hill to act as the platform from travelers.

With them finding their spot he’d follow Lumi’s example after a moment and with a hum he’d take a seat; albeit he’d struggle to sit down for a moment given his clumsiness with the hooves. He’d have to figure out how they worked later; probably inspect a few animals with hooves or something… what an idea. Once he figured that out he’d lean a little bit, it looked like his eyes flicking between the stage and lumikki.

I didn’t imagine it to be quite like this Aurora…

He spoke with a hushed tone and eventually got comfortable; still staring between the two. He wasn’t sure if he should even be talking at the moment either…


The Last Song [Lumikki] Empty Wed May 01, 2024 10:57 am


” Well what did ye imagine?” Lumi inquired as she pulled a few extra pillows toward her. Piling them up in a comfy stack akin to a makeshift bed. To which she sat on top and settled in a comfortable posture. And with all the darkness around them in the venue Lumi took it upon herself to make a little snack. And so the Demoness would lounge and enjoy the respite of the moment before the show began. And though her shades were still on, she could see perfectly fine.

Meanwhile servers would weave among the costumers asking if they would like enjoy something in the meantime, offering drinks and small treats to all who wanted to endulge. And the lights from above the stage, the only present in the venue, would fleck and paint their already colorful outfits with a somewhat theatric glow and glamor. Adding to the aesthetic feeling of the moment. Eventually, one would pull before the two, to which Lumi would request some simple tea and cakes.

” what other venues have ye’ve visited?”

The Last Song [Lumikki] Img_0811

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The Last Song [Lumikki] Empty Wed May 01, 2024 1:12 pm

Something bigger maybe? More pillars… Oh and probably a loft. People seem to like lofts.

Saturn’s gaze would turn towards the higher points of the building; it wasn’t exactly how he thought things would be. Maybe there was something he was missing, maybe there was a loft but you had to pay extra for something private like that? Rubbing at his chin the ‘demi-god’ pondered what else he had expected. Perhaps rows? Proper placements of seats? Did they have a maximum capacity like some places or was this just whoever could fit?

Seeing the servers go around to others he couldn’t help but wonder what they had to offer. He was still largely unfamiliar with the language but he’d end up ordering some sweets and tea. He had a bit of a sweet tooth that was unsurprisingly a product of his time in Lulu. While enjoying himself a mix of the two Lumikki asked her question and he’d have to pause.

Central had a few, there was a bigger fancy one that made me wear a suit because of some big name guy that wanted the knights to attend so they sent me for some reason. Then a few smaller ones, one was really cramped and didn’t have a high ceiling while another was outdoors and more ‘pick your poison’ sort of seating. Oh and then there was the atrium in the rune knight place Headquarters. Though I don’t know if that counts.

Saturn gave a little shrug, seeming uncertain if he should mention the others. Fiore had a rich culture of its own but the venues there were hit or miss he felt. The large ones felt too… formal and the small ones felt too hazardous in his personal opinion. Though he did like the one where there were kids doing their little dramas. His favorite was the kid that had to play the tree. He felt he could relate in some fashion to them at the time…


The Last Song [Lumikki] Empty Fri May 03, 2024 12:23 am


Lumikki fell back in a cackle, losing composure form the things that were said. ” Ye were ina suit?” she giggled through her words.” I could only imagine. How did the tailor take to the sight of ye? And how did it feel to have so much fabric against the fur? I could only somewhat infer harboring feathers meself—that’s a wonder…Have ye ever seen the feathers of mine? Suppose if ya could humor me with a more mortal form, maybe one day I’ll show ye me real one.” The giggles were dying by then and she relaxed in posture once more.

Lumikki took sips of her tea while looking out again toward the fellow guests, observing their dress and appearance.” The clothes ye wear now are still quite odd; where’d ye fine the inspiration? And if ya would, do ye see yerself wearing the same ones they have? I find the clothes of other cultures fascinating, so I add to me collection. And I’ve taken to the dresses of Sin. It intrigues me the similarities to Joya, yet they could not be further at the same time. Leads me to wonder what is the root to it all. Perhaps I could learn this over time as I continue to toil through the books in libraries—speaking of, I really do need to inspect the one ye have in central. Besides the lack luster sound halls, is there anything worth visiting in yer home?” Her thoughts would pour out of her admittedly, as she was at ease and somewhat absent minded. The dark of the venue was soothing and the comfortable space freed her of tension. It helped that her company was as much as a lamb as his form would imply, so there was little reason to think too much on things besides her curiosities. And seeing as he had his own only made it easier to trade constantly.

She was not sure what he could learn from her, or what he could even want. But there was comfort in his glow if she let it.

The Last Song [Lumikki] Img_0811

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The Last Song [Lumikki] Empty Fri May 03, 2024 3:38 pm

Saturn’s ears perked up as Lumikki fell back in a cackling laugh; she lost her composure from that and he felt his face turn a little bit red. He could only imagine how she picture dit in his head and he’d have to show her sometime he figured. He grinned sheepishly as she asked a bundle of questions which he’d answer in turn.

That I was, can’t say it was very comfortable. It was riding and itching and pushing the fur down every which way. But there were many people that liked how it looked and were surprised to see me. Oh the tailor wasn’t sure if they could finish the order on time due to my size but… only took him an extra day. Oh. I don’t think I have. And a more mortal form?

He’d ponder a little bit at the idea and look down at himself; he supposed she meant that she wanted to see what he’d do to disguise himself further. Not to stand out at all. Did he have the creativity for that at the moment? He’d bite his lip after a moment; he really wanted to see her feathers. He was curious now. His eyes followed where hers went; he could see she was soaking in the information of the people and the place even in passing. Something he had trouble with in some cases. Sipping his own tea while he listened again to what she had to ask.

There was a shopkeeper with a simular outfit, though his leaves weren’t golden like this one is. My own little touch. I think I’d like wearing some of the things that I see out there, I don’t know if I could do those hairpieces that well if I’m being honest. If I had to bet they share a common ancestor somewhere down the line; maybe so far back that they don’t even know.

The connection between joya and sin wasn’t lost on him and he had to wonder where they could have intersected. The ‘demi-god’ mused and once she brought up the library he perked somewhat. He had spent many days in the halls learning fiorian.

The library there has a lot of information regarding fiore and its history. Other countries and magical practices… laws… uh. All sorts of things really. A lot of ancient tales and such too that make me think they aren’t tales so much as history long forgotten. There’s a lot of little things but nothing too big that I can think of. I don’t know if I’ll be able to call it home for too much longer if I’m being honest.

He’d fold his arms as he thought about what she had to say and what she had asked. He wanted to learn more about the world and the shackles of the rune knights were pulling a little harder on his wrists than he liked. But they had their perks too…

What types of outfits have you collected so far? This one you have is very nice and suits you well. Have you been to other libraries then if you’re so keen on visiting the rune knights?


The Last Song [Lumikki] Empty Sun May 05, 2024 5:17 am


" Not a home for much longer? Finally done with the burden of being a knight, aye? Can't say I blame ye. Wouldn't like to lose any freedoms. Simply easier being a mercenary I think, but it's odd hearing a god of justice wants to be done with the folk to bring it. Where do ya have in yer heart to go?" Lumikki uttered with full blissful curiosity. She always assumed nothing could bother Saturn, so the mention of being to be elsewhere struck her fancy.

" Haven't been to many libraries within Fiore but I plan to move around more often. Libraries feel like a good spot to visit in all corners though, at least it's a simple goal I guess." Lumikki adjusted herself in her spot while she gave his other question some thought. " Hard to explain them all but I'll try to keep it simple. I have some clothes from back home in Iceberg, kimonos and yukatas from Joya, bathing suits for when I visit Luluhawa islands, and now dresses from Sin. I hardly did much shopping when I was in Bosco and Bellum when I was there sadly, but I'll change that next time I visit."

Lumikki very much enjoyed getting an outfit from everywhere she went. She appreciated the interesting intricacies of other cultures and dress. Entertaining that fascination is how she maintains enough humanity to not want to destroy all things.

As Lumi was answering, a group of three would enter the stage. It seemed the performances were preparing to begin. Lumikki took another sit of her tea while she waited, her patience soon being rewarded with the playing of a flute first.

" Do ye play instruments?" she inquired with a whispered voice and leaned toward Saturn so he could hear her.


The Last Song [Lumikki] Img_0811

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The Last Song [Lumikki] Empty Sun May 05, 2024 9:10 am

Less a burden and more I feel like I don’t belong with them I’d say, stifling but friendly. It’s hard to feel like I’ll grow much more with them. They’ve done a fine job at helping me understand some things but… I don’t think our ideals of justice align if that makes sense?

There was a pause and the question of where he would go was left writhing in the air for a few moments. His finger coming to his lips in a ponderous motion, his brows furrowed and his ears seemed to flick backwards. He looked out of sorts for a moment and then just shook his head.

I don’t know yet. There’s many guilds in fiore and many people I could help. Maybe I’ll find the best place to call home while also the best place to help folks.

His heart was certainly still pure even if he had seemingly fallen into demonhood. The explanation that lumikki offered in regards to the libraries made sense to him and he’d nod a few times. Though with her explanation about clothing being more detailed he’d whisk out a little notepad. Kimonos, yukatas, bathing suits, dresses… From various countries too. Hearing that she didn’t manage to shop in bosco and bellum he’d underline those once before putting his notepad away.

Maybe I should pick up something from here too… I don’t have very many outfits outside of the one in my… usual state.

His outfit was actually pretty simple if not a tad grandiose. He’d perk up however as a group of three took the stage; he’d follow suit in sipping his tea but followed it up with sweets soon after. His ears flicked again and with the playing of the flute drawing him in he almost didn’t hear Lumikki but with her leaning in he had an easier time. There was a soft tug at his cheeks and he’d shake his head. His voice while soft had a hint of sadness to it.

My hands were always too big, I’d hit too many notes at once… I’m a better singer than I am musician. Though with the ability to change my appearance… maybe I can start exploring that too. What about you?


The Last Song [Lumikki] Empty Thu May 09, 2024 6:17 pm


Lumikki began to nod and it would become more rigorous the more she liked what he was saying, to the point she almost clapped in applause. ” Finally speaking music to me ears aren’t cha and what more, I couldn’t agree with ye enough. Can’t remember if I offered me opinion before but those are me sentiments. I see their purpose, don’t get me wrong. I just don’t care for the like of their order; and a free spirit like yerself should be left free.” Her voice was low but intense. Like it contained her strong emotions in the matter. Institutions of the order were something her nature would always reject as a Demon, so she figured his growth and change were attributed to that. Whether that be the truth of the matter or not, beings that claim to bring justice and order were always at risk of being what the swore to fight against. It would be this hypocrisy that always made her laugh.

Lumikki gave thought to his response. Pondering an answer to the dilemma. She loved Paradise Dawn but she was also aware it didn't suit all. " I had a good friend branch off and create his own in the west. Good lad he is, just wanted a place for everyone to belong. Would ye consider switching yer banner to Guardia Compagnia. It would be easy to situate yerself over there." And it would, as Tamas campaigned for all the outcasts to have a home. Perhaps the presence of Saturn and his warm, affectionate, optimism could begin there. Healing the broken of the west until he is ready for more.

Saturn pulled out his note pad and it sparked curiosity in the Demoness. Between the talk of guilds and clothes, she didn't know what warranted being written down. And show Lumi would lean over, somewhat climbing on her friend, butting her head like a pup nosing in on their human. " Oh if yer making note of that, I feel Desierto and Bellum might have dress that ya favor. Yer usually fitted for warm weather."

The performance would become a back drop but not forgotten. The melody would play throughout their interaction now as the two settled one more things." Well yer hands aren't big now. And well...I play this," Lumi remarked while dropping her head onto his lap and drawing a circle with her outstretched hand. A dark void would fill her airy gesture, opening a portal with Lumi's things. One was her harp which she hunted for in the void and pulled out. Holding it up in the moment of her victory.

The Last Song [Lumikki] Img_0811

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The Last Song [Lumikki] Empty Fri May 10, 2024 9:34 am

Saturn sat there quietly, listening the music with half of a heart. He enjoyed it deeply, but the conversation with lumikki took priority to him. She seemed to like the idea of what he talked about and he’d look to his hands. He felt out of sorts, odd even. Like ever since becoming a demon his whole perspective on the world changed. Got more realistic. He’d shake his head after a moment; not to dismiss her question but to brush off his thoughts.

You’ve offered it a few times; when I was more partial to the way they did things. More… in tune with the music they offered. I agree to an extent, I think I need some kind of structure but one that lets me be me.

The softness in his voice agreed with much of what she said and he’d smile warmly at her as she seemed to understand what he had been getting at earlier more than he himself got. But then came a suggestion; the demon pondered the information. A friend of hers had a guild that wanted people to belong and the name was familiar. He’d look through his notebook. It was a neutral guild from what he had written down, some of the things he had noticed about the guild and some things about its placement but nothing about the members. He’d ponder further…

If they’re a good friend of yours then they’re a good friend of mine. I… I’ll consider it. Perhaps when I meet some of those that call it home I can better understand them. Even if I don’t join I can be a guiding hand for those that need it.

There was a softness, a love, a deep seated want to help others in his tone. It was such a lovely tune that it seemed to just bleed out of every little pore. He might be a being of the abyss but saturn had such an incredible font of love within him it was hard not to notice the emotion practically radiating from him at almost all times. To some it might be sickly sweet but to others it was a gentle carrying tune that would lull them into the sense of security they sorely needed.

Oh? I’ll add those to the list. I’ve never been to either, more places to visit I reckon. And yeah, it’s cause of the fur. Though I wonder…

He’d hum a little bit again and seeing her move the demon blinked. Letting out a soft chuckle at the way she butted her head against him. He didn’t seem to mind being climbed on and well… He’d adjust and put the pad away, letting her rest on him without any real problem. Seeing the harp appear his eyes sparkled…

A harp? Can… can you play for me after this Aurora? And true… What do you think I should try? Or should I just… pick something I like the looks of?


The Last Song [Lumikki] Empty Tue May 14, 2024 8:42 pm


" I feel a guiding hand is all ye need to be. No reason to lose more freedom needlessly. Yer build like a bleeding heart Osmond. No reason to pour more. Simply "be". ye'll have to make peace with that for a long time." His nature though bizarre, was clear. The absurdity of his godhood perhaps was marring the new abyssal form. Perhaps a reverse corruption if one were to take a guess. Or maybe just the fact that he wasn't born a man meant he was safer from tarnation? For now at least, the more time here the more likely that could change.

Lumikki held up the harp, gesturing for her brother to touch it and hold it in his hands. It was around the size of Lumi's chest, though compared to Saturn it still looked smaller. " I usually did singing, that comes naturally to me. But something like this....it called to me? Whatever it was, I decided to strum it, and it was like falling in love. The eerie melodies are me favorite." Lumi had to fight the desire to pull any of the strings, instead crossing her arms over her chest.

" Yer free to play it when there's a moment for it." But now she was wondering if she even wanted to be here at all. Now with her desires restricted, it agitated her like a child with not patience.

The Last Song [Lumikki] Img_0811

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The Last Song [Lumikki] Empty Wed May 15, 2024 12:53 am

Saturn sat there quietly as Lumikki made a fantastic point in regards to his freedom and what he could do with it. Along with the structure that he ‘wanted’. The demon pondered this and after a few moments would nod in agreement. He felt like she understood him better than he did himself. It was a strange sort of sensation but one that he could get behind.

You make a good point there Aurora.

She constantly had things make sense to him; her viewpoint was something that he had lacked for a good chunk of time and he honestly didn’t know how he’d be without her. With her offering the harp to him, he’d gently take it in his hands. Inspecting it; he had to wonder what it sounded like and would bite the inside of his cheek.

I can see why it does, it feels very… you? If that makes any sense.

He noted her behavior and his eyes flitted up to the performance, they had been paying less and less attention to it and after a little bit he’d look back down to her. He wanted to hear her play more than he wanted to hear this right now. He nodded his head and motioned towards the door with his tail.

Why don’t we go and make a moment for it? Neither one of us is really paying attention to the performance and I bet you have a lovely singing voice.


The Last Song [Lumikki] Empty Sun May 19, 2024 4:24 am


A grin crept along her face that was both playful and malicious. The prospects of acting on her desires were too pleasing to ignore, and so she'd dart up from the place on his lap and propped herself with the use of darkness until she stood up. Lumikki would take one step forward before reaching out her hand to help him stand up faster as well. She figured that because his legs were still too new for him to rise with ease, then she'd just will the dark to help him move faster.

Then with a controlled and graceful walk, minding all the guests who remained on the ground, Lumikki made her way back to the front door. When the two existed, there was much of the same crowd as before. She didn't want to stay among them longer than she had to, as now there was a desire to be to themselves. So with a hand held high, she signaled for a bird to come to her, and with their arrival she'd make a request." Lead me to a quiet place where we can be left alone." The raven nodded and promptly followed through with her task, flying in the direction toward the east and Lumikki would follow.

It was a short walk, though it took a half hour's time; but the pair would find themselves in a clearing just outside the town. there weren't many trees, just an open road and tall grass with a few boulders sprawled about. Lumikki would skip toward the furthest one, climbing to the top and making herself comfortable.

As Saturn settled too, Lumikki would bring forth her harp once more, fiddling with the placement and plucking random strings. Until she was ready to entertain him with a song." It's felt like ages since I performed for another. I suppose I'm surprised I didn't play for ye sooner." And with that she'd pluck her cords faintly, building up to a melody of woe and tension. And with long-winded notes, she'd sing in a beautiful and eerie tone.
The Song to refrence:

The Last Song [Lumikki] Img_0811

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The Last Song [Lumikki] Empty Sun May 19, 2024 6:45 am

The grin that split lumi’s face was met with a curious head tilt from saturn. He wasn’t sure what warranted it at first but a little light bulb went off in the back of his head the moment she sat up from his lap. Honestly it was such a nice moment between them that he almost hadn’t realized that she had been using him as a pillow. Given that a lot of people seemed to like being cozy on or around him he just… Didn’t register it until after the fact. With her reaching out her hand he’d blink slightly but then accept it; he was still learning these new legs and appreciate it. Giving her a thankful nod.

He was a lot less graceful and almost fell over a few times, maybe hooves were a bad idea? More practice were needed and he’d apologize for almost running some people over. With them now outside though he’d stretch, cracking his back with a somewhat surprised grunt. He noted that the folks that were here earlier were well… more or less still in the same spots. He’d give a kid a little wave as they peeked at him and couldn’t help but chuckle when they hid shyly behind one of their parents. Though now lumikki lead him along; it was a long walk and he hummed softly as they went. He really did enjoy the time he was able to spend with her.

With them being outside of the town however he’d stretch again and his form would fluctuate. He could return to the golden giant form easily, but he decided to adjust himself ever so slightly; giving him legs that were similarly suited to the prior ones just so he could follow lumi a bit quicker. That skipping that she did made him beam brightly; she was excited. So was he. As he settled himself down he found himself leaning this way or that.

To be fair a lot of our seemed to focus on other things so this never came up! I feel like it would have if our drinking in the inns lasted longer though.

He’d nod his head a few times and lean forward as she started to play; the song quickly captured him and he felt his eyes grow wide. Ears perking up and up and up, horns getting in the way but he leaned forward, hands on his knees and smile widening so much it was almost unnatural…

For someone that hasn’t played in a long time Aurora you certainly have… such skill and a lovely singing voice.

Saturn sat there for a few long moments and wondered where she had learned this song. Had she made it herself? Was it something that she had picked up somewhere? Was it from her homeland? He had to ask.

Where did you learn this song? I’ve never heard anything like it before. Did you make it? Or was it from your homeland? What's it called?

He felt like he had missed the lesson the song was trying to teach him too; or rather perhaps missing the message. The demon seemed excited by the fact that he was gifted with this and would lean forward in excitement. He wanted to try something like that something bad and would bite the inside of his cheek.

What kind of instrument do you think I should try playing?

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