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Alaric's Enrollment

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#1Alaric Holloway 

Alaric's Enrollment  Empty Thu Jul 11, 2024 5:22 pm

Alaric Holloway
“Amaforth Academy, eh?” Alaric sat on a bench outside the Guild Hall of Paradise Dawn. He had been enjoying an easy day loafing only ten minutes prior. That was before he was approached by one of the newer members. Ashley Adams. She had been around the guild a couple of months back but Alaric hadn’t seen her for a while. He assumed she either quit, got killed, or maybe was on some leave. Even those members who travel tend to check in every few weeks. Ashley had gone to some fancy magic school and had come back with quite the boost to her Harp magic. Stupid ass magic like Harp Magic could only go up in quality in Alaric’s mind. Still, he was amazed by the growth of the girl. A few months back all she could do was pluck a cord and hum a tune to make you feel like you had some coffee or maybe had to shit. Now, her music causes your body to light up with energy. She was a new witch completely.

wc 178

Alaric's Enrollment  1ttePXg
#B72F22 | Sheet
#A96161 | App
#2Alaric Holloway 

Alaric's Enrollment  Empty Thu Jul 11, 2024 5:28 pm

Alaric Holloway
Alaric flicked the end of his mini cigar to the ground and stomped it out. He got up and headed out towards his mana car. Amaforth was another country away. He’d have to find some sort of alternative transport. A portal perhaps? Alaric drove toward Orchidia. It was the largest city nearby and might be an interesting starting place for him. He found transport via a portal transfer towards a port town followed by a short boat ride to the island. Easy enough. Within the day he’d be nearly there. Perhaps by tomorrow evening, he would be standing on the Academy’s grounds. Doubtful but the winds might be kind to him. Only time will tell. As he stepped through the portal, Alaric grasped his stomach. The launch in space was not something he’d grown used to, despite having used it as a travel method on a few such occasions. As he emerged from the other side, he closed his eyes for a moment, hoping to regain his balance. Once he no longer felt his stomach aching to spew he opened his eyes. “Fuck sakes, don’t think I’ll ever get used to that.” He mumbled as he walked towards the docks. He’d fair much better on a swaying boat than a portal any day.

wc 221
twc 399

Alaric's Enrollment  1ttePXg
#B72F22 | Sheet
#A96161 | App
#3Alaric Holloway 

Alaric's Enrollment  Empty Thu Jul 11, 2024 7:05 pm

Alaric Holloway
Once on the boat, Alaric slept for the general length of the trip. Only stirring awake to eat, piss, and grab a second bite before stumbling back to his quarters. As he slept his dreams plagued him. Dreams of his encounter with that swordsman. His blades stung so badly. Alaric couldn’t help but feel as if they were meant to hunt things like him. By morning, they had made it nearly halfway to the island. They’d likely arrive by the end of the day. Sure enough, it was shortly before supper as his feet hit the soil of the academy’s grounds. “Alright, now where do we go?” He questioned. Without prompt aid from the college, him and other new arrivals to shuttle them toward the admissions office. Smooth sailing so far. In admin Alaric was giving some information to read over. Things to help him get acclimated to the school and what could be gained by attending some lessons. After reading it over, he was certain he’d be joining the colleges of both Destruction and Obscuration.


wc 177
twc 576

Alaric's Enrollment  1ttePXg
#B72F22 | Sheet
#A96161 | App

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