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Deeper Darkness [EPIC]

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Deeper Darkness [EPIC] Empty Thu Feb 01, 2024 4:36 pm

Deeper Darkness [EPIC] Bjo4UNA

Name: Deeper Darkness

Difficulty: Epic

Participants: Saturn

Story: Something within has irreversibly changed saturn, something that has deeply affected his ability to control his music. Something that has been there since the start that is just starting to wake up. Memories of his past and memories of his future seem to get mixed up. Memories and wants from his mother are also making headway. He must set out to search his very being and very soul for an answer. Combatting his own darkness along the way to understand and hopefully overcome that desperate desire.

His form of justice will take shape at the end. For better or for worse.

Knowing that his sister's family is still out there, he uses his journey to collect clues while also handling his inner turmoil. Hopefully being able to stop one of their rituals in time before they summon a demi-god to the one god they wanted to summon all those months ago. He's not sure if he can. But he'll try.

Objective: To delve within to solve his own deeper darkness and stop one of the many rituals the Wolfenstein family seems to be hellbent on starting.

Name: Journey's Start

Rank: A

Type: Good

Participants: Saturn

Summary: He was first given the idea that something was wrong when his mother contacted him, telling him all about the inner demons he seemed to be facing and the efforts he had been making to understand the world. It was an awful cruel place but it was filled with love and warmth. He was to reflect and understand this while also pursuing the enemies of it. Given a set of clues he is to travel through a harrowing land to distant shores that not even others have stepped foot on in quite some time...

Others: His mother and various other npcs.

7 SP
400 Fame/Infamy
250,000 Jewels
10,000 Experience

Objectives: Converse with his mother and travel to a distant nameless land.

Name: The First of Many

Rank: A

Type: Good

Participants: Saturn

Summary: Now on the shores of a distant land saturn must defend what he thinks is his justice from an onslaught of beings targeting his mind. Looking to sand down his defenses to shape him into what they want.

Others: Saturn. Some nameless faceless beings.

7 SP
400 Fame/Infamy
250,000 Jewels
10,000 Experience

Objectives: Steel his will into that of iron and defend himself from an onslaught of foes he cannot touch.

Name: The First Ingredient.

Rank: A

Type: Good

Participants: Saturn

Summary: After defending himself from the various attackers to his mind he stumbles across a pit of bones. Where the many souls of those sacrificed have been dumped. Finding that they're using people to power their rituals can only mean one thing. A terrible foe looms on the horizon.

Others: Some spooky bones

Enemies: Some animated spooky bones

Skeletons: A smattering of skeletons from a pit.

7 SP
400 Fame/Infamy
250,000 Jewels
10,000 Experience

Objectives: Find out what they're using the power their rituals while saturn reflects on himself. That and fighting some pretty standard skeletons.

Name: A Feast of Souls

Rank: A

Type: Good

Participants: Saturn

Summary: Now past the pits that hold a countless amount of dead saturn finds himself deeper in the horrid land without a name. Underneath his feet is that of glass and a window into a huge container of sorts. Containing a vast number of souls that are unable to flee. Should he free them? Or find out what further lay ahead?

Others: Some spooky souls.

7 SP
400 Fame/Infamy
250,000 Jewels
10,000 Experience

Objectives: Acting rashly means that those deeper in will know that you are here, but a vast pool of resources is beneath his feet... should he break it to free them? Or let them stay there to perhaps further his chances later?

Name: A choice already made

Rank: A

Type: Good

Participants: Saturn

Summary: Regardless if he broke the glass to free the souls or not, they were consumed by some force deeper within the country. But he has a direction that he can follow now and a various amount of beasties stand in his way. Tortured beings that should never have seen the light...

Others: Swath of souls. Some poor beasties.

Enemies: Some twisted tortured beasts.

Tortured Beasts: Tortured beasts that act on instinct more than anything else. It is a blessing to them that he is here to free them.

7 SP
400 Fame/Infamy
250,000 Jewels
10,000 Experience

Objectives: Travel towards where the souls go to try to stop the ritual. But dealing with the beasts means that saturn has less time...

Name: Darkness Within.

Rank: A

Type: Good

Participants: Saturn

Summary: As he approaches the woods beyond the glass he is onset by the darkness within him. A deeper, deathly image of all the things he could have stopped. The twinges and suffering from the beings he's helped is not at all even a bandaid on the things he's 'ignored' out of cluelessness. Another barrage of mental attacks he must deal with before setting out...

Others: Some mental attacks from a being that feels... too simular to what he is.

7 SP
400 Fame/Infamy
250,000 Jewels
10,000 Experience

Objectives: Fight off these feelings of inadequacy during his youth of innocence. The innocence that still remains. Choosing his form of justice here could provide some much needed respite.

Name: Justiciar of the Damned

Rank: S

Type: Good

Participants: Saturn

Summary: The first brother that he was made aware of going by the name of Regent. A being that hails from the dune sands of a far off land. The two of them stand at odds and the two of them cross blades now. He's some kind of werewolf that refuses to stand down...

Others: Does the quest involve other non-player characters? If so, mention them here.

Enemies: Does the quest involve non-player enemies? If so, mention them here.

Regent: One of the few pureblooded Dharga werewolves in the land. He's a terrifying foe that strikes fear into enemies and his silent nature seems to go toe to toe with saturns jovial one.

10 SP
500 Fame/Infamy
500,000 Jewels
15,000 Experience

Objectives: Fight regent to a stalemate.

Name: Dark Sands

Rank: S

Type: Good

Participants: Saturn

Summary: After defeating regent the both of them are onset by monsters from further in. Forced to work together to survive the two form a close knit bond as they reflect and talk after the battle.

Others: Regent

Enemies: Some really messed up monsters from beyond the realm.

Beasts: Some beasts that seem to be in a constant rain of pain. To fight them is to release them from their suffering.

10 SP
500 Fame/Infamy
500,000 Jewels
15,000 Experience

Objectives: Fight together with regent against some beasts that aren't quite what they seem. Survival means understanding one another...

Name: Ritual of the Damned

Rank: S

Type: Good

Participants: Saturn

Summary: Regent no longer can abide by what his mother is doing. Telling saturn the first site of the rituals is a start. He has to travel alone as regent can't leave where he's at in fear of being found out. Saturn sets off on his own to battle his own inner demons while also trying to understand the twisting in his heart.

Others: Regent

10 SP
500 Fame/Infamy
500,000 Jewels
15,000 Experience

Objectives: Learn more about the rituals, more about regent and more about himself.

Name: Wolfen Brothers pt 1

Rank: S

Type: Good

Participants: Saturn

Summary: A pair of wolf brothers stop saturn from continuing onto the ritual site. A proud warrior with a spear and a half demon have werewolf abomination with claws and fangs to spare. One holds back to watch and learn while the other fights.

Others: Two brothers.

Enemies: Two Brothers.

???: A handsome elegant fighter that seems skilled beyond his years. Possibly half demi god and half werewolf honestly.

10 SP
500 Fame/Infamy
500,000 Jewels
15,000 Experience

Objectives: Fight one of the two brothers to a stand still or beat them at their own game while acting out saturns justice.

Name: Wolfen Brothers pt. 2

Rank: S

Type: Good

Participants: Saturn

Summary: With one of the brothers defeated or indisposed the second one steps up to fight saturn. It's a bitter battle with many blows traded between them.

Others: Two Brothers.

Enemies: Two Brothers.

???: Seems to be closer to a beast than that of a man. Fights like one too.

10 SP
500 Fame/Infamy
500,000 Jewels
15,000 Experience

Objectives: Shortly mention what needs to be accomplished in this part of the storyline.

Name: A Completed Ritual

Rank: S

Type: Good

Participants: Saturn

Summary: After fighting the two brothers the ritual seemed to have been completed. A monster of unparalleled  strength, a demi god of demi gods summoned to the forefront. Saturn has to use everything to fight against it. Both mind, body and soul. Will it be enough? A Darkness within seems to tell that saturn could... do it. If he's willing to sacrifice something in return.

Others: Dead Ritualists.

Enemies: A Demi God of Demi Gods.

Shade: Seemed to be summoned only for slaughter. They stand for everything saturn doesn't.

10 SP
500 Fame/Infamy
500,000 Jewels
15,000 Experience
Mythic Custom Coupon

Objectives: Fight the Demi-god of demi-gods to a stand still. Or better yet find a way of disrupting their hold on this world to weaken them.


Deeper Darkness [EPIC] Empty Fri Feb 09, 2024 8:44 am


Storyline approved to start.


Deeper Darkness [EPIC] Empty Tue Apr 09, 2024 5:15 am

Deeper Darkness: A Journey's Start
11 Spd [+50% rounded up]
400 Fame
500,000 Jewels [10%[Rk], 15%[Armor] 15%[Ring], 15%[Relic], 20%[Companion 1], 10% [Weapon], 20% [SL]= 100+%]
20,000 Experience [20%[Ring] , 15%[Armor] 20%[Relic] , 20%[Companion 1] , 20% [Companion 2], 20% [SL] = 100+%]

Deeper Darkness: The First of many
11 Spd [+50% rounded up]
400 Fame
500,000 Jewels [10%[Rk], 15%[Armor] 15%[Ring], 15%[Relic], 20%[Companion 1], 10% [Weapon], 20% [SL]= 100+%]
20,000 Experience [20%[Ring] , 15%[Armor] 20%[Relic] , 20%[Companion 1] , 20% [Companion 2], 20% [SL] = 100+%]

Deeper Darkness: The First Ingredient
11 Spd [+50% rounded up]
400 Fame
500,000 Jewels [10%[Rk], 15%[Armor] 15%[Ring], 15%[Relic], 20%[Companion 1], 10% [Weapon], 20% [SL]= 100+%]
20,000 Experience [20%[Ring] , 15%[Armor] 20%[Relic] , 20%[Companion 1] , 20% [Companion 2], 20% [SL] = 100+%]

Deeper Darkness: Feast of Souls
11 Spd [+50% rounded up]
400 Fame
500,000 Jewels [10%[Rk], 15%[Armor] 15%[Ring], 15%[Relic], 20%[Companion 1], 10% [Weapon], 20% [SL]= 100+%]
20,000 Experience [20%[Ring] , 15%[Armor] 20%[Relic] , 20%[Companion 1] , 20% [Companion 2], 20% [SL] = 100+%]

Deeper Darkness: A Choice Already Made
11 Spd [+50% rounded up]
400 Fame
500,000 Jewels [10%[Rk], 15%[Armor] 15%[Ring], 15%[Relic], 20%[Companion 1], 10% [Weapon], 20% [SL]= 100+%]
20,000 Experience [20%[Ring] , 15%[Armor] 20%[Relic] , 20%[Companion 1] , 20% [Companion 2], 20% [SL] = 100+%]

Deeper Darkness: Darkness Within
11 Spd [+50% rounded up]
400 Fame
500,000 Jewels [10%[Rk], 15%[Armor] 15%[Ring], 15%[Relic], 20%[Companion 1], 10% [Weapon], 20% [SL]= 100+%]
20,000 Experience [20%[Ring] , 15%[Armor] 20%[Relic] , 20%[Companion 1] , 20% [Companion 2], 20% [SL] = 100+%]


Deeper Darkness [EPIC] Empty Wed May 08, 2024 6:53 am

Deeper Darkness: Justiciar of the Damned
15 Speed [+50%]
500 Fame
1,000,000 Jewels [10%[Rk], 15%[Armor] 15%[Ring], 15%[Relic], 20%[Companion 1], 10% [Weapon], 20% [SL]= 100+%]
30,000 Experience [20%[Ring] , 15%[Armor] 20%[Relic] , 20%[Companion 1] , 20% [Companion 2], 20% [SL] = 100+%]

Deeper Darkness: Dark Sands
15 Speed [+50%]
500 Fame
1,000,000 Jewels [10%[Rk], 15%[Armor] 15%[Ring], 15%[Relic], 20%[Companion 1], 10% [Weapon], 20% [SL]= 100+%]
30,000 Experience [20%[Ring] , 15%[Armor] 20%[Relic] , 20%[Companion 1] , 20% [Companion 2], 20% [SL] = 100+%]

Deeper Darkness: Ritual of the Damned
15 Speed [+50%]
500 Fame
1,000,000 Jewels [10%[Rk], 15%[Armor] 15%[Ring], 15%[Relic], 20%[Companion 1], 10% [Weapon], 20% [SL]= 100+%]
30,000 Experience [20%[Ring] , 15%[Armor] 20%[Relic] , 20%[Companion 1] , 20% [Companion 2], 20% [SL] = 100+%]

Deeper Darkness: Wolfen Brothers pt. 1
15 Speed [+50%]
500 Fame
1,000,000 Jewels [10%[Rk], 15%[Armor] 15%[Ring], 15%[Relic], 20%[Companion 1], 10% [Weapon], 20% [SL]= 100+%]
30,000 Experience [20%[Ring] , 15%[Armor] 20%[Relic] , 20%[Companion 1] , 20% [Companion 2], 20% [SL] = 100+%]

Deeper Darkness: Wolfen Brothers pt. 2
15 Speed [+50%]
500 Fame
1,000,000 Jewels [10%[Rk], 15%[Armor] 15%[Ring], 15%[Relic], 20%[Companion 1], 10% [Weapon], 20% [SL]= 100+%]
30,000 Experience [20%[Ring] , 15%[Armor] 20%[Relic] , 20%[Companion 1] , 20% [Companion 2], 20% [SL] = 100+%]

Deeper Darkness: A Completed Ritual
15 Speed [+50%]
500 Fame
1,000,000 Jewels [10%[Rk], 15%[Armor] 15%[Ring], 15%[Relic], 20%[Companion 1], 10% [Weapon], 20% [SL]= 100+%]
30,000 Experience [20%[Ring] , 15%[Armor] 20%[Relic] , 20%[Companion 1] , 20% [Companion 2], 20% [SL] = 100+%]


Deeper Darkness [EPIC] Empty Wed May 08, 2024 12:46 pm

A ranks:
66 Speed
2,400 Fame
3,000,000 Jewels
120,000 Exp

S Ranks:
90 Speed
3,000 Fame
6,000,000 Jewels
180,000 Exp
Mythic Custom Coupon

156 Speed
5,400 fame
9,000,000 Jewels
300,000 Exp
Mythic Custom Coupon


Deeper Darkness [EPIC] Empty Fri May 10, 2024 9:42 am


Storyline has been completed.

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