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Chasing Dragons & Whirlwinds [Long]

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Chasing Dragons & Whirlwinds [Long] Empty Mon May 13, 2024 1:25 pm


Name: Chasing Dragons & Whirlwinds

Difficulty: Long

Participants: Himura, Tōga

Story: After wandering through Earthland, taking on quests, facing conflicts, and forging new connections based on whispered rumors, monumental news has finally reached Tōga's ears. Though unverified and likely flawed, the tantalizing possibility of uncovering what he's been seeking outweighs the risk of chasing after nothing at all.

Echoes of devastation in a small village dominate the tales of peddlers and the homeless. The cause of this catastrophe remains a mystery, but the destruction is undeniable. A village wiped out, not by a fierce storm, but by an intense wildfire, haunts the thoughts of mages. Tōga heads towards the nameless village, now reduced to ash and rubble. These flames are no ordinary fire, and some survivors speak of a strange creature that appeared in the dead of night, its roar silencing the ocean and the moon itself. Could it be a dragon? Could it be Choryrth?

Rewards: Legendary Custom + Any additional jewels

Objective: Search for the destroyed village and uncover the truth of it’s demise.

Name: – You Can Only Know Hell Once You’ve Seen It

Rank: A

Type: Good (Neutral)

Summary: Rumors of the village's destruction have drawn Tōga to Luluhawa Island. Though he knows this place well, the trail of whispers seems to end here. How could such a recent and horrific event leave no more clues? No, he cannot give up now. Luluhawa Island has always been kind to the dragon slayer, and the locals regard him as one of their own. Surely, they know something.

Objectives: Investigate the locals of Luluhawa Island to see if you can find out more information regarding the destroyed village and how to find it.

  • +250,000 Jewels
  • +10,000 Experience
  • +400 Fame
  • +7 SP

Name: – Secret Village Located! Journey to Ironrust.

Rank: A

Type: Good (Neutral)

Summary: Tōga's time on Luluhawa Island proved fruitful, as he managed to uncover valuable information about the village he sought. Whispers spoke of a town named Ironrust, nestled within an archipelago, accessible only by ferry or ship from Luluhawa's shores. However, the town's fate remained shrouded in mystery, as it was said to have been wiped off the face of the map weeks ago by a devastating fire. The prospect of venturing to a place that allegedly no longer existed filled Tōga with a sense of both intrigue and trepidation, wondering what secrets and answers lay hidden among the charred remains of Ironrust.

Objectives: Travel to Ironrust by sea and see what remains of this lost village. Be wary, for the journey won’t be without it’s hassles as a storm brews near Luluhawa Island.  

  • +250,000 Jewels
  • +10,000 Experience
  • +400 Fame
  • +7 SP

Name: – What Lies Beneath The Ash

Rank: A

Type: Good (Neutral)

Summary: Tōga, having braved the fury of a great sea storm, finally set foot upon the scorched earth of Ironrust. The rumors that had guided his journey proved to be a grim reality, as the stench of burned flesh and seared earth lingered heavily in the air, a testament to the devastation that had befallen the once-modest village. The ruins of homes and stores lay scattered in a sea of ash, a haunting reminder of the life that once thrived here. Despite the overwhelming sense of loss and despair that permeated the area, Tōga remained resolute in his determination to uncover the truth. He knew that beneath the rubble and ruin, a clue to the village's tragic fate could be waiting to be discovered, and so, with unwavering resolve, he began his search, sifting through the ashes of Ironrust in pursuit of answers.

Objectives: T Search the ruins of Ironrust to find any clues of what happened on that fateful night weeks ago.  

  • +250,000 Jewels
  • +10,000 Experience
  • +400 Fame
  • +7 SP

Name: – Ironrust Under Siege? Fend Off The Bandits!

Rank: A

Type: Good (Neutral)

Summary: As Tōga methodically combed through the ruins of Ironrust, his keen senses picked up on the sound of unfamiliar chatter emanating from the west. Curiosity piqued, the dragon slayer cautiously made his way towards the source of the noise, only to stumble upon a small group of individuals who appeared to be bandits or pirates, ruthlessly pillaging what remained of the destroyed town. A sense of urgency gripped Tōga as he realized that if left unchecked, these marauders could very well spell the end of his search and potentially erase any remaining evidence that could shed light on the tragic events that had transpired in Ironrust. With a steely resolve, Tōga knew that he had to act swiftly and decisively to put a stop to their advance, lest the truth be lost forever amidst the rubble and ashes.

Objectives: Intercept the group of bandits and stop them from pillaging. Secure any remaining evidence that could validate what happened to Ironrust.

  • +250,000 Jewels
  • +10,000 Experience
  • +400 Fame
  • +7 SP

Name: In The Darkest Hour, He Emerges: Shinsui!

Rank: S

Type: Good (Neutral)

Summary: As the last of the bandits fell, their attempts to pillage the remnants of Ironrust thwarted by Tōga's swift intervention, a new scent wafted through the air, accompanied by an unfamiliar yet undeniably dangerous power. From the shadows, a mysterious figure emerged, introducing himself as Shinsui. The man's presence exuded an aura of intrigue and potential threat, immediately capturing Tōga's attention. After a brief but tense exchange, Shinsui presented an enticing offer: a friendly spar, with the promise of revealing the truth behind the village's destruction should Tōga emerge victorious. The stakes were clear - if Tōga triumphed, he would finally uncover the answers he so desperately sought. However, the consequences of defeat lingered in the back of his mind, a foreboding thought best left unexplored for now.

Shinsui: Shinsui is a mysterious, sarcastic man who seems to have taking a liking to Tōga. He smells somewhat familiar, and possesses an underline dangerous and destructive power.  

Objectives: Fight Shinsui!

  • +500,000 Jewels
  • +15,000 Experience
  • +500 Fame
  • +10 SP

Name: Shinsui Reveals His True Power! Beware, Tōga!

Rank: S

Type: Good (Neutral)

Summary: Deep within the ruins of Ironrust, Tōga finds himself locked in a fierce battle with the enigmatic Shinsui. As the dust settles and the combatants catch their breath, an unsettling truth emerges: the mysterious mage has been holding back, concealing the true extent of his power. In a blinding flash of brilliant red light, Shinsui unleashes the full might of his magic, his energy surging to an astonishing 100%. The very fabric of reality seems to warp around him as he reaches the pinnacle of his strength, leaving Tōga facing a foe far more formidable than he could have ever imagined.

Now, the dragon slayer stands at a crossroads, confronted by an adversary who threatens to overwhelm him entirely. With no other option left, Tōga must make a choice: to push himself beyond his limits, tapping into every reserve of power and skill he possesses, or risk fading into the ether, consumed by the crushing defeat that looms before him

Shinsui (Max Power): Shinsui is a mysterious, sarcastic man who seems to have taking a liking to Tōga. He smells somewhat familiar, and possesses an underline dangerous and destructive power.  

Objectives: Defeat Shinsui at his maximum power!

  • +500,000 Jewels
  • +15,000 Experience
  • +500 Fame
  • +10 SP

Name: Choryrth’s Dream! Break through, Tōga!

Rank: S

Type: Good (Neutral)

Summary:  n the smoldering ruins of Ironrust, Tōga and Shinsui's epic battle draws to a close, with the dragon slayer emerging victorious after a grueling and hard-fought contest. As the dust settles and the two warriors catch their breath, they begin to discuss the tragedy that befell the village, as Shinsui had promised. However, before they can delve into the details, a new presence emerges from the shadows – a creature with an aura of menacing mana, unlike anything Tōga has ever encountered before. The air grows heavy with the weight of this new threat, and the two find themselves forced to put their conversation on hold, knowing that they must first deal with the looming danger before them.

As Tōga readies himself for yet another battle, he can't help but wonder if he will finally be able to unravel the mystery behind Ironrust's destruction and put an end to the tragedy that has consumed this once-peaceful village. With the stakes higher than ever and the shadows closing in, Tōga steels himself for the fight of his life, determined to see this mission through to its conclusion, no matter the cost.

Agrona: The Green Death A powerful spirit of nature, Agrona was thought to be merely a legend, but here she stands before the two mages, preparing to end them for what transpired in Ironrust.  

Objectives: Work with Shinsui to defeat Agrona and save whatever remains of Ironrust!  

  • +500,000 Jewels
  • +15,000 Experience
  • +500 Fame
  • +10 SP


Chasing Dragons & Whirlwinds [Long] Empty Tue May 14, 2024 7:37 pm


This storyline has been approved to start.


Chasing Dragons & Whirlwinds [Long] Empty Wed May 15, 2024 8:59 am

Chasing Dragons & Whirlwinds - COMPLETE ! ! !

Quest Completion Log:

1. Quest Name: You Can Only Know Hell Once You’ve Seen It  
Thread Link: Click Here WCR: 50% MAX  [+20% (RK), +15% (Yasakani no Magatama), +15% (Zangetsu), +15% (Ryōhi)]
  • + 425,000 Jewels [+20% SL Buff, 15% (Yasakani no Magatama), +20% (Companion), +15% (Ryōhi)
  • 17,000 exp [+20% SL Buff, +10% (Extinctas), +10% (RK), +20% (companion), +10% (Zangetsu)]
  • + 11 SP (END) [7 + 50% rounded up SL Buff]
  • +400 Fame

2. Quest Name: Secret Village Located! Journey to Ironrust  
Thread Link: Click Here WCR: 50% MAX  [+20% (RK), +15% (Yasakani no Magatama), +15% (Zangetsu), +15% (Ryōhi)]
  • + 425,000 Jewels [+20% SL Buff, 15% (Yasakani no Magatama), +20% (Companion), +15% (Ryōhi)
  • 17,000 exp [+20% SL Buff, +10% (Extinctas), +10% (RK), +20% (companion), +10% (Zangetsu)]
  • + 11 SP (END) [7 + 50% rounded up SL Buff]
  • +400 Fame

3. Quest Name: What Lies Beneath The Ash  
Thread Link: Click Here WCR: 50% MAX  [+20% (RK), +15% (Yasakani no Magatama), +15% (Zangetsu), +15% (Ryōhi)]
  • + 425,000 Jewels [+20% SL Buff, 15% (Yasakani no Magatama), +20% (Companion), +15% (Ryōhi)
  • 17,000 exp [+20% SL Buff, +10% (Extinctas), +10% (RK), +20% (companion), +10% (Zangetsu)]
  • + 11 SP (END) [7 + 50% rounded up SL Buff]
  • +400 Fame

4. Quest Name: Ironrust Under Siege? Fend Off The Bandits!  
Thread Link: Click Here WCR: 50% MAX  [+20% (RK), +15% (Yasakani no Magatama), +15% (Zangetsu), +15% (Ryōhi)]
  • + 425,000 Jewels [+20% SL Buff, 15% (Yasakani no Magatama), +20% (Companion), +15% (Ryōhi)
  • 17,000 exp [+20% SL Buff, +10% (Extinctas), +10% (RK), +20% (companion), +10% (Zangetsu)]
  • + 11 SP (END) [7 + 50% rounded up SL Buff]
  • +400 Fame

5. Quest Name: In The Darkest Hour, He Emerges: Shinsui! 
Thread Link: Click Here WCR: 50% MAX  [+20% (RK), +15% (Yasakani no Magatama), +15% (Zangetsu), +15% (Ryōhi)]
  • + 850,000 Jewels [+20% SL Buff, 15% (Yasakani no Magatama), +20% (Companion), +15% (Ryōhi)
  • 20,500 exp [+20% SL Buff, +10% (Extinctas), +10% (RK), +20% (companion), +10% (Zangetsu)]
  • + 15 SP (CON) [10 + 50% rounded up SL Buff]
  • +500Fame

6. Quest Name: Shinsui Reveals His True Power! Beware, Tōga!
Thread Link: Click Here WCR: 50% MAX  [+20% (RK), +15% (Yasakani no Magatama), +15% (Zangetsu), +15% (Ryōhi)]
  • + 850,000 Jewels [+20% SL Buff, 15% (Yasakani no Magatama), +20% (Companion), +15% (Ryōhi)
  • 20,500 exp [+20% SL Buff, +10% (Extinctas), +10% (RK), +20% (companion), +10% (Zangetsu)]
  • + 15 SP (CON) [10 + 50% rounded up SL Buff]
  • +500Fame

7. Quest Name: Choryrth’s Dream! Break through, Tōga! 
Thread Link: Click Here WCR: 50% MAX  [+20% (RK), +15% (Yasakani no Magatama), +15% (Zangetsu), +15% (Ryōhi)]
  • + 850,000 Jewels [+20% SL Buff, 15% (Yasakani no Magatama), +20% (Companion), +15% (Ryōhi)
  • 20,500 exp [+20% SL Buff, +10% (Extinctas), +10% (RK), +20% (companion), +10% (Zangetsu)]
  • + 15 SP (CON) [10 + 50% rounded up SL Buff]
  • +500Fame

Total Reward(s):

+ 1 Legendary Custom Ticket  ! | + 1,750,000 Jewels ! | + 129,500 exp ! | + 3,100 Fame ! | + 44 Endurance ! | + 45 Constitution !


Chasing Dragons & Whirlwinds [Long] Empty Wed May 15, 2024 4:51 pm

Toga has finished this storyline.

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