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Anyu Ventrue

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#1Anyu Ventrue 

Anyu Ventrue Empty Sat May 11, 2024 2:40 pm

Anyu Ventrue


Name: Anyu Ventrue

Age: 28 February X596

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bi-sexual

Ethnicity, Father: Nerach Vampire

Ethnicity, Mother: Nerach Vampire

Class: Summoner

Race: Nerach Vampire

Rank: D-rank

Guild: Paradise Dawn

Tattoo: on her leg, same color as the guild.

Face: Terakomari Gandesblood -Hikikomari Kyuuketsu Hime no Monmon


Height: 1m 48cm

Weight: 45kg

Hair: blond

Eyes: red

Overall: Anyu could easily be described as someone embodies an enchanting blend of elegance and uniqueness. With vivid crimson eyes and cascading blonde hair, and drill-like buns held by black ribbons. She has a red blazer, and her collar blue ribbon with gray buttons over a layered skirt with white on top and blue underneath, accentuated by a sleek black belt, speaks of her refined taste. Onto her stockings, she has white lace top sheer hold ups, and an emblem, which after her recent enrollment into the care of Paradise Dawn has led to the lass to replace her house emblem with that of the guild logo.

Despite her shorter stature, Anyu exudes confidence and charm, showcasing a captivating charisma that defines her captivating presence and impeccable style.

Although these who know her better are quick to realize this is merely a facade, for when given the opportunity to retreat into her natural habitat one would quickly realize Anyu is a timid and meek-looking lass who would rather spend time reading a book in a basement rather than going on adventures.

Extra: N/A


Personality: With great power comes an even greater responsibility, but sometimes all you really want in life is to be able to sit back and be left undisturbed. That pretty much describes the existence of the young vampire noble. Despite having been raised in the glorious Ventrue house, who according to her father traces their origins all the way back to the first vampires during the equally glorious civilization of Nebuchad, the fabled tale of how ambitiousness led to the downfall and flooding of the city is exactly the same fate that awaited Anyu.

However, instead of being ambitious, Anyu was entirely the opposite: With no ambitions or dreams to call her own, the girl would had been more than content to live eternity in her room, if not for the fact she kept getting from one misunderstanding into another. Indeed, this natural, almost prodigious talent for giving people the wrong impression of herself or her actions had made her family have way too high hopes of her.

It doesn't help that the Ventrue house had been quite in a predicament. Although they had been content to live in the shadows of Icebergian society by controlling one of the Jarls, the recent rise of rumors about a conflict being on the horizon made it all the more evident that alliances needed to be forged, and who better than to send in a young socially-awkward scion of the clan?

Surely nothing could go wrong...

  • Books: Books contain countless secrets waiting to be uncovered, and unlike socializing allows one to approach these discoveries entirely at your own pace. Anyu adores books, although few know that she is actually a novelist, having written her own series of fantasy stories.
  • The darkness of the night: As expected Anyu vastly prefers night over day, not just the absence of sunlight which tends to make her lethargic, but the fact that the darkness of the night brings a certain serene quietness one can't find during the day.

  • Blood: Although she is the scion of an ancient Nerach Vampire house, Anyu dislikes the act of feeding, in fact it is the very cause of her powerless nature, although the reason behind her dislike is a closely kept secret.
  • Garlic: Unlike the stories garlic won't kill her, but it certainly makes her cry, not to mention she hates the flavor.

  • Becoming a professional NEET: Anyu is determined to try to spend the rest of her existence as a recluse, preferring to remain hidden away from the chaos of society or the political conflicts her ancestors tend to get involved in.

  • The truth being exposed: Despite all this Anyu fears the day people realize the fact that her confidence and demeanor is all an act, and that they would prey upon her weakness.

  • Losing Control: The real reason behind Anyu's hesitation and dislike for consuming blood is the fact her magic is deeply interwoven with her own mentality, and consuming too much leaves her at risk of going berserk.


Strength: 1

Speed: 1

Constitution: 1

Endurance: 1

Intelligence: 26


Magic Name: Blood-make Magic

Magic Element: Water

Magic Enhancement: -

Magic Description: Blood-make magic, like the title suggests is the ability to manipulate and solidify blood. Unlike the Hemomancers of old, Anyu can only manipulate blood that has been shed and is within a certain distance of her.


The history of Nebuchad is a tale of ambition, glory, power... and tragedy. Once the very foundation of the civilization that would later be responsible for bringing rise to the existence of vampirism, Nebuchad was a nation ruled by its mighty god-king Cain.

Among the followers of the god-king were the very first generation of vampires, these who later would be part of the bloodlines that the Nerach Vampires could trace back to. However, it was ambition that drove the second generation of vampires to turn onto their elders, and in return when Cain learned of this treachery he flooded Nebuchad and cursed the treacherous children.

The houses scattered among Earthland's nations, but rarely a family might exist that can trace their ancestry to the first generation. Among them is the house of Ventrue. Their ancestor had through the valiant sacrifice of one of their closest friends been able to avoid the betrayal by their childe and fled after Nebuchad flooded.

With each generation the house their influence and prestige as vampires grew, and although they kept their origins a closely guarded secret, the merit they held based on their achievements was undeniable there, to the point that they were considered one of the oldest vampire clans in existence.

Then again, the age of vampires was long over, and as such even the Ventrue learned to adapt by living in the shadows of society. They had settled in one of the various larger settlements of Iceberg, and through generations of scheming and planning succeeded in turning one of Iceberg's Jarls in a puppet.

It was simple really, the Ventrue kept to the shadows, granting their wisdom and powers to these worthy of their interest, and in return the Jarl and these bound to them gave them the necessary things they needed. After all a vampire noble needs to dine on the finest of bloods, not like these werewolves content to prowl like animals...

So it had always been, and so it would continue to be... Until she was born:

Anyu Ventrue was an engimatic presence for sure. At the tender age of thirteen she had been the cause of a massacre, of course the matter was entirely covered up, but the story suggested that Anyu who had an affinity for conjuration had lost control over her magic during an accident that led to an entire village to be wiped clean. How? Why? Nobody knew, even more curious was the fact that later even the entire existence of the village was forgotten by the people of Iceberg.

But for Anyu the event had led her to become a shut-in, terrified of her own power, the mere thought of consuming blood already left her on the verge of throwing up and as such the lack of what was essential for a vampire's growth became the very reason that despite the time that passed she looked little to no different from when she was still a child.

To make matters worse the people came to think her decision to become a recluse was out of sheer dissappointment in the warriors of Iceberg. Some even said the lass had sealed herself away so that a disaster could be prevented that might wipe Iceberg from the map.

Nonsense of course, she was simply a frightened girl who rather spend the rest of her future as a shut-in instead. Unfortunately destiny had other plans for her when the girl's father, after one hundred and seventy-seven years called the child out of her room.

"Congratulations Anyu! You were chosen as the representative of an alliance!" Her father exclaimed proudly, to which the vampire lass couldn't help but tilt her head to the side in bewilderment as her father explained the recent state of affairs. Iceberg was on the verge of a war, and among the countless challengers one particular contestant had stand out in her father's eyes: Lumikki, her origins were just as curious as the reason behind her decision to turn her desires toward the frozen land of Iceberg. But her father firmly believed the 'Child who receives the raven's blessings' was going to be the decisive change in Iceberg, and if the Ventrue family wanted to continue being able to enjoy their existence from the shadows they needed to take action.

"And what better than to send our mightest-" yeah right, mightest at sleeping in perhaps... "vampire" She didn't even like the sight of blood! "To become a Champion at this Lumikki's side" Wait champion, who? Champion at running away?

"HOLD UP A MOMENT!" But it was too late, her father had declared that Anyu was going to be tasked with traveling to the North of Fiore to pay her respects and form an alliance with Lumikki's faction in the name of Jarl Ulroq.

Hopefully the people of the north had a spare basement for her...



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