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Five Finger Discount

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Five Finger Discount Empty Thu Apr 11, 2024 12:28 pm


Lumi walked to the location started in the beautifully written letter sent to her. Leon, an odd little man she’s come a cross before, needed another favor from her. As the usual, it was for the sake of making Yuka stronger. And so she complied and met them there.

“ I need my boy to grow in resourcefulness so that I’d know he’ll be alright when I’m not around or things get hard. He’s in your care.” Leon would utter while pushing Yuka to her. Sure that was what he had to say, but there was more explained in the letter.

Lumi of course would not mention it, rather grabbing Yuka’s arm and pulling him to a nearby shop to get started. ” So ye see,” Lumi spoke in a whisper, ” when yer trying to get a hold of goods on a budget, darkness is always yer friend. And applicable magic if ya have it. But speed would also be key, paired with swift moment.” She went on as she showed him what she meant. Swiping a few of the decorative daggers display while swiftly putting them back as if they never left. ” Having a good eye for gauging the item and planing yer moves also helps. So here, ya try.”

Lumi left him to his own devices as she approached the owner. A large burley man who seemed proficient in all the weapons he stole. Too competent and observant to be stolen from easily, with the skill and fury to make thieves beg for death. Of course that was the point, he would prove to be another stepping stone to Yuka’s rise. But for now, it was time to let the boy learn what he could about the five-finger discount before he had to test his merit in battle too.

” Oy, do ye sell staves here?” Lumi began. The owner dropped the sword he was polishing onto the table to give her a look. “ No, I most handle in melee weapons here. So you won’t find a staff. But if you ask me, mages like your kind benefit from having a dagger or two on hand, least that’s what I recommend. If you wanna consider that route, I could show you some suggestions. Lumi wasn’t against the idea and entertained viewing some of his wares. And to his credit, the quality was good. ” I come from a family of Dwarves, aye, and yer quality ain’t too shabby. No Dwarven decor or flair but from Orchidia these wares are solid.”

The owner only looked too pleased, more than content with his compliment. Lumi pulled out some jewel to pay him, but would also tip him off on Yuka still practicing in the corner. To which soured the owners good mood as he fell into a rage.

Five minutes of pounding later and Lumi finally rescues Yuka from the owners wrath and she offers to bring him to a medic. Since Lumi paid and garnered his favor, he would let her take the boy out of his hands and she would bring him to Leon to be healed. The small man was mightily pleased, requesting a report as he patched the boy up.

“ Not bad, not bad. The jewels were already sent to your account, so till next time.”

554 +50%wcr due to dress, ring, companion

Curtain Call

Five Finger Discount Img_8011

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