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CHASING DRAGONS & WHIRLWINDS: In The Darkest Hour, He Emerges: Shinsui! [SL- Q5]

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CHASING DRAGONS & WHIRLWINDS: In The Darkest Hour, He Emerges: Shinsui! [SL- Q5] Empty Wed May 15, 2024 11:15 am

With the bandits dispatched in short order, Toga found himself sighing, a tinge of disappointment coloring his exhale. He knew that swift action was necessary to prevent any valued items from being stolen or, worse yet, damaged during their reckless rampage. Yet, the insatiable hunger of a warrior gnawed at the back of his mind, a lingering desire for a true challenge that remained unfulfilled.

"Perhaps it's time for you guys to consider a new hobby, hahaha," the dragon slayer quipped, securing the last of the bandits with a sturdy knot. His gaze drifted to the pile of unconscious bodies he had amassed, a nervous hand rubbing the back of his head as he pondered how he would explain this situation. Though he had fulfilled his duty as a Knight, his undocumented venture to the island of Ironrust had certainly bypassed proper procedure and protocol, a fact that weighed heavily on his mind.

As a Colonel, second in rank only to General Kon himself, Toga was well aware of the expectations placed upon him. Yet, in his haste to reach Ironrust, he had chosen to prioritize the urgency of his mission over the strictures of bureaucracy. Perhaps, he mused, he could simply leave the bandits tied up and send word upon his departure, or maybe the inhabitants of the nearby islands would finally take notice of the burned-down village and stumble upon his handiwork.


CHASING DRAGONS & WHIRLWINDS: In The Darkest Hour, He Emerges: Shinsui! [SL- Q5] Empty Wed May 15, 2024 11:15 am

"Now, let's see what you guys found," Toga muttered, squatting down beside the various bags and totes the looters had filled during their ill-fated escapade. His curious eyes and prying hands made quick work of the containers, ripping through their contents in search of any clue that might point him towards the cause of the devastating flames.

"Hmm, nothing here... Nothing there," the dragon slayer grumbled, his patience wearing thin as he sifted through what felt like an endless sea of bags, only to be met with frustration at every turn. Small piles of jewels, trinkets, and charred valuables that might one day be restored greeted his searching fingers, mere consequences of the fire rather than the elusive origin points he so desperately sought. With a heavy sigh, Toga rose to his full height, his fingers raking through his hair in frustration.

- enter, Shinsui ! !

"My, my, aren't you quite the nosy individual," a new voice echoed from the southern edge of the clearing, causing Toga to freeze in his tracks. It wasn't the suddenness of the voice that sent a chill down his spine, but rather the perturbing realization that he had been unable to sense the newcomer's arrival, neither by feeling nor scent. Slowly, Toga turned to face the interloper, his expression strained and tinged with a hint of apprehension as brown eyes meticulously studied the unfamiliar figure.


CHASING DRAGONS & WHIRLWINDS: In The Darkest Hour, He Emerges: Shinsui! [SL- Q5] Empty Wed May 15, 2024 11:15 am

"Don't look so pale. I don't bite, much," the figure said, his words tinged with a playful menace that did little to ease Toga's apprehension. As the dragon slayer studied the newcomer, he quickly realized that this man was in a different league entirely compared to the bandits he had recently subdued. Taller than Toga himself, the stranger possessed an otherworldly quality, with ash-pale skin and medium chocolate-colored hair styled in an eccentric manner. His white robes, adorned with purple and black accents, seemed to flutter in an unseen breeze, adding to his enigmatic aura.

What struck Toga most, however, were the man's eyes, framed by dark bags that spoke of sleepless nights and hidden secrets. The purple masking paint that surrounded his eyes only served to amplify their intensity, drawing the gaze to the large, eccentric marking that stretched across the bridge of his nose and down to his cheeks, a tattoo or a brand that hinted at a past steeped in mystery.

Instinctively, Toga balled his fists, his body tensing as the stranger began to approach. Yet, the newcomer merely smiled, his hands waving leisurely in a gesture of non-aggression. "Don't be so hasty, little dragon. You wouldn't want to act recklessly towards someone who could help you, now would you?" the man chided, his tone sharpening as his words cut through the air, racing to meet Toga's ears with a clarity that belied the distance between them.

"Do you know what happened here?!" Toga demanded, his hand sweeping towards the village that still reeked of soot and ash, the scars of the recent conflagration etched into every charred surface. A laugh escaped the stranger's lips, a sound that was equal parts amusement and condescension. "Bingo," he replied, his eyes glinting with a knowing light.

"And I'll be more than willing to share what I know, Toga, if you'll indulge me in a little request."

The mention of his name sent a chill down Toga's spine, his eyes widening in surprise. "How do you know my name?" he asked, taking an involuntary step backward, his foot catching on a piece of rubble and sending him stumbling slightly. The brown-haired interloper's laughter rang out once more, a sound of genuine mirth at the dragon slayer's discomfiture.


CHASING DRAGONS & WHIRLWINDS: In The Darkest Hour, He Emerges: Shinsui! [SL- Q5] Empty Wed May 15, 2024 11:16 am

"I know a great many things, little dragon," the man said, his voice dripping with an air of superiority. "You may call me Shinsui, and as I said, I have but a small request."

A pause hung in the air, pregnant with anticipation, as Shinsui allowed his words to sink in. Then, with a smile that was equal parts challenge and invitation, he spoke once more.

"Fight me. Let me see what you're made of. Emerge victorious, and I shall tell you everything you wish to know."

Every instinct in Toga's body screamed at him to flee, to turn tail and run from the enigmatic figure that stood before him. A primal fear, born of some deep-seated intuition, clawed at his bones, urging him to retreat in the face of Shinsui's unsettling presence. The dragon slayer's courage and adventurous spirit, so often the driving forces behind his actions, now wavered in the face of an overwhelming desire for self-preservation.

"And I wouldn't think about running," Shinsui interjected, his voice cutting through Toga's internal struggle like a knife through butter. "What would Choryrth think?"

The mention of that name struck Toga like a physical blow, his body going rigid as a strangled "Tch!" escaped his lips. In an instant, the dragon slayer erupted into flames, his mana pouring forth from his frame in a violent, uncontrolled torrent. The very air around him shimmered and warped as the heat of his fire dragon magic manifested in the physical world, threatening to unmake the very bonds that held matter together.


CHASING DRAGONS & WHIRLWINDS: In The Darkest Hour, He Emerges: Shinsui! [SL- Q5] Empty Wed May 15, 2024 11:16 am

Toga had become a supernova of inhuman proportions, his power radiating outward in a dazzling display of light and heat that would have left lesser beings cowering in awe and terror. Yet, Shinsui merely stood his ground, a soft grin playing across his lips as he drank in the sight of Toga's unleashed potential.

"Alright, deal!" Toga roared, his words nearly lost amidst the roar of the flames that consumed him, his eyes blazing with a ferocity that was equal parts determination and desperation.

"That's it, little dragon," Shinsui purred, his voice somehow carrying over the din of Toga's magic. "Show me the power of the boy raised by dragons, and I'll show you the truth." With those words, the brown-haired mage unleashed his own aura, a stark contrast to the raging inferno that surrounded Toga. Where the dragon slayer's power was wild and untamed, Shinsui's was focused and controlled, a tight coil of crimson energy that wrapped around his frame like a second skin. His mana, dense and potent, encased every inch of his body in an impenetrable armor, a silent declaration of his own formidable strength.

The two mages stood facing each other, their auras clashing and intermingling in a dance of power and will, the very fabric of reality straining under the weight of their combined might. The stage was set, the terms of their agreement laid bare, and all that remained was for them to put their skills to the ultimate test.

For Toga, the stakes had never been higher. The answers he sought, the truth behind the name that had weighed him for so long, now hinged upon his ability to best the mysterious Shinsui in combat. With a final, defiant roar, the dragon slayer charged forward, his flames trailing behind him like the wings of a dragon, ready to meet his opponent head-on in a clash that would shake the very foundations of the island.

wc: 1450

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