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Desdemona Lafayette

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Desdemona Lafayette Empty Mon May 13, 2024 9:00 pm



Name: Desdemona Lafayette

Age: April 30, X776

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Ethnicity, Father: Sevenese

Ethnicity, Mother: Minstreli

Class: Spellhowler

Race: Daemon (Virtue)

Rank: D-rank

Guild: Guardia Compagnia

Tattoo: Lower back (Violet)

Face: Mobius - Honkai Impact 3rd


Height: 5'4"

Weight: 121 lbs

Hair: Green

Eyes: Gradient that shifts from serpentine green to light pink. (Blood red when her demonic urges bloom)

Overall: A slender frame and porcelain skin unmarred by any blemishes that would spoil her dainty complexion. She adorns herself in only the finest dresses and jewelry; regal and elegant, but with little in the way of etiquette to back it up. Thick smoky mascara rasps with every flutter of her eyelashes, every blink that shutters her dead-eyed stare. Her hair drapes down her back, trailing down to the edge of her waist like lush vines, with serpentine pupils that glare with a petrifying gaze. She's no stranger to the shade of red that saturates her chromatic eyes, an ill omen in the revelation of her demonic ancestry. She carries herself with the forgone conclusion that she is superior to everyone else, taking great pride in her ability to control her urges in spite of her wicked nature.

Extra: Mona loves wearing long flowy dresses, in monochromatic colors and has piercings on her tongue, ears, and navel.


Personality: Desdemona is a fickle creature, spoiled rotten from her lavish upbringing and always looking to exploit the commoners for her own benefit, whether it comes in the form of love, affection, or a treasure trove of adoring fans. She's not above using her beauty or natural charm to get whatever she craves and she's not one to take rejection well. She has a sharp tongue, spewing venom as if she were blessing mere mortals by her sliver of attention and relishing in the occasional quick-witted barb. A twisted sense of spite that drives her to rebel against her demonic blessing whenever possible completely ignorant that follows her patron's design.

She's not incapable of genuine love or kindness, she craves it in return. It just takes a bit of effort for her to warm her cold blooded body. To slither around and wrap around a forbidden apple in search of heat. A pompous diva that needs to feel in control of the relationship, any deviation eliciting sharp fangs that lash out until she retreats back into the safety of her coil.

Her mean girl persona is simply a means to an end, a way to blow off steam as it were and indulge in her profane desires without fully giving in, always towing the line of her virtuous obscura. It's fun and in the grand cosmic balance she makes sure she tips that scale in her favor, always. She reveres being good just as much as she relishes the depravity of it all, but you'd never get her to admit it. She's quick to apologize if it gets her back in other's good graces, whether she genuinely means it or not. A queen bee is nothing without her hive, after all.

  • Teasing: Mona takes great pleasure in demeaning others when possible, but she's also not foolish. A predator always knows which prey is vulnerable - the ones that won't put up much of a fight. Though, Mona also has an inflated sense of self that makes discerning those targets a tad bit harder.
  • People: Mona is a bit twisted, but she enjoys the revelry - the masquerade. Playing nice when it suits her and being nasty when it'll gain her power or influence over the riff-raff.

  • Preachy Goodie-Two-Shoes: Mona abhors being preached at. She doesn't want to listen to moral grandstanding from people that cannot possibly comprehend her. She never loses perspective, the bell tolling after every midnight to judge her actions already a clear fixture in her mind.
  • Hard Work: Mona hasn't worked hard a day in her life, always using her enchanting personality or wily charms to get other people to do things for her. A flutter of her adorable little face and a cutesy voice is usually all it takes to bend stupid men to her whims.

  • Popularity: Desdemona is God's favorite little princess and she wants everybody to acknowledge it. Or, in her case it would be the Devil, as they are colloquially known. Apples and oranges. Desdemona is motivated entirely by vanity, the morality of it all is mundane and boring.

  • Death: There's not a lot that can frighten Desdemona, but this is a primal one engrained in almost all sentient creatures. Mona will sacrifice whatever it takes if it leads to her survival.
  • Loneliness: It's crippling. The idea that you could die alone, unloved and unmissed by everyone around you. Your existence only really ever ends when nobody is around, or willing to remember you. That fate terrifies Mona to her core.


Distribute 30 points over the attributes below with at least 1 in every Attribute.

Strength: 1

Speed: 11

Constitution: 3

Endurance: 4

Intelligence: 11


Magic Name: Ouroboros-Make Magic

Magic Element: Darkness

Magic Enhancement: N/A

Magic Description: A grim fascination in the serpent that consumes itself to destroy the world. Ouroboros-Make Magic is a type of Maker magic that creates serpentine constructs molded from darkness that pierce their targets with deadly fangs.


History: Desdemona was born with silver spoon in hand, wanting for nothing because everything she could dream of was laid beneath her feet before a whim could evolve to such desire. Her mother, a Minstreli bureaucrat in all but name, her expertise in deceit and espionage hidden from little Mona's prying eyes, but perhaps a little facet of her qualities was inherited in the daughter. Mona's father, on the other hand was an earnest man from Seven, a gladiator that never amounted to much but somehow won the woman that was so starkly a cut above the humble warrior. Suffice to say, Mona  stuck with her mother, always vying for her affection in the rare moments she was allowed. She didn't hate her father, far from it. Mona simply wanted to be like her mother in every way, even from a young age. She mimicked her movements, her behavior, even her very behavior - even now, to this very day.

She'd grow up like this, a posh noble, well into her teenage years, but the yearning for her mother's attention would never waver, even despite her rebellious phase, that mostly served as a means to entice further attention from her father. Her life was nearly perfect in its mundanity. Until, an infernal power thought it best to bestow their obscura to a teenage girl and conscript her to some war she'd never give a damn about. Luckily her parents did not shirk away in fear, instead loving her all the same despite the... changes. The transformation heightened all those rebellious impulses, the juvenile elation that came with lashing out and hurting others in a spark of something that fizzles so quickly.

With her newly acquired "gift," came the aptitude for magic. Her mother taught her everything she knew, leading her along every step of the way. Mona cherishes those day, but the strain of her mutation was apparent in every waking moment of her parent's eyes. Guilt. Mona spent years living with the guilt of her existence and the burden it must've surely been on her parent's marriage. The secrecy and control, quelling all of these spiteful urges was not a proper way to live a life. An amputation of the malignancy and severance of her dependency. Mona would depart her home in Minstrel, free to prosper without the weight of her actions influencing another and use her talents to do a bit of good to offset her wretchedness.

Discord: shinshaa

Reference: Briar Caidh


Desdemona Lafayette Empty Thu May 16, 2024 3:55 pm

This character is approved for roleplay.

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