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Nui Empty Thu May 30, 2024 4:12 am



Name: Nui Marta Stockwell

Age: 26, July 16, x770

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pansexual

Ethnicity, Father: Caelish

Ethnicity, Mother: Joya

Class: Sorcerer

Race: Human.

Rank: D-rank

Guild: Guildless

Tattoo:  Dark red, left calf.

Face: Druga - Fate/Grand Order


Height: 156 cm

Weight: 46 kg

Hair: White, Almost Transparent

Eyes: Dark red.

Overall: Nui is an odd being with how she dresses. She seemed to prefer light clothing no matter what, often opting to just cover up what parts that won’t get her in trouble by anyone. But it easily shows off. She at times does wear sun dresses that cover her up completely. But for the most part, Nui tends to wear as little as possible to absorb as much heat as possible, With various Jewel accents just to add what she considers a bit of style as well as coverings on her feets that keep her toes and heels uncovered. With an eye symbol on her forehead. A star mark on her neck and an odd looking snake that seemingly freely moves about on its own, sentient and having its own personality. While not able to speak it has a sense of direction and often points out things for Nui. The snake is friendly somewhat and generally doesn’t leave Nui alone. The snake is white, with red eyes and shares the same mark on it’s head as Nui with it’s head being different with it having two horn points when they are not horns

Extra: Nui has both of her ear pierced, Nui seeks void energy whenever around her.


Personality: Nui is a very odd person, But one would mostly consider her harmless. Her behavior makes her seem like she should be a demi-human snake woman, When if medically checked by a doctor or any medical person. She is in fact body wise completely human. Given this in mind Nui is seemingly an easily excited woman, very interested in people around her. One who is quickly to celebrate the simple victories in life. Given her extremely friendly nature what else you may see Nui do will often seem to show a lot of different things. Nui is a very picky eater she does not hide she is a picky eater and may seemingly act like she is sick or merely almost seem like she is acting like a child when you do not adhere to her diet. But she does not force her diet upon others.

Nui seemingly is a overall endearing woman she seems overly interested bonds she has with people and keeping them intact,Nui enjoys making things almost seemingly playful and fun playing childish games like hide and seek. Nui is also extremely possessive of objects or people she considers her, Even going as far to hiss at people if they try to take it away from her. She like to wrap around people when she can.  Nui seems to be searching for something, something she considered lost to time.as well at times seemingly disconnected and not entirely unable to understand some once normal social norms. Nui does also get lost easily and is fairly clueless at times.

The snake lingering upon Nui has ways of expressing it’s sentients, its personality seemingly being helpful to Nui to make sure she doesn’t get lost, points things out to Nui, Points things out to the people around Nui.At times it will wrap around other people much like their beloved Nui if allowed too and they feel comfortable with them.

  • Meat: Nui doesn’t hide that she only eats meat. It is one seemingly one of her most standing out of things about she only eats meat and feeding her anything else almost seems to make her sick, often mentioning she is on a carnivore diet. While she did not seem to make it other people’s problems unless need be.
  • Heat:Nui likes to be as warm as possible, No matter what she could do to remain warm, basking on rocks, sun bathing anything she can to do get and get body heat, Seemingly having a hard time staying warm too.

  • Vegetables: It is almost impossible to get Nui to eat anything else that isn’t meat, almost seemly offended slightly if you off her anything else and almost seemingly sick for a moment when tastes one.
  • Being Cold: Seemingly as her mimic’s habits of reptiles Nui reflect seemingly being cold blooded, Thus oftentimes it does feel like she gets cold pretty easily, often making her horribly grumpy.

  • A Fulfilling life: While a simple wish Nui chasing such a motivation is an easy path to many things, While during her time in the void she thought she was going to never leave it, none achieving happiness.

  • Being Hunted: In some manner as silly as it would be to be paranoid about it, Given elements of the void seem to linger with in her and how odd she acts she is paranoid for being hunted for it even if harmless.
  • Not being considered human: Nui always seems odd, But she no matter what is human with normal human emotions,In some manner it breaks her heart when she isn’t human fearing it may lead into other things.


Strength: 4

Speed: 5

Constitution: 7

Endurance: 7

Intelligence: 7


Magic Name: Crash Magic

Magic Element: Arcane 

Magic Enhancement:

Magic Description: Crash is a powerful magic that allows the user to create completely invisible shockwaves. If the user is unfocused, they may destroy objects such as houses unintentionally. By imbuing their fist with Crash, the user is able to send an enemy flying numerous meters with incredible force. It is also capable of being fired as a burst of energy at the opponent.


History: Many may ponder where Miss Stockwell came from but that Information seems to almost be equally as hard to understand, equal parts odd as Nui is at times. But most people would learn that Nui was a child living a peaceful life in one of the many regions of Caelum, Which one exactly was unknown, her parents were a happy couple from there. Nui was a carefree child who managed to make various friends. She was seemingly going to grow as any kid in the background would be.

Until one of the many children she seemed to play and be around seemingly vanished. It had an odd effect on the child, seemingly almost emotionally damaging her far compared to anyone else that most people would consider. For many years she lingered and grew up with that disconnect, Rumors that in some manner the void could help her in a theory she made up to help with her with her grief, It was merely a lie to bait her to Talaz Lagarr, Nui would be eventually considered a missing person.

Many years would pass until the void closed and they where bringing anyone back from Talaz lagarr they could. Nui seemingly long forgotten and assumed never to return, Much older finding what she could to cover up seemingly returning from where she once linger naked, With a snake around her and marks upon her forehead and neck. Nui did not realize how much time had passed, she had ventured into the void and became altered from it. She has yet to speak about what happened to her while she was there, Nui was a different person from all of this. But her adventures and feeling of a new life has begun, Almost feeling like she is a new person and brought home a friend with her that would never leave her a snake that can be around her neck, either of her arms and sometimes her legs.


Reference: Yu/Espy.


Nui Empty Thu May 30, 2024 4:39 am


Yu are NUI going to need to take STOCK of the waifu market if you want to remain WELL.

- approved

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