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Pedal to Central [North to Central]

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Pedal to Central [North to Central] Empty Tue May 28, 2024 12:12 pm

Ittindi looked around his packed office, the walls were empty except for the basics Ittindi left behind. Empty phone frames and name plates organized cleanly on the desk among other items. He’d walk outside with his last box and pack it into the trunk of his mana car. He had a crowd of Rune Knights crowded around it; many had heard about his legendary gift. There had been more than one knight suddenly friendly with Ittindi to get a ride in his Mana Car. He didn’t mind the popularity as he found driving the car relaxing.

As he hopped into the driver’s seat he’d check his mirrors and pop the roof open. The day wasn’t quite sunny, but the clouds were positioned in a way where it wasn’t overcast. He’d hop on the main road in a couple minutes after maneuvering through the streets of Orchidia. Once on the open road, Ittindi could really take off letting the car siphon more of his mana than usual. The roar of the engine and wind had Ittindi’s grip on the wheel tighter than usual, but the rush was approved of by both Ittindi and Naki. It wouldn’t take long until Ittindi saw those familiar gates of Era stretched out in front of him, Rune Knight headquarters in the skyline ahead of him. He’d smile happy to be back in Central.



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