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The Rabbit in the Moon & the Wolf That Howls for It [Long]

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#1Briar Caidh 

The Rabbit in the Moon & the Wolf That Howls for It [Long]  Empty Sat May 11, 2024 1:29 pm

Briar Caidh

The Rabbit in the Moon & the Wolf That Howls for It

The Rabbit in the Moon & the Wolf That Howls for It [Long]  KzALNOt

Difficulty: Long

Participants: Briar Caidh, Vesper Lovera

Story: Briar plants a seed on a trip to Caelum with Vesper that awakens a sleeping harvest deity in the territory - who reaches out for help against a cult of moon-crazed lunatics that seek to use its power to drive her out and take over the land. This pulls the two boys into the conflict; where they find love in each other and themselves, as the moon and this battle bring certain aspects of both out.

Rewards: Legendary Custom

Objective: Assisting a Caelish harvest deity with awakening while dismantling the cult that seeks to get rid of her by harnessing the power of the moon, using both boy's full might and determination.
Also, cute teen boys fall in love.

Lore Impact: Establishes a minor harvest deity in a region of the Caelum Isles and the growth of a tree tied to Briar's mana that will be its shrine and source of its protection for the surrounding rural populace. There's also a moon cult that wants to both worship and control the celestial body who use it for evil and lycanthropy. Nothing wide-spread.

Required Progress:  4 A-Rank, 3 S-Rank | 15,500 words.


The Rabbit in the Moon & the Wolf That Howls for It [Long]  Empty Fri May 31, 2024 9:09 pm

This storyline is approved to start.

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