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Sung Lo Mei

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Sung Lo Mei Empty Thu May 30, 2024 2:00 pm



Name: Sung Lo Mei

Age: 19 (X777)

Gender: Cis Female

Sexuality: Bicurious

Ethnicity, Father: Sinese

Ethnicity, Mother: Sinese

Class: Adventurer

Race: Half Elf

Rank: B-Rank

Guild: None

Tattoo: Shoulder, Green

Face: Eve – Stellar Blade


Height: 180cm

Build: Athletic

Hair: Carob

Eyes: Caramel


A tall and shapely young woman, Hana is blessed with a fair complexion that stands as something of a contrast to the darkness of her locks and eyes. Athletic in her build but also full bodied, she is highly toned from regular and intensive exercise but also somewhat buxom, in the hips and thighs especially.

The face of this fair femme rather pretty and a delicate, her features are slightly pointed, with a tapering jawline extending from high cheekbones which ends in a narrow chin, many might be astounded by her good looks especially given the contrast between these and her strange personality. Large eyed, her dark irises often carry a little mystique because of the way her black hair frames them, looking like drops of oil on a white canvas. Tending not to wear a whole lot of makeup, all the same her natural features shine through such as her long, dark lashes and rosy cheeks, offering a youthful appeal.

The dark brown hair of Miss Sung long and silky, though she is perfectly comfortable with her long locks loose, she habitually styles her hair into a flowing tail at the back of her head in a manner reminiscent of a topknot, whilst leaving one side of her fringe hanging down. Sleek and luxurious, the hair of this dark beauty is long enough to hang over her shoulders and reach her lower back when down, and despite the more functional style that she prefers on a day to day basis the girl is happy to leave her hair hanging loose when doing a more relaxing activity like reading.




A typically reserved but cheerful young woman who typically demonstrates good manners and a kind spirit, Sung Mei is a humble and generous character, who can come across as rather demure due to her innate softly spoken manner and modest nature. Rarely one who seems to be strutting into the spotlight and calling for attention, and can seem quite pure and innocent upon first impression. she enjoys seeming to be content with the treasures of company and self-confidence instead.

The type who enjoys supporting others, Mei enjoys watching other people flourish and demands little in the way of accolade or attention, preferring to celebrate triumphs seen by her friends over her own. Seeming to have a great energy to dedicate toward the people around her, she is a frank character who has little ability to lie to or deceive others, and while at times might seem to take things too seriously or sensitively can win folk over with how genuine and heartfelt she can be.

Perhaps a little lacking for social savvy, Miss Sung's inclination toward simple human decency can be perhaps a bit too trusting, and at times oblivious to intents and implications which most others would be aware of. Taking most things at face value and perhaps a bit gullible, she trusts the goodness in people first and foremost, and that can make her a little easy to deceive or mean she has a hard time recognising and reading situations which might make people uncomfortable.

The looks of the lass a good example in this area, while perhaps she likes to look good albeit in a fashion she believes is modest, Mei is also not as aware of the effect that her image and bearing can have upon others. Certainly not lacking for things like physical desire but something of an ingenue, she wouldn't immediately recognise why someone was squirming seeing her in say a towel or swimsuit, since she is comfortable in of herself in these kinds of situations.

Rather frank and straightforward in much she does, Miss Sung tends to speak from the heart first and foremost, and can also be sweet and poetic enough that she can show an almost unintentional sense of charm when it comes to her interactions with others. Feeling little regard in telling her friends of her appreciation for them, she wears her heart on her sleeve and that naked warmth can set her apart from most, and seems to loan her a kind of gentle charisma which makes her rather endearing.

Possessing noticeable degrees of responsibility and the courage needed to apply it, Mei is not the type who can see suffering or injustice and stand idle in the face of it, and instead feels compelled to act. The type who is an emotional decision maker, the ache which she feels when she finds someone in distress is overwhelming, and more than enough to push back things like fear or personal pain when she needs to.

Perhaps surprising some with the ferocity which she can show when it comes to battle, for the most part she conducts herself with focus and a cool head, but Miss Sung can be prone to bouts of temper as well. Especially seeming to be provoked when she finds those who are weak or innocent being tormented, she can show a kind of cold wrath which seems to replace her typical softness with a steely resolve for justice, and has a hair trigger for abuse of children, women, or the people she is close to.

Perhaps in some ways this a double edged sword however, not only does her giving nature mean that Mei is an easier mark for trickery but it can also make it harder for her to prioritise her own needs, especially when others appear to outweigh them. The humility and generosity which she shows something which is reflexive, she can invite trouble for herself, and at times needs people to rein her in and support her more than she would easily admit.

The gentle nature which Miss Sung shows something which can be contrasted by her resolve and at times her stubbornness as well, though the girl tends to be soft and giving with others, she shows herself far less leniency. Diligent and dedicated, she has a high degree of integrity and staying power with that, and perhaps a subtle sense of competitiveness with it.

Perhaps this only natural in a person who has spent a long time developing herself as a warrior, while she isn't the type to go looking for fights she also does not like losing them either, and rather enjoys challenges and trials because of that. Enjoying the feeling of achievement, of surpassing her former limits, this tendency has pushed her from being an ordinary little girl to now being a capable and skilled fighter at a rather young age, and she looks forward to reaching her peak as well.

That being said, she tends not to be too much of a show off with what she can do, or at least not intentionally, and certainly wouldn't rub her achievements in the face of another. In fact more likely to celebrate another person's efforts toward improvement, her gentleness and patience can make her a good teacher, and she enjoys seeing the people around her grow as much as she does measuring her own gain.


  • Children
  • Animals
  • Folk Tales
  • Cute Clothes


  • Bullies
  • Poor Manners
  • Coffee
  • Sexism


  • Discovery: Much of her past beyond the past five years a mystery to Mei, she wants to know where she comes from and if she has any friends or family waiting for her somewhere, feeling guilty for not remembering and potentially continuing to make someone worry about her.
  • Protection: Possessing a strong moral core and desire to help others, Mei is quick to act when she believes someone is in danger, and dedicated in defence of those who need it.


  • Helplessness: Confident in and proud of her capability, Mei would dread weakness enough to leave her unable to do anything, most of all protect the people she loves.
  • Abandonment: Losing more than her fair share of people, Hana's life has seen a lot of loss in it, and while she strives to maintain a positive and balanced outlook is still afraid that she will lose the people she is close to.


Strength: 51

Speed: 61

Constitution: 61

Endurance: 31

Intelligence: 61



Remembering little of her earliest history, mere flashes really, the biggest thing that she can recall is her mother, and how much she adored her. Always feeling close to the woman who was pretty and kind, in her earliest memories it was just the two of them but she didn’t mind that, because it was her matriarch who she cherished the most.

Unfortunately separated from her however, while it feels like Mei has forgotten the reason why and much of her life before that for one reason or another, the first clear she remembers and perhaps the one thing she could never forget was parting from the woman. Travelling with her, remembering holding the hand of the woman as they hurried down dirt roads and through wooded areas which scared her, she remembers all too well the worried and pained expression that the woman carried and the feeling of urgency as well.

Never allowed to stop, not for a moment, when she grew tired the woman carried her but she looked so tired herself that Mei tried to persevere as best she could, until finally they seemed to stop on the steps of an temple in a small and out of the way village in the middle of the night. Sheltering here from the rain and resting, her mother wrapped her coat around her and let her rest her head on her lap as she stroked her hair and was soothed into sleep.

Awoken when the sun has risen by a nun who found them on the doorstep, sufficed to say that Mei was rather confused to find that her mother would neither move nor wake, and felt a cold and sinking feeling because of it. The head and brothers affirming that the woman had apparently passed in the night, they offered their condolences and arranged for her to be buried and the like, and even let Mei stay with them afterward even if it was unusual while they arranged for something better. Other family to come looking for her, or perhaps an orphanage to take her in.

What was intended as a short stay seeming like it became a permanent arrangement in time, Mei's reluctance to leave the place where her mother was and perhaps those big doe eyes made it hard for the head and monks who ran the place to want to turn her away, and slowly seemed to accept her as a child of their own. Well-behaved if rather curious, she didn’t understand much about their habits but seemed eager for company, and often seemed to pitch in as best she could to help the brothers, who at first she misinterpreted the name for and believed to actually be her siblings.

Helping out with chores and the like, she peeled and cut vegetables when they cooked and grabbed a broom when they swept and did what she could, showing a surprising energy and enthusiasm for their tasks. Happy to sing along and clap and her hands with the hymns and silly songs they sang or join in on their strange exercises where she could, it was like having a big warm family, and even if the loss of her mother did cause her significant heartache it became a home she loved, for the most part.

Getting strange looks from other children when she accompanied the brothers or the head into local towns and villages, though she was curious about them and tried to be nice many seemed to view her with suspicion for being the odd kid who lived with the monks, or because of her unusual heritage, or the rumours that she had been abandoned by her parents there as well. Trying her best not to take it personally even if it did sting a bit, she found comfort in the parables that her 'family' told, and learned to appreciate what she had rather than envy what she did not. Though that didn't always stop her from sometimes missing what she lost, of course.

On one day receiving another 'guest' who left her practically bewildered, one day while tending to chores outside she found a strange figure in slumping over at the gate, and rushed over to help him. The man intimidating and especially so when he asked her for help, he seemed nervous about the monks finding out about him, so guided the girl into finding refuge in one of their storage shelters, and dutifully brought him bandages and food when he demanded it.

Perhaps remembering her experience with her mother and not wanting to leave anyone to suffer, she helped to take care of him when she had time and warned him when the brothers were close, and struck up a kind of friendship. Told of tales of the outside world from beyond the walls, he spoke of folk stories and his adventures or misadventures as he wandered the world, painting himself as some romantic adventurer. However, there was more to this tale than the eye would be told.

The head and the monks made aware of their habitation in the worst possible way, one day a group of brigands arrived the temple in search of someone they claimed had double crossed and robbed them, and expected to find him here. Demanding the right to search, Mei accidentally let slip about her new friend and seemed to only rile the visitors up more, who demanded he be brought to them.

The monks peaceful people and certainly not happy to hear that she had been sheltering an apparent fugitive, when Mei barred the way of the brigands and said that she wouldn't let them hurt her friend the pushed her out of the way to barge inside, and met with the opposition of these supposedly peace minded characters. The brothers and their head not taking peaceably to the intrusion and begrudgingly invoking sanctuary over their unwanted guest, though the girl had been a little frightened of these figures with crooked smiles and steel on their hips she it only made the reply of the people who raised her more impressive, and they leapt forward and trounced the would be trespassers.

Handing out the kind of hiding that one wouldn't soon forget, Mei was amazed with what they did, but once the battle was over found herself rebuked severely for harbouring someone and not telling anyone. The girl replying that she was only trying to take care of him how they had her, such a response seemed to soften their attitude a little, though not toward their visitor, however.

The girl guiding the brothers to where he was taking shelter and seeming to show sense in the story the bandits told, they quickly searched the pack he brought with him and found it full of gold and treasures, and seemed all the more annoyed to discover that the bandits had been telling the truth. Sending the man on his way the very moment he could walk under his weight again, even after all this Mei was sad to see him go, since he had brought a liveliness to the place and a taste of a world she couldn’t help but feel curious about, especially in light of her origin.

Perhaps this more than anything seeming to decide her fate, after that day she couldn't help but dream of making good on the stories she had heard from the crook, choosing to see the good in what he spoke of rather than the bad that he had brought. Fancying the idea of being some drifting warrior akin to the tales of legends, she redoubled her efforts in her training at the temple, and though the monks seemed to chide her about her ambition being foolhardy she stuck to her guns.

Amazed by what the brothers could do but disappointed that they seemed to isolate themselves rather than offer it to help the world, she thought she could be better, and tried to attain it. Finding an ally along the way when a travelling martial artist opted to study at the temple, once again she was enamoured with a guest and formed a friendship, and this one seemed to stick around not only to help her training but also grow and find her ambitions.

Taking a job to rid some pests from the area and bringing Mei along with him as he did so, though the task wasn’t much for a man of his skills, it was a nice way to help her to cut her teeth as it were under his watchful care. The lass timid at first but ultimately showing that the training she had done was not for naught, he seemed proud to see her improvement and growing ability, and let her keep the money from the reward as a little bonus to in his words, "buy something pretty or whatever girls like".

Buying a bow for her hair since it had gotten long and he had warned her about letting her locks get in her eyes, they returned to the temple to find the monks rolling their eyes, though slowly did they come to accept their connection and trust the man as well. Seeming to stiffen whenever she went off with him but smile a little more every time she came back, the rift between them slowly seemed to mend to the point they even broke bread together, even if it did result in Mei having to cart the fool to a bunk when he had gotten drunk.

This sense of peace and assurance seeing her going on little jobs with him more regularly, together she helped him face down monsters or catch criminals, and even joined him in teaching some army recruits. That one an event she could hardly forget, those fresh faces seemed to be surprised that their teacher was accompanied by a girl, and ever more so when Mei proved able to best them quickly and efficiently. Not that they held it against her, and both the recruits and their officers seemed pretty friendly after an introduction.

Enjoying the little trips she took with the man both for the chance it gave to test and improve her abilities but as much so the mere experience, Mei blushed the first time they were mistaken for a father and daughter, though quietly was happy about it. Having no real memory of her patriarch beyond the kind and elderly head at the church, it was nice to imagine this one in his place, and he didn't seem to bristle too much at the idea either.

In spite of this, or perhaps because of it as well, Mei couldn't help but find her wonder about where she came from growing, and she wanted to know more. Electing to leave the temple when she was sixteen to work with her mentor on a more permanent basis, the brothers at least had come to respect her decision even if they didn't want to see her leave, and so she set out into the world with the man, and together they roamed for two years before it seemed it was his turn to settle down.

Delighted to hear a new story when he revealed that he had harboured feelings for a girl he had grown up with, the two had reconnected and hit it off, and Mei encourage him to propose. Amused to wear a pretty dress and be a bridesmaid for the first time as the two got married, though it was sad to see them parted as he elected to stay close by his new wife and start a new family, she was happy to know that her hero had found some kind of happy ending and continued onward on her own.

Venturing further than before now that she was alone and an ever more accomplished warrior in her own right, Mei continued to search around for sign of a home she had once known, but sadly could not. Still happy to be doing good however and knowing that she would find a place to belong one day, she continues to venture and adventure, and bring a little more goodness and happiness into the world as she does so…

Discord: Jessu

Reference: Alisa

Last edited by Elsa on Sat Jun 01, 2024 4:26 am; edited 9 times in total


Sung Lo Mei Empty Thu May 30, 2024 2:03 pm



Sung Lo Mei Empty Sat Jun 01, 2024 1:15 pm

This character is approved.

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