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Paid Time Off, Day 1[Alisa]

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Paid Time Off, Day 1[Alisa] Empty Fri Apr 12, 2024 2:35 am


Fresh off the boat to the island, Manzo proceeded to carry in both his and Alisa's bags into the beach house they were going to share on this vacation they had planned together. But before they could do that, they needed to get settled into their new environment and see what this home they had offered in terms of amenities.

It seemed as though Alisa was still outside admiring the beach front view that this strip had to offer which only meant that it was up to Manzo to start exploring the house. He first found the bedrooms. This one had a large bed, all white set of blankets and sheets as well as a bathtub overlooking the beach. "Yeah that's got Alisa written all over it." He said as he placed her bags down in this room while he went to hunt for a room of his own to call home for the week.

He would find a room at the opposite end of the hall. "This should give us a healthy amount of space." He said to himself as he walked in to find a much smaller bed, with very minimal decorations. "Yeah, this speaks to me." He said putting his bags down.

Paid Time Off, Day 1[Alisa] LGnxHvk

Paid Time Off, Day 1[Alisa] Empty Sat Apr 13, 2024 7:24 am



Now that she thought about it... This was his first time on the island, was it not? At least his first time here with her, she wouldn't be surprised if he'd come by on his own or accompanied by someone else. Still, it had been a while since they had any time to catch up:

"Fufu~... You do realize you don't need to carry my bag, right~?", Alisa couldn't help but giggle as she strode along the soft, shifting sands on her bare feet, holding her sandals on one hand as she arched her brow at Manzo with a teasing smirk drawing on her plush pink lips. Luluhawa was always idlyllic...

Sure, they had menacing tropical storms every now and then, but aside from those tempestuous times, the weather here was always hot and welcoming... The Isle of always Summer. Even Alisa couldn't help but fan herself before they finally strode inside their beach house, only a few steps away from the ocean, close enough to hear the crashing waves ebbing and flowing against the shoreline. No sooner than they arrived did she peel off her floral T-shirt and placed it to the side on the sofa, leaving only that casual black bikini underneath as she fell back first onto the bed with a visible ripple of her bust:

"Mmmm you and me both... Heavens~... I might fall asleep if i lie here too long~...", she heaved, taking a moment to catch her breath after that sizzling trek under the midday sun, fanning herself ever so softly... But... She couldn't. After all the still had a whole day ahead of them~


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Paid Time Off, Day 1[Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Paid Time Off, Day 1[Alisa] Empty Sat Apr 13, 2024 9:32 am


"I know I didn't have to take your bags, but I wanted to." He said with a pure smile back to his companion. It seemed as though some things never changed, No sooner than they had arrived to the house Alisa had decided to remove her top. She was never great with the heat, if his memory was correct, and it usually was.

Still, it was nice that after all these years of knowing one another that somethings could stay the same. With that being said, what was a bed with the empress in it, and not her body pillow. Manzo walked over to the vacant side of the bed and laid himself down across from Alisa. He removed his own shirt, his body much like hers was desired by many, and had only by few.

He opened his arms wide for her, offering himself to her to rest on if so chose to do so. After all, this trip was about the two of them reconnecting, it was only right to share little moments of intimacy to strengthen those bonds.

Paid Time Off, Day 1[Alisa] LGnxHvk

Paid Time Off, Day 1[Alisa] Empty Sun Apr 14, 2024 12:02 pm



Indeed, her body wasn't great with heat... She was half Icebergian after all, and her ancestors had weathered the icy lands of the North for generations... But unlike them, she'd been born in Fiore. And she was more than happy to simply melt under the heat on the beach. Seeing him shuffle into her bed and open his arms out wide, she simply rolled her eyes and chuckled:

"Fufu~... And here I thought you were eager to go see the carnival?", she smirked, rolling onto her side, propping her head up on her forearm, before eventually shuffling closer and draping her arms around him, "Fiiiine, just... A little break before we head out~"

Despite those teasing words, she let out a low, breathy sigh as she relaxed into him, her skin warm to the touch and damp with a faint hint of sweat from the travel in this sweltering Luluhawan heat


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Paid Time Off, Day 1[Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Paid Time Off, Day 1[Alisa] Empty Mon Apr 15, 2024 11:57 am


With Alisa firmly in his arms resting against him, he did have to admit that the heat was far more noticeable with them sharing body heat. But when in a bind such as this, one could either suggest the removal of more clothes. Which wasn't wise, even if they had been naked with another more than once. It was safer to do the following, with a snap of the fingers, a potted plant that sat on the night stand grew a bit larger. Sporting new fanned leaves, it began to move on it's own and wafted in a cool breeze from it fanning them with a bit magic.

"That festival is going on all week, we've got a lot to do other than that ya know." He said with a smile as he stroked her hair. The cool breeze was nice, and company was even nicer. There weren't many beings that he enjoyed being close with an environment like this. Lisa was never someone he'd complain about.

"Besides that sleepy face is just as cute as the first day I saw it." He said teasing the empress.

Paid Time Off, Day 1[Alisa] LGnxHvk

Paid Time Off, Day 1[Alisa] Empty Mon Apr 15, 2024 4:46 pm



Truly, cuddling up might not be the best way to cope with the heat but... She didn't really mind~... After all it had been quite a long time since they got to spend any time together... But two could play that game, and it didn't stop her from teasing him with that sly, mischievous smile on her face, letting out a low, delighed hum when the large ceiling fans finally started spinning, keeping a cool draft blowing all across the room:

"Hmmm... Is that why you were so quick to jump into bed with me Manzo~?", she teased, her words drawing into a purr as she, her eyes narrowing as she ran her fingertip along his chest as her own squished into the side of his body, her wine red hues following that digit before she looked back up into his eyes, "Makes me wonder what could be the reason for booking... Such a hopelessly large bed, all for little old me."

She was hoping to do something more than simply laze around in bed all day, buuut... That didn't stop her from enjoying this for a little while longer.


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Paid Time Off, Day 1[Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Paid Time Off, Day 1[Alisa] Empty Tue Apr 16, 2024 8:58 am


The feeling of her delicate digit tracing along his chest sent a shiver up his spine. The game was a foot as they said in old novels. But two could play that game, though he hoped he wasn't too rusty after all this time. A single bead of sweat trickled down his face and dropped onto chest of his companion trickling down to her stomach.

"I lasted a good while before crawling into your bed. Three years is a long time to keep one's self away from you." He said teasing as his hand trailed down her back and traced her spine. landing firmly on the small, pulling the bikini bottom that peaked out above her jeans a little higher until it rested on her hips.

"If you'd prefer I can always make it four years." He said with a teasing tone to his voice before resting his hand softly on her backside giving it a gentle caress.

Paid Time Off, Day 1[Alisa] LGnxHvk

Paid Time Off, Day 1[Alisa] Empty Tue Apr 16, 2024 3:42 pm



"My, three years? Tell me, where are exactly are you getting those numbers, hmm?", she narrowed her eyes with a doubtful look, chuckling as she felt his hands wander, shifting one leg across his lap as she rolled him down onto his back, her bust pressing down firmly onto his chest. Fufu~... It took him no longer than ten minutes to jump into bed with her. Sounded like he must have missed her quite a bit these past few months, "I suppose we might need... To clarify that first~..."

Her hands came to rest on his chest as she straddled him, leaning in, that long, silky black hair draped down on either side of his face, some loose strands tickling his face as she leaned in for a slow, sensual smooch... She wanted to go out and see the sights on her favorite island buuuut... She supposed she could give him a little taste of what he'd been missing...

...Now their little week off had only just started, no way Alisa was going to spend it all just cooped up indoors. No sooner than they finished unpacking and making up for lost time, she picked herself out a loose, breezy white tee and slipped it over her head, the fabric hanging down that full, firm bust a good few inches over her toned midriff:

"Well... What do you want to see first~...?", she asked, her hand falling down to the flare of her hip, idly adjusting the hem of her blue jeans


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Paid Time Off, Day 1[Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Paid Time Off, Day 1[Alisa] Empty Tue Apr 16, 2024 11:07 pm


It seemed that his bold move had gotten the attention and interest of his companion. They would lose themselves in the throws of passion and intimacy for but a small moment in the grand scheme of this trip, though it did fill his heart with joy to know that she had missed him as much he had missed her.

While she straightened herself up, he would button his shirt back up and straighten up his clothing. He exited the room and walked toward the kitchen needing a beverage to quench his thirst. He would open the fridge door and be met with a rush of cold air that made him weak in the knees in comparison to the temperature of the island.

He would take a quick look around and grab a sports drink to help keep himself hydrated, chugging it in attempt to flood his system with fluid. He would let out a loud grunt as he crushed the can in his hands. He would throw it in the kitchen trash can. In that time Alisa had made her way out of the bedroom and down to the kitchen.

She would ask him where they would start first, he noticed her delicate hand placed prominently on her cocked hip. Which of course meant it was time to get this show on the road for the day. "Well we have a few options for today, we can go hiking up the mountain to a waterfall and swim before the first night of carnival. Or we can get plastered on the beach."

He would lean against the kitchen island while he waited on her answer. "I know what I would choose." He added, wanting to see if she could actually guess what it is he would pick, it was a little game they used to play to test to see if they were in sync, he wondered if she would remember that from when they were younger.

Paid Time Off, Day 1[Alisa] LGnxHvk

Paid Time Off, Day 1[Alisa] Empty Wed Apr 17, 2024 4:59 pm



The option made Alisa's eyes flare... Between swimming at the beach or swimming in the waterfalls. Well she already expected those options, and clearly came dressed for them even. At the same time, she'd already gone hiking on Luluhawa as well, a few years back. But that was defenitely not the first thing on her mind when she came here, as such, her brow arched at the suggestion:

"Mountain climbing? My, when you put it like that, you already know exactly what I'll choose.", the option caught her attention immediately as she hung on the doorway, resting her shapely rear against it as she folded her arms under her bust, waiting for Manzo to be ready before heading out on their little adventure. There wasn't much to guessing to be done here, after all, and Alisa simply winked, "Besides, there's no safer way to climb than with an Earth Mage at your side?"

She chimed, flipping her hair behind her shoulder... Alisa may not be a typical earth mage with her affinity to crystal, but even then, she still felt at ease in the mountains. Sure, one might argue she'd prefer lazing around the beach in a bikini but still, she felt at home there. In her element one might call it.


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Paid Time Off, Day 1[Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Paid Time Off, Day 1[Alisa] Empty Wed Apr 17, 2024 9:04 pm


"Now that's my girl." He joked as he removed himself from the counter top leaning position he had placed himself in. Now that the choice had been made it was time to set off, but first they had to grab all of the essentials for it. Well probably just him grabbing his essentials considering he was never one to do anything without proper preparation.

He made a quick dash up the stairs of the house to the room he placed his things in and grabbed his backpack. "He walked back down the stairs with his sunglasses and boonie hat on to keep himself from getting horribly sunburnt until they made it to the top of the mountain.

He stepped forward directly in front of Alisa with a smile on his face as he went down his checklist, not even remotely paying attention the fact that her backside was trying to eat the crown molding of the doorway. "Alright, I've got tanning oil, sun screen, plenty of water, and something to smoke for when we do get up to the top. I don't think we are missing anything." he said as he grabbed the strap of his book bag like it was the first day of school and bounced back and forth on his forefoot and the balls of his heels.

Paid Time Off, Day 1[Alisa] LGnxHvk

Paid Time Off, Day 1[Alisa] Empty Sat Apr 20, 2024 8:54 am


WORDS: 300 | TAG: @Manzo | OUTDOORS

"Here, allow me~...", once she saw him stuffing everything into his backpack, Alisa walked over with a smile, grabbing the bag as the ring on her finger glew with a sliver of mana, before the bag suddenly vanished before her eyes, "You see why I said you needn't carry my bags? Might as well travel light and enjoy the sights~"

She winked, wiggling her fingers for emphasis as she reminded him of the handy little magic tied to her wedding ring. Now with all their supplies ready for the adventure awaiting them, Alisa turned around and headed for the door, her long hair whipping about behind her as she soon squinted while the bright sunlight hit her eyes... She rose her hand over her eyes, and finally peeled out a pair of sunglasses of her own.

"You're right, sunglasses might be a good idea...", she mused, once again activating her ring to pull a pair of shades over those wine red hues, and finally reaching both hands around behind her head and slowly pulling her long black hair into a practical high ponytail


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Paid Time Off, Day 1[Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Paid Time Off, Day 1[Alisa] Empty Sun Apr 28, 2024 2:07 am


He had forgotten all the utility properties her wedding ring had. It was a handy little thing that, something he was impressed the more he thought about it. But he couldn't just stand there admiring her wedding ring. Though he was a sight to behold, and probably one of the finest pieces of jewelry he had ever seen.

He was close behind her, not wanting to lag far behind or be accused of only wanting a better look at her rump and thus was lagging behind. He could only chuckle as she commented on the intensity of the sun. He reached into his pocket and grabbed a spare pair of sunglasses, gently handing it to Alisa. With the two now on their way he couldn't help but take a big whiff.

"Smells nice, I thought it would have a similar smell to hargeon but it's quite different." He said as he put his hands in his pockets. The smell that wafted through his nostrils was that of fruit, alcohol, coconuts, and sun tan lotion. It truly was a resort island, and very different from Hargeon, as long as you didn't come to a Blue Pegasus summer bash. As he looked around he couldn't help but admire the scenes.

Between the couples there on honeymoons, the packs of women clad in bikinis, the volleyball being plaid on the beach, as well as the surfers taking in some big waves. It was truly a sight to behold. He turned his head to the side to get Alisa's attention. "Thanks for coming all this way with me, I don't think I'd have come if someone didn't go with me. I've never been to a place like this before." He said with a smile.

The path they were taking to the mountain was covered in beautiful greenery as far as the eye can see. A dense jungle clad the trail, so many different flora could be seen. Some flowers that were so bizarre he hadn't even thought to make something like them with his own magic. The only issue was all the bees around. That being coupled with the fact that he was a nature based dragon slayer meant he let off plant pheromones to a degree which meant he was all the rage with the pollinators in the jungle path.

"Huh I didn't think about that," He said as he commented on what seemed like a conga line of bees following them around as they made their journey on the trail. "Well if nothing else maybe they can lead us back to their hive and we can get some fresh honey out of the deal." He said with a light hearted chuckle. Trying to make light of their tag along insect friends. He knew they wouldn't bother Alisa, she didn't have what they were looking for, and to be honest, all they'd have to do was land on him to see he wasn't a flower. But he didn't want to be covered in bees, he'd a seen a film where a man suffocated from such a thing and he was in no hurry to share the experience.

He stood in the cross roads for a minute to look at his map to make sure they were on the right path, and thankfully it seemed as though they lost the bees. Well for now at least, they can't stray too far from their queen so it was only a matter of time before another hive came looking for their fix of him as well. "Seems like we are on the right path, good, I'd hate to get lost in this dense bit of green."

Paid Time Off, Day 1[Alisa] LGnxHvk

Paid Time Off, Day 1[Alisa] Empty Sun Apr 28, 2024 5:53 am


WORDS: 300 | TAG: @Manzo | OUTDOORS

"Why, thank you~...", she flashed him a smile, accepting the pair of shades, before taking a long, deep breath of that refreshing, saline scent blowing from the sea... Indeed it was quite different from Hargeon. Cleaner... And Hargeon was one of the cleanest cities in Fiore but even then, there's only so much you can do in a city that large, with a bustling port bringing in people from all four corners of Ishgar, "Mhmm, it's a land where people live in harmony with nature after all... There's nowhere quite like it in Fiore."

It was quite different after all... Hargeon was a beautiful city, but it was still a city sculptred by people's hands. Luluhawa on the other hand, brimmed with natural beauty, a pristine slice of paradise yet exempt from human development:

"Fufu~... Looks like they've taken a liking to you~?", Alisa teased, her lips drawing into a teasing smirk as she watched Manzo being utterly chased around by bees in a way that would make most people shudder with worries of being stung. Then again, a nature mage like him was in no risk of that happening, "Mmm~... A little mid afternoon snack could be just the energy boost we need huh?"

Alisa wasn't really worried either, after all the bees seemed so utterly obsessed with Manzo they didn't seem to pay her any heed, and she could simply walk comfortably beside him as he acted as their insect magnet. Far from the noblest role to give her companion, but it wasn't one either of them had chosen anyway:

"Hmmm, don't worry... I know where we're headed.", Alisa smiled, hand resting on his shoulder with a reassuring look on her face, after all, she knew the lay of the land all too well at this point, having explored these woods many times, "You can kinda tell where you need to go from the position of the sun, after all, the island isn't that big."

And even under the cover of the canopies, some sunlight still pierced through to light their way, allowing them to use the shadows to find their way around.


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Paid Time Off, Day 1[Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Paid Time Off, Day 1[Alisa] Empty Mon Apr 29, 2024 10:03 pm


"Seems like even the the animals are finding me irresistible today." He said making reference to their moment of intimacy with a chuckle. He had hoped she would find it just as funny as he did. But she was right though, if we did indeed follow the shadows we would be able to get to the mountain relatively quickly. Then again they could never truly get lost, what with her earth magic and his nature magic they'd be able to find their way regardless.

"I always forget that you've been quite the world traveler. I cant say the same for myself, outside of war time, I haven't really been anywhere outside of Fiore." He said with an embarrassed shade of red on his face. He knew she wouldn't think different of him for being married to mainland. They both had shared their long stretches of time there, but this was first time he had taken a vacation outside of guild events. Though he was often times working the bar when he did attend those events, so if he was working was it really a vacation?

"Long hikes like this take me back to all those days on the road we shared when we were kids." He said with a smile, his face returning to it's normal hue now that he's shacked off the embarrassment of basically admitting he was a shut in unless there was trouble on the home front. "Come to think of it, you could never really find us in one place back then, and we slept in the weirdest places." He was having a spot of fun going down memory lane, they were some of his best memories, before they had to say goodbye for some time due to the backlash of everything that went down on their crusades against the cults of fiore.

"I remember a particular night vividly, we had just come in from the rain. Soaked to the bone, we walked into this shady little inn on the outskirts of Hosenka. The inn keeper was a real creep toward you, you said you'd give him a night he'd never forget. Next thing he knew he had been basically cemented to the floor and you took the key." He couldn't help but let out a hearty laugh remembering the look in the inn keepers face.

It was a mixture of fear and disappointment, and honestly just pure bewilderment. "I told him you made guys stiff and stuck in their tracks all the time and he shouldn't feel bad." Going down memory lane like this was making the trip go by quite fast, because the next thing he knew, there they were, taking in the view of the islands tallest mountain, sporting a waterfall at the top with a swimming hole at the mouth.

Paid Time Off, Day 1[Alisa] LGnxHvk

Paid Time Off, Day 1[Alisa] Empty Tue Apr 30, 2024 8:50 am


WORDS: 300 | TAG: @Manzo | OUTDOORS

Alisa rolled her eyes at cheeky little line, but simply chuckled. Can't let him get tooo cocky now:

"Mmm, less now than I used to, but Luluhawa has all but become a second home for me. I this island like the back of my hand~?", it was perhaps the place where she and Sofia had kept their palace for longer, even if they spent most of their time at the guild. Both her and her wife had means of instantly travelling between here and Hargeon, which granted she could have used to come here with Manzo, but hey... Sometimes it's good to do things the old fashioned way, "Hmmm~... Back when I didn't have my bike... Being a hunter may be a dangerous job, but's far from a high paying one? We gad to make do with what we had~"

Finally getting a mana bike defenitely helped, but for rookie hunters with nothing but their skills and resolve to keep them going... Travelling wasn't nearly as easy then as it was now:

"Indeed, and nothing could be worse than sleeping at the bar. I may be immortal now, but I still don't think I could do that ever again.", the things you do when you're young~... Just thinking about it had her flash him an awkward smile, just thinking of the backache she'd get for doing that at 30 years old.

His memory of that creep of an innkeeper still earned a little eyebrow twitch. She was soaking wet and not in the way he'd hope, covered in blood from the hunt the two of them had just finished. She just wanted a bath and a good night's sleep and wasn't really in the mood for that. She almost cut off something to make point. Still... Thinking back on it now... It was almost amusing:

"Fufu~... I remember he wasn't sure whether to be scared or aroused. But I guess even pigs have a survival instinct. He never tried anything after I kicked some of his teeth out.", by the time she noticed it, the two had arrived at the top of their first checkpoint, given a wide, panoramic view of the entire island, the rumbling sound of crashing water providing the perfect backdrop to the first pit stop in their adventure, and Alisa finally lifted her shades, "My~... I can never get enough of this view..."


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Paid Time Off, Day 1[Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Paid Time Off, Day 1[Alisa] Empty Tue May 14, 2024 1:46 am


Manzo took a look around the sprawling mountain side and couldn't help but flash a smile. Perhaps all the green spoke to his dragon instincts given the element of his power. He had always found himself at home in places like this. But that was something he could explore while he was here instead of putting it off for another time. As they began to their journey into the mountain side trail, he couldn't help himself. He removed his shoes, socks and shirt.

His body began to glow a deep forest green as the green scales of his mentor dragon began to spread over his body. His red eyes began to shine serpent yellow, with matching pupils. His nails grew to talon length on his hands and feet, and horns began to poke out of his white hair, which had a tinge of green it was now sporting. He jumped up into the tree and let out a roar similar to that of a dragon in it's intensity.

"Last one to the top is a rotten egg!" He said with a laugh as he began to jump from tree to tree with his enhanced body. He knew Alisa couldn't resist a little friendly competition, even if this was a vacation. The two of them loved to play little games like this with one another. They had for a very long time and it didn't seem to ever die down no matter how long they spent apart from the other.

Paid Time Off, Day 1[Alisa] LGnxHvk

Paid Time Off, Day 1[Alisa] Empty Sat May 18, 2024 10:28 am


WORDS: 300 | TAG: @Manzo | OUTDOORS

With this wide, expansive view stretching out before them, Alisa brushed her hair away from her eyes as it fluttered in tresses with every gust of wind blowing across the island, she found herself distracted from their conversation on their past adventures, unable to dwell in the past when the present was oh so utterly striking, irresistible. As they walked along the mountain trail, she arched her brow as she watched him peeling off his shoes and shirt, and wondered what he might be up to, until her brow arched as he unleashed his transformation and leapt up in to the trees:

"My, how bold of you to challenge an Earth mage in the mountains...", Alisa snickered at the childish little challenge he just issued, yet that focused gaze in her eyes made it clear she'd take it just as seriously as he did, her white aura flaring out... It may seem a little bit live overkill to activate Ultra Instinct just for this, but well, he did start it himself by using his Dragon Force for the exact same reason. Alisa took a long, deep breath, relaxing her muscles... Disconnecting from conscious thought, letting go of everything but her instincts until with final burst of mana, her hair turned a silvery white as her eyes gleamed with radiance, "Your funeral~"

A smile drew on her face as she darted foward at full speed, growing short, sharp spikes underneath the base of her shoes to better cling to the ground, gaining all the traction she needed to rush forward at breakneck speed and steadily catch up to Manzo's headstart


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Paid Time Off, Day 1[Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Paid Time Off, Day 1[Alisa] Empty Fri May 31, 2024 2:07 am


"My funeral she says, so serious all the time." He said with a chuckle as he keeps hopping from tree to tree. He always felt more alive inside the tree canopies. Probably something to do with his magic. Or perhaps not having grown up with it in his homeland he just appreciated it more the older he got. Funnily enough while he was getting up there in age, he couldn't help but still feel young, he even still looked quite young. Probably something to do with dragon blood.

He dashed through the luscious greenery as he kept a close eye on the other contestant, seeing she was keeping pace with him even with his head start. While this wasn't everyone's idea of a good vacation, he was a bit of an odd duck, and he enjoyed a little one on one to get the blood pumping. He whistled an old song his mother used to sing to him as a child, swinging through the trees to the top of the mountain to see that waterfall.

Paid Time Off, Day 1[Alisa] LGnxHvk

Paid Time Off, Day 1[Alisa] Empty Mon Jun 03, 2024 4:30 pm


WORDS: 300 | TAG: @Manzo | OUTDOORS

"Says the man using Dragon Force right off the bat~", Alisa didn't even bother disputing that, after all, he knew her well enough at this point. Just like how he felt at home in the canopies, she felt the same with her feet firmly gripping the ground, "You should know better than expecting me to hold back."

Still, she appreciated the chance to work up a little sweat as the two of them ran across that makeshift little track. After she'd awakened her Divine power, Alisa theoretically had no need to think about her age anymore, but the weight of the years defenitely added on... At least it made her think whether a woman her age should still be indulging in her childish side like this, but hey... Manzo was the only one here to witness it anyway:

"Mmmm, now what are you doing back there~...?", she teased by the time she finally cut ahead of him, using the spikes under her feet to assist with sharp turns, zigzagging her way up the mountain until she finally overtook her opponent, taking a moment to enjoy the breathtaking view unfolding all around them.


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Paid Time Off, Day 1[Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Paid Time Off, Day 1[Alisa] Empty Thu Jun 06, 2024 7:28 am


Oh, she was a fast one, but that was nothing new for him. Time to make things a little interesting. He sent magic to his feet causing vines to spring forth and catapult him forward. Closing the gap as well as giving him the lead in this little race. After all he didn't say magic was off the table. Not to mention when the stakes are high it's always good to have an ace in your sleeve. Though truthfully, they had not made any kind of bet. But bragging rights between the two of them was wager enough to make him go all out.

He couldn't have her thinking that he was going to just give up and give her the win. That would be an insult to his lovely companion, and he'd never hear the end of it if he had done such a thing. So, it was only right that he uses a little bit of mother nature, against one of his favorite mothers. "Wow, you were just ahead of me a moment ago, has motherhood made you go soft?" He teased.

A little trash talk every now and again wasn't so bad. The Ace and the Master are supposed to be evenly matched in some regards. Though to be fair he had fallen down on the job on that one by quite a bit. Though it was hard to hold it against him, she had always been a natural, while he had to work three times as hard as everyone else. Perhaps that's what she admired about him, perhaps that's what everyone admired about him at one point.

Paid Time Off, Day 1[Alisa] LGnxHvk

Paid Time Off, Day 1[Alisa] Empty Mon Jun 10, 2024 8:31 am


WORDS: 300 | TAG: @Manzo | OUTDOORS

"Oh and who's the one getting a bit too serious now~?", Alisa narrowed her eyes, chiding him for it, as after all... She had also been using magic this whole time, just that he couldn't really see it when she'd been using it underneath her feet

But as he said... Nothing was really off the table here, and indeed though they hadn't made any bet here, Alisa wasn't about to take it easy on him out of the kindness of her heart. After all, she was quite bad at holding back:

"Do try not to crash into a tree, I'd sure hate to have to carry you back down.", Alisa needed do nothing more than pick up speed a bit higher.

Sure, hitting her full speed in such a jagged path would be risky, but she too had some tools up her sleeve, shifting the terrain beneath her feet to make her own path easier to traverse, redirecting her own momentum until she was breathing down his neck once again:

"So... Who was it that said items were off the table? Oh yes... Nobody~", and with these words Alisa pulled a flowing black cape from her pocket dimension, just as the top of the mountain came into view... Less than fifty meters away, her ideal distance. And with a loud, thundering boom, Alisa kicked off against the ground and in the blind of an eye, she'd crossed the finish line, her muscles clenching shut from the sheer force of the crackling electricity

A little known item in Alisa's posession considering how so very rarely she used it, after all the only use she had for it was to pretty much suicide bomb an enemy at close range and use the cape to escape the blast radius, something that so far she had never felt a need to do. And all the better considering what a desperate strategy it was... But for a race.



Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Paid Time Off, Day 1[Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Paid Time Off, Day 1[Alisa] Empty Wed Jun 12, 2024 11:03 am


"Well well, looks like we are truly making a game out of this now." Since it seemed that all bets were off at this point, he decided it was time to break out the big guns in this little affair of theirs. He let out a whistle loud enough to be heard across the whole of the island. Moments later, a full-grown dragon could be seen over the island. He smirked to himself a bit and launched himself up in the air.

He landed on top of the dragon and sped off toward the summit of the mountain, leaving Alisa squarely behind him at this point. He did wonder how she would react to seeing the baby dragon he had found all grown up now. Viserion, screeched out to the heavens as he dashed toward the summit and made his landing on the mountain, wriggling his head around, screeching in excitement.

"You smell her don't you?" He said as he patted the neck of the dragon he had come to trust for many years now as a noble steed, as well as long time companion. He was almost at his sexual maturing at this stage of his life, almost.

Paid Time Off, Day 1[Alisa] LGnxHvk

Paid Time Off, Day 1[Alisa] Empty Sat Jun 15, 2024 10:19 am


WORDS: 300 | TAG: @Manzo | OUTDOORS

"Ohooo~... So much for using your legs at this point hm?", Alisa heard that whistle and she didn't know exactly what he was planning... But she had an idea or two that soon came into full view as a majestic dragon swooped down from the skies and carried him off, "Now where in the devils did you find yourself a Dragon."

And speaking of Devils... Manzo wasn't the only one who had a way of taking to the skies, as Alisa reached for her mouth and cried out:


That large, bellowing cry shot through the air, and soon, a tall, curvaceous beauty swooped down from the skies next to her, long tresses of green hair fluttering in air beside her as she took her side at:

"You do realize I'm never too far right? Don't really need to scream like that~..."

"Well don't mind that... I'll need to borrow your wings for a minute~"

"Say no more~..."

With these words, Liv turned into an etheral form and flew right into Alisa, a burst of power blowing outwards as the two fused into one, a pair of leathery, demonic wings sprouting from Alisa's back as the Huntress turned Succubus kicked against the ground and flew into the air, flying at full speed until she caught up to him.


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Paid Time Off, Day 1[Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Paid Time Off, Day 1[Alisa] Empty Fri Jun 21, 2024 5:54 pm


"Come now Viserion, we can't let her beat us now can we." He said as he held tight on the saddle of his dragon. It was hard for him to make out at first, but it seemed a mixture of energies was speeding up behind them. It was Alisa's but also someone else's, or rather something else's. It was hard to tell at first, but with it coming closer and closer it was becoming all the clearer.

"Seems someone has made a deal." He said as he instructed Viserion to climb high into the sky and go into a dive bomb position in order to use physics to their advantage to win this little race.
Climbing higher and higher he was able to finally start the dive, building up ungodly amounts of speed with Viserion's wings tucked in acting like a speeding bullet.

He could see Alisa's form almost reaching the finish line, but he was so close, this was going to be a photo finish for sure now. Hopefully luck was on his side this time.

Paid Time Off, Day 1[Alisa] LGnxHvk

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