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Winter's wisdom as she welcomes the Spring

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Winter's wisdom as she welcomes the Spring Empty Mon Nov 06, 2023 11:28 pm


On the roof of a building not so far from an interesting scene to behold. A massive raven was soaring through the skies. An old woman sits along the edge partially obscured by the darkness of night. She watches over the creature flying through the sky with sharp and keen eyes, a smile planted on her face.

" Silly child...Me poor lil raven has so much yet to learn. Even reborn as a Demoness, she could hardly escape the fate that her youth granted her......Aurilandür, I know ye did not grant me this additional blessing but I revere it all the same if it means seeing me girl yet again....And this lad she fancies....it would be best to put the fool to the test no?" The old woman breaks into a cackle as she savors the joys of tasting life once more.

" Sadly me sweet Winter child, I do not have a lot of time to play with ye but a raven could always find a way." She clapped her hands over and over as a cloud slowly formed above her, leaning over and exhaling deeply. A soft flurry blew over until it became proper snow. She kept the magic churning and growing, hoping that her grandchild would be curious enough to seek her.

She shifted to a raven and headed further into her storm, hoping that her lil raven would soon fall her.


Winter's wisdom as she welcomes the Spring Img_0811

Pokedex Entry
#2Michael Winters 

Winter's wisdom as she welcomes the Spring Empty Tue Nov 07, 2023 7:42 am

Michael Winters
He was a bit still messed up from his encounter, but he is definitely better. He didnt know just how many issues he still had in regards to the loss of his parents, he thought he recovered from that and made his peace. But it turns out he didnt. The exceed asked him if he was doing well, but Michael replied he was holding on

"So, Lumikki is?"
he exceed asked, not really finishing the sentence because he didnt know what to think
"A long story. But I've told you we met after I finished a quest with her. We're in a relationship and she's the one I wrote those letters for" Michael spoke as he tried to explain
Samuel sighed "You're not explaining anything"
"So she's a daemon who just became a demon" Michael still tried to explain, but realized he was doing a poor job at it
"I think it is best I see for myself who she is. Clearly you need to write a book or get your facts straight" the exceed spoke



Winter's wisdom as she welcomes the Spring Empty Thu Nov 09, 2023 9:49 am


The two avians soared through the air, one trailing after the other. Lumikki, now in her complete Demoness form, was drunk from the darkness that encompassed all of Stella. The mysterious magic pouring from an origin still not known, bringing those long dead back to the land of the living once more. The Demoness has been soaking in this excess darkness since she’s enter it. She was but a recently turned Demon trying to hold back the stupor that such a magic could cause her. And so it was not the kindness of her heart that lead her to investigate, but the insatiable hunger to consume the dark of Stella all together.

She flew carelessly and aimlessly, as there was no place for her to go and no safe haven to retreat to. Tears would drip from her eyes and freeze like crystals falling to the ground. Tenevi too was silent, knowing that it was not the best time to speak nor reason with the Demon. She would only extend her company for now.

The two would fly out for only a short while before encountering a small flurry. A mild snow storm was brewing over Stella and it was unexpected. It crept along the skies just as sudden as the shadows had wrapped around Lumikki before she transformed. The Demoness was dumbfounded and decided on the source to be her new destination.

The deeper she got, the thicker the snow became and so too grew her eagerness to explore.


Winter's wisdom as she welcomes the Spring Img_0811

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#4Michael Winters 

Winter's wisdom as she welcomes the Spring Empty Thu Nov 09, 2023 5:09 pm

Michael Winters
Michael sighed "She's the girl I talked to you about, the one I kept sending letters. The bird lady"
Samuel facepalmed "You should've lead with that"
The werewolf shrugged and noticed the chill "Brrr"
"Hm, indeed. Seems extra cold here. Perhaps we should investigate there" he spoke and pointed towards what was like a snowstorm "Seems something is causing the unnatural weather. It could be your love bird. She did leave kind of upset.... what did you do?" the exceed asked him
"WHY DOES EVERYONE ALWAYS BLAME ME FOR THEIR SHIT!?!?" he merely snapped back at the exceed, because clearly that tone was setting off some other childhood ptsd. Which of course made the exceed jump and be silent. All he could do was sigh and shake his head, before changing the topic "You need to wash your face. You have some spots under your eyes. Might try to  be presentable if that is your birdie person"
Michael was merely silent as he proceeded onward. He had scars, but not the skin deep ones. But once that scarred his heart and soul. He was a mess of a man, and he knew he was not gonna be presentable to Blue Pegasus standards. Although he at least had an idea of remedying that. All it took was a change of wardrobe. Which he would do after Stella
"And it feels, and it feels like. Heaven's so far away. And it stings, yeah, it stings now the world is so cold now that you've gone away. Now that you've gone away" he quietly hums to himself



Winter's wisdom as she welcomes the Spring Empty Thu Nov 09, 2023 8:53 pm


The cold aura of Lumi mixed along with that of the snow around her. Both feeding the other. The magic felt familiar, almost comforting, and it made her anxious yet eager. And without knowing it, she would cast a shadow over a werewolf down below as she sought its source.

Lumikki’s breath was heavy, as all the churning emotions within her swelled. Almost like a sensation of them all clawing at her at the same time. All this time she was holding back her tears but they were pouring out now, she was only short of heaving from her sadness at this point.

” Hoooow could heeee? I don’t understand.” She finally uttered in a pathetic whimper. Tenevi finally took it as a sign to break her silence too, ” He isn’t worth your tears my Lumi. He’s hardly worth a thought. May this is a blessing. You have been wondering for a while what happened, and now you have a clear answer.”

It felt like something was caught in her throat, the Demoness could no longer speak once more. She chose to not think about the harpy’s words more than she had too but it would keep slipping into her mind.

But before her eyes would flood with tears once more, something small caught her sight. A lone raven flying high within the storm. It took all her focus and she would follow. Her misery was not pushed to the back of her mind.


Winter's wisdom as she welcomes the Spring Img_0811

Pokedex Entry
#6Michael Winters 

Winter's wisdom as she welcomes the Spring Empty Fri Nov 10, 2023 5:25 pm

Michael Winters
He noticed a looming shadow above him. Looking up he would spot Lumikki.
"Odd, did you say she has ice powers? I was certain she was causing this ice storm" Samuel commented, which gave Michael the idea "Do you reckon she too had someone rise from the dead. Maybe ice runs in the family?" he asked
"Valid theory, wolf" Samuel would reply
"Why dont you fly up and talk to her" Michael asked. The exceed looked at him in disbelief
"Are you mad? I am not going anywhere near an upset demon. I do not have a deathwish."
The werewolf saw that she followed a raven that was ahead. So he booked it to try and beat her to it. Granted it was easier to travel by air than on terrain. He hoped to sort this thing out. But honestly he was feeling so many emotions. He was livid, angry, but also depressed and sad. Angst. Yeah if he would combine it all in one word, angst seems appropriate



Winter's wisdom as she welcomes the Spring Empty Fri Nov 10, 2023 9:21 pm


The raven would weave in and out of the night much like Lumikki could. This was new and fascinating to her. The only other bird in her life to do this was Tenevi, which silently flew beside her as she too was also speechless. Neither avian could notice the werewolf bolting from below and narrowing maintaining the speed. They only looked at the raven dancing ahead.

” Silly girl!” The raven croaked out, and it was enough to enchant the Demoness. Even Tenevi almost halted.

The raven flew to Jungle outside, lowering herself among the trees. The snow fell the heaviest out here, and it gave Lumikki so much relief from all the heat. She tried to lower herself too, but the brush got in her way. Only tangling the Demon as she tried to enter. At first she didn’t mind as she senseless tried to enter, her magic freezing it to become more brittle while Tenevi worked to break it off.

” Lass, ye know darn well ye can’t stay like that forever. It is time to center yerself again. I know the magic here’s running a muck, but its time to snap out of it dear.” The voice was indeed who she thought it was and it almost brought her to tears again.

Lumikki tried to pull back the shadows of her form, it was always easier to turn bigger than smaller. She was trying to pull apart the shadows of her being. Letting them defuse so that she could form into something smaller. In her mania to encounter the voice, she ripped away at them, as oppose to her usual ability to relax and ease them away. ” Stop Revna!” Tenevi pleaded, trying to calm her down. Her talons would struggle to hold Lumi back.

The harpy would happen to see something in the corner of her eye, the man from before approaching. ” Do something! Calm her down!” She growled at the wolf. Lumi was breathing heavily as she kept tearing away. But when her eyes me with Michaels, she let out a blood curdling screech. Her wings were thrown up as she was on the defensive, but she was still in a mania to enter the Jungle properly.

All her words would get caught in her throat, she wanted to say so much at once. Part of her wanted to avoid talking, as she felt it would make things worse, but the other bit wanted to lose control. The Demoness collapsed from her stress, defeated on the ground. Crying out hysterically. “Naaaaan, Naaaaaaaan!” She wallowed.


Winter's wisdom as she welcomes the Spring Img_0811

Pokedex Entry
#8Michael Winters 

Winter's wisdom as she welcomes the Spring Empty Sat Nov 11, 2023 3:58 pm

Michael Winters
As he chased Lumikki toward the cold. It started to be too much to handle. So he transformed into his werewolf form, hoping the fur would help with warmth. It did not by much. He noticed the sassy thing from before talk to him. He glared at it but mostly focused on Lumikki. When Lumi noticed him though, she let out a blood curdling scream that caused him pain and swears she made him bleed from an ear. Maybe transforming wasnt a smart idea.

He kept his pace with her, trying to keep up so he can get close to her. But noticing she collapsed, he quickly lunged it to catch her and break her fall, thats when she started to cry much like him, as she called out her nan. Looks like he wasnt the only one with open wounds.
"Shhhh" was all he could say as he held her in his arms and tried to rock her back and forth "You'll see her soon." was another thing he managed to add. He was still transformed because she didnt need to see him be a mental mess of his own. Now it was his turn to step up and be strong for her as now she needed support. Even though he himself also felt very weak mentally



Winter's wisdom as she welcomes the Spring Empty Sat Nov 11, 2023 4:59 pm


The shadows fizzled and pulled away like soft black snow drifting in the air. The tired out and crying Lumikki was now in her between for of beast and human, her wings and feathers poking out of the werewolf's grasp. The harpy, also emotional from what just happened, stayed silent. A grimace showed on her face as she was quite displeased but she was happy that her master was being tended to. So she went off ahead, alone to seek the owner of the voice that baited her Revna so. To find Nan so that Lumikki would not have to...

Lumikki's talons curved around Michael's arms, tight at first until she regained enough sense to ease her grasp. She continued to cry hysterically in his arms, not easily soothed. The cold was only more intense with her outburst.

" Waaaaaaaah, ye aren't suppose ta-ta- ta see me like this Uuuuuuulfrrrr." She wailed. Messy as ever, she tried to worm her way out of his grasp but he was strong. She fought with all her strength before tiring out from her efforts and laying limp in his arms. Defeated and humiliated she continued to cry silently. Poking a talon to his fur she willed her magic to creep along him, healing whatever wounds he had acquired. She was distraught, but she still loved him deeply. So she wanted to make sure that in her fit, he didn't come to any lingering harm. " I don't know why ye came to find me Ulfr. Ye shouldn't chase the dead...." She whimpers as her head rests on his shoulder. The blizzard within her fades away much like the storm from above was. The cold and frost were fading in the area and much of the common heat was rushing back in.

" I should of left ye alone. Ya lost the moment to talk with yer folks 'cause I flew ya away. But I just could not bear hearing ye say those words....I just love ya too much to see ye like that...." A second wind surged within her as she was fighting his grasp. Anger was flooding her as the memory that he would choose to leave her flashed through her mind, or maybe he never cared for her at all....she was not sure. " Let go of me! I was-" The words began, but she could not truly choose to believe them, and so they would bunch in her throat and never escape. This is not who she wanted to be, that was not what she wanted to say. Her fight died down once more as she was utterly defeated now.

" Don't mind this fool.....this was never what I wanted for ye. I promised ya, ye'd be free and ye are. I just-I just....didn't think ye'd forget about me as soon as ye left. But I should make me peace aye, if I never hear from ye yea? I'm not as warm as those other lasses out there...." She bit her lips hard from the frustrations of her words, dark blue blood was leaking out from her wound. " I still love ye so much...like I promised I would." She whimpered, as her lip quivered from the sadness building from within her. " I feel like. I feel like I want to return to the nothingness of being ice and cold like I was when I was reborn....." She buried her head in his chest, nuzzling into his fur. Though it has felt like ages, his embrace, his fur...they both felt so much like home. Could she let all of this go? " Where were ye.....?" She asked out loud, she said it more to herself but she was unaware that she spoke at all." I missed ye so much...."


Winter's wisdom as she welcomes the Spring Img_0811

Pokedex Entry
#10Michael Winters 

Winter's wisdom as she welcomes the Spring Empty Sat Nov 11, 2023 5:24 pm

Michael Winters
"And you werent supposed to see a tough guy like me cry like a bitch. And yet you did. So I guess we're even. We're both broken" he said it softly as he tried to comfort her in a weird way.
The ice storm would fade and the warmth of Stella would return. Yet he didnt transform back, not yet.

She spoke how she felt bad for distracting him from his folks and then suddenly wanted to be free of him. But he only held her firmer with his claws, not wanting to let her go and let that embrace sink in. The next bit confused him, but aggrivated him as well. He gave her a karate chop to the top of her head
"The fuck are you talking about? Did this demon form give you a bird brain? Forget about you?! I've been writting you letters this entire time, like me finding Samuel, telling you of my where abouts, and I told you how I havent got your replies. I just assumed you were pissed or too busy or literally dead. I figured an honour demon would send replies to my letters and I figured yknow, til DEATH do us apart" which he spoke and ended with a marriage vow reference, considering their last meeting at Luluhawa.

Michael finally transformed back to his human form. And his expression was much more... exhausted. Like drained of energy and life. His expressions were easier to hide in his werewolf form. But he was just so tired. He wanted to be there for her. So he hugged her as a human, he didnt know whatto say at this point. He sent her letters, theres no denying. He has no idea why she thinks he abandoned her. He didnt. And if he did then he might as well join the afterlife..
"Im sorry if I am not good at support. Im not really... mentally well myself, but forget me. I need to focus on you. I cant be selfish" and he really cant. Yeah he has his own issues, but they were not the forefront now. She had her sadness and woes too and he needed to tend to her, much like how she helped him
"Tell me... That crow that you followed. Is that your family member?"



Winter's wisdom as she welcomes the Spring Empty Sat Nov 11, 2023 6:59 pm


Lumikki fell into a shocked stupor from the chop on her head, and more so after hearing his words. " letters???" She said now completely out of her own feelings. She was only confused now, confused and worried from seeing how tired he was. She freed one of her arms and caressed his face lovingly. She gave him a deep and loving kiss before she continued. " Till death do us part I agree Ulfr, so ye can't be slipping away from me soon. As for these letters, I've never gotten a lick of one. Didn't know where ye went when ye left, or that ya got yerself Samuel as company. I figured just that, that ye were busy. I figured I could make peace with it but....all this. All this was too much. The darkness of Stella, being a Demon in it, seeing ye like that....I just want ye to know I'll never normally run from ye like that...it was just all too much."

She wormed out a little bit more from his grasp and took his head with two hands. She peppered his face with kisses as she energetically showed him her affection. Leaving off at his nose where she would annoyingly lick him over and over. Part to push the tension away and part because he foolishly called her Nan a crow.

" Crows don't run in me family love, but ravens do. And if I'm right, that would be me Nan calling me. Nerice Omena walking on the land of the living once more...." She, unlike Michael, would not be so far removed from her grandmother as he was with his parents. In her rebirth, it was her Nan that came to help her. She represented the aspect of primordial frost, Aurilandür, that would come to make up her new form and body. It was just in the wake of all her emotions, she wanted her Nan's comfort. But she could not leave Michael like this, all frizzed from all he just witnessed within the hour.

" For always..till death do us part Ulfr..." She whispered lovingly in his ear. Pressing all of herself onto him. " Ye'll have me forever, promise." She lightly bit his ear. She pulled him into her tightly. " And ye deserve your rest too, me Ulfr. She nuzzled into his neck.

Winter's wisdom as she welcomes the Spring Img_0811

Pokedex Entry
#12Michael Winters 

Winter's wisdom as she welcomes the Spring Empty Sun Nov 12, 2023 5:16 am

Michael Winters
She gave him a deep and loving kiss which he replied to as well in equal passion. She spoke to him and he smiled a bit when she caressed his face lovingly. Though he focused on her words and he tilted his head to the side when he realized she got none of that. "Well, that explains the lack of replies" but as she spoke more about the darkness, he merely hugged her more and spoke "Shh shh... Its okay babe. Im here. Im here for you sweetheart"

She wormed out a bit from his tight grasp and took his head with both of her hands, peppering him with kisses which made him blush a lot "B- Babe" he tried to form a sentence to speak to her, but he got too much kisses to form a sentence beyond a word. Even the nose bit made him speechless and red. Once she spoked, he'd pinch her cheeks back a bit "STOooOoop. Im supposed to be the one cheering YOU up" he spoke in a whiny voice and poked her nose when he said 'you' and then replied by tickling her.

After that Lumi said that crows run in her family. But ravens do. Thats when Michael grinned mischeviously and said "I know~" he merely said it wrong on purpose to distract her from sad thoughts. He also did a pun. Because old crow was a slang. But jokes and pokes aside, Lumi spoke that the bird was her Nan, Nerice Omena.

Her whisper at the end sent a shiver down his spine. He merely hugged her back because he was beyond words at this point
"How about we find your nan." he lets her go and gets up. "I need to be presentable, gotta make some impression. I think at this point my werewolf form looks more presentable. My clothes arent fully dried out I think" from that cloud water flight from before. Things happened so fast he still wasnt as dry.



Winter's wisdom as she welcomes the Spring Empty Sun Nov 12, 2023 1:31 pm


Lumikki let him get up as she stayed on the ground and got to work, pulling shadows from the night and fashioning him a new suit with her magic. When she got up, she would finally rise and pass him the clothes. ” Admittedly, I’ve gotten used to wearing shadows meself.” Andd as if to emphasize her point, as she peeled away the feathers and shadows of her third form, darkness would wrap around her and fashion a nice long black dress with two slits and sheer lace above her chest. Her skin was the color of the night and her hair that of falling show. Her eyes were shining purple and pink and glowing tattoos would adorn her skin. Lumikki’s hands looked as though they were cut from ice themselves and dancing darkness would coil her legs creating moving and forming shadows. Her feet stayed bare as that was her preference now, shoes felt uncomfortable on feet more akin to talons now.

” Ye look lovely-“ She began but a voice would interject now. ” I’ve seen enough seen enough ta know ye really favor me girl, wolf. And enough to know ye would comfort her in rough times. That’s all the proper presentable I need, and I thank ye!” Lumikki quickly turned around to see an old woman approaching with her harpy, though the appearance would change the closer she got until she looked much younger than Lumi had ever seen her. Nerice placed a hand on her granddaughters face and pulled her in to kiss her forehead. Resting her own forehead to Lumi’s just after. ” I love ye so much me lil raven. Just know I am with ye always. The frost in yer veins are the same as mine.” Lumikki pulled her in an embrace and the two would linger for a moment.

After Nerice pulled away, she went to Michael to look him over closely. Grabbing his face to pull him in and look him in the eye. She would mumble in full Iceberg for a bit as she divined him over, finally shifting her tongue back to one he could better understand.” Life’s been cruel to ya, yeeeeesssss. But yer not lost.” She let him go and gave him a smile as mischievous as one of Lumikki’s, making it clear to see where the Demoness got it from. ” I like ‘em lass, ye got me blessing. But maybe I be bias, I admit I favor ya having a wolf in yer corner.” She walked back over to Lumi, reaching her hand to the Demoness’ arm. ” It always feels like we never have any time to speak, so I won’t waste the moment we have now. When ye run into that ol’ god Tezcatlipoca, ye could pass one me thanks. His mischief is what brought me here.” Nerice started walking toward the Jungle again, swaying her arm in a gesture telling them to follow. ” As ye know lil raven, I’m an aspect of Aurilandür, and through her, I’ve woven the primordial frost into ya. Tenevi represented Nótt and did the same for ye as I. Yer deeply linked to the primordials now, what that means well….We’ll see in time. But the reason this ol’ woman’s rambling in the first place is just to say that I stand beside ya. And now ye as well lad. I never saw this in yer future lil raven, I only seen the Demon and feared he’d one day claim ya. I did not figured ye’d be the one to claim him and grow into yer own with magic that puts even me own to shame. I’m so proud of ye raven…I hope ya carry the traditions on for a long, long time as they’ll leave with ya around.”


Winter's wisdom as she welcomes the Spring Img_0811

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#14Michael Winters 

Winter's wisdom as she welcomes the Spring Empty Sun Nov 12, 2023 4:34 pm

Michael Winters
As she saw his plight that his wardrobe was still soaked by the earlier clouds, she decided to use her shadow magic to make him presentable. Michael wasnt sure if he can wear shadows like she can. But he just wanted to be a lesser mess. His hair was messy, his eyes had dark spots from all his own crying he did, his face looked tired and his clothes were wet. He was like a wet and sad dog and he wanted to look better for her Nan. As Lumikki was helping him with the magical outfit of shadows, a voice would interrupt them

The two looked at the source of the voice and Michael froze, metaphorically speaking, when he realized the woman addressed him. He felt a bit embarassed to know that they were watched when he was trying to comfort her and have a moment with her. He was feeling rather bashful and small. Even though the woman thanked him. Michael wasnt used to elderly figures, to authority or guardian figures, he didnt know how to behave.

He was quiet as the woman placed a hand on her granddaughters face and pulled her in to kiss her forehead. Resting her own forehead to Lumi’s just after. He gave the ladies a moment and just stayed quiet and unnoticable as he didnt want to gain any attention really.

After the woman pulled away, she went to Michael to look him over closely. Grabbing his face to pull him in and look him in the eye. He was more shocked and speechless she did that. As she spoke Icebergian, Michael tried to whisper to Lumikki "Is your grandmother cursing me?" Thats when the woman spoke, apparently she looked into his past. She let go of him and gave him a mischevious smile. Michael felt a shiver down his spine as that whole experience was something else. As she walked back to Lumikki, he transformed to his werewolf form to try and feel more comfortable. As the woman went to the jungle, she motioned them to follow her.

Michael walked over to Lumikki and placed her on his back, so he can act like a mount as he just walked on all fours following the woman.


Last edited by Michael Winters on Mon Nov 13, 2023 12:25 pm; edited 1 time in total


Winter's wisdom as she welcomes the Spring Empty Sun Nov 12, 2023 10:42 pm


” It’s an old Icebergish prayer me love, meant to ward of the inner conflict that may overtake us. She’s puttin ye under her magic’s protection….man did I forgot something so simple like this.” Lumikki would whisper when her Nan was done and walked away. She followed the beckoning of Nerice without notice of Michael shifting form. Her grabbed her mid-step and lifted her to his shoulders, before moving to all fours and letting her fix her position on his back. She giggled liked she was a wee lass once more as she felt the shifting of his weight beneath her. The soft swaying of side to side.

Nerice gave them a glance but let them be. She knew how tired the man was, and she meant to give him time to breathe. She mostly focused on leading for the moment, though as she walked, she sang some of her old worn songs. Lumikki was lost in the sensations, the nostalgia and resting on top of her lover. She was in paradise for the moment.

” Never in the time of yer passing, did I think I could show ya me love Nan. Ye have no idea how me heart hums!” She bent forward and playfully tugged at the fur of his snout. Kissing the top of his nose before pulling herself back up. ” And Ùlfr’s just so precious ta me.”

” Ùlfr ye say? Hardly creative a name dear, but I suppose the like would seem so to those who don’t know our tongue. What is his name proper? I ye don’t mind me asking lad.” Nerice adjusted her pace to better handle the conversation. She was charmed that the girl was energetic.

” Michael Winters.” She said in a cute whimper. It was like she was a little girl again in the presence of her Nan. You could hear the giddiness of her voice.” Winters ye say, isn’t that cute. No better name for a wolf or frost mage, I’d say.” She giggled along with her precious grandmother.” Figures me girl would find her a sweet wolf to nuzzle with and ye know lass, I never did think I would be able to enjoy this with ye too. The last I could remember in me time of living was trying to throw together that last ward to protect ye when I was gone. Then, I did not yet know it was a Demon that plagued ye, not clearly at least. It filled me with guilt not to do more for ye. But yer mother did well to help ya move on and yer Uncle did even better to watch over ya and see it to the end. Michael dear, I’d hate to leave ye out of this conversation all together, seeing as yer apart of me fam now. The Omena would watch over ye as we do her. And the Hrùtr clans would do the same, I’m sure. What ever road ye came from, ya walk alongside us now.” His silence had worried her and she did not want impose more than need be. She would not be so cautious if it was not for the matter that happened prior. Still the tenderness he showed Lumikki was all she needed to know of him truly. He was a man of his own ambitious and struggles, but he needn’t do them alone any longer.

Finally they walk to an area that was not like the rest of the jungle in their passing. A small stone temple rested ahead, covered in vines and wild flowers. Soft dancing lights glowed and hovered just around it. And as they entered this space, everything seemed hushed. When one takes notice of the shrine, there was moving water pouring from atop of it, leading down to the lush greenery encroaching. Nerice stepped forward first, paying her respects and dipping her hand in the waters. She doubled back and dapped the excess water on Lumi’s and Michael’s forehead. The darkness that Lumi found almost overwhelming, waned in its affects over her. Being nothing but a presence rather than a toll. It was like she could breathe the fresh air again.


Winter's wisdom as she welcomes the Spring Img_0811

Pokedex Entry
#16Michael Winters 

Winter's wisdom as she welcomes the Spring Empty Mon Nov 13, 2023 12:26 pm

Michael Winters
Michael simply made an 'oh' face. And mostly kept quiet. So soon when they needed to follow the nan, he changed his form and placed Lumikki on his back and followed the woman. He smiled a bit hearing Lumikki giggle like an innocent child. He was happy she was happy. He noticed that Nerice glanced over to them. But again, he mostly said nothing because he didnt know what to say. He merely followed the lady to their location. She sang some songs and he quietly hummed his own song that was for his... cheering up.

Michael quietly listened to the two girls interact as Lumikki spoke up. Though to his surprise, Lumikki bent forward and playfully tugged at the fur of his snout. Kissing the top of his nose before pulling herself back up and before he could lick her back. His gaze though returned to the nan who commented on the nickname. He tilted his head to the side. He imagined that just meant wolf in their language. Kinda like how he called her birdie. When the nan asked for his name, he opened his mouth to answer, but the happy Lumikki was quicker on the draw there. She did at least say it in a cute whimper, so he forgives the mad dash to answer his question. So he just let the two gals chat as he hummed to himself.

Though he focused on the conversation as his ear twitched when he heard his name. So he focused on the nan who accepted him as family.
"Um thanks... Yeah, I havent really had much of a decent interaction with parents and guardians... And I didnt really wanna intrude on your whole get together. I dont really have much to say of substance. But since we're talking, where exactly are we going and what are we supposed to see"

He really didnt wanna interrupt the two. Lumikki was happy and giddy and he didnt wanna interrupt that. He was a mess of a man and he didnt think he deserves Lumikki or this family. He felt it was best if he kept quiet. His only question or thing he can ask the woman was where was she leading them. Other than that he didnt really know how to make a conversation with the two.

Although soon enough they would arrive where she was leading them, so he added "Well nevermind that question I guess" there was an area that was not like the rest of the jungle in their passing. A small stone temple rested ahead, covered in vines and wild flowers. Soft lights glowed and hovered just around it. And as they entered this space, everything seemed hushed. There was moving water pouring from a shrine, which made him shiver, considering his latest bout with water and drenching.

Nerice stepped forward first, paying her respects and dipping her hand in the waters. She doubled back and dapped the excess water on Lumi’s and Michael’s forehead. He blinked after she did that and wondered what just happened. He looked up, trying to see Lumikki, and then looking back at the nan
"So what is this place?" he asked



Winter's wisdom as she welcomes the Spring Empty Mon Nov 13, 2023 2:59 pm


” Me dear lad, ye aren’t intruding as we’ve both extended our hands. Granted I could agree it all out of the blue and quicker than a arrow falling from the sky, there will be some tension still, aye. But the world is big, is it not? Better ta have a clan to cover ye. What nonsense would we amount to if we can’t welcome the love to me dear girl and an allied wolf no less.” She winked at the wolf but kept pressing forward, seeing no reason to answer his inquiry when she could show him.

After placing the ward on the two, the woman would finally explain further.”. As I mentioned before, it was through Tezcatlipoc that I owe this honor of returning. Yet that should never be the case. He stole something precious to grant this power and now he resides deep within the jungles, enjoying his fun and mischief. It will only be a matter of time before his behavior is corrected, aye. But till then, the darkness of his magic creeps these lands. It’s because of this that I wanted to being Lumi dear here. To help ward the affects of his magic with the blessing of another god of these lands. Tell me lass, how ye feel?” As she spoke her point, Nerice was waving her hands and casting her magic. Old habits seemed to die harder than the dead themselves, as she wove a picturesque story with her frost to show the tale in which she spoke. She hardly noticed she was doing it though, as it was usually the case when she spoke of any tale. Especially so when her granddaughter was around, as no one would drink up the wonder like she had growing up. Lumi’s mother was far disenchanted to traditions and stories of old to ever pay much mind or care, and so Lumi was the only means left to pour said wonder.

” It’s like finally breathing again Nan! The dark, though tasty, it’s been choking me up a tad after a while of it. I don’t feel on the brink of turning anymore.” She leaned forward to show her relief to Michael, who she assumed was still overwhelmed. ” I know this is all a lot. And if ye want to hide alone in a cave till ye nap this all off, I understand. But I meant it when I said yer in me flock. Like I meant it when I said that as a Demon, I’d always protect ya.” She nuzzled the top of his snout.” Ye are safe among me kin Ùlfr, and me wings will always be open to ye.”


Winter's wisdom as she welcomes the Spring Img_0811

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#18Michael Winters 

Winter's wisdom as she welcomes the Spring Empty Mon Nov 13, 2023 4:09 pm

Michael Winters
He nodded as he listened to the nan and let her do her magic. After which she explained the magic and the blessing and asked how Lumikki felt. Michael laid down on the ground, to allow Lumikki to hop off him if she wishes. He listened how she felt so much better, like breathing air as the darkness was choking her. He looked at Lumikki and said "Sorry if I added to your stress before" Lumikki spoke to him and understanding this is a lot for him to take in. Like meeting his future grandma in law. It was a weird and trippy feeling

Michael shook his head when she spoke about hiding in a cave. "A nap wont help me. Being alone wont help me. Trust me, I need this company" because who knows what he will do if he is left alone with darkness around him, figurative and literal.
When she said that she meant about him being in a flock and such. He gave her a hug with a lil tail wag, but he soon let go of the short hug and he looked at the nan
"So like whats our next course of action? We face a God?"


Winter's wisdom as she welcomes the Spring Empty Mon Nov 13, 2023 11:02 pm


Lumikki scratched both sides of his face gently after his apology, leaning forward to kiss his head. When he went to a laying position, she stayed atop. She just could not bear to pull away, rather she wanted him constantly in her touch. In her reach, in her embrace.

” Then I’ll never leave ye, if ya would let me. I’ll be here….always.” She plopped on top of him now. Resting her whole weight on him. Wouldn’t last for long thought, he’d roll over and snatch her in his grasp. She giggled so giddily as he did, enjoying his embrace. Though sadly it was shorter than she’d like and she pout and shove her face into his.

Nerice would laugh as his inquiry too. ” Ye are indeed a cute one lad. He is a available to face, yea. Yer free to if ya choose, but I am quit sure it would settle itself over time. No way even he could tamper with the order for long. What ever it was he took would have to be returned. I am just here to watch over her, and it seems, meet ye. I wanted to enjoy this moment as it lasted.”


Winter's wisdom as she welcomes the Spring Img_0811

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#20Michael Winters 

Winter's wisdom as she welcomes the Spring Empty Tue Nov 14, 2023 2:31 pm

Michael Winters
He blushed and as they hugged, she would feel his heart pounding. The hug ended up to be briefer than their usual ones, because of Nan's presence. And he felt weird about showing affection while being watched. Speaking of, he'd ask the lady what do they do? They face a god?

Though as now even the older woman would call him cute, he'd cover his 'face', ie put his paws over his wolfish snout because he was embarassed. "Im not cute" he'd say. But eventually he'd turn to Lumikki once he heard out Nerice "I mean, if we dont need to do anything. Is there anything you wanna do?" he'd ask Lumikki, because he understood if the two wanted to use all this time to bond and catch up. He'd back away a bit and go to sit down, like a canine. As he'd see what do the gals wanna do


Winter's wisdom as she welcomes the Spring Empty Sun Nov 19, 2023 2:46 am


She approached the sitting wolf and kissed his nose. " But yer the cutest~" She took a moment to pause and think things over. Neither opportunity was common enough to occur often. Yet she wanted to savor both." I want to spend a bit more of the time I have with Nan to enjoy her company. Then I'd like to try me hand at facing the God who resides in the Jungle. A God Slayer can't ignore such an opportunity after all. The Gods rarely walk around the realm of Earthland anymore and it would be a waste of me magic not to see how I'd fair with a God of death."

Nerice would make her way back to the shine chuckling herself. " I hardly remember leaving ye this cheeky, but I do remember ya always being the rambunctious sort. If you want to test yer magic, I can't say I blame ya. But I would advise on ya being wreckless. Magic doesn't simply overcome a being that's lived lifetimes over ya. And ye have a ways to go before ye've completed a single one." She cupped the water into her hands and held it for a moment. Whispering a prayer neither of the two could hear. When it seemed she was finished with her words, she would toss the water back. Freezing it so that as it fell, it solidified and maintained a form. The pieces would bob on the water's surface, floating as it was now ice and the woman would read them as if it was a matter-of-fact thing to do. She clutched her chin as she did, bending over just a bit to make sure no detail was neglected. " It looks like....things will be in yer favor. Just tell him yer intentions of a challenge, as if some sort of game. And the God will gladly play along. If ye impress him, ye could even possibly get a reward. What to say, well even I can't discern so just yet." She rose up from her reading to look back at the two smiling, the woman glad to show off some of her old masteries yet again. A smile showed on her face as she saw the awe on her granddaughter's face. " I see I neglected to show ye this sort of practice. To bothered with teaching ya more practical things in self-defense and maintaining yer wards that I would read the ice but never quite remember to explain how. Come dear, let me show ya this old trick of our people while we have the moment. But don't fret if there's still more to be learned, after today, I don't think I'd ever be all that far. " She plucked a few strands of Lumikki's hair as she got close, the Demoness hardly flinching although she was somewhat surprised. Nerice did not yet explain as she plucked a few strands of her own. Instead, she would braid the strands together, the white of Lumi's and the black of Nerice in her more youthful state. She did so in a near-meditative state, casting another spell similar to how she cast the water. When the woman was done, she formed a shard of ice in hand to cut swiftly into her flesh. At first, she would let it drip in the water, for what Lumi would guess was an offering. After her prayer was done, she'd freeze a few into beads that she would drip along the hair. " Lend me some of yer own." Nerice hardly had to explain, the Demoness immediately bit into her hand with her fangs and let the blood drip from her wounds. Nerice grabbed the palm and let it drip into the water much like she did her own, swiftly forming beads from the azure blood of Lumi's to sting along with hers. She arranged them in a way that was fitting, taking a bit to get the task down. When the project was over, she tied it around Lumi's neck, satisfied with her own work.

" I may have failed to finish the ward before me passing, but this would do ye even better. With this, we should be linked enough that if ye were ever to need me. I would be there. Me knowledge is yers, and me presence would always walk alongside yer own. This was an old magic, older than most of our tribes. But it is potent all the same. Now...for the Divinations. Where to start..." She walked Lumi with her to look at the surface of the water and began to explain the things she knew. There were a lot of things Nerice had taught Lumi before her passing. She was Lumi's teacher in frost after all. But sadly, there was not enough time to pass on a lifetime's worth of work and knowledge and Lumi's mother never bothered to take on the practice. At least now, as things were. There was a way for the old crone to still walk along her child and guide her forward as she always had wanted to.


Winter's wisdom as she welcomes the Spring Img_0811

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#22Michael Winters 

Winter's wisdom as she welcomes the Spring Empty Sun Nov 19, 2023 5:03 pm

Michael Winters
He'd lick her in return to her cute nose kiss, but under his fur he'd be a blushing mess because he couldnt handle the compliments. Though as Lumi would speak, he'd nod and lie down like a dog would as he'd look at Lumikki and her nan.

Nerice would begin to speak, reminiscing how she doesnt remember Lumikki being this cheeky, but always being rambunctious. He watched as the woman cupped some water in her hands and held it for a moment before tossing it back, he tilted his head to the side curiously. He'd watch the frozen water and try to make stuff of it. It reminded him of those seers that read the future. Only as far as he remembered they did it with small bones they'd toss on a table. The water trick reminded him of that. But he didnt really intervene or ask anything, instead he observed.

The conversation went somewhere he couldnt really understand. Magic and wards and old traditions and handling down the torch. It was stuff he couldnt really intervene in and add to a conversation. Instead he merely lied down and watch the two like a guard dog and let the two have their moment to finish the unfinished business.

So he had nothing really to do but observe and wait. So what to do? Michael didnt know. He thought about looking back in his past, he remembered he too was rambunctious in his youth after his parents... But he was surely not like Lumikki, he was much more unruly. He was not happy with a substitute family. He caused too much trouble to get disowned or even run away to get back at the orphanage, where he latched onto the guardian there who felt nice and safe. But he wouldnt be a kid forever, he'd grow up. And when you're a teenager, you're much more brooding, edgier, depressed, moody, agressive, rebelious and emotionally unstable. He remembered, his final guardian, the final guy who took him in.

He remembered being at the Magnolia station, he dozed off from his trip back to Magnolia, so while he waited for his new guardian to pick him up, he was napping outside on the terminal of the station. He had an odd dream, it was almost premonition like in nature. But before he got to look deeper in it. He felt a kick to the head "Get up"
"The fuck?" Michael said as he looked up and saw the figure
"You Michael Winters presuming? Im yer new guardian, come on I aint got all day" the man spoke, the werewolf teen blinked as he looked at him and took it as the cue to follow him. This was his new guardian. '''How nice'''

He would follow the guy, where they would arrive to their eventual home
"It aint a mansion, so you should find your way around well enough yourself. The spare rooms yours, mine's on the right"
Michael nodded and wanted to go to his new room, but stopped when he heard the guy speak and approach him, looking down to him. The two were glaring at eachother
"I got some rules boy. I aint your pop and I aint trying to be. Im giving you out of generosity of my spirit a roof over your head. But this is MY home. And I dont sanction trouble in my home, understand? Dont enter my room. Dont even let me notice you 'round. Do that and we'll get along fine. And if not I'll make your life hell. You hear?"
"I get it"

Michael shook his head and focused on the present. It was no use dwelling on the past. Its his fault things were that way. He did a lot of messed up shit and he could've had it better, if he just knew how to behave and if he wasnt a lil shit. He did a lot of harm and he does regret it. But, he couldnt think of that now. He wouldnt want to upset Nerice and Lumikki


Winter's wisdom as she welcomes the Spring Empty Sun Nov 26, 2023 12:39 am


Time had passed as Lumikki learned a bit of the old ways from her Nan. Every time she glanced over it would seem like Michael was lost in his thoughts. Where ever they took him, she could only wonder. But she would be lying if she said she wasn’t curious.

When she got the gist of the teaching, she would rise up to kiss her Nan’s cheek. ” Thanks Nan, for everything. I really mean it….” It was hard for her to steady herself at first. Legs shaking from staying still in that position for so long. She was like a deer walking for the first time, stumbling for her wolf who seemed miles away.

” I’m sorry love, must be boring waiting around in the side doing nothing.” She managed to lower herself enough to cling onto him.

” We did have a nice moment didn’t we. And I cherish it dearly child. Perhaps it is time for ye and the lad to make of. I’d hate ya keep ya.”

Winter's wisdom as she welcomes the Spring Img_0811

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#24Michael Winters 

Winter's wisdom as she welcomes the Spring Empty Thu Nov 30, 2023 6:12 am

Michael Winters
While he was going down memory lane and flashbacking, he didnt notice Lumikki glancing at him every once in a while. Granted, if she did ask whatw as up, he would just breeze by the answer. Though when he noticed she was walking like a baby deer, he approached her so she can hold onto him
"There you go. I gotcha" when he heard Lumikki apologize, he shook his had "No no. You deserve all the time with your nan. I had my moment, you should have yours" he did nuzzle her a bit, though stopped when he heard Nerice speak. Though he looked at her and asked her "Are you sure? I dont wanna interrupt you two just cuz Im here. Like if theres anything you wanna do, yknow do it" and stuff like that. But it was true. He wanted Lumikki to cherish every second she had. She was happy and got the closure she needed. He didnt want her to cut their time short because of him. If need be, he would remove his presence so the two can focus on eachother and spend time together

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