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Trouble [TLB- Counterattack]

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#1Tamás Horvath 

Trouble [TLB- Counterattack] Empty Thu Oct 26, 2023 7:27 am

Tamás Horvath
They were now returning home to their guild hall. So they were leaving the cave. They slayed some vampires and returning with a boon of rewards they found there. Namely Tamas let Scarlett take moreso of anything that caught her fancy, rather than himself. He merely took out the mysterious scroll that was found there. It looked fairly important. But he didnt look at what it had just yet because, well it seemed important and it was best examined back at safety and away from the prying eyes.

Now as they were walking back in a more relaxing pace, Tamas would look at Scarlett and ask her "Did you find anything you like there?" sure she got stuff, but he wasnt sure if it was anything that was particularly satisfying to her. If he was not mistaken, she had books. It was interesting. Granted there werent really that many jewels or valuables if he recalled correctly. The books might've been the most interesting things laying about. Who knows maybe they too had some hidden knowledge or history or insight on magic and dragon slaying or vampirism. He certainly hoped this was a decent reward for her. Its not like they were really paid to take this quest so there wasnt that much to look forward to. But the safety of the town was at stake if it was vampires, so it was something they had to do.

But little did Tamas know what sight they would find as they would reach Baska itself. Little did he know, they just got involved in something much bigger then they anticipated. All he thought of now to make sure his guild mates were safe and satisfied with any found treasure or boons they got. He didnt mind even paying out of his pocket to reward his guild mates. Its just he didnt know how to really express such gratitude. He wondered what would Scarlett like. Or would that be unprofessional? Again, how he wished he found a guild master to spoke to about these things. Judith or the Blue Pegasus one. He wanted their own insight and principles. Get their thoughts and form his own, so he would avoid just being a Yuurei 2.0. or a Diet Yuurei. Be his own man. But again, those were perhaps thoughts for another time



Trouble [TLB- Counterattack] Empty Tue Nov 07, 2023 8:05 am

Scarlett was fumbling her treasure trove in her arms as she was trying to hold her stack of books carefully. When she was looking through all the old and aged tomes and journals scattered about, she was doing it as fast as she could as to not hold up her Guild Master long than needed. So anything that presented legible enough to warrant taking, she snatched and put them in her pile. Now she was just trying to do her best to hold her reward as she stumbled a bit in returned to Tamas’ side.

She glanced at him and tried to observe his features, but there was nothing to observe when one’s face is hidden away. She could only go off gesture and tone, maybe the sound of his breathing and heart if need be.

All she could gather was that he was highly focused at the moment at hand, that was until he broke the silence first. Blushing and fumbling once more, Scarlett was bashful of responding. As if it was an odd thing to find books rewarding. ” Oh yeessss….” She nearly whispered. Clearing her voice before her second try at it. ” Yes Guild Master, I like my awards lots. Really, I can’t wait to crack a few a home…l even think one of these was a diary.” She looked up to him glowing and when she finished her response, there was a wholesome smile planted on her face.

The pair would leave the cave together, those who stayed out to watch were happy to receive them. She was assisted in her haul and members of the party would task her luggage and pack it within their pouches fastened to their steeds. And when Tamas was ready, they were all happy to go back home.

Little did Scarlett know, this would be a very, very long day. She wouldn’t even be able to find the time to open any of these books.


#3Tamás Horvath 

Trouble [TLB- Counterattack] Empty Mon Nov 13, 2023 2:32 am

Tamás Horvath
He looked at her to listen to her words and how she appreciated the books. He liked her wholesome smile and was glad that she was happy. With his free hand, he'd partially raise his helm, just enough so she can see he smiled back to her. So it wouldnt just be an awkard silence and a smile no one can see. After which he'd drop the helm back to fully cover his face once more.

The two would leave the cave together. She was assisted in her haul and members of the party would task her luggage and pack it within their pouches fastened to their steeds. Once her boon was sorted, they would be able to go back home to their guild safe and sound. But Tamas kept the scroll to himself, he felt it was better if he held onto it for now. Call it an adventuring hunch he had. He's seen and read about enough relics to form an educated opinion on something.

As the two would go back to their journey to return to Baska, they would see that their vampire threat was far from over, as a group of them were at the square and attacking innocent civillians. The Guild Master hopped off his steed in quick pace and took out his blade to quickly cut down these terrible creatures. Looking up at the sky, he realized it was just dark enough for them to go out and roam freely, he exhaled with annoyance. A blessing and a curse. At least he dragged out these night crawlers out from underneath their rocks so he can smite them. Hopefully this would be all of them, but a part of him doubted him. He checked on some civillians he helped. The batch he helped was unharmed, but he knew that there would be some inevitable casualties from before they arrived to help. At least Baska housed some Rune Knights who probably were the first responders. But now it was time that they take over and save the town. It just gave the Guild Master insight on what to do to protect the town. A project for later. But as said, for later. Now he looked to see how Scarlett was holding out. He needed to assist her if she too was in peril



Trouble [TLB- Counterattack] Empty Sat Nov 25, 2023 3:29 pm

Just as before, Scarlett took to her stride on her own feet. Wind clinging to her hair as she took every step. Her tail was flapping just behind her in a wild motion. Running brought her peace. Peace she really needed after the ordeal with the monsters prior.

Only….her ears would twitch vicariously as she was picking on a disturbance ahead. She could not think straight enough to convey this to Tamas or the others as she was trying to confirm the sound for herself. As she was trying to make sense of the sounds, her stride was losing grace. Looking more chaotic in step as her focus was elsewhere. Heart pumping hard as her fear was sinking in. But when her face and nose scrunched at the horrid smell of blood, she lost it.

” Blood..” Was all she could muster to say as the sparks were radiating off her. The charge shown in a bright blue as it crackled atop her fur and hair. She crouched for a brief moment, cutting into her previous momentum, to push harder on her next. Practically hopping for meters forward before taking on her new stride with focus and vigor. Leaving the rest of the party behind as she had.

Sparks and crackles cut the air as she dashed back to Baska first. Her only plan was to get in between the vampires and the people until Tamas came. Slashing the air with her claws charged with lightening sent lightning slashes cutting into the air toward some of the monsters.

On the corner of her eye she saw another lunging for a person to release a blow themselves. In a moment, she willed her magic to push her in that direction cutting just pass them. Pivoting on her foot to swivel around and weave her shield and take his blow. By then Tamas would meet with them and begin cutting away as many of the monsters. Scarlett would simply work at gathering the people from there and escorting them safely back to her guild as to avoid more carnage. Mid way of her dragging much of the people to follow her lead despite their fears, she noticed a smalle child no bigger than three. Dashing for the little one and carrying them in her airs before going back to her previous task.


#5Tamás Horvath 

Trouble [TLB- Counterattack] Empty Thu Nov 30, 2023 12:03 pm

Tamás Horvath
Scarlett had advanced senses due to her own biology, which caused her to dash off before he could come over to the scene. He couldnt tell right away what was wrong, but he had an educated guess that he hoped was wrong. Although arriving at Baska, he would be proven right much to his dismay as he would let out an exhale of annoyance.

Still there was a town that needed to be protected so he dashed into action right away, using his blade to slay the foes. The vampires were bold, but they had numbers which gave them confidence to attack the town. They all needed to be careful, or else they might contract Sanguine Vampiris or Vampirism in more layman terms. Tamas did not want to become one of them. Although luckily he was armoured from head to toe, unlike many other people

The Vampires aside from having numbers had many 'talents', some were melee brutes, some were magical in nature. They had different skill sets, so all had to be dispatched adequately. Tamas would clash swords with the vampires to win his duels, but also check on his guildmates, his innocent civillians and most of all, his current partner Scarlett. Whom at the moment was carrying a child that she was taking to safety. As one of the more magically inclined vampires went to attack with a fire spell, he dashed in the way to block the attack so his partner and the child could be safe. Luckily, he had Greed Magic for now to make sure he was mostly unharmed. He used a moment of confusion to charge at the vampire and swing his sword to behead them in one fell swoop. But Tamas hoped that the kid Scarlett carried didnt see that. Then again, he hoped no child saw that. He didnt want anyone to see the things he saw



Trouble [TLB- Counterattack] Empty Mon Jan 08, 2024 5:41 pm

Scarlett clutched the small child into her arms, embracing the small girl with much of the tender care a mother would. The rabbit feared more now for the child's life than her own. Picking up speed rather quickly as she ran out to the safe point of the others. " Sweet little girl." Scarlett would begin to whisper to her in a rather hushed but soothing tone. The rabbit was able to ring just enough fear out of her voice to talk to the child well. " Do you want to sing a little song with me?"

The child, who was shocked for a bit from all that was happening, after a moment longer would finally respond. The little girl was nodding her head along to the suggestion, still quiet from her shaken state. And so Scarlett would entertain the child with a lullaby from her country as she was making the last turn to the destination. Her eyes were focused and looking out for any that may know and claim the child. All the while still singing the sweet song in a soft tone voice.

For the moment, the vampires were behind her. That was now up to Tamas and the others to deal with. And just as Scarlett began to sing the song again, a woman ran right toward her with tears falling from her eyes.


#7Tamás Horvath 

Trouble [TLB- Counterattack] Empty Tue Jan 09, 2024 6:59 am

Tamás Horvath
He couldnt help but admire Scarlett, she had a strong willpower and character. But as she was protecting and saving a child to take them away from harms way, he intervened to protect the both of them from the vampire attack. Scanning his surrounding she'd see his guildmates also assisting in protecting the town.

Upon taking out a few vampires that were the most dangerous to the child and Scarlett, he would make his way to the two, to check if they are alright. He would hear Scarlett hum and sing. She had a sweet voice. A lullaby to warm his heart. He allowed the two to have a moment, before actually approaching them and speaking
"Are you two alright?" he wanted to make sure they were well. Thats when he noticed a woman running towards them with tears that filled her eyes. He wondered was this the childs mother. He hoped so as he wanted that happy end for the kid



Trouble [TLB- Counterattack] Empty Sat Jan 20, 2024 5:49 pm

" Guild Master! Scarlett began, she was surprised he made his way over so quickly. She figured he would be more focused and busy handling the enemies all around them. But she would admit that his kindness to check in on them help put her at ease and strengthened her heart from all the carnage bogging her down.

" Ah-ah yes, we'll be alright! Isn't the right little?" Scarlett had the young bundled tight in her arms. The electric charge still live and running throughout Scars skin and hair would make the little girls hair stand up. As she pulled back to finally give the girl room and inspect her once more, the crying woman would come running and chiming in.

" Samantha! Samantha, its me honey, its me!" She came crashing in as she dropped herself down next to a kneeling Scarlett. Her hands were quick to feel the child around and inspect her for injuries and Scar was moving to hand the child over. "Thank you so much, I can't tell you. Things happened so fast and when I turned back, she was gone."

The child was too young and naive to fully understand how much danger she was, Samantha couldn't have been more than perhaps four. But the relief to press herself against her mother once more was what brought her to tears and it only made Scar want to hand the child back so much more.

" That's that isn't Tamas. Where do you want me now?"


#9Tamás Horvath 

Trouble [TLB- Counterattack] Empty Thu Jan 25, 2024 6:40 am

Tamás Horvath
Tamas was glad that she was alright and that the small one that she protected was fine as well. The addition of a mother arriving to find her child pretty much tied up that happy ending. He made sure the two girls were safe, but now Scarlett asked him where does she want him now.

He looked away to inspect the scene and see the fight. Including Decebal throwing a vampire at Drakkon who slashed it midair. It seems those two had fun. At least someone did.
"Come with me, we must make sure the rest of the town is safe" so he'd go with Scarlett to a different part of the town that had more of these bloodsucking vampires and only a few Rune Knights who were outnumbered and were in the need of some backup cavalry. Thats where he and Scarlett would come in to swoop in and save the day, causing one of the vampires to hiss at them as they crashed in the fight unannounced. Tamas had his blade ready for action to make sure the vampires were gone. It seems this part of the town had the most of them, where as in the other areas the Rune Knights and their guild mates had things covered. It seems its just this and they're done



Trouble [TLB- Counterattack] Empty Tue Apr 16, 2024 9:09 am

The relief that Scarlet felt was unmeasured. The child returning to their mother was one less worry, one less thing to stress her as she grit her teeth and got ready for the next fight. Of course she would have to wait for her Guild Master’s decree to move on, which he would promptly issue after a quick survey on all that was happening around them. She would follow in his lead, looking things over as well. Which would garner her quite the shocked reaction from the Demi-human to see that man here.

In the heat of the storm that was the vampiric attack, he would coast under her senses. The hare was too busy on the alert and the defense to notice such trivialities, but it would make her suck her teeth upon realization.

She kept the thoughts in mind, tucked away for the moment as there were more pressing matters to over see. And just as Tamas got ready to move onto the next location, the hare would take off running as well. She hoped if she could run faster, she could ready the situation for his arrival as she had before. But when she broke into the new area, it was too hectic to start in any one place. So she would try to use her magic to subdue the vampires the best she could. Aiming for their legs in an attempt to hinder their movements so that they were easier for Tamas to cut down.


#11Tamás Horvath 

Trouble [TLB- Counterattack] Empty Sun Aug 25, 2024 12:21 pm

Tamás Horvath
The Guild Master would move with his guild mate and coordinate attacks with her, so the two could support and supplement eachother. He would watch her back and he would watch his own and attack any of those fiends.

He noticed an observance with these vampires, but he had a mental note to investigate it later. Now was not the time, they just needed to repel this force, which to him seemed like a beginning. That cave that they investigated. It had what they wanted and he needed thus to make sure they dont get it

Everything about the enemy seemed so clever and coordinated. Impeccable time for an attack. He needed to be careful though, luckily he was armoured so he wont get bitten. He had faith in Scarlett not to get afflicted, but even if he sees someone going for her blind spot, he'd assist and defend her.
Hell, even worst case scenario if one of them did get bitten, he'd find a way to reverse the affliction and he would be dedicated in fulfilling that promise.

But now he wont let that happen. He wont anyone get turned, he wont let his guildmates be hurt nor would he allow the civillians to get killed. This town was under their protection. He was willing to go down for it. He decided this place will be his home



Trouble [TLB- Counterattack] Empty Sun Aug 25, 2024 12:50 pm

Scarlett in her prance, dashed into a clearing. Within the crowd now presented before her were a handful of what she presumed humans and five vampires among them. Three of the ghastly ghosts seemed like men, the other two, women. Scarlett’s eyes bounced among all of them, rotating often as she was still trying to take the scene into account. Her heat beating so fast that it rivaled the pleas for help that rung thick in the air. Despite how big her ears were, everything sounded muffled and merged together in one noise. Over stimulating the hare that barely knew what to do and how to react.

Ears twitching and nose scrunching, Scarlett turned her gaze to the direction of spilled blood. A man crumpled in the grasp of one of the male vampires took her attention first. Though in retrospect, he was not the only one, but Scarlett could only register so much at once. She’d dash forward, her feet charged with static as she did, until she zoomed right for them. The vampire, about to enjoy his pray, didn’t regard her much even when she appeared before him. His face was readying itself to bury his teeth into the mans neck, and could not be bothered to stop and acknowledge the girl.

The lack of a glance didn’t bother Scarlett but the worry for the man’s life did. She tried to pry him away from the vampire, but nothing budged the limbs of the man from the grasp of the beast. Scarlett, annoyingly unarmed, wasn’t sure she could deter the tragedy. The lack of her power was also becoming more apparent as it was clear all she fought before were the weak and plenty. But the five here were perhaps the elders of the hoard that broke into the town they protected.


#13Tamás Horvath 

Trouble [TLB- Counterattack] Empty Sun Sep 01, 2024 10:59 am

Tamás Horvath
As he cleaved the small fry or whatever one would call the fledglings, he would glance at Scarlett and noticing her peril. He quickly rushed over to her as she took precedence even before civillians. She cut the arms of one vampire that she wished to pry off of a man. He looked at Scarlett first and foremost and asked her "Are you alright? I can give you my sword if you wish to be armed"

Truth be told, he was not an expert at unarmed combat as his expertise lied in swordsmanship. But if a guild mate was left defenceless and in the thick of combat, he couldnt really baby them. They need to grow up and spread their wings, he may merely assist them if they were under-armed as if, if they lacked weapons or such.
He would notice that the other vampires there seemed tougher than the rest. Master vampires? High vampires? He wasnt sure on the vampire hierachy, but they were different for sure. Different enough that they earned his attention.
It was best that the two focused on these 5 now. Maybe if they defeat the heads than the rest would scatter. Either that or withstand the attack until dawn came around and let the creatures of the night be burned by the sun.

He failed to recall all vampiric weaknesses, but he imagined that he and Scarlett can make do. He had faith in his guildmate. She was not a weakling that would slow him down, but a formidable fighter, which would only get better if properly trained and motivated.
"I can disarm them for you and you knock them down" he quietly suggested a strategy. He could slice off their arms and she can kick them down and he can finish them off with a stab. Or if she had the sword, she had another strategy or idea in mind


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