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V. Raiment of the Justiciar

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V. Raiment of the Justiciar  Empty Fri May 31, 2024 10:21 pm



Name: Raiment of the Justiciar

Slot: Armor

Type: Battlemail

Class: Mythic [60]

Weight: Medium

Quantity: Custom

Element: Darkness

Durability: 3xS


Description: Raiment of the justiciar is a regal set of clothing that takes inspiration from Desertio culture from a tailor within central fiore. The tailor had made most of the raiment in ideals of the same outfit that saturn had been seen wearing for a time before his inevitable switch to other uniforms. Knowing that the hulking figure was prone to changing form as of late the tailor had the armor enchanted to change sizes with him as needed.

When presented with it saturn couldn't help but be happy with the design and the gift that he was given from the tailor. Rewarding them handsomely for it. When using the abilities to let him store things in the void the raiment eventually attained a degree of heightened magical attunement. Gaining a few other abilities that made it more than just something for social affairs.

Outside of combat he has a short cut sectioned shirt with golden highlights and trim with a collar that cycles between multiple colors and a gem at the center where most of the power of the uniform seems to be held. On his arms are a pair of metal braces and loops on his biceps helping keep a mystical star like sash draped behind him and keeping it steady.

His pants is very reminiscent of his prior attire, being baggy and having cuffs at the bottom that hold them close to his frame. To large armored plates hang from his belt sash and a tabard hangs low from his sash as well. Two lengths of cloth hang down from behind him right around where his tail would be and gently drag as he walks. Though they don't ever seem to get dirty. Four loops hang off of these cloth lengths, their weight seeming strangely manageable.

When in combat however...

The Raiment takes on a more lethal appearance. Armor plating springing to life all about his body. Loops and bracers turn into metal gauntlets and his shirt turns into a plated form that helps cover his shoulders and biceps as the metal extends all about. The plating on his form extends further onto his back and down to mimic the design on the front. The large sash that was connected onto his bracers are now turned into a feather appearance that juts up from his armor around his head.

His sash around his waist grows heavy and several tassels can be found springing down and to the sides. Heavier than their non armored counterparts. His pants retrofit themselves into plated leggings and even protect his feet while leaving his claws free. The four metal loops combine to form to heavy loops at the bottom of his armored spacial tassels and the two lengths of cloth turn into three to 'drag' behind him or accent his motions.


Requirements: Justiciar of the Damned

  • +50 Speed


  • Void Starved: When transformed effects that increase stats are doubled but the mana cost for the transformation is doubled as well. This stems from a deep connection to the void both on a personal level and the armor helping focus this connection into a form that can affect the realm of existence.
  • One Size fits All: The equipment of the user scales to the size of the user at both base form and at transformation sizes as they may vary. The void is an ever changing sequence of places that is only formed from the mind of the holder; their gear reflects them and changes with them. It only makes sense it would be for every form...
  • Regal yet Lethal: When in active combat the appearance of the Raiment differs greatly than when in social affairs. Once saturn is aware of danger his outfit swaps immediately to that of the raiment. When outside of it it takes a more refined and regal approach.

Points Breakdown

Please list Forge Points gained and lost for a faster approval process.
  • Rarity: Mythic [60]
  • Item Type: Armor/Chest
  • Effects (if applicable): Regal yet lethal [5 pts], One size fits all [20 pts], Void Starved [35 pts]

Total points Acquired: 60
Total Points Spent: 60


V. Raiment of the Justiciar  Empty Mon Jun 03, 2024 10:54 am

Saturn has claimed Raiment of the Justiciar!

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