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Zelda Blackwood

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Zelda Blackwood Empty Wed Jun 05, 2024 12:46 pm



Name: Zelda Blackwood

Age: 47 (X749)

Gender: Cis Female

Sexuality: Pansexual

Ethnicity, Father: Peregrandi

Ethnicity, Mother: Minstreli

Class: Hunter

Race: Half-Elf

Rank: A-Rank

Guild: Fairy Tail

Tattoo: Back of the Neck - Red

Face: Widowmaker – Overwatch


Height: 185cm

Build: Athletic

Hair: Dark Indigo

Eyes: Golden


A tall, pretty and athletic woman who habitually stands out from the crowd for one reason or another, one might first spot the unusual colour of skin that she possesses, with her flesh naturally taking on a pale tone that looks a little bluer or greyer than the average person, and identifies her elven heritage. Tall and slim in her physique, Zelda possesses a frame that one might expect from a dancer or model, with her slim waist leading into broad hips and shapely thighs to give a kind of physique that many would kill for, especially given her age.

Facially looking somewhat refined and delicate, Miss Blackwood has a high set of cheekbones that provides her with a sharp and slightly pointed angle of her jaw, and with the slight narrowness of her gaze gives a mildly ‘fox-like’ look to her visage and adds an air of sophistication and youthful maturity to her looks overall. The irises of the girl gold in colour, they seem to have crimson tone at the centre which is most similar to the ‘red eye’ effect of photography and is visible in certain kinds of light similar to a cat, and her eyes are framed with a long set of lashes that she further tends to emphasize with heavy eyeshadow and mascara.

Sporting long locks that in the wrong light can easily be mistaken for black, in truth Zelda‘s hair has an indigo tone that airs slightly more toward blue than purple, which that only grows duskier in dim conditions or when saturated with wetness. Long and lacking anything in terms of bangs, her flowing tresses are a perfect frame for the pretty face and possess very little waviness, but a little inherent volume that stops their straight form from looking too flat. Silky and possessing a noticeable sheen that reflects a mane that has received a reasonable level of care and attention, most commonly Miss Blackwood likes to tie her hair up into a tidy tail though can be known to wear it loose, like dark ‘curtains’ that frame her pretty face rather perfectly.

Extra: Spider tattoo on her back, web tattoo on her forearm.



A woman who is perhaps defined by the stark contrasts in her personality, Zelda Blackwood is an odd combination of cerebral and thrill seeking, with those who meet her likely seeing varying sides to her person depending on how they interact with her. On first impression likely coming across as focused and confident, one might think her to be somewhat arrogant since she seems to spare little interest or patience for those she feels will waste her time, and well as somewhat rude for her tendency to cut to the heart of the matter.

Direct in her manner and seeming to spend a lot more time thinking and doing than she does talking, while that is not to say that she is shy Miss Blackwood does lean more toward the introverted side of the spectrum and would usually prefer silence over an attempt to make awkward small talk. Not quite as frosty as she might make people think however and opening up more easily and quickly to those she feels are on her level, so to speak, to those she can be much chattier and something of a show off to boot. A habit she has yet to grow out of, despite carrying a rather deep age, in human terms.

Generally seeming to carry herself in a manner which most would view as sophisticated, Zelda tends to show a deep sense of vocabulary and high level of education, as well as an understanding of the finer things in life which has come with the relatively long life she has had. Seeming to regularly assume the bearing of a senior perhaps because of that level of worldly experience and her intellectual inclination, those who know her from academia might be surprised to learn that she carries quite the wild side, and in no small way either.

A daring adrenaline junkie who loves to feel the rush of adrenaline, many seem to attribute her more adventurous and sometimes bloodthirsty tendencies to her dark elf heritage, which might be a far assessment. In the case of this one seeming to funnel that inclination toward aggression and ruthlessness toward causes beyond silly wars and the like, that being said she seems to feel a high degree of excitement when it comes to fighting, and she can show a mischievous cunning to go with it.

Something of a troublemaker if given cause or boredom enough, while Miss Blackwood has been raised decently enough to have little love for torment, all the same she can be somewhat rebellious and tends to play by her own sense of rules. So much so that she has a bit of a fondness for others who are similarly blackened sheep such as her, she respects those with the courage to go against the grain, and seems easily pulled into shenanigans and japes when confronted with situations which seem strict or stuffy.

Showing a great fondness for those who she warms up to and an understated sense of loyalty and protectiveness, while Zelda tends to maintain a habitual distance with all, she is far from incapable of maintaining relationships of both a platonic and romantic inclination. Often needing the assurance of doing so on her terms and quickly growing tired of those who seem to clingy with her, she is her own woman and loathes folk who become possessive of her, though can be rather sweet should one know how to treat her.

Not much of a fan of more conventional forms of companionship, both in a figurative and literal sense, she has a tendency to drift between several lovers as her whims suit her, while demonstrating some odd tastes when it comes to courtship. Preferring her gifts to be functional and dates to be exciting, Miss Blackwood would warm to someone bringing her a new dagger on the way to go base jumping over flowers for dinner and a movie, not that she has a problem with the latter in of themselves.

Those willing to work within these confines likely to find a response which is open minded and surprisingly enthusiastic, in truth Zelda loves to impress the people she warms to and craves approval more than one might expect. Something of a show off in fact, she loves seeing the spark of excitement and desire in the eyes of another and can prove surprisingly versatile when it comes to entertainment.

Even going so far as to show an intimate and affectionate side to those who give her enough time and patience, she is more likely to enjoy something of a more conventional romance with a long term partner than a prospective one, seeming to prefer a layered approach to how Miss Blackwood handles her relationships. This true of her more platonic connections as well, she seems to act in a sisterly fashion toward those she is fondness, and tempers her tendencies toward that point.

Knowing all too well that she has a much greater tendency toward ruthlessness and violence than most people, she has learned to lean into the 'bad guy' role some attribute to her heritage, and willing to do what others either cannot or should not when she likes them. Dutiful and merciless toward those who threaten the people she cares about, she has spent no small number of years meeting hostility for what she is, and for those who look past that, spent the same time dishing out hostility on their behalf.


  • Adventure
  • Adrenaline
  • Ruins
  • Weapons
  • Workouts
  • Creepy Crawlies


  • Prejudice
  • Bright Lights
  • Bullies
  • Judgemental Attitudes
  • Bad Workmanship

  • Weak Stomachs

  • Challenge: Loving nothing more than to feel her back up against a wall, few things give Zelda focus like trials and competitions, and she generally feels most alive when facing steep odds or worthy enemies.
  • Discovery: Raised by a scholar and having a passion for the learned arts, Zelda likes adventures which not only push her but also provide her with a chance to learn something new.
  • Loyalty: More of a softy than she lets on, at least when it comes to people she has grown to like and respect, Zelda can be fierce in defence of those she is close to and willing to endure hardship and worse tedium if it aids those who she cares for.

  • Weakness: Taking great pride in her prowess, Zelda has been capable and indepent since she was a child, and loathes the idea of being incapable and has an intense dislike for feelings of powerlessness, dreading the idea of becoming feeble.
  • Abandonment: Left behind as a child, despite her tendency to keep people at arm's length Zelda worries greatly about being discarded, and this is perhaps the reason why she prefers to keep her connections on her terms.


Strength: 121

Speed: 121

Constitution: 122

Endurance: 66

Intelligence: 121


Magic Name: Wind God Slayer Magic

Magic Element: Wind/Darkness

Magic Enhancement:

Magic Description:

Wind God Slayer is a powerful magic learned from ancient tomes and scrolls which combines the elemental trees of Wind-type and Darkness-type magic. The magic they cast is always colored black.



The young life of this woman one of survival and perhaps dire necessity, as a descendant of the dark elves Zelda Blackwood was born into a culture which was stern and rooted in necessity, and perhaps somewhat harsh. Children like her taught to survive first and foremost by their kin, one of the earliest memories she had was being handed a blade and a snared rabbit, and being made to kill it and perhaps alongside some of her innocence too.

Taught to forage and to hunt as soon as she was able to run, this experience was strict and at times lacking for kindness, but served her well in the future. Separated from them in an ambush, Zelda was forced to flee, and found refuge in a rather unconventional place; an old ruin in the middle of some woods.

Taking up residence there in the hope that her kin would come for her, she relied on the skills she had been taught as she foraged for mushrooms and roots and fruit to eat, and preyed on what creatures she could find for meat. Not feeling daunted by the darkness of the ruin and the night, she her eyes always seemed to cope well in dimness and so she adopted a largely nocturnal lifestyle, creeping around stealthily as she gathered food and what she needed to survive.

Not sure how long she spent like this since the days tended to bleed together, weeks or even months and longer passed by with the girl in solitude, and slowly she seemed to lose hope in being found. She didn't even know if her clan had survived to look for her in fact, which was a fact that made her cry when she thought about it too much, as was her feeling of loneliness.

Saved from at least some of this by the arrival of one she did not expect, Zelda was awoken by one of the alarms she had set up at the entrance, which was followed by the sound of a voices and footsteps, and instinctively hid from them in the shadows. This not the first time that folk had visited the ruins, more than once folk had seemed to poke around the place in search of valuables and the like, though didn't seem to do well in the place really.

Zelda more able with her acclimatisation to the dark and small size, she could squeeze into and through gaps and had explored much of the place in her time, though this visitor seemed unlike the ones before. Well dressed, so much so that he looked terribly prepared for the locale, at first he seemed to blunder around in a fashion which was almost funny, but it was also fascinating that he appeared able to discern the strange characters in the place and use them to guide himself along.

The lass staying hidden as she watched him, at first out of fear and slowly mere curiosity, he seemed to mutter to himself and pull out a notebook for writing or reference, all the while his route becoming more and more purposeful in his direction. The most surprising thing happening however when finally he realised her presence, it was almost comical when he spotted her watching him and yelped with fright, dropping his lantern and falling to the floor.

Cursing for that fact but apologizing for how it startled her, he remarked that he hadn't realised that he was a guest in her home, and perhaps seeing the state of her offered her some of his supplies. The lass running away and hiding, never the less he didn't seem deterred, and in time seemed to coax her back to him.

Talking to her rather than himself as he continued to ferret around, he didn't seem to mind that she did not answer and seemed glad for the company, and on the whole seemed far more interested in her home than he was her. Even going so far as to bunk down in the place and sleep when nightfall came, Zelda thought about slitting his throat as he slept and taking his goods, but elected against it. Weary and tired herself, she slipped into somewhere that she knew he was too big to reach her and took a nap herself, and when she woke found that he was busy again.

It taking more than a day in his company until she spoke up, through his efforts he seemed to figure out some manner of puzzle in the place which opened up a wall and a space which even she did not know about, and seemed to inspire both admiration and curiosity. Following him into it curiously, he asked her if she knew about this part of the ruin and she said no, and then he took to explaining both the area they had found and the ruin itself.

The girl glad for the company really even if she did not understand half of what he said, from this point they bonded quickly, to the point that she even stowed the knife she had been gripping ever since he had first blundered in. Finally sharing the treat he offered her, some sort of sweet and delicious substance which melted in the mouth, he stayed for a couple more days making notes and the like, and coaxed her into assisting him as well.

Fetching him things and ultimately telling him about the other nooks she had found, together they explored the place vigorously, and forged a strong connection in doing so. The man bumbling and wordy but ultimately harmless, when it was time for him to leave she felt sad, and though a paranoid part of her seemed to make her reluctant to do so followed after him when he offered her the chance to do so. Perhaps earning her trust by nothing more than mere acceptance, it was only when they left the ruin that he seemed to realise that she was no mere wood elf, though contrary to what she had been raised to expect did not hold that against her.

Remarking that a ruin was no place for a girl to grow up and deciding he could at least take the girl to an orphanage or something of the sort, as he did so he was disgusted with the fact that no one wanted to accept one of her heritage into their hands, neither did institutes of social care nor those who followed supposedly benevolent gods seem to wish to accept her. In fact the only party who seemed interested in taking her on some shady merchant, who offered the scholar a tidy some to take her off his hands, he was so disgusted by the situation that he ultimately decided only he could raise her and abandoned his trip in order to do so.

Setting off back home for that purpose, and to get away from agents he suspected were working to acquire her for less profitable means, she went back with him to his home and over the next few years was raised by him and the help he could afford. Seeming to unintentionally go from rags to riches, her new benefactor and ultimately adopted father was a wealthy bachelor who had lost his own parents at a young age, and first discovered a love for history in his bookish habit of trying to find out more about himself.

Things not easy at first since he didn’t have the first clue about parenting, especially when it came to a child of so unusual lineage, Zelda proved a rambunctious child who was perhaps harder to tame than most. Things like soft beds and bath tubs practically an alien concept to her, for some time she preferred to grab a blanket and bunk on the floor instead, and had a little trouble adapting to a daytime schedule given her preference for night as well.

Causing the man no end of frights either with just how daring and direct she was, as a child she proved dauntless, and far more so than her new patriarch. Getting used to hearing him wail and worry as she scaled the tall bookshelves for something he wanted or the drainpipe when a kite got stuck on the roof, similarly she was undaunted by spiders which seemed to make the man quiver, which was actually kind of funny. Taking several as pets in fact, one of the first times she laughed was when he seemed to shriek as she showed him a tarantula she had found, and then there was how she treated game.

Never forgetting the look of alarm he carried when she lurched from a tree branch and seized a bunny which had slipped into the garden, it only seemed natural to her to seize the animal and crack its neck given her upbringing, and she trotted happily over to him with it in hand. Always loving it when he praised her since he seemed so much more prone to positive reinforcement than her kin had been, this time saw no pat on the head but rather a look of queasiness as she waved the animal around, and later when she had personally skinned the beast to be a part of dinner, which seemed to put him off rabbit for life.

Always seeming to retain that urge to impress him however and perhaps in part because of how indebted she felt toward him deep down, while her more raucous and ruthless habits often missed the mark, her intelligence was another matter. Once more seeming to meet with discomfort when exposed to her peers who seemed at best mistrustful of her features due to the superstitions and the sort held about dark elves, with some even going so far as to call her an imp and a devil, ultimately her father was the one who ended up having to take the reins of her education and was impressed by her results.

Proving to be a bright young thing, she seemed to quickly breeze through the work and study he assigned her once she got a grasp on the concepts, and took a keen interest in the work of her father. Often asking him what he was working on, she would peek at his notes and thumb through tomes on his studies, and at times proved a valuable research partner. Showing both innocence and odd insight in her interpretations, she asked a lot of questions, and seemed to make a habit of helping to challenge his suppositions and presumptions. That sort of thing were something she was good at.

Coming out of her shell and growing into a girl who was self-confident and rather precocious in fact, even if not often particularly ladylike, of anyone outside of her father's house those who she seemed to get along best with were his friends. Unlike the locals they seeming learned and worldly enough to not hold her image against her, they seemed amused enough by a girl who was quickly learning her patriarch's smarts but with a much feistier disposition, and enjoyed banter and back and forth based on that.

Almost everything about her new life seeming like a gift aside from one thing however, despite the interest she had in her father's work, Zelda had become so attached to his company that hated the fact that it took him away from her. Begging him to take her along and scoffing when he said it could get dangerous, even as a child she knew she could take care of herself better than he could and did not understand that he was trying to protect her, so would be rather sulky when he parted ways with her.

Not that she didn't have her own boons to amuse her in the meantime when father took his trips, since he didn't appear to particularly approve of her more reckless inclination when he was around, the times he was away seemed the perfect chance to misbehave a bit. Discovering the sabres which he had hidden away in the attic years before, she entertained herself by playing swashbuckler and sometimes getting carried away, she would duel with the imaginary enemies she had seen in stories and take part in epic duels which saw her trotting across the tops of walls and even rooftops.

Still wanting little more than to join her father's expeditions however, as she grew older and more accomplished his stance seemed to relax a little, seeming to think that the odd local trip made for good field work. Learning from him about ancient languages and the like, maturity and the growing confidence of the man seemed to change their relationship into one on a more even keel, and encouraged her to stick with following him into the family business.

As such heading off to get her own accreditation to work with the man in the field proper, once more she ran into the usual rejections at least initially that was, in the realm of academia people seemed to at least accept her for the insight and intelligence she could show, and then there were her extracurriculars. Excelling at things like fencing and archery as one might expect given her private passions, she flourished even more in confidence, and studied well enough that her father invited her to one of his more important trips over their summer break. Though neither seemed to anticipate how that would turn out.

Heading to a distant land in the company of a band of capable mercenaries, the pair joined a venture to find a supposedly lost temple which her father was very excited for, while Zelda herself seemed as fascinated by their would-be guards as she was the purpose they headed toward. The gang lead by a cocksure veteran with whom she seemed to establish a quick rapport, there was something about the way the woman looked to her which was different than most, not kind nor mistrustful, but different.

Talking a lot on the journey with her and her cronies, though most of it was positive it irked Zelda when the woman seemed to laugh off her own capability when it came to more action orientated matters, and claimed that even for a dark elf she had spent too long being pampered. Wanting to prove herself to this one more than anyone and disliking the way she seemed to mock her skills, she challenged her to a duel in a private moment, and though she was bested at the very least seemed to impress her and squash that beef enough to grow closer after that.

Finding the object of their intention after navigating a difficult path through a jungle, as usual what her father lacked in terms of courage and physical capability he more than made up for with his shrewd interpretations, and unlike many who had searched for this supposed lost treasure set them on the right path. One thing which had made the spot so hard to find was the little known fact that much of it was underground, what they found at first seemed to be a post or the remnants of an arch, but through the guidance of the man the team managed to dig up the entrance to something practically cavernous underground, and headed inside.

The group forced to navigate the unusual architecture based on clues they could discern from characters and the like while avoiding further traps, in an odd way, Zelda came to respect her father far more in that situation. Always loving him but thinking he was a high strung worrywart by this point, he seemed cool and measured, cautioning them against reckless paths and figuring out things long before she had the chance to. Of course this hardly his first rodeo but all the same, it was nice to see him in his element, inspiring even.

Happy to impress him as well with some of the more dynamic and involved forms of puzzles they found, finally they reached an antechamber in which was kept a series of ancient artifacts which recorded fascinating information so her father claimed, unfortunately he did not have long to discern them much before a fight broke out. Horrified to discover the mercs who had come with them turning upon the discovery, Zelda felt betrayed when the woman revealed she was working for someone else, and demanded that they hand over the treasures or lose their lives.

Outraged by both the turn and suspecting they had little chance of surviving anyway, the lass struck quickly and ruthlessly in defence of their lives, first demanding her father to dive for cover and then destroying the lamps to limit the disadvantage she faced in their numbers. Prowling in the dark with her own advantage due to her preference for it, she stayed low and took each of them down one at a time quietly, down to the last man. Or in this case, the last woman.

Confronted by their leader with a gun to her father's head to quell her into surrender, one had to assume that in spite of her victory earlier she did not fancy her chances quite so much in the disadvantage of the dark, but Zelda had her own edge as well. Creeping to a trap trigger she could discern in the darkness, the girl feigned surrender before setting it off, and used the confusion it created to grab her father and make a run for the exit as the structure collapsed around them.

Racing as quickly as they could as pillars toppled and earth seemed to fill the structure, never in her life had Zelda been so happy to see daylight as when she rushed for an exit, and emerged from the other side of the adventure shaken but alive. Surprised soon after when she apologized to her father for being forced to forsake the artifacts they had found, the girl couldn't help but smile and laugh at the fact that he had proven more cunning in his own right as well, and stowed the more important items as he could on his person in the confusion.

The lass still disappointed however with how some of their venture had turned out however, though she knew on some level that she had done the right thing in fighting and trapping their foes within the structure, at the same time she was sad to lose someone she had struck up such a quick and easy chemistry. For all of their faults the mercenaries seeming more accepting of her more rambunctious side than anyone, she had hoped to continue working with them in future, and to lose them through betrayal was a bitter note to the sweetness of their ultimate victory.

Making their way back home through adaptive means, they escaped the jungle but given what had happened in the temple opted to travel home through less auspicious means, in an effort to guard against further betrayal. The journey back taking longer than expected for that reason, Zelda did odd jobs on quest notice boards to provide them with money for rooms and meals as they travelled along to another port, while to the surprise of no one her patriarch spent his time analysing the objects he had found. Though, he was always better in his books than on the road, of course.

Arriving back home in an understated fashion though ultimately to a heroes welcome, Zelda was pleased to see her father celebrated as an academic hero for his achievements, while she was viewed with a greater level of respect both by her peers and the man who had raised her. It certainly difficult to deny her capability after such an ordeal, it was hard to say she couldn't take care of herself when her abilities and quick thinking had saved their lives, and she began to establish herself as an archaeologist and treasure hunter in her own right.

Working with her father at first but in time spreading her wings, it would be fair to say that she showed herself to be something of a thrill seeker, and habitually took the riskier and more exotic requests and assignments. The old man getting a bit long in the tooth as it were and happy to take command of his field work while he took up a teaching position, she tended to keep one or two of the spicier details of her adventures a secret, since what he didn’t know wouldn't harm him, right?

Perhaps as much seeming to seek a sign of her former life with her former kin as well as she was her career and the thrills which came with it, the people and culture of the dark elves were almost as much a mystery to those in academic circles as they were the girl who spent her first years among them. On some level Zelda wanting to reconnect with her roots perhaps in the vain hope of reuniting with the faces she had once known, though she managed to find communities of those like her she did not reunite with those who shared her blood, and in a cruel dose of irony seemed to be considered a bit too 'humanised' by those she found. Though she tried not to take that to heart, since she largely enjoyed her new life.

Continuing onward and garnering some repute in her own right meanwhile, not just as a student of history and magic but also as a veteran warrior, many times folk in taverns or those who travelled with her were surprised to learn that they were dealing with someone who was an academic rather than a smart mouthed merc or member of a guild. Perhaps this understandable however with how she seemed to lurch into conflict rather than run away from it, Zelda has proven something of a maverick, and while some choose to throw criticism at her abstract means and apparent thirst for excitement, others respect her for her daring and industrious manner.

Not showing many signs of slowing up either, not with so many great mysteries to solve and thrills to chase down, a world of adventure seems to wait for her and with it perhaps the great gift known as infamy as well, eh~? You never know what you might find if you know where to look…

Discord: Jessu

Reference: Alisa

Last edited by Zelda on Wed Jun 05, 2024 5:02 pm; edited 1 time in total


Zelda Blackwood Empty Wed Jun 05, 2024 12:58 pm

Death Coining @diana delgado into this character! Item should be on her account~


Zelda Blackwood Empty Thu Jun 06, 2024 3:50 am

This character has been approved for roleplay.

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