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Modification - Boryuko

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Modification - Boryuko Empty Tue Jun 04, 2024 4:53 pm



Name: Boryuko

Slot: Modification.

Type: Race.

Class: -

Quantity: Limited.

Element: Arcane


Description: Over time Ghouls can succumb to the inherent crystallization of their Kagune some becoming crippled as a result by ultimately resulting in either a Fukkatsu or a Boryuko, which involves the incorporation of various properties into the surrounding flesh of the ghoul. Boryuko is the extreme of which the Ghouls become an entire being made of crystal capable of honing their bodies into sharp and deadly weapons in an instant. Distinct in nature they are commonly marveled when out in public as living statues of beauty. As a Boryuko, a ghoul no longer needs to eat, however can still choose to do so for civility purposes.


  • The user must purchase this item from the Mysterious Merchant.
  • The user must be a Ghoul

Effects (General)

  • Refractive Skin: When the user is struck by physical attacks, the target will receive damage equivalent to one rank lower as a result of the crystals within the user's body reacts to the damage.

  • Deadly Touch: Physical attacks from the user leave behind painful shards made from their flesh, these cause damage equivalent to two ranks below the rank of the user up to B-Ranks worth of damage for two turns, this effect does not stack and resets after each strike. This damage is not impacted by any weaknesses or resistances that the target possesses.

  • Durable Flesh: The durability of the user's limbs is further increased by 2x S-Rank, however, healing is further reduced by one rank.


  • Name: Shard Explosion
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: -
    Requirements: 50 RP Posts after this has been purchased
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 50 Meters
    Cooldown: Once per month
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user may explode the outer layer of their skin into the surrounding environment immediately causing shards to shoot out from them and dealing 1x S-Ranks worth of damage to everything, this damage bypasses through any armour and is not impacted by any resistances or weaknesses that it strikes, as this effect occurs from the user's body it can not be nullified. These shards return to the user in the following post and will heal them for 1x A-Rank per each individual hit by the shards.

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