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Lunch Money

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Lunch Money Empty Sun Jun 16, 2024 2:10 pm

Rhea sat comfortably in the restaurant, sipping from a pineapple cup filled with sweet coconut and lime juice. Refreshing, she thought, looking out over the tropical beach. People wandered along the boardwalk, and she watched them lazily. She wasn't here just to enjoy the view, though. She was waiting to meet a woman who owed her payment for a job she had handled on the island. As she waited, she took another sip, savoring the delicious blend of flavors.

The island had a vibrant atmosphere that she loved, and the drink was a perfect complement. The task had been tricky, involving some complicated navigation and dealing with a few unpredictable characters. Rhea, of course, had to get her hands dirty here and there, but it was nothing that the Light Dragon Slayer couldn't handle. In the end, she had managed it all smoothly. She scanned the crowd, keeping an eye out for her contact. The anticipation of the meeting made her a bit excited but also a little nervous. Everything had gone according to plan, but she still wanted to see it through to the end. The ocean breeze ruffled her hair, adding to the relaxed vibe of the place.


Lunch Money Empty Sun Jun 16, 2024 2:24 pm

Sayida strolled through Luluhawa, specifically in the bustling square where travelers from around the world gathered. Her black hair swayed in the wind as she made her way to meet a woman named Rhea Alvarez, a Stellan Rune Knight. Rhea had done her a favor after they met on this island, and now Sayida was here to repay that kindness. The Desiertan was grateful for Rhea's help and had brought a gift for her as a token of appreciation. She scanned the lively crowd, soaking in the vibrant atmosphere of the square. Stalls lined the streets, filled with colorful wares and the scents of exotic foods. The chatter of various languages created a symphony of global connections.

As she walked, Sayida thought about the first time she met Rhea. The Rune Knight had been both formidable and kind, qualities that earned her Sayida's respect. Their encounter had led to a challenging task, one that Rhea had handled with ease and efficiency. Now, it was Sayida's turn to show her gratitude. Spotting Rhea seated at a restaurant, Sayida approached with a smile. The tropical breeze was gentle, adding to the serene ambiance of their meeting spot. She reached into her bag and pulled out the gift, a carefully chosen token to express her thanks.

"Rhea," Sayida greeted warmly, handing over the present. "This is for you. Thank you for your help."


Lunch Money Empty Thu Jun 27, 2024 12:46 pm

There was not much Zariya could do right now. In fact, even if she wanted to do anything other than relax she would be forced to realize that it was a mistake. The vampire had gone through various changes, still in the process of becoming part of of somebody far greater than herself. She couldn't afford to spring herself into battle, lest she find herself severely weakened. So, to both get away and protect herself she came to Luluhawa island. The only island where she didn't have to hide from. Sure there were Knights and opposition almost everywhere in the world, she felt safest here. As she strolled through the village square, her eyes wandered, locking onto many different types of people from various backgrounds. She saw children, and families, couples on retreat and finally...her eyes locked onto two women making an exchange. One woman was familiar to her, since she had made it her mission to know every Knight both new and old. Rhea Alvarez, a rising star in the Rune Knights organization who hailed from Stella of all places. Despite being so new, she had already amassed a shit ton of fame, making a name for herself as the warrior without a weapon. Zariya was curious in whatever was transpiring, so standing next to the water fountain, she kept her distance... watching. Perhaps it was a small job, perhaps it was something far more intricate. Zariya wouldn't know until she found out more information. So she intended on doing just that.

Lunch Money Lightning_bolt_simple

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