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Back to Era [Travel]

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Back to Era [Travel] Empty Fri Jun 07, 2024 10:33 pm

Astera had treated the Dragon Slayer well, providing a brief sanctuary from his duties and distractions. Yet, Tōga knew his sojourn away from Era had extended longer than intended. As he methodically packed his belongings, his thoughts wandered to his recent encounter. "Michael-san... I hope this day helped you," he reflected quietly, adjusting the contents of his bag with careful deliberation.

During his stay in Astera, Tōga had reconnected with Michael, an old friend whose path had diverged under the weight of personal tragedy. The time they spent together had been a blend of nostalgia and subtle revelations, revealing shadows in Michael's heart that Tōga had not fully appreciated before. The reunion was bittersweet, marked by moments of genuine connection interspersed with the poignant realization of how much Michael had changed.

As he secured his belongings, Tōga's mind lingered on the hope that their shared moments might reignite a spark of the old Michael, the one who thrived before misfortune had reshaped his world. The dragon slayer knew all too well the burden of carrying unresolved pain, and he recognized the signs of a soul struggling to find its former light. If Michael needed further assistance to recall the vibrancy of his past life, Tōga resolved to be there, ready to offer the support that only a steadfast friend could provide.

With his bags packed and his resolve firm, Tōga prepared to depart Astera.

West --> Central!

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