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V. Sia & Noir

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V. Sia & Noir Empty Sat Jun 01, 2024 6:13 pm



Name: Sia & Noir

Slot: Companion

Race: Human | Goddess

Class: Mythic Storyline - 102

Quantity: Custom

Element: Arcane

Mana: 3,000

  • Strength: 20
  • Speed: 200
  • Constitution: 260


Height: 5'5" | 5'11
Weight: 109 lbs | 123 lbs



Sia appears like that of a young, yet beautiful woman. A perfect complexion paired along with lightly tanned skin that along with a well-endowed and proportioned body, Sia would be the envy of many a fantasy. With intense eyes like that of sapphire eyes that draw in an onlooker like an infinite pool, there is an allure to Sia that is hard to deny, one that ironically is made all the more abundant by the nonchalant mannerism and attention to detail, neither of which she makes an effort to highlight, if anything absconding from the idea. Intriguing too is the young woman's hair; an uncharacteristic shade of white, not quite like that of snow but with a very faint tint of baby blue to give it an almost "accented" white. Notable as well is the red streak standing out within her front bangs, having the same color as her inner hair, the mixture of red and white being an exotic, if not subtly-done, option and expression of individualism.

Sia very often tends to dress in a somewhat formal attire, albeit to a less-refined manner than that of someone such as Astrid. Often, her preferred outfit is that of a white, sleeveless jacket unbuttoned at the chest area, often exposing her bust. Over top is a black sleeveless brazer that is attached to a black high waisted shorts with a black belt, all imbued and cut with rich, red fabric. Beneath this, she wears white tight shorts that are the same length as the high waisted shorts, with a deliberate slit on the right side just over the thigh. Although her accessories will vary at times, sometimes being more reflective of the nature of the event or engagement, often opting for more ornate and refined options as the elegance of such event may be, her go to choice of accessories more often tend to be tight black gloves, a sleeve that covers much of her left forearm up to nearly her elbow, with various different accents and unique features helping to provide a one of a kind look. Lastly, often Sia will wear a type of heel that although having the initial toe like that of a standard boot, it becomes clear that they are a pair of heeled boots, also that of extremely high quality, almost contradictory to the rest of her outfit in the cost differential.


Noir does not appear at first glance like that of a Goddess in the Heavenly-deity sense of the word, but that is not to say that she is not a goddess in the capacity of beauty. A lovely woman with a tall, but slender build, she has a fair complexion and carries herself with a level of confidence and regard to where she appears almost glowing. While she possesses no shortage of attributes that hint towards a sense of refinement and elegance, her appearance appears almost basic by comparison. Her hair, an almost vibrant shade of pink with white highlights as the length extends further past her ears, is barely styled; largely just in free-flow, evident by bangs in the front that nearly extend to that of her nose. Elsewhere, her hair begins to curve slightly towards the frontal sides of her forehead as they extend more past her ears, to which then it begins to bloom outwards. Despite the unkempt look that her hair may convey, what stands out are intense, amber eyes that penetrate through, like looking into mystic gemstones. Beyond that, she appears very much like a typical, angellic-looking woman, with the lone notable feature being her left arm which appears to be enveloped in a red sleeve at first glance, only to realize that it is actually her skin; a heavy, fire-like tint of red upon her hand that subtly begins to have a more calm quality to it as it extends further down to her elbow.

As far as her attire goes, Noir tends to wear outfits that are much more elegant and luxurious, having a curious aesthetic flow that at points seems to be more modern and functional than that of beautiful. More often, she tends to wear a white dress that extends to just past her thighs, being a bit more risque than what some may typically wear save for particular occassions. She tends to wear what appears to be a heavy coat at first glance, black leather enveloping around a red, silken interior beset by gold buttons inside. Surprisingly, the outer coat bears remarkable similarity to that of the dress, materials and color schemes seeming to near identical to one another, leading one to believe that the entire appearance is a singular outfit than separate pieces. As far as accessories go, Noir wears an impressive black choker that covers much of her lower neck, with a golden inline at the base which connects to golden decorations that spread out from the choker along just below her collarbone.



The Political Aide and Personal Assistant to Astrid Venier, Sia was regarded for having one of the most potentially shining career in Fiorien politics, having been a top graduate out of not only renowned universities within Fiore, but also the Valedictorian of the fame Amaforth Academy's prestigious Law program. The envy amongst all most of the politicians within Fiore, it came as no surprise that Sia entered the scene in Crocus as the most-sought after political free agent in more than a generation, such that any opportunity that she would have wanted, regardless of whom it was under or how competitive it may have been historically, was hers for the taking. It was for that reason that it was such a shocker that she chose to work beneath the controversial and polarizing Astrid Venier - among one of the least expected to have garnered the interest of the bright-eyed Sia.

And there was truth to that suspicion, as Astrid likely would never have been granted the services of the young Aide had it not been for her Magical Eye, with which she utterly and thoroughly warped her mind, turning her into an utterly devoted Aide. That had become her identity. Service to Astrid was her life's calling. And in that service, Astrid presented the young woman with a gift of her own; a Blood Pact, much like that of the one signed with Alisa Vollan, signed in blood and Absolute under the Heavens. In this, Sia's fate would forever be tied to Astrid's, her service eternal, her loyalty unwavering forever, and her dedication to Astrid the only purpose to her world.


Noir was a Sevese Goddess whom hundreds of years ago descended to Earthland to live among the people, tired of existing within the Heavens. What motivated her to descend has long been the storied fables of Sevese culture, tales that Noir never sought to answer or explain, believing herself too superior and above interacting with humanity. Though not at first, as in the earliest days of her time within Earthland, Noir was described as being a generous and loving Goddess, one who sought to aid her people. But at some point, things changed drastically. The once-loving Goddess had become a shell of her past self, now having long cemented a view that humanity as a whole were beneath her. As a descendant from Heaven, her presence on Earthland was nothing more than a punishment inflicted upon herself.

It would only be through decades of servitude and decadence that Noir's sentiment of the world would not become further tarnished. Waded on day and night, month upon month, year upon year, to the point where citizens from all throughout Seven sought to serve her, the closest any living citizen of Seven would have to be amongst the Gods themselves. But their devotion was not appreciated. Rather it was the bare minimum expected out of Noir, to the point where over the course of centuries she would watch as nobility waged wars in her name, societies nearly crumbled in order to appease her, and other massive expenses were made at the lives of the people of Seven for her. And throughout all of it, none of it mattered to her. She had simply given up caring about the people of Earthland.

At some point, a stranger from a foreign land had found themselves earning an audience with Noir. A Senator from the country of Fiore, Astrid Venier. Astrid was intriguing; a woman whom held a position of power while also masquerading as the leader of a guild that stood in direct opposition. The idea of playing both sides was something that Noir thought novel, entertaining enough at least to allow the woman an audience. That stemmed into a game that was proposed by Astrid, an unexpected but welcome change to what Noir had become used to seeing and dealing with from past 'heroes' and 'champions'.



Although Sia's fate is a tale of tragedy to those whom realize what Astrid had put her through, it would not be at all apparent based upon her behavior, nor would her personality reflect that of someone who has gone through unspeakable acts of cruelty. In reality, Sia genuinely behaves and acts like that of a wide-eyes, excitable Senator's Aide, a young woman getting the opportunity of a lifetime working underneath an idol in a field that they are beyond passionate towards. If asked, Sia would say that there was absolutely nothing in the world that she would ever entertain giving to be separated from such an opportunity. That the job also blessed with her with the company of Astrid, to whom she has developed far beyond a hero complex, but instead that of absolute and utter adulation and worship, and it is all the better. Despite her mind having been warped by the brutal abuse by Astrid's Eye of Makima, Sia fails to associate this sudden change in behavior as anything other than simply growing within her job. And too, all of her brilliant insight, knowledge, and craftiness that originally made her such a sought-after political Aide are still fully retained and utilized. It would seem that unless one saw an explicit example of the adoration that she so intensely carries for Astrid, nobody would even be aware such qualities existed.

What they see instead is Sia's political insight, knowledge, teachings, and personal views played out before them. She is a political savant, considered a prodigy and her brilliance and capability for thinking outside the lines are as powerful an attribute as anything else that she could bring to the table. Politically, she views herself as a cautionary expansionist that harbors relatively extreme views towards the liberty and freedom provided to the Guilds of Fiore. That does not make her a supporter of the Magic Council either, finding them to be grossly mismanaged and over-funded in their current state. Despite these positions, she carries herself professionally, viewing people with a level of respect, if not some trepidation based upon a variety of factors including position, wealth, intellect, and other matters. Where in her devotion to Astrid stands to potentially betray her capabilities fall within her defense of Astrid, very quick to have her opinion swayed based upon Astrid's own perspective, even being as radical as to completely pivot based upon someone having wronged Astrid or otherwise offended her.


Despite having descended from the Heavens, to those who truly knew of the Sevese Goddess they would they think that Noir was more a devil than Goddess. Since her arrival on Earthland, Noir seldom looked kindly upon her subjects, viewing them with a sense of disdain, viewing them as 'inferior' and 'unworthy'. Despite this condemnation that she held towards the people, she nevertheless induldged in the riches that Earthland provided her. Food, drink, adoration, loyalty, it was like a never-ending drug that she indulged in for centuries, receptive to the idea of forever living a life of leisure.

In her time of indulgence, Noir became arrogant. Foolish even. She believed that all the mortal people of Earthland were fools, inferior people whom had little value outside of serving the Gods. Although every couple of decades there would be someone who would cause her to take notice, perhaps assume that there were exceptions to her long-standing sense of judgment, they would always fail. Never would they be able to rise up to the expectation she never assumed that they could reach. Their failure was all but guaranteed from the beginning of their bloodline, so it was nothing new.

In meeting Astrid Venier, it presented something new to the Goddess. She was a human, not unlike the numerous whom had come before. But she did not dawn the title of 'hero' or 'champion' that so many others who failed did. Rather, she simply challenged Noir to a bet, a gesture that took her by surprise, but netted Noir a modicum of respect. It was something different than what she was used to out of humanity. Never did she suspect that someone like Astrid would have possession of an artifact as rare or powerful as the Eye of Makima, one that overwhelmed the Goddess that had been overcome by sloth. It was in this moment that she saw herself become erased, progressively mindbroken by Astrid to the point where the human who conquered her, the same type of woman whom she would have dismissed and viewed as nothing as centuries passed, instead had become her everything. Noir was utterly devoted to Astrid, a loyal servant, willing to do anything and everything to satisfy her, the source of her once-divine devotion.


Requirements: Astrid Venier


  • Speech: Early on in her studies, Sia demonstrated great proficiency towards learning foreign languages, having become fluent not just in Fiorian, but also in Minstrese, Joyan, Sevese, Icebergian, and capable of holding conversations in several of the Pergrandian dialects. As a Sevese Goddess, Noir is incredibly proficient in the language of Sevese and also capable of holding conversation in Fiorian.
  • Human Form: Despite the tragic circumstances of which both Sia & Noir fell under the servitude to Astrid, the former having been stripped of her future while the latter being a Demi-God forced to revoke her place amongst the Gods, both are bound to human appearances.
  • Independent Action: Sia & Noir operate in tandem but as a pair behave, operate, and move independently of their partner. As such, the pair have their own account and may travel and roleplay regardless of Astrid's location.
  • Sia & Noir: Bound Together: Despite being two separate entities, both Sia & Noir are bound not only in their eternal service to Astrid, but also to one another in all senses of the word. In combat or if at any point the pair attempt to move further than 5 meters away from one another, a slave collar and connecting chains will appear around the necks of Sia & Noir, keeping them close to one another. This also causes the pair to suffer collectively when afflicted by effects such as debuffs, binds, attribute loss, damage taken, mana spent. Anything that affects one affects them both, all of their Attributes, Mana, and all other components to their existence being equally shared. The Strength Attribute is divided equally between both Sia & Nior, so individual melee attacks would deal damage equivalent to half their total Strength. As well, only one would be able to wield a weapon if the situation were to arise.

Companion Perks:
  • Noir: The Cacophonies of Deprived Prosperity: Much like how her own existence was stolen, torn asunder, and reimagined into that of a pet for Astrid, so too does Noir wish to return the favor to the mortal races whom she blames for such a fate. In a cruel irony, she views Astrid as the perfect one to cause those to suffer and feel their existence stolen right from under them. Whenever Astrid inflicts damage with her spells, she will burn Mana equal to one rank less than that of the damage inflicted from all those that received damage.
  • Noir: The Goddess' Cold Visage: As a Goddess, Noir looks down upon the mortals of Earthland. Believing them inferior to her, she projects her disgust of the short-lived and other 'lesser' species outwards, making those feel small. Those of equal rank to Sia & Noir will suffer a 10% reduction to all of their physical Attributes. This effect is increased to 20% when the target is lower ranked to Sia & Noir. This effect can stack with existing fear effects.

Partner Perks:
  • Sia: Healthier Living Through Latest Trends: Sia takes great strides in trying to further expand her pool of knowledge. One field that is often under-appreciated is her interest in other Earthland nations and how they approach healthier and better living. The best ideas that she comes across she applies towards Astrid's own well-being. As a result, Astrid receives an additional 2 S-Rank worth of Constitution which lasts until Sia & Noir are knocked out.
  • Sia & Noir: Greater Insight into the World: Being in the company of a Goddess and a political savant, it is all but inevitable that Astrid acquire a growing level of insight into the world and how it works, how the people behave. The added expertise and guidance provided by Sia & Noir opens up Astrid's mind even further, granting her a 20% reduction to word count requirements.


  • Name: Through the Stolen Heavens, Hope Dies
    Rank: S++
    Mana Cost: 1000
    Requirements: Noir
    Type: Offensive [S++: Autohit, Cannot Target Allies, Damage to All Equipment | S+: Overcharge]
    Element: Light
    Range: 25
    Cooldown: Once Per Topic
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: Noir focuses on a target as she holds a finger up to her lips. The clouds will darken above as harsh light manifesting like that of lightning bolts will dance through the darkness. A harsh beam of light having a composition more like that of intertwined lightning bolts will then descend down upon all those who Astrid, Sia, & Nior view as threats, so long as they are within range, creating massive blasts of light that will erupt outwards in a diameter of 16 meters with those targets at the epicenter of them all. This occurs in an instant, and while those present may see the spell descend down from the Heavens, nobody will be capable of reacting to it. Those caught will have all of their equipment suffer 2 S-Rank worth of damage following this blast.

  • Name: The Accursed Law of Man, Sorrow Lives
    Rank: S++
    Mana Cost: 1000
    Requirements: Sia
    Type: Supplementary [S++: Topic Wide, Autohit, Cancel Sustain Effects, Cannot Affect Allies]
    Element: Arcane
    Range: Topic Wide
    Cooldown: Once Per Topic
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: Sia holds a hand to her waist and bows, all while a warped manifestation of ancient Magic materializes around her. This Magic then spreads out in all directions, never-ending as streams of the Magic continue to spread, filling the air and everything with its Magical properties. While the world is polluted by the ancient Magic, all those who are not allies of Astrid, Sia & Noir will have all sustained spells with the exception of abilities that cannot be nullified such as transformations forcibly cancelled and immediately forced into their cooldown period. As this effect spreads, those who would be affected are unable to defend against it. For each spell that is nullified, Sia must pay additional Mana based on the Spell Rank (D: 100, C: 200, B: 300, A: 400, S, S+, S++: 500) on top of the 1000 Mana to initially cast.

Points Breakdown

  • Storyline Mythic - 102
  • Spellsinger - Druid (Mythic Storyline)
  • Skills: Speech (Free: Storyline Companion)
  • Skills: Human Form (Free: Storyline Companion)
  • Skills: Independent Action (Free: Storyline Companion)
  • Skills: Sia & Noir: Bound Together (Free: Storyline Companion)
  • Companion Effect, Tier 5 [Noir: The Cacophonies of Deprived Prosperity] (-24) [24]
  • Companion Effect, Tier 4 [Noir: The Goddess' Cold Visage] (-12) [36]
  • Partner Effect, Tier 5 [Sia: Better Living Through Latest Trends] (-24) [60]
  • Partner Effect, Tier 4 [Sia & Noir: Greater Insight into the World] (-12)[72]
  • Signature Spell [Through the Stolen Heavens, Hope Dies] (-15)[87]
  • Signature Spell [The Accursed Law of Man, Sorrow Lives] (-15)[102]

Total points Acquired: 102
Total Points Spent: 102


V. Sia & Noir Empty Sat Jun 01, 2024 6:14 pm

Claiming Sia & Noir as the Druid Specialization Storyline Companion with Of Politics: Blood & Destiny as the required Epic Storyline

Link to Husbandry Approval: Link here


V. Sia & Noir Empty Mon Jun 03, 2024 11:04 am

Astrid has claimed Sia & Noir as their Druid Specialization Storyline Companion.

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