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IV. Raijin's Puppet: Offline

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IV. Raijin's Puppet: Offline Empty Sat Dec 09, 2023 2:36 pm



Name: Raijin's Puppet: Offline

Slot: Companion

Race: Android

Class: Legendary

Quantity: Custom

Element: Arcane

Mana: 2000

  • Strength: 1
  • Speed: 121
  • Constitution: 118


Height: 50 CM
Weight: 30lbs

Appearance: Raijin's puppet is a 50 centermeter android that is in a form of a robot. Its true form is unknown, but it is suspected to be the Raijin's Puppet from a battle that Karisa fought in. The last time she saw the robot that she has now was when it was working alongside the Raijin's puppet. Mishiko gave her it when she and DaeSeong went to the festival party. The screen that is like a visor glows a light purple-blue, almost indigo. The eyes of the bot change shape depending on how it feels at the moment while their voice is quite unknown for the moment.

Description:  Its true form is unknown, but it is suspected to be the Raijin's Puppet from a battle that Karisa fought in. Last time she saw the robot that she has now was when it was working alongside the Raijin's puppet. Mishiko gave her it when her and DaeSeong went to the festival party.

Personality: The robot doesn't talk, therefore the personality is quite unknown. It enjoys being helpful to only Karisa and is quite attached to her for some reason. It gets jealous when men and women get near her, even children as if they want her attention only. The robot doesn't mind going to lengths to impress Karisa to where they'd steal flowers and gifts from people to give to Karisa in a platonic affectionate way. Almost as if they see Karisa as their mother for some reason.


Requirements: None.


  • Superior Innate Flight: The companion can fly up to 15 meters.

Partner Perks:
  • Spoils: It steals money and gets money easily for Karisa, creating a 25% boost to Jewels towards rewards.
  • Making it Easy: It wants to make things easy for Karisa, creating a 20% WCR towards Quests.

IV. Raijin's Puppet: Offline Sigme10

IV. Raijin's Puppet: Offline Empty Sat Dec 09, 2023 2:36 pm


IV. Raijin's Puppet: Offline Sigme10

IV. Raijin's Puppet: Offline Empty Sat Dec 09, 2023 2:39 pm

Karisa has claimed their Raijin's Puppet: Offline

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