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III. Faith's Fang

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III. Faith's Fang Empty Wed Jun 05, 2024 11:34 am



Name: Faith's Fang

Slot: Weapon

Type: Sword – Single Handed

Class: Unique (30)

Quantity: Custom

Element: Light

Damage: 60

Durability: 2x S-rank


Physical Description: An elegant item of white, almost ivory-like material with gold detailing and a flowery flourish at the top of the grip, the tapered shape it carries seems to remind one of an oversized incisor and seems to retain its strength and sharpness with little need for maintenance. The blade is 1 Meter Long, while the hilt is 30cm.

Lore: A weapon which was born from a time of darkness and adversity, the evil of a necromancer once plagued a land as he raised an army of the dead to rule over the realm, and was beaten back only by the conviction of a priestess and the courage of the warrior who loved her. The former praying for salvation and offering her life and love to deliver her people from this world, a golden dragon seemed moved enough to offer up one of it's divine fangs imbued with magical power and fashioned it into both a weapon and a keepsake for the latter, who not only fought to beat back the menace but continued to battle the forces of evil until their dying day. Passing the weapon to one of his followers, the blade seems to have a will of its own, choosing to reveal its true power only to one worthy of it as if it still carries the will of the priestess even now.


Requirements: None.

  • None.


  • Undead's Bane: The user deals one rank higher physical damage versus undead creatures, such as vampires.


  • Name: Dawnbreaker
    Rank: A rank
    Mana Cost: 200
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Light
    Range: 70 Meters (AOE Bonus)
    Cooldown: 4 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: Raising the tip of the weapon into the air, the user can summon a 1m wide orb of pure light which resembles a sun, which they can hurl anywhere within spell range and ‘detonate’, creating an 8 Meter wide vortex of swirling and cascading light energy which does A Rank Damage to anyone or anything caught within it.

  • Name: Flash Step
    Rank: D rank
    Mana Cost: 25
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Light
    Range: 5 Meters
    Cooldown: 4 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: Thrusting their sword, the user generates a white magic circle that creates a flash of light from it, which propels her rapidly in a direction of her choosing up to a distance of 5 meters.

Points Breakdown

  • Unique (Adventurer Starting gear)
  • Sword
  • 20 Forge Points (Tier 4 – Race Damage)
  • 8 Forge Points (A Rank Spell)
  • 2 Forge Points (D Rank Spell)

Total points Acquired: 30
Total Points Spent: 30


III. Faith's Fang Empty Wed Jun 05, 2024 12:32 pm

Elsa has claimed this item.

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