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A New Challenge [Go D. Drakkon | 1vs1 | Green | 48 Hr.]

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A New Challenge [Go D. Drakkon | 1vs1 | Green | 48 Hr.] Empty Fri Jun 07, 2024 9:09 am


Once again, Ikazuchi found himself standing in the familiar arena that he had grown accustomed to. The crowd seemed fuller today as he scanned the area. Today, he would be fighting someone with a resounding reputation. ‘Go D. Drakkon of the recently established Dragon Order…’ Ikazuchi smiled as he considered his opponent and took in his surroundings. The arena was well-maintained, as always. The stone slabs reinforced with magic were rarely damaged beyond repair. Instead, the marks of the many battles from spells and weapons alike told a unique tale and established a unique atmosphere for the arena.

In a way, despite his constant participation, this was the first encounter worth mentioning since he arrived in Seven. There was a chance that this particular battle could be the one that allows him to take the final step. With his recent progress and new equipment, Ikazuchi found himself looking forward to the battle even more as Spellcutter hung on his right hip and Breaker on his left. His gaze was naturally directed towards where his opponent would be entering the arena from, eager for the imminent battle. He gradually tuned out the sound of the crown discussing and betting as he sharpened his focus in preparation.

Word Count: 205

Combat Stats

*All Gear is Equipped


  • Main-Hand (Left) Damage [641 + 104 = 745]| 2x S-Rank
  • Off-Hand (Right) Damage [641 + 117 = 758]| 3x S-rank
  • Non-Weapon Damage| 2x S-Rank

  • Weapon Mastery: Swords - Grand Master| Weapon Durability +2 S-Rank, Weapon Damage +30% [Rounded Up]

  • Speed| 35 m/s - Duration: 7 Posts
  • Lunge| 17.5 m/s - Frequency: 3 Per post
  • Acceleration| 2 Seconds to Top Speed

  • Health| 4x S-Rank
  • Endurance| 2x S-Rank

  • Head| 2x S-Rank
  • Chest| 2x S-Rank
  • L. Arm| 2x S-Rank
  • R. Arm| 2x S-Rank
  • L. Leg| 2x S-Rank
  • R. Leg| 2x S-Rank

  • Magic Resistance| Minor - 1 Tier Damage Reduction to Direct Magic Attacks
  • Item Spell Mana Reduction| 20% Mana Reduction
  • Item Spell Cooldown Reduction| 2 Post CDR (3 Post CDR on Swords)
  • Passive Stat Bonus| 10% bonus to all stats from Human Perk


Strength: 641 [Base: 501| Adaptability (10%): 50 | Armor Bonus: 90]

Speed: 276 [Base: 251 | Adaptability (10%): 25]

Constitution: 264 [Base: 131| Adaptability (10%): 13 | Equipment Bonus: 120]

Endurance: 178 [Base: 162 | Adaptability (10%): 16]

Intelligence: 4

Mana: 7,450

Equipment Stats and Durability

Left Hand:  Spellcutter: Damage: +104 [80 + 24(30%) = 104] - Durability: 7x S-Rank

Right Hand: Breaker: Damage: +117 [90 + 27(30%) = 117] - Durability: 7x S-Rank

[WM #1]Reserve Weapon: White Walker’s Sword: Damage: +104 [80 + 24(30%) = 104] - Durability: 6x S-Rank

[WM #2]Reserve Weapon: Clarent: Damage: +104 [80 + 24(30%) = 104] - Durability: 6x S-Rank

[WM #3]Reserve Weapon: Arondight: Damage: +104 [80 + 24(30%) = 104] - Durability: 6x S-Rank



Relic: Cloud Ring Flow: This effect causes a unique change to the mana within the user that strengthens and supplements their body to increase the wearer's acceleration and their body’s ability to endure that effect. This reduces the time for the wearer to reach top speed from four seconds to two seconds. - Durability: 2x S-Rank

Necklace: Samwise’s Necklace: Bonus: Weapon Durability: The user receives an additional 2x S-rank durability to their weapon. - Durability: 3x S-Rank

Ring: Leonardo’s Ring: Bonus: +60 Constitution - Durability: 2x S-Rank

Earring: Jaan Earring: Bonus: +60 Constitution - Durability: Indestructible

Companion: Sword Spirit

#2Go D. Drakkon 

A New Challenge [Go D. Drakkon | 1vs1 | Green | 48 Hr.] Empty Fri Jun 07, 2024 12:02 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon had been given a katana that was said to be left by his father. That was the story that he had been told by his mother. He wasn’t sure if it was the truth, but he never really paid mind to master the use of a katana until he had joined Paradise Dawn that day. Now he was in a different guild, one that was said to be filled with Dragon Slayers, or Dragon Slaying-like abilities. If he was in a guild like that, then he needed to become stronger, and this would be a start.

Mastering the use of his katanas, he would be able to use this with the combination of his Dragon Slaying abilities. It was why he was in Seven; there were a lot of great fighters that came out to show their strength, he figured this would be the place that would allow him to better understand the use of his katanas.

This place called the Arena of Champions, he had been waiting for his turn. He didn’t know about his opponent. He just knew of the name Ikazuchi; that was it. The man had a reputation, but Drakkon was oblivious to it. He cares not to be noisy about those who aren’t directly in contact with him. Still, he would learn about him today, which was fun as it was his turn to fight.

Drakkon had gotten up from his seat and walked over to the location where he was directed. He would drink some of the alcohol that was in a jug before wiping his mouth. When he got to the gates, it started to open up slowly. The son of Chaos had his gears on him, but he felt that he needed better ones. He would approach that at another time. For now, he put his helmet on as his armor was under his kimono.

Once the gate reached the top, the Devourer walked out and into the open arena. There he heard people cheering and excited to see what would happen. His eyes looked at his opponent, it seemed like he wielded swords.

“This is going to be fun I think.” He said out loud.

It was then the announcer would start the fight as he allowed the two of them to begin.

Drakkon would unsheathe one of his blades from their covers. On his right hand, he held Yamato, and on his left hand, he held Enma with the scabbard still on. He couldn’t get that one out no matter how he tried. It was just stupid. Still, Drakkon placed him into a fighting stance with his katanas ready to be used as he was not making the first move as of yet.



Attribute Detailed:


A New Challenge [Go D. Drakkon | 1vs1 | Green | 48 Hr.] Empty Fri Jun 07, 2024 4:19 pm


The crowd grew quieter in anticipation as Drakkon entered the ring, something that had become a tradition of sorts to hear anything that the fighters may say before their battle began. The interactions were always unique and a wonderful addition to the entertainment. Because of this, Ikazuchi was able to somewhat hear the statement of his opponent. Reading his lips, he was certain that it was a mutual sentiment. “Let’s make sure it is…” He spoke aloud, matching his opponent’s volume. He also naturally unsheathed his swords in response with Spellcutter in his left hand and Breaker in his right, one after the other.

[1] As his second sword was drawn, Ikazuchi very naturally activated the unique effect of his crown, causing the distinct magic seal to appear behind his head. Whether it would apply to this battle or not, he had long since decided that this was something he would always do. In a way, he had created the item with the intent of being used in this way. It was a last line of defense that added to his natural preparations. The distinct feeling of gathering energy and firmness as it prepared to lash out at any given moment was comforting.

[2] Following that, he calmly walked to a distance approximately ten meters from his opponent, taking in their appearance as he continued to casually approach. Like himself, the man held two swords; one of which oddly remained in its scabbard despite the clear readiness for battle. ‘How odd…’ As a blacksmith, he was naturally curious as to why that was the case. Unfortunately, this was neither the time nor the place.

Ikazuchi’s stance was something that could only be described as casual. Both arms were comfortably positioned at his side and his strides were even and measured as he moved closer to his opponent. His steps were silent, something that reflected the control he had over his own body as well as the quality of the armor he created to be like an extension of his own body. “I’m going to get started.” His words ended just as he reached the five meter mark, and it was at this moment that he accelerated.

[3] Ikazuchi’s steps were rapid due to the effect imbued in his Cloud Ring, his acceleration was far above the average. His last step entering into range was made off of his left foot. The right side of his body shifted forward, somewhat leading with his shoulder. [4] His left arm trailed slightly behind while his right was adjusted during the step to enter into range, positioning it so he could initiate a smooth upward diagonal strike from left to right to start the battle.

As he unleashed the first attack of the battle, Ikazuchi would also adjust his left arm as his body rotated to make the slash to bring it forward for offensive or defensive purposes. For the time being, he didn’t rush to unleash another attack as he wanted to gauge the capabilities of his opponent and gain insight into how they battle beyond the information that uncontrollably flowed into his mind. What Ikazuchi wanted was to truly experience the man known as Drakkon in battle, not just rely on the perceived information he was privileged enough to obtain.

Word Count: 553
Total Word Count: 758

Combat Stats

*All Gear is Equipped


  • Main-Hand (Left) Damage [641 + 104 = 745]| 2x S-Rank
  • Off-Hand (Right) Damage [641 + 117 = 758]| 3x S-rank
  • Non-Weapon Damage| 2x S-Rank

  • Weapon Mastery: Swords - Grand Master| Weapon Durability +2 S-Rank, Weapon Damage +30% [Rounded Up]

  • Speed| 35 m/s - Duration: 7 Posts
  • Lunge| 17.5 m/s - Frequency: 3 Per post
  • Acceleration| 2 Seconds to Top Speed

  • Health| 4x S-Rank
  • Endurance| 2x S-Rank

  • Head| 2x S-Rank
  • Chest| 2x S-Rank
  • L. Arm| 2x S-Rank
  • R. Arm| 2x S-Rank
  • L. Leg| 2x S-Rank
  • R. Leg| 2x S-Rank

  • Magic Resistance| Minor - 1 Tier Damage Reduction to Direct Magic Attacks
  • Item Spell Mana Reduction| 40% Mana Reduction
  • Item Spell Cooldown Reduction| 2 Post CDR
  • Passive Stat Bonus| 10% bonus to all stats from Human Perk


Strength: 641 [Base: 501| Adaptability (10%): 50 | Armor Bonus: 90]

Speed: 276 [Base: 251 | Adaptability (10%): 25]

Constitution: 264 [Base: 131| Adaptability (10%): 13 | Equipment Bonus: 120]

Endurance: 178 [Base: 162 | Adaptability (10%): 16]

Intelligence: 4

Mana: 7,150/7,450

Equipment Stats and Durability

Left Hand:  Spellcutter: Damage: +104 [80 + 24(30%) = 104] - Durability: 7x S-Rank

Right Hand: Breaker: Damage: +117 [90 + 27(30%) = 117] - Durability: 7x S-Rank

[WM #1]Reserve Weapon: White Walker’s Sword: Damage: +104 [80 + 24(30%) = 104] - Durability: 6x S-Rank

[WM #2]Reserve Weapon: Clarent: Damage: +104 [80 + 24(30%) = 104] - Durability: 6x S-Rank

[WM #3]Reserve Weapon: Arondight: Damage: +104 [80 + 24(30%) = 104] - Durability: 6x S-Rank



Relic: Cloud Ring Flow: This effect causes a unique change to the mana within the user that strengthens and supplements their body to increase the wearer's acceleration and their body’s ability to endure that effect. This reduces the time for the wearer to reach top speed from four seconds to two seconds. - Durability: 2x S-Rank

Necklace: Samwise’s Necklace: Bonus: Weapon Durability: The user receives an additional 2x S-rank durability to their weapon. - Durability: 3x S-Rank

Ring: Leonardo’s Ring: Bonus: +60 Constitution - Durability: 2x S-Rank

Earring: Jaan Earring: Bonus: +60 Constitution - Durability: Indestructible

Companion: Sword Spirit

Action Log:

#4Go D. Drakkon 

A New Challenge [Go D. Drakkon | 1vs1 | Green | 48 Hr.] Empty Sat Jun 08, 2024 12:18 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon watched him, took in his scent, and waited for something to happen. Something did happen, which put him on guard. He twitched a bit to see something appear on the back of his head. The thoughts that had gone through his head were a lot. What did he just do? What is that? Is going to shoot something out? Is that a trap? One thing he knew for sure it wasn’t a trick.

His feet moved slightly as the man approached him. He walked to him at first, and he was just preparing to make sure he wasn’t caught off guard. If Ikazuchi was going to make the first move, then he had to be ready. It was then that he told him he would start; this surprised Drakkon, the man told him it was time, and honestly, he thought he’d just start the fight. One thing Ikazuchi would notice is that he was slower than before. As long as he was near the Devourer that was going to happen.

He moved, quickly, but his words had sprouted the Son of Chaos to do one thing, go on the defense. The distance between were close quickly, that was for certain. His modified watched him approach him, but his instincts told him to dodge.

Drakkon took a step back far enough that he would avoid the diagonal slash that was heading in his direction. He wasn’t supposed to be running right? Yeah, this was training all the same and he had seen his left hand move, it didn’t do anything. Still, his moving left arm to prepare for the next strike caused Drakkon to attack on his own.

Physically, Drakkon knew he wasn’t strong, but due to his Embrace of the Teigcram, he was able to change the element of his katanas. The Dragon Slayer had spells of fire from Toga and had spells of light from Rin. His elements being more than Arcane now, he changed the element of his katanas and just his katanas to fire. This allowed him to synergize on what he had planned on doing next. Stepping back wasn’t a hard thing for him to do, so stepping back into the range where he could slash Ikazuchi wasn’t a problem.

When he did that, he would copy Ikazuchi’s way of attack. He had right shoulder forward when he stepped in and followed up with an upward diagonal slash coming from left to right. Still, he had done one more thing in addition to his swing. The Devourer activated his Judgement Cut End, which was done with the same slash he used to try and hit his opponent with.

Whether he missed the attack of the regular swing, the man in front of him would see him and his katana being charged with dimensional cutting power, bringing him to move around a sixteen-meter radius. Doing this would cause a bunch of slashes that occurred everywhere around that radius. He had been trying to cut him like this as well and he felt like he needed to even the odds.

The Son of Chaos appeared right back where he was as this was instantaneous.


Action Log:

Attribute Detailed:


A New Challenge [Go D. Drakkon | 1vs1 | Green | 48 Hr.] Empty Sun Jun 09, 2024 9:42 am


Ikazuchi’s body felt slightly stiff as a bone-chilling cold seeped through his armor, something that slowed his steps as he approached. ‘Great, he’s one of those…’ He was bitter as he continued with his attack, not surprised to see the smooth avoidance. Whether it be the cold aura pervading the area or his opponent's fluid movements, it was clear that Ikazuchi had encountered his least favorite kind of enemy. It was only when Drakkon stepped back in that Ikazuchi uncontrollably gnashed his teeth with a fierce grin spreading across his face as he started the process of withdrawing Breaker. ‘This cheeky bastard…’

Ikazuchi was both angered and amused by the blatant mimicking from his opponent. He couldn’t know the motivation of his opponent for doing so, but he clearly observed the exact same arc that he just unleashed from Drakkon’s sword path. At the same time, he could distinctly sense that the man was unleashing a unique spell alongside the slash thanks to his crown. There was a subtle satisfaction that nestled itself deep in his heart as he responded without pause.

[1] First, Spellcutter in his left hand was rotated in the space between himself and Drakkon’s sword, Yamato. With little to no effort, it found its way to be at a downward horizontal angle between the two to intersect with Drakkon’s sword before it could reach him. [2] Secondly, with the insight he possessed from the spell's casting motion, Ikazuchi managed to move his right arm down to cross over his left triggering the defensive spell attached to his armor. On the basis of Drakkon’s evasion and the insight into the nature of the slash, he was just barely able to respond with an appropriate defense as Kingsguard activated in full force. There wasn’t any hesitation in this reaction as his insight allowed him to understand that Spellcutter couldn’t nullify it and his armor couldn’t block it, he needed to use his defense unless he wanted to take an early strike in their battle.

At this point, Ikazuchi’s right arm was placed almost horizontally as it had settled above his left arm. [3] With his barrier of sword aura wrapping around him, he didn’t have to concern himself with the consequences as he decided to attack. He had faith in the defense he unleashed to block the spell, so he could comfortably ignore the overflowing dimensional energy as he unleashed a horizontal strike at Drakkon’s right side during the attack horizontally with Breaker. [4] With his defense established, Ikazuchi chose to also simultaneously attack with Spellcutter targeting the opponent’s legs. As the sword was still positioned lower between the two of them, he had to swing it from his right towards his left to target the legs in hopes of a successful attack.

While this may create an opening for a counter, the sword aura shrouding him was something that wouldn’t easily break down. This meant that regardless of the openings created, he could act with abandon. During the earlier clash of weapons, he had learned that his opponent’s strikes were extremely weak compared to his own so the actual battle would quickly go in his favor as long as he could land strikes.

Lingering in the back of his mind as he unleashed his attacks were the observations he had gained about Drakkon. The man fought with extreme speed and low damage in melee, but also had magic capabilities that hadn’t been revealed at this time. A Dragon Slayer wasn’t a common foe, but Ikazuchi was unsure if the man would even use those abilities. It wasn’t uncommon for someone to focus on honing their weapon skills when facing him in battle. As a skilled swordsman, Ikazuchi could only be described as an ideal opponent to train against for other swordsmen.

Ikazuchi could only hope that his opponent's speed and other traits would similarly give him the final push needed for his own swordsmanship. ‘Don’t disappoint me, Drakkon…’ This was the sentiment Ikazuchi had while attacking, hoping that his opponent would continue to display the same level of skill and capabilities used to handle his initial strike.

Word Count: 697
Total: 1,455

Combat Stats

*All Gear is Equipped


  • Main-Hand (Left) Damage [641 + 104 = 745]| 2x S-Rank
  • Off-Hand (Right) Damage [641 + 117 = 758]| 3x S-rank
  • Non-Weapon Damage| 2x S-Rank

  • Weapon Mastery: Swords - Grand Master| Weapon Durability +2 S-Rank, Weapon Damage +30% [Rounded Up]

  • Speed| 30 m/s - Duration: 7 Posts
  • Lunge| 15 m/s - Frequency: 3 Per post
  • Acceleration| 2 Seconds to Top Speed

  • Health| 4x S-Rank
  • Endurance| 2x S-Rank

  • Head| 2x S-Rank
  • Chest| 2x S-Rank
  • L. Arm| 2x S-Rank
  • R. Arm| 2x S-Rank
  • L. Leg| 2x S-Rank
  • R. Leg| 2x S-Rank

  • Magic Resistance| Minor - 1 Tier Damage Reduction to Direct Magic Attacks
  • Item Spell Mana Reduction| 40% Mana Reduction
  • Item Spell Cooldown Reduction| 2 Post CDR
  • Passive Stat Bonus| 10% bonus to all stats from Human Perk


Strength: 641 [Base: 501| Adaptability (10%): 50 | Armor Bonus: 90]

Speed: 276 [Base: 251 | Adaptability (10%): 25]

Constitution: 264 [Base: 131| Adaptability (10%): 13 | Equipment Bonus: 120]

Endurance: 178 [Base: 162 | Adaptability (10%): 16]

Intelligence: 4

Mana: 6,850/7,450

Equipment Stats and Durability

Left Hand:  Spellcutter: Damage: +104 [80 + 24(30%) = 104] - Durability: 5x S-Rank, 1x A-Rank, 1x B-Rank, 1x C-Rank/7x S-Rank

Right Hand: Breaker: Damage: +117 [90 + 27(30%) = 117] - Durability: 6x S-Rank

[WM #1]Reserve Weapon: White Walker’s Sword: Damage: +104 [80 + 24(30%) = 104] - Durability: 6x S-Rank

[WM #2]Reserve Weapon: Clarent: Damage: +104 [80 + 24(30%) = 104] - Durability: 6x S-Rank

[WM #3]Reserve Weapon: Arondight: Damage: +104 [80 + 24(30%) = 104] - Durability: 6x S-Rank



Relic: Cloud Ring Flow: This effect causes a unique change to the mana within the user that strengthens and supplements their body to increase the wearer's acceleration and their body’s ability to endure that effect. This reduces the time for the wearer to reach top speed from four seconds to two seconds. - Durability: 2x S-Rank

Necklace: Samwise’s Necklace: Bonus: Weapon Durability: The user receives an additional 2x S-rank durability to their weapon. - Durability: 3x S-Rank

Ring: Leonardo’s Ring: Bonus: +60 Constitution - Durability: 2x S-Rank

Earring: Jaan Earring: Bonus: +60 Constitution - Durability: Indestructible

Companion: Sword Spirit

Action Log:

#6Go D. Drakkon 

A New Challenge [Go D. Drakkon | 1vs1 | Green | 48 Hr.] Empty Tue Jun 11, 2024 12:05 pm

Go D. Drakkon

The two clashed, and when they did, he felt not just the vibration of the impact, but the force behind it. This brought Drakkon to suck his teeth. He felt the blow, but it also seemed like his Yamato had felt it the most. When he saw the damage being done, he knew this man was in a different league of his own. That was enough to put him on edge. He had to be careful with his blade because if he wasn’t then what was the point in this? He was fighting to better himself with his katanas, but if he lost them, then things would be dire.

His spell did activate, and it had gotten through, but did he damage the man? No, the man had used a defensive spell to block the attack. Which brought the Devourer to smile; that was good to know that this attack had brought his opponent to use something to block it. He felt like he did something right for the time being.

This was interesting, but it seemed like things were getting dire. He could see that this man was on the attack, and the blade he used to block was also being used to attack. That wasn’t good and he knew where his attack was going. He felt the impending danger behind this. Still, though at this very moment, the hand holding his Enma would move.

Drakkon’s quickly moving from his midsection to where the blade was going. He used it to clash the two before what had happened next. Enma’s Scabbard broke from the impact itself, and the blade had gotten too heavy from its power being unleashed. He had let go of the blade and at the same time used that time of them clashing to push himself away from Ikazuchi’s attack. He was now seventeen meters away from this man.

“Well, this turned out scarier than I thought. Who would have known someone as strong as you would be swinging their sword around like that? I honestly, don’t have the strength to compete with this. However, I won’t give up until, and do what I can.” He said as this fear was nothing like he felt about him.

Drakkon knew that Ikazuchi was strong, and whether or not he would be out cold from one of his hits, he knew that getting too close to this man was dangerous. He had the thing in the back of his head, and then he was encased in some kind of defense spell. The man was a literal tank and at the same time had hit like a truck.

A green aura appeared on him as things were getting interesting. He didn’t know what he could do, but he decided it was best to use strategy against him. He was pretty sure the moment he clashed with Ikazuchi again, it would be all for Yamato.

Instead, he pushed to his right, he was now running. The Dragon Slayer picked up his speed but kept his distance between the two of them by seventeen meters still. He saw how he moved, and the man’s speed was not as fast as his, but the acceleration between them showed this man had a lot of time to hone his burst of speed to be at a maximum in a short time.

While moving to his right, he figured he should show off his moves for the time being. Drakkon knew it was a losing battle, but at the same time, he figured he would learn something from all of this. Drakkon swung his blade once again, but this time in the air. His point of attack is in the direction of Ikazuchi and where he might be. This would bring forth a bunch of dimensional slashes that covered eight meters wide. It was like a wall of slashes had been created by that one attack.

The Son of Chaos did know one thing from this man, and it was that he most likely would push through the attack with the shield covering him.


Action Log:

Attribute Detailed:

Spell Used:


A New Challenge [Go D. Drakkon | 1vs1 | Green | 48 Hr.] Empty Wed Jun 12, 2024 7:16 pm


Ikazuchi was pleasantly surprised to see how Drakkon parried his blow with his odd sword. Breaking the scabbard made it very clear that the sword was extremely powerful and potent as he caught a glimpse of its power. ‘I’d like to see what its full potential looks like…’ This fleeting thought passed through his mind as the sword fell out of his vision. He continued to focus on his opponent who had used the sword as a springboard to retreat seventeen meters away. His eyes narrowed slightly as he simply remained in place. Having recognized the difference in speed and power, Ikazuchi clearly understood that his opponent would have to come to him if he wanted to defeat him.

For a moment, Ikazuchi saw his opponent pause as the volume of the audience lowered in suspense. Although short, the two had already had an intense clash. During that pause, Drakkon’s voice carried across the gap to address the encounter. The first sentence made Ikazuchi smile in response while the rest made him look forward to what would come. “There’s plenty more where that came from. We’re just getting started, so I would be disappointed if you gave up.” Ikazuchi’s tone as he spoke was very natural, as if speaking to an old friend. As someone who is most comfortable when his swords were gripped in his hands, he was more in his element than ever. This was particularly so after checking the condition of the aura protecting him and confirming the durability would still last for some time.

With their exchange out of the way, Drakkon wasted no time kicking it up a notch as a green aura wrapped his body. ‘Interesting…’ He couldn’t help but wonder what kind of technique the man had used, even if it was unlikely for the information to ever be directly shared. ‘Well, two can play that game.’ Although he didn’t possess any kind of power-up, he did have different weapons that may be more appropriate for enemies like Drakkon. [1] Following his will, Spellcutter was replaced in his left hand by Clarent. As a famous sword, he fully expected his opponent to recognize the weapon. Unfortunately, that would do little to help him deal with it.

Drawing Clarent at this time was a clear indication that Ikazuchi had chosen to attack large areas as the opponent wasn’t someone he could catch otherwise. Drakkon was already in motion, running counter-clockwise around Ikazuchi while maintaining the distance of seventeen meters. At the same time, Ikazuchi’s left arm was raised straight up pointing Clarent towards the sky above. Distinct red mana gathered along the blade radiating an intense desire for destruction as he simply pivoted to continuously face Drakkon in that position.

An almost crazed battle intent seemed to pour out of his eyes as he witnessed the slash in space. His crown supported and accelerated his insight as he intuitively understood that another area attack was coming. [2] His sword dropped towards the path ahead of Drakkon, intending to cut off his path as the red aura flooded towards the space in a rapidly expanding cone that would continue a full twenty five meters away reaching its full width of sixteen meters after traveling twenty five. During its travel, several slashes manifested in space once again as Ikazuchi outright ignored any damage that may be inflicted. He was more than aware than anyone else about the fact that his swords could withstand the attacks, and he couldn’t even be reached thanks to the aura he maintained. The wall of slashes that encased him did little to affect the aura as the attacks both flooded the area indiscriminately. It would be more accurate to say they blended into a unique landscape of destruction across the arena.

[3] Immediately following that attack, Ikazuchi would attempt to sprint towards the area where he estimated Drakkon would have stopped should he have been able to do so to avoid the attack. Although Ikazuchi was slower, if his opponent had to make a sudden turn or halt their momentum, he may have a chance to catch Drakkon. Regardless of success, he was already preparing for the next blast of aura that would likely arrive outside of his foe’s expectations. Part of him was hopeful to close the gap between the two, but he also clearly understood that his opponent was already weakening his speed that was far surpassed. So, despite that hope, he didn’t expect much success. With how his opponent moved, Ikazuchi was gradually suspecting that his foe’s reaction time was far above normal. It would take more time to be certain, but each moment in battle revealed more of Drakkon’s hidden potential.

Word Count: 785
Total Word Count: 2,240

Combat Stats

*All Gear is Equipped


  • Main-Hand (Left) Damage [641 + 104 = 745]| 2x S-Rank
  • Off-Hand (Right) Damage [641 + 117 = 758]| 3x S-rank
  • Non-Weapon Damage| 2x S-Rank

  • Weapon Mastery: Swords - Grand Master| Weapon Durability +2 S-Rank, Weapon Damage +30% [Rounded Up]

  • Speed| 30 m/s - Duration: 7 Posts
  • Lunge| 15 m/s - Frequency: 3 Per post
  • Acceleration| 2 Seconds to Top Speed

  • Health| 4x S-Rank
  • Endurance| 2x S-Rank

  • Head| 2x S-Rank
  • Chest| 2x S-Rank
  • L. Arm| 2x S-Rank
  • R. Arm| 2x S-Rank
  • L. Leg| 2x S-Rank
  • R. Leg| 2x S-Rank

  • Magic Resistance| Minor - 1 Tier Damage Reduction to Direct Magic Attacks
  • Item Spell Mana Reduction| 40% Mana Reduction
  • Item Spell Cooldown Reduction| 2 Post CDR
  • Passive Stat Bonus| 10% bonus to all stats from Human Perk


Strength: 641 [Base: 501| Adaptability (10%): 50 | Armor Bonus: 90]

Speed: 276 [Base: 251 | Adaptability (10%): 25]

Constitution: 264 [Base: 131| Adaptability (10%): 13 | Equipment Bonus: 120]

Endurance: 178 [Base: 162 | Adaptability (10%): 16]

Intelligence: 4

Mana: 6,250/7,450

Equipment Stats and Durability

Left Hand:  Spellcutter: Damage: +104 [80 + 24(30%) = 104] - Durability: 5x S-Rank, 1x A-Rank, 1x B-Rank / 7x S-Rank

Right Hand: Breaker: Damage: +117 [90 + 27(30%) = 117] - Durability: 5x S-Rank

[WM #1]Reserve Weapon: White Walker’s Sword: Damage: +104 [80 + 24(30%) = 104] - Durability: 6x S-Rank

[WM #2]Reserve Weapon: Clarent: Damage: +104 [80 + 24(30%) = 104] - Durability: 5x S-Rank / 6x S-Rank

[WM #3]Reserve Weapon: Arondight: Damage: +104 [80 + 24(30%) = 104] - Durability: 6x S-Rank



Relic: Cloud Ring Flow: This effect causes a unique change to the mana within the user that strengthens and supplements their body to increase the wearer's acceleration and their body’s ability to endure that effect. This reduces the time for the wearer to reach top speed from four seconds to two seconds. - Durability: 2x S-Rank

Necklace: Samwise’s Necklace: Bonus: Weapon Durability: The user receives an additional 2x S-rank durability to their weapon. - Durability: 3x S-Rank

Ring: Leonardo’s Ring: Bonus: +60 Constitution - Durability: 2x S-Rank

Earring: Jaan Earring: Bonus: +60 Constitution - Durability: Indestructible

Companion: Sword Spirit

Action Log:

#8Go D. Drakkon 

A New Challenge [Go D. Drakkon | 1vs1 | Green | 48 Hr.] Empty Thu Jun 13, 2024 7:58 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon heard his words and he was doing his best to please the man. He was also trying his best to find a way to beat someone like this. When it came to physical strength, he was nothing. His magic was different, and he wished he could use it. Still, learning how to use his katanas to their full extent was another type of growth. This was something he wanted and he thrived for right now. He had to fight the urge to show Ikazuchi what he was truly capable of doing.

While he had moved, he did notice the change of the man’s blade. It was a famous blade indeed, but in Drakkon’s eyes, he never saw it or cared to learn about what it could do. He just knew how it looked and that was all. Today he would find out and he would learn from there what it could and possibly couldn’t do. When he attacked, it seemed like Ikazuchi would do the same; he figured that the magic armor he conjured would protect him well enough.

While he had been attacking from the range now, he knew Ikazuchi would go right through his attacks without hesitating. The sense of danger kicking in, allowed him to know where the attack would land. He wasn’t sure how big this attack would be, but if he was using a strong move then it was safe to say for him getting around sixteen meters away from where the attack would land would be ideal.

Drakkon had a bunch of attacks that were mostly that big, but he knew others could achieve something greater. That meant he knew sixteen meters away from where the attack would land might not be enough. He pushed his speed not making any sharp turns, but moving a slight change in his movement like an arc to continue his speed and increasing the distance between the two of them further and hopefully reaching the edge of the spell at the same time. Once he reached the end of it he would run around in the direction he had been running before.

The attack being a cone attack meant that he was fine with where he was. Of course, the vibration of Ikazuchi gaining on him was imminent. This brought Drakkon to chuckle a bit because this man wasn’t giving him a break. Of course, his will didn’t shake as he knew he needed one more push and he was fine. While the man had gotten closer, a bit, the sudden burst in his speed was different from how it started.

“I guess where I lack in strength I have in speed. I should remedy that. I could barely make a dent on you. Still, I am learning how to do better.” He was screwed.

He didn’t want to wait to attack him but knew that he had to. It was at this point he figured that he would make one last attempt to break through his armor. His abilities gave him the edge in being cunning, but it didn’t give him the physical prowess he desperately needed in this fight. Drakkon figured if Ikazuchi used that attack again or something similar he would use it to take cover and plan things out.


Action Log:

Attribute Detailed:

Spell Used:


A New Challenge [Go D. Drakkon | 1vs1 | Green | 48 Hr.] Empty Sat Jun 15, 2024 6:46 am


Ikazuchi felt more sure of his assumption as he caught sight of his opponent who once again avoided taking damage, even maintaining his speed while doing so. He was extremely well-versed in martial arts so he had a faint understanding that his opponent had reached a higher level in some aspects even if his swordsmanship was lagging behind in comparison. Those reactions were very telling of how much potential his opponent actually had, not to mention the fact that Drakkon was ultimately a mage. Something else that Ikazuchi vaguely understood was that his opponent intended to fight him without magic, just based on the lack of personal magic usage. It could only be described as a novel experience to have someone firmly insist on challenging his strength with their weakness

Ikazuchi had managed to close a small bit of distance with his approach, but Drakkon’s skillful movements prevented him from entering into melee range. ‘This may be harder than I thought?’ He didn’t exactly feel as though he was at risk of losing. Rather, as long as Drakkon only used melee combat, Ikazuchi was certain of his eventual victory. He just couldn’t envision him catching Drakkon with ease. ‘Well, it’s only a matter of time at this rate. If he wants to have a chance, he will still have to approach me as well…’ With that thought, Ikazuchi resigned himself to a immobile battle. Unless his opponent stopped or was willing to approach, there wasn’t any reason to attempt to catch them.

Ikazuchi continued to pivot and follow his mobile opponent in an attempt to look for any opening, something he could use to strike again. [1] Clarent rested on his shoulder as the red aura once more gathered along its blade, ready to be unleashed based on his will at any time. At this point, Drakkon addressed him again despite his rapid movement. To Ikazuchi, it was slightly muffled, but still clear enough to understand what was said.

You may not be able to make a dent on me today, but just your speed alone is enough to give me a headache.” Ikazuchi casually raised Clarent further as he spoke. “Unfortunately, this isn’t a battle you can win based on speed alone…” Ikazuchi paused as a playful grin spread across his face. “..How about you go ahead and come at me since that’s the case?” After speaking to this point, Ikazuchi stopped holding himself back.

[2] Ikazuchi didn’t hesitate as he once again dropped Clarent releasing a cone of destruction towards where Drakkon would be. He fully expected this attack to be unsuccessful, but he also understood that it is only by attacking with clarent that he could possibly land a blow considering his opponent’s speed. The surging aura made it very clear that he was attacking, but there were very few options outside of directly defeating the opponent. WIth Breaker, he was even less concerned for the potential loss of durability due to the spell attached to the item that actively protected the weapon.

Unlike last time, Ikazuchi didn’t rush to pursue or close the distance due to his speed being lower compared Drakkon by a large margin. Instead, he continued to observe and plan how to defeat the opponent. There was a clear provocation mixed into his very stance as he naturally enticed the enemy to attack. If he did, Ikazuchi was prepared to unleash a combo with either of his swords towards anyone that approached. Ikazuchi was making it clear that he acknowledged his opponent’s strengths and weaknesses As he gave up defense outside of the aura covering him. If Drakkon had the means to break through it, he was confident that he would be able to accomplish the same in a shorter time.

Every action he took seemed to question his opponent’s intention, whether Drakkon was here to duel or to simply run. There was little that he could do to an opponent that he couldn’t catch, but that same opponent also had very little that he could do to him without approaching. Powerful spells weren’t generally able to be used often, so Ikazuchi knew that Drakkon’s options were limited if he was restricting himself to strictly his equipment to gain experience.

Word Count: 711
Total Word Count: 2,951

Combat Stats

*All Gear is Equipped


  • Main-Hand (Left) Damage [641 + 104 = 745]| 2x S-Rank
  • Off-Hand (Right) Damage [641 + 117 = 758]| 3x S-rank
  • Non-Weapon Damage| 2x S-Rank

  • Weapon Mastery: Swords - Grand Master| Weapon Durability +2 S-Rank, Weapon Damage +30% [Rounded Up]

  • Speed| 30 m/s - Duration: 7 Posts
  • Lunge| 15 m/s - Frequency: 3 Per post
  • Acceleration| 2 Seconds to Top Speed

  • Health| 4x S-Rank
  • Endurance| 2x S-Rank

  • Head| 2x S-Rank
  • Chest| 2x S-Rank
  • L. Arm| 2x S-Rank
  • R. Arm| 2x S-Rank
  • L. Leg| 2x S-Rank
  • R. Leg| 2x S-Rank

  • Magic Resistance| Minor - 1 Tier Damage Reduction to Direct Magic Attacks
  • Item Spell Mana Reduction| 40% Mana Reduction
  • Item Spell Cooldown Reduction| 2 Post CDR
  • Passive Stat Bonus| 10% bonus to all stats from Human Perk


Strength: 641 [Base: 501| Adaptability (10%): 50 | Armor Bonus: 90]

Speed: 276 [Base: 251 | Adaptability (10%): 25]

Constitution: 264 [Base: 131| Adaptability (10%): 13 | Equipment Bonus: 120]

Endurance: 178 [Base: 162 | Adaptability (10%): 16]

Intelligence: 4

Mana: 5,650/7,450

Equipment Stats and Durability

Left Hand:  Spellcutter: Damage: +104 [80 + 24(30%) = 104] - Durability: 5x S-Rank, 1x A-Rank, 1x B-Rank / 7x S-Rank

Right Hand: Breaker: Damage: +117 [90 + 27(30%) = 117] - Durability: 5x S-Rank

[WM #1]Reserve Weapon: White Walker’s Sword: Damage: +104 [80 + 24(30%) = 104] - Durability: 6x S-Rank

[WM #2]Reserve Weapon: Clarent: Damage: +104 [80 + 24(30%) = 104] - Durability: 5x S-Rank / 6x S-Rank

[WM #3]Reserve Weapon: Arondight: Damage: +104 [80 + 24(30%) = 104] - Durability: 6x S-Rank



Relic: Cloud Ring Flow: This effect causes a unique change to the mana within the user that strengthens and supplements their body to increase the wearer's acceleration and their body’s ability to endure that effect. This reduces the time for the wearer to reach top speed from four seconds to two seconds. - Durability: 2x S-Rank

Necklace: Samwise’s Necklace: Bonus: Weapon Durability: The user receives an additional 2x S-rank durability to their weapon. - Durability: 3x S-Rank

Ring: Leonardo’s Ring: Bonus: +60 Constitution - Durability: 2x S-Rank

Earring: Jaan Earring: Bonus: +60 Constitution - Durability: Indestructible

Companion: Sword Spirit

Action Log:

#10Go D. Drakkon 

A New Challenge [Go D. Drakkon | 1vs1 | Green | 48 Hr.] Empty Sat Jun 15, 2024 1:15 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon was sure of it; he was faster than Ikazuchi. This would have been interesting if he had used his magic, but that wasn’t the case. Instead, he was going to have to eventually confront this man. He thought about everything he could do right now, but this man’s defense was stronger than what he could dish out.

He took it in, and as he was accepting this loss now. He looked at the man as it seemed like he had slowed down on this chase and eventually came to a stop. That was the best for him, and he knew he would stop even if he couldn’t get to him.

This was good as they were both looking at each other. Drakkon had already scouted the area around him, and there was no sense of danger in where he was heading at the moment. The man said something, and his words would reach him. One thing the Dragon Slayer didn’t know he could do was read lips. He was always able to hear people as clearly as day, but in pairs with his Hawken Eye, he was able to hear him and read his lip.

He nodded, agreeing with him. He had speed but lacked the power to beat someone like this. That was when that attack happened once again. Drakkon knew where it was coming from and would work on using that to his advantage. The Son of Chaos had been engulfed by the attack, and he could feel his armor being taken apart without much of a problem.

It wasn’t just that; his armor cracked, revealing his face to Ikazuchi when the time came. He was inside the fire cone as he arced his run and made his way to the man behind this fire cone attack. While this had all happened, Drakkon had covered his Yamato so it wouldn’t be destroyed. Yes, was protecting his only weapon, so it didn’t get destroyed by this fierce attack.

He closed the distance between the two without an issue and appeared in front of Ikazuchi. He had swung his Yamato as he was dashing straight to Ikazuchi. At the same time, he had activated his Judgement Cut End once again, as the spell was now off cooldown.

He wasn’t sure what was going to happen, but the man was right—he wasn’t going to win by running around. This ended in a loss, and even an experienced fighter like him understood that.


Action Log:

Attribute Detailed:

Spell Used:


A New Challenge [Go D. Drakkon | 1vs1 | Green | 48 Hr.] Empty Sat Jun 15, 2024 6:24 pm


‘This crazy fucker…’ That was Ikazuchi’s only thought as he witnessed the distinct scene of Drakkon charging through his attack at him. He had hoped for a direct confrontation, but he hadn’t expected such an extreme decision. The shock and surprise caused adrenaline to flood through his body as his focus sharpened to an abnormal level. His intent to give up on defense allowed him to focus solely on the state of the man who rapidly approached.

Drakkon’s armor was the first thing to go as it crumbled from the blast, the remaining force pushing past to engulf his body. Following that, the helmet protecting his head cracked revealing the face of his opponent. A subtle respect for a like-minded fellow appeared in this moment as he caught sight of the sword that was meticulously protected. It was a clear sign that regardless of the result, his opponent wouldn’t give up until the end. This kind of mentality was precisely what he hoped to face whenever he entered the arena. Not to mention, the spirit and skill of his opponent was something that would only push him higher.

The sound of the audience had faded from his ears, his thoughts which normally ran rampant in battle were silent as he simply followed his intuition. It wasn’t at the level of instinct, but his experience was the only guide he needed for the path his blade should follow as Drakkon wielded his sword. [1]Clarent hadn't been fully recovered from the downward slash used to cast its spell at this moment, so his stance shifted lower as his right foot moved forward and encroached on Drakkon’s stance.

His opponent’s attack was gathering the same dimensional energy that he witnessed earlier with it, but he ultimately still disregarded it. His lowered center of gravity allowed him to quickly recover his weapons as both arms, right above the left, crossed over his body. Both were fully prepared to unleash a simultaneous horizontal slash at the right moment.

He had a certain amount of confidence that his defense would last. His faith in his equipment meant that regardless of the aura, he had no fear even if the sword were to strike his seemingly unprotected face. [2] As Drakkon’s slash approached, Ikazuchi’s slashes were also launched simultaneously to strike parallel horizontally across his torso. He hoped to make it an exchange of attacks between the two like earlier, just he didn’t aim for defense this time. If his opponent were unlikely, these two attacks would end the fight. [3] Despite that being his intent, Ikazuchi was fully intending to raise Clarent in preparation for another strike of its spell should it be needed after the aftermath of Drakkon’s attack settled.

Word Count: 459
Total Word Count: 3,410

Combat Stats

*All Gear is Equipped


  • Main-Hand (Left) Damage [641 + 104 = 745]| 2x S-Rank
  • Off-Hand (Right) Damage [641 + 117 = 758]| 3x S-rank
  • Non-Weapon Damage| 2x S-Rank

  • Weapon Mastery: Swords - Grand Master| Weapon Durability +2 S-Rank, Weapon Damage +30% [Rounded Up]

  • Speed| 30 m/s - Duration: 7 Posts
  • Lunge| 15 m/s - Frequency: 3 Per post
  • Acceleration| 2 Seconds to Top Speed

  • Health| 4x S-Rank
  • Endurance| 2x S-Rank

  • Head| 2x S-Rank
  • Chest| 2x S-Rank
  • L. Arm| 2x S-Rank
  • R. Arm| 2x S-Rank
  • L. Leg| 2x S-Rank
  • R. Leg| 2x S-Rank

  • Magic Resistance| Minor - 1 Tier Damage Reduction to Direct Magic Attacks
  • Item Spell Mana Reduction| 40% Mana Reduction
  • Item Spell Cooldown Reduction| 2 Post CDR
  • Passive Stat Bonus| 10% bonus to all stats from Human Perk


Strength: 641 [Base: 501| Adaptability (10%): 50 | Armor Bonus: 90]

Speed: 276 [Base: 251 | Adaptability (10%): 25]

Constitution: 264 [Base: 131| Adaptability (10%): 13 | Equipment Bonus: 120]

Endurance: 178 [Base: 162 | Adaptability (10%): 16]

Intelligence: 4

Mana: 5,350/7,450

Equipment Stats and Durability

Left Hand:  Spellcutter: Damage: +104 [80 + 24(30%) = 104] - Durability: 5x S-Rank, 1x A-Rank, 1x B-Rank / 7x S-Rank

Right Hand: Breaker: Damage: +117 [90 + 27(30%) = 117] - Durability: 5x S-Rank

[WM #1]Reserve Weapon: White Walker’s Sword: Damage: +104 [80 + 24(30%) = 104] - Durability: 6x S-Rank

[WM #2]Reserve Weapon: Clarent: Damage: +104 [80 + 24(30%) = 104] - Durability: 5x S-Rank / 6x S-Rank

[WM #3]Reserve Weapon: Arondight: Damage: +104 [80 + 24(30%) = 104] - Durability: 6x S-Rank



Relic: Cloud Ring Flow: This effect causes a unique change to the mana within the user that strengthens and supplements their body to increase the wearer's acceleration and their body’s ability to endure that effect. This reduces the time for the wearer to reach top speed from four seconds to two seconds. - Durability: 2x S-Rank

Necklace: Samwise’s Necklace: Bonus: Weapon Durability: The user receives an additional 2x S-rank durability to their weapon. - Durability: 3x S-Rank

Ring: Leonardo’s Ring: Bonus: +60 Constitution - Durability: 2x S-Rank

Earring: Jaan Earring: Bonus: +60 Constitution - Durability: Indestructible

Companion: Sword Spirit

Action Log:

#12Go D. Drakkon 

A New Challenge [Go D. Drakkon | 1vs1 | Green | 48 Hr.] Empty Mon Jun 17, 2024 8:07 am

Go D. Drakkon

Drakkon had hit him, but at the same time, he had also been hit. This was something he knew would happen, but he had self-destructed. No, he didn’t, he knew this was a loss when they clashed the first time. He wasn’t physically strong enough and he knew that much. Still, this was a way he felt was right to take the battle to its end. His Relic took the blow of one Ikazuchi’s blade it shattered as the second one cut the Son of Chaos without a problem.

A gush of blood would come out of the Demi-God’s body. Drakkon felt the pain grunted, clinched his teeth, squinted his eyes, and immediately grabbed the wound. He coughed up blood from the attack as his run, slowly came to a stop and he kneeled for a second.

He would get up from that position and he stood up and turned to Ikazuchi. He could only laugh from what had happened as he looked at the man. One thing he couldn’t help was that his body started regenerating. The wound that had gained from Ikazuchi started to heal and close up. Drakkon looked at him and he nodded at him. His laughing would come to a stop, he would take his Yamato and he sheath the blade. That attack was strong, and if they clashed again, he was sure to be taken out from that blow. This was defeat, not that he hadn’t lost before. Yuurei, Brone, and now Ikazuchi had defeated him without a problem.

Drakkon felt that he was nothing without his magic, which he didn’t want to be the case, he needed to be able to hold his own. If he were to face his father right now, he was sure to be crushed.

“I concede! This is your win Ikazuchi! I know from that blow I would be taken out without a problem!” He said out loud.

When people heard those words they would shout with cheering. The conclusion wasn’t something that everybody was expecting, but it was great nonetheless. Drakkon knew while he was hard to take down, this fight wouldn’t go his way, and it was why it was over with. When things settled down, Drakkon recovered his Enma and wondered what power he would come across with the blade being unsealed by Ikazuchi.


Action Log:

Attribute Detailed:

Spell Used:


A New Challenge [Go D. Drakkon | 1vs1 | Green | 48 Hr.] Empty Mon Jun 17, 2024 9:50 am


Ikazuchi was at a loss as he witnessed his opponent overcoming his attacks, but at the same time his excitement grew as Clarent raised into the air. In the zone, he had no consideration for when or how the battle may end. He only thought of how he may be able to defeat his opponent. The gathered red aura around his sword seemed blinding, but ultimately unnecessary. Despite his surprising level of regeneration, Drakkon had laughed but it was a rare occurrence to see someone with such strong and active regeneration. To Ikazuchi, that was something that felt oddly outside of the realm of humans. That was a feeling that was more accurate than he would realize at this time, but also something that could only be addressed in the future.

As Drakkon returned to a standing position, he nodded to Ikazuchi and sheathed his sword. ‘Ah… It’s over…’ Ikazuchi simply discharged the raging red aura into the sky as he nodded in return. Clarent was then swapped with Spellcutter before Spellcutter and Breaker were similarly sheathed at his sides. There was a moment of peace as the two observed each other before Drakkon made his final declaration. It was a relatively common occurrence when a clear winner was determined in arena battles for the loser to announce their willingness to concede.

Ikazuchi was momentarily quiet as he gradually calmed himself. The remaining aura shrouding himself as well as his Mind Sword were released as waves of mana around him as he closed his eyes and took a deep, controlled, breath. He could subtly feel his surroundings with more clarity, a clear indication that he had progressed past the bottleneck and just needed time to truly adjust to. It was only when he noticed Drakkon taking hold of his now unsealed sword that Ikazuchi’s introspection ended and he ensured he was close enough to respond with a smile. “It was a fun fight. I look forward to another in the future, one where we can both go all out.” The cheers of the crowd meant that they wouldn’t have heard what he said, but he knew that both himself and Drakkon were far from unleashing their full potential. If they had, the battle would have been very different.

After that, Ikazuchi didn’t hang around for long to speak further. First, he addressed the crowd with a raised fist as he physically acknowledged his victory. Following that, he calmly made his way out of the arena to leave it for the next battle that would be hosted on its stage. If there were a chance in the future, he hoped to see Drakkon on this stage once more.

Word Count: 447
Total Word Count: 3,857

OOC: Ikazuchi won the fight due to Drakkon Conceding and is exiting the topic

Combat Stats

*All Gear is Equipped


  • Main-Hand (Left) Damage [641 + 104 = 745]| 2x S-Rank
  • Off-Hand (Right) Damage [641 + 117 = 758]| 3x S-rank
  • Non-Weapon Damage| 2x S-Rank

  • Weapon Mastery: Swords - Grand Master| Weapon Durability +2 S-Rank, Weapon Damage +30% [Rounded Up]

  • Speed| 30 m/s - Duration: 7 Posts
  • Lunge| 15 m/s - Frequency: 3 Per post
  • Acceleration| 2 Seconds to Top Speed

  • Health| 4x S-Rank
  • Endurance| 2x S-Rank

  • Head| 2x S-Rank
  • Chest| 2x S-Rank
  • L. Arm| 2x S-Rank
  • R. Arm| 2x S-Rank
  • L. Leg| 2x S-Rank
  • R. Leg| 2x S-Rank

  • Magic Resistance| Minor - 1 Tier Damage Reduction to Direct Magic Attacks
  • Item Spell Mana Reduction| 40% Mana Reduction
  • Item Spell Cooldown Reduction| 2 Post CDR
  • Passive Stat Bonus| 10% bonus to all stats from Human Perk


Strength: 641 [Base: 501| Adaptability (10%): 50 | Armor Bonus: 90]

Speed: 276 [Base: 251 | Adaptability (10%): 25]

Constitution: 264 [Base: 131| Adaptability (10%): 13 | Equipment Bonus: 120]

Endurance: 178 [Base: 162 | Adaptability (10%): 16]

Intelligence: 4

Mana: 5,350/7,450

Equipment Stats and Durability

Left Hand:  Spellcutter: Damage: +104 [80 + 24(30%) = 104] - Durability: 5x S-Rank, 1x A-Rank, 1x B-Rank / 7x S-Rank

Right Hand: Breaker: Damage: +117 [90 + 27(30%) = 117] - Durability: 4x S-Rank / 7x S-Rank

[WM #1]Reserve Weapon: White Walker’s Sword: Damage: +104 [80 + 24(30%) = 104] - Durability: 6x S-Rank

[WM #2]Reserve Weapon: Clarent: Damage: +104 [80 + 24(30%) = 104] - Durability: 4x S-Rank / 6x S-Rank

[WM #3]Reserve Weapon: Arondight: Damage: +104 [80 + 24(30%) = 104] - Durability: 6x S-Rank



Relic: Cloud Ring Flow: This effect causes a unique change to the mana within the user that strengthens and supplements their body to increase the wearer's acceleration and their body’s ability to endure that effect. This reduces the time for the wearer to reach top speed from four seconds to two seconds. - Durability: 2x S-Rank

Necklace: Samwise’s Necklace: Bonus: Weapon Durability: The user receives an additional 2x S-rank durability to their weapon. - Durability: 3x S-Rank

Ring: Leonardo’s Ring: Bonus: +60 Constitution - Durability: 2x S-Rank

Earring: Jaan Earring: Bonus: +60 Constitution - Durability: Indestructible

Companion: Sword Spirit

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