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Serving Servas (D-rank/Solo)

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Serving Servas (D-rank/Solo) Empty Sat Jan 06, 2024 6:27 pm

In the heart of Oak City, the Phantasm family's castle stood as a testament to wealth and influence. Lord Servas Phantasm, the head of the family, known for his cunning dealings and intricate alliances, found himself in an unusual position. On the anniversary of his late wife's death, he sought help from outsiders to ensure a grand ceremony in her honour. The Rune Knights, always vigilant for potential insights into the city's powerful figures, saw an opportunity to gather information on Lord Servas Phantasm by sending one of their own undercover.

August Toussaint is a Rune Knight not known in Fiore as much as he was in Seven or even Minstrel, but is known within his organization for being good at manipulation and politics, thus assumed a nondescript appearance as he ventured into Castle Phantasm. Dressed as an admittedly striking commoner, he concealed his true identity, ready to fulfill the role of a helpful hand for Lord Servas Phantasm's solemn occasion.

WC: 165


Serving Servas (D-rank/Solo) Empty Sat Jan 06, 2024 6:28 pm

Upon reaching the castle's entrance, August was greeted by the imposing figure of Lord Servas Phantasm himself. The Lord, with an air of sophistication that betrayed his shrewd nature, explained the task at hand. The butlers, occupied with their duties related to the ceremony, were unable to spare the time for an additional task—fetching a pair of flowers from the castle's dungeon, the favourite of his late wife.

Descending into the depths of Castle Phantasm, August navigated the dimly lit corridors. The castle upstairs was bustling with activity, but the dungeons felt eerie and devoid of life. As he delved deeper, the darkness intensified until he was enveloped in pitch blackness. The absence of light heightened his senses, and August began to feel a sense of trepidation.

The quest for the flower proved to be more challenging than expected. August stumbled over uneven stones, misjudged distances, and encountered unforeseen obstacles. Frustration mounted as he failed repeatedly, the darkness conspiring against his efforts. Yet, his determination propelled him forward, and after several attempts, he finally secured the delicate blooms that held sentimental value to Lord Servas Phantasm's late wife.



Serving Servas (D-rank/Solo) Empty Sat Jan 06, 2024 6:28 pm

Emerging from the dungeon, August returned to higher grounds, the flowers cradled carefully in his hands. The dim light of the castle corridors slowly replaced the oppressive darkness of the dungeon. August approached Lord Servas Phantasm and presented the flowers with a respectful bow.

As the Lord received the cherished blooms, a wave of emotion overcame him. Tears welled in his eyes, and he expressed gratitude to August for his invaluable contribution to the ceremony. Lord Servas Phantasm, known for his strategic mind and calculated demeanour, momentarily revealed a vulnerability tied to the memory of his late wife.

August, maintaining his facade as a helpful commoner, accepted the Lord's thanks graciously and worked for a few more hours. Lord Servas Phantasm, appreciative of the assistance, compensated August for his service. August sighed as he left the cattle. The dungeons were so dark that he really couldn't do much scouting, but he did become friendly with a few other servants and was a kind face to the lord himself. plus he was able to copy the guest list, showing who the lord was close enough with to be invited to such a party. It wasn't the best result, but it was good enough.

WC: 205
TWC: 562

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