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An audience with the Raven Queen [Lumi]

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An audience with the Raven Queen [Lumi] Empty Tue May 14, 2024 6:32 pm


How peculiar... Ever since she set foot in the Sieghart Mountains the armored woman couldn't help but feel as if she had entered a different era. Perhaps it was because she had lived during the period where the Age of Dragons reached its conclusion, the current atmosphere in the Sieghart Mountains felt oddly peaceful. This was nothing like the time where Nacht's magic had turned the population into nightmarish creatures, nor was it the same type of glorious landscapes that she had grown used to when dragons still roamed the land.

Nay, despite the peaceful nature of this land, it felt off. The peace felt fragile, ever reliant on a chosen few to protect it. Perhaps that was why she felt slightly on edge. This was a tension akin to the calm before the storm, like the eve before a grand battle. And it didn't make her comfortable in the slightest.

Not that she would let it show in her expression: her facial features were calm, perhaps stoic even as she wandered along the mountain path. She had asked for directions to the people responsible for protecting the North. After all, her task was one she would accomplish with nary a moment of hesitation or delay. The armored warrior ascended along the cliffside, and in the distance, the base of the ones she had been looking for came into sight. Her trustworthy halberd rested on her shoulder, the banner of her Monarch still wavering slightly along with the wind. There was a irony in the fact her current Monarch had chosen to inherit the symbol of Bahamut's forces. Almost as if it was meant to be... Nay, a light shake of her head followed. She did not believe in something like fate or destiny. But to find that there was one among the dragons who shared her old lord's passion? It did fill her with a vigor long lost.

Her cape, bestowed onto her by her Monarch fluttered lightly alongside her frame, its presence filling her with warmth and confidence. Finally, she reached the entrance to Paradise Dawn's domain and called out, her voice firm and proud: "I am the Herald of the Dragon Monarch! I have come to seek an audience with your leader."

Her voice resounded through the building, from up ahead she could see there were some guards, she could only hope they would get her to meet with their leader. Her Monarch's orders were absolute: she would not leave until she had an audience with the leader of Paradise Dawn.

The Dragoon remained silent as she waited. She could understand the purpose behind her Monarch's decision to send her here, and if she had to be honest? She was curious to discover just what it was about this person that had earned the curiosity of the Monarch of Dragons. But for now all she could do was wait...

Currently using the Cape of Conquerors that is worn by the Obsidian Dragoon.


An audience with the Raven Queen [Lumi] Empty Wed May 15, 2024 1:41 pm


It was just another day in Paradise Dawn for all that resided in the hall, that is besides the Guild Master who had been working on reinventing her task and teaching it to Alvis for the last few days. She got a letter recently from her mother that felt like a cause for alarm, but her budding leadership was far too new for her to leave so carelessly. Things were in the middle of delicate change and she could not afford a long and unpredicted absence to deter the matters further. No, if she was careful enough in planning things out now, most things would probably be in running order by the time she returned. She trusted her servant Alvis to get it done and her Uncle Brone to maintain the peace until then. And so as per usual, she was holed up in her office sorting applications, reports, and member feedback.

The sky that day was cloudy, the clouds rolling in grey as if to foretell a storm. Lumikki Hrútr could spell the moisture in the air and it was indeed a comforting scent; calming her down to a content peace as she worked through her pile in time to enjoy lunch. Alvis was downstairs preparing the meal so the Demoness was left to sit alone, humming along to some old folk songs as she worked.

Among the grounds of the Dawn, many of her ravens perched at the highest towers. They were just as vigilant if not more than her grounded patrol. So it would be them to spot the odd stranger approaching first. A banner flapping in the air would alert their eyes the most, its movement in the escalating wind was mesmerizing but the sigil on the cloth was unrecognizable.

A few would part to seek the Revna's attention, while the rest stayed behind to observe the visitor should anything happen. As ravens, they were often overlooked, hardly noticed until it was too late; but this suited them and Lumikki just fine.

" Greetings, an armored warrior approaches the guild my Revna. With a symbol never seen in the North before. They came alone, but we know not what for." Lumikki wouldn't answer right away, her eyes were still pacing around a page in hand but she would open a drawer to the right and pull out a snack to pass it to her raven. The bird hungrily took the nut into its beak, savoring it as their master finally rested the page and turned around. Her hand beckoned him to her lap so that she may pet him and think." It's far too soon for other guilds and organizations to know of our change in leadership. Yet no one's ever come to our door when Yuurei led. Do ye think they've felt a disturbance lil one? Do ye think they know the Angel's gone? Curious....but interesting."

" Interesting indeed," Lonu, a raven once forest spirit to the Woodsea and one of Lumikki's more level-headed birds, would echo his agreement. " So you think they mean us trouble?" now spoke Trygve, her first and most aspiring raven; he sought to be the closest to Lumikki and the most useful. " Heh, does it matter? Fresh blood at the door and a break from the paperwork, don't ya say." Gunvald was her most bloodthirsty, but even this comment was just a jest to annoy the other two. Lonu was wise enough not to take the bait, but Trygve was too young and naive to let it pass." A brute like you has no say here! Think of how the Dawn would look if they killed every guest that wandered to their door!"

" Hush loves, I'm thinking..." she sighed, already tired. The pair often fought but it was no time to bother her now. Lumikki simply wrote a note and passed it to Trygve to handle. Within it was the instructions that she was aware of their guest, and to await her further orders.

The bird hungrily took the note with pride, he was overjoyed from being the one chosen for the important job, and he'd quickly glid down to the gates where the visitor who was soon to arrive.

The guards gave a nod of understanding, before awaking the newcomer. By the time she exclaimed her desire, they were long prepared." Yes, but on what business do you have to disturb our Guild Master? It would be best to provide a reason now, as they've known you were coming for some time now. Should they accept your claim, we'd be advised to escort you in; but if they do not, we'd heavily advise that you leave."

An audience with the Raven Queen [Lumi] Img_0811

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An audience with the Raven Queen [Lumi] Empty Wed May 15, 2024 2:13 pm


The armored knight remained silent, a thoughtful frown upon her visage. Did they anticipate her arrival? Nay, her Monarch had yet to commune with the others about her intentions. Perhaps one had seen her arrival beforehand? It did not matter. The guards demanded for her to state a reason, a fair demand all things considered, and it was one that made her smile. "Good, it would do your leader no good to invite a stranger in her domain without knowing the reason behind their visit."

She nodded her head, seemingly approving of the wariness of the guards as she continued. "I have come in the name of Pergrande's Dragon Knight! Our Order seeks to discuss a potential alliance and perhaps offer a mutually-beneficial trade, although the details of said trade will be given only to your leader."

She raised her halberd lightly and then jutted the bottom of it into the ground, the banner waving proudly in the air. "Do understand, that as the Herald to the Dragon Monarch, barring me entry would do you no good, whether it is for the people of the North, or Paradise Dawn itself."

Her gaze remained fixated on the guards, although for a moment it seemed as if... she was distracted. A light nod of affirmation followed from the armored warrior who resumed speaking. "Although, my Monarch believes that the leader of the North is wise enough to know when to turn away a potential ally. A proper alliance can only prosper when both parties have something to gain: And considering both our leaders are facing similar... obstacles it would be useful to parlay."

And with these words she had gone silent. It was a good thing she was send here instead of the others. It was far more likely one would have lost patience and gone in charging in the hope of finding Lumikki, even if a trail of guards followed in his wake, the other likely would commit a crime and the final one would cause Paradise Dawn to commit a crime.

Why was being a Herald sometimes so difficult? Was this how politics felt like? If so, she could understand why her Monarch was no fan of it. It was so much easier to settle an argument with a lance into someone's throat or by burning a village to make an example out of them, than it was to solve it by words. But she could understand why her Monarch had chosen for her to come here, instead of attending this meeting directly. If something went wrong it was far easier to deal with the matter compared to when the Monarch herself was present. Not that something was about to go wrong right? Her gaze lifted up toward the sight of the ravens at the top of the keep and for a moment she couldn't help but smile.

"They do serve a lot of functions, at the very least they ensure the battlefield is cleaned up afterward. I never was a fan of walking through a sea of corpses..."


An audience with the Raven Queen [Lumi] Empty Wed May 15, 2024 3:09 pm


The guards were not a fan of her attitude and arrogance, but like her, they'd choose to remain silent in moments that would greatly benefit from it. After all, their answer at this moment didn't matter as much as Lumikki's would, and it was likely that she was already made informed. All they had to do now was wait.

Their assumption would prove correct, for the moment the warrior's reason escaped her lips, a raven flew up to deliver it. By then when they passed through the office window, even Tenevi, the harpy companion of Lumikki, would be there to await the situation." An alliance they say...I've never heard of them before...but it could prove interesting. It's been a while since Paradise Dawn was a consideration let alone a desired ally." Lumikki sat back in her chair and mulled over the implication. " I would consider it suspicious that the warrior claims to be of use to us, just a mere few days after that note from your mother." Tenevi, unlike Lumikki, never cared to entertain other people. As far as she was concerned, Lumikki had the means to do all things with just the two of them alone.

" Aye, but where's the fun in not entertaining these.... courtesies? And what is a Demon without a devilish deal made? There's a raven tucked in every corner Vee, it's no easy task to pull a fast one on a Demon in the know. Hmmmm, it's been ages since it got used..." Lumikki couldn't remember the last time the meeting hall got to accommodate guests. As she mulled it over, she pulled out a key, and turning it in the air would manifest her servants. Two men and a woman sprung forth with a puff of black smoke and feathers, all in fine Icebergan attire. " Dears, I need ye to meet with Alvis in the kitchen to update him on the matters and prepare for me guest. I would like the meeting room to be presentable and refreshments made as promptly as ya can. I shall be down within half an hour to meet the stranger, and Vee, ye shall be the one to meet and escort her." The harpy looked rather annoyed, not at the demand given to her but at the need to meet a stranger at all. Yet she'd silently nod in agreement and ushered herself to the windows so she may glide down and pass the word.

" My master agrees to meet with you but first needs the time to make arrangements. One cannot show up uninvited and without an appointment but still believe to be taken within the moment. I hope you understand. She will meet with you in a half hour's time. By then, I will be the one to escort you...stranger who fails to give any proper names."

When the time came, the three-foot-tall harpy with her head held tall and graceful movement would begin to walk inside, prompting the armored guest to enter and cross the long bridge. After entering one of the many buildings and climbing the steps, the pair would find themselves in a large room filled with many big windows. The rain that was a hint before, was now trickling softly on the panes. Tenevi pointed to a seat at the long table, a glass of water was already prepared but a pot of tea would sit at the ready as well. And a large platter of sweets and sandwiches was placed just beside it.

All who stood within the room were all servants Lumikki conjured, waiting for the need of them to arrive. And soon after the knight gets comfortable, Lumikki finally enters as well. The Demoness wore a long black dress with blue trims that trailed behind her and an Icebergan garter belt with various runes, as well as a thick veil made of pure darkness that obscured her face so that one could not yet see her, but for the time being, she presented as human. With brown skin with arms still exposed and periwinkle hair braided to hang behind her, eyes like sapphite and citrine, and hands still stained black. With her entry, a small chill would whiff in the air as the cold clung to her presence but it would not present uncomfortable to her guest. And she'd saunter down to the other side of the table to take a seat where a small meal was prepared as she was still famished for lacking a proper lunch.

" Greetings stranger. To what do I owe this spontaneous arrival." Lumikki spoke with a clear and precise voice, it was commanding but still gentle as hints of her mischief can still echo in the words. " Ye sit before Lumikki Hrútr the current Guild Master to Paradise Dawn."

An audience with the Raven Queen [Lumi] Img_0811

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An audience with the Raven Queen [Lumi] Empty Thu May 16, 2024 9:53 pm


The timely arrival of the harpy and her comment about introductions made the armored warrior go silent for a moment, pondering about the notion. "A name?" She had long discarded such a thing. An identity was something she had forsaken by the time she became a champion in Bahamut's legions. "Does your leader name her clothes or the pen with which she scribes a letter? I am alike in that regard: I am the lance which pierces the foes of my Monarch, in that regard providing you with a name would be nothing short of a lie and a slight toward your leader for doing so."

She paused, recalling her Monarch's words as she adjusted her gaze, focusing on the clouded sky overhead. "You may call me 'Lancer'." Finally she was allowed access inside the guild building, quietly following after the harpy as she took in her surroundings, although subtly. It was clear that even inside the rumored strength of Paradise Dawn couldn't be ignored. Trained guards, a well-maintained guild hall... It almost even felt like her every movement was being watched by someone, and yet it felt something was missing. The knight's gaze shifted as she was led inside the room, the long table, the pleasantries, even the servants that were ready to serve her guest. She approached the seat, shifting it lightly backwards while resting her halberd slightly against it and remained... standing? Only later would it be revealed why she did so, for when Lumikki entered and introduced herself the herald of the monarch did something most might find a bit unexpected: she bowed. her head bowed just far enough as a gesture of respect toward the guild master while she waited for Lumikki to proceed to sit down, after which the knight would take the same act, it was after all disrespectful where she came from to sit down before the host of a occasion like this.

"Forgive the unannounced arrival, Queen blessed by the Ravens, or would 'Lumikki' do? I am not too familiar with the etiquette practiced among the denizens of Earthland in this era." She waited for the woman to answer her after which she continued. "I have been sent by my Monarch, the Dragon Knight of Pergrande to discuss recent events- but first please accept Monarch Ryuko's sincere apologies for not yet attending directly. The recent conquest of the surrounding provinces within Pergrande and the foundation of the Dragon Order have left my Monarch somewhat... cautious of public appearances. Despite the tense peace that currently lingers in that faraway land, it is still in a state of unrest that requires a certain... 'delicate' approach, quite like the current state of affairs within Iceberg, wouldn't you agree?"

It was bait, to see if Lumikki would reveal that Paradise Dawn, or perhaps herself had an interest in the events unfolding in the frozen land. "My master was quite fascinated when she heard of your ascension as the leader of the North, and alongside her congratulations would like to learn more about you, and what it is that you seek to accomplish in the future."

She paused for a bit, a hand lightly resting on the edge of her cape as she smiled apologetically. "Please do forgive me for not partaking in the pleasantries you prepared. A being like me only requires mana for nourishment, and as such I would prefer if you could distribute my share to these who aid you in protecting the north."


An audience with the Raven Queen [Lumi] Empty Fri May 17, 2024 1:33 pm


” This era is both simple and complicated isn’t it. But for simplicity’s sake here, Lumikki will serve fine.” The Demoness was not quite sure of the person’s intention. It was odd behavior to be sure to call out a difference in eras; but it was the absurdity of it all that entertained her and it was enough for her to play along and let it be. After all, in a world full of magic, demons, and gods, she would not be the one to determine the validity of anything without more time to observe it; and with her vast knowledge of various lores and time periods, this only served to tickle her fancy.

Lumikki would dig into her meal with restraint and small bites, to maintain etiquette and to still be available to speak at anytime the moment calls for it. This proved to almost be a meditative task paired along with her guest’s introduction. As the act of eating gave her the patience needed to not interject needlessly. Lumikki was intelligent, clever, and playful, yes and she knew how to pay mind to the words of her company. This did not mean she always had the experience to dance around a conversation though, especially one that spoke to her as an authority and not simply an individual. So she took the moment to practice the skill of restraint and avoid her usual chaotic playfulness. Processing the words of the “lancer” before her.

” Hmmm interesting account indeed. I appreciate the congratulations, thank ye.” Lumikki nodded along and continued,” Kind of ye indeed, but I would still recommend at least water and tea. As for rest, well no food goes wasted here.” She put down her fork and looked at the women before her with hands clasped. Trying to peek deeper to her identity with her World’s eye, but would only revel a haze. The Demoness couldn’t even gleam a name, but it only added to the validity of the Lancers rebuke to offer one before. Yet with this show of honesty, it did not speak entirely for the peculiar visitor.

” I’ve heard whispers of Pergrande’s civil conflict. Enough to be informed but I didn’t pay it much mind as it didn’t bother me in the slightest. Still, ye’d be correct to say Iceberg has its fair share of civil disrupt, but it’s just part of the culture at this point.” Lumi’s head tilted and she mulled over the odds of Lancer’s Monarch sending her over days after the note from her mother and readied of the news of change in power. It was curious to see someone from a country so far away, oddly so invested in guilds of another. Especially with a desire to know their ambitions.

” I plan to accomplish cementing me rule. Whether it is in the Dawn or in me humble Dwarven clan. Of course, I am sure there are legendary feats to be overcome as I do. Would participating in Pregrande be one?”

An audience with the Raven Queen [Lumi] Img_0811

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An audience with the Raven Queen [Lumi] Empty Fri May 17, 2024 2:07 pm


The Lancer nodded her head lightly, a gauntleted hand reaching for the cup of tea that she took a careful sip from. When Lumikki's gaze settled onto her, the power of the world's knowledge would stir, almost like she was reading a biography from a book or something. It mentioned that the being in front of her was also known as the 'Obsidian Dragoon', but like her earlier statement she had not possesses a true name to share. Instead the world's knowledge bestowed onto Lumikki the awareness that this was a being that had lived during the Age of Dragons and had made a name for herself as a Champion who participated in the grand conflict that saw the evil dragon Nacht sealed away. Yet among all this knowledge there was also a name that struck out: Bahamut. It seemed that this woman had once served the dragon known as the Monarch of Dragons.

"A fair goal to pursue, and one that aligns closely with my master's own mindset." She brought the cup back to her lips and took another sip, the tea being quite pleasant in flavor. "To establish oneself as a worthy ruler one needs to perform feats that would rebuke any foolish enough to oppose thy claim."

Lumikki's thought of participating in Pergrande made the woman known as Lancer think for a moment. "It would. Despite the current tense peace my master believes it is only a matter of time until the remaining provinces are forced into a decision. Either they will comply and join her, or they will follow Druringrad's boldness to oppose her. It won't be long before pleas for aid will reach thy shores and these of the other guilds and countries. War is coming, one that will change the future of Pergrande. Although participating in this war might earn you standing among the fellow mortals of Earthland-" She paused at the end, closing her eyes as if she was thinking.

"Yet if that is your goal, then perhaps turning your attention to Iceberg first will prove to hold more merit. Unite its people and vanquish the threat of the restless undead. Surely that will both prove to be a deed worthy of a legend but... also strengthen your position. At least that is what my master would propose."

She opened her eyes and smiled briefly. "Despite being among mortals, my Monarch is still a dragon and her heart is with her people, which is why the events in Pergrande are more akin to a stepping stone for her. What she seeks is quite alike to accomplishing a legendary feat, but with a more honed consequence in mind: To renew the Age of Dragons and see her kin returned to Earthland. In that regard she has currently earned the backing of two of the Ancient Dragons and a majority of the dragons that remain in hiding on Earthland."

Another light sip followed as she looked at Lumikki. "In that regard, she wanted to propose an alliance, to combine our forces so that you could pursue your ambitions in Iceberg, and when the time is right, show who earned your favor when the war breaks out in Pergrande."

She went silent, lowering the cup of tea. "Although we would not blame you for being wary either. Now that you are the leader of Paradise Dawn, the delicate intricacies of politics will not remain away. Or like mortals enjoy saying: With great power comes a greater responsibility."

She heaved a soft sigh and finished. "Although should you require more time to deliberate the merits of such an alliance, or desire to speak to my Monarch directly that can be arranged."


An audience with the Raven Queen [Lumi] Empty Sat May 18, 2024 6:56 pm


" Favor among the mortals...what a humorous thing that is, ain't it? Not like they've lost all me favor since the change, it's more like, I sit within a new perspective. But feats and stories should be done when young so that they age in the most interesting of ways over time. To this, I enjoy planning me meddling to coincide with those desires. Of course, me homeland will always be at the forefront of the care I can provide." Lumikki's face was hidden by the veil all that time, but as the conversation was now warming up in ways so could emphasize, the dark of her veil would ease to reflect as such. One could now see her lips in a cheeky and playful smile, relaying that though the matters were serious, she still intended to be amused.

As the visitor continued her explanation, this time divulging more information about the person and intentions of her Monarch, it was becoming more clear to Lumikki what brought them to her door. The smile she bore only grew more while resting her elbows upon the table with clasped hands. " I see...that spells things out quite clearly for me as to why I could be of consideration. A being such as a dragon, I could only assume they'd prefer the aid of another timeless being. Mortals are too temporary after all, a goal that ambitious with them in mind could take forever, and training the warriors could span generations. But with that said, the world is overrun with them. The company of dragons would prove a pleasing one when I eventually withdraw from the forefront. Consider me bored without their presence in this realm and amused by the venture of aiding their return."

Lumikki pulled back and straightened her posture; shedding the last of her dark veil away akin to the sight of a cloud no longer blocking the sun and lifting its shadows. Her face was now shown in its entirety, before letting the shadows that surrounded her now warp in her direction and smother her skin. The darkness soon peeled away like freshly fallen snow only to reveal a truer form." Those of Iceberg are not shy to war, and though I won't choose to risk me people needlessly. I shall join in yer venture if ya aid me in mine. The time for more timeless friendships could be beneficial and I am amused. But the discussion of details will be handled in person as I can't fight along another I've never seen nor met. Ye could call for me with the arrangement has been made, to this Monarch earliest convenience. Until then, as ye understand, I am quite busy." The white wings that adorned her pale hair pulled back and her hands clasped together while she was in thought." Yer free to stay as long as ye need and send word to yer leader. Me ravens could assist in that accord as well. I presume of course, that this was all ye wanted to discuss?"

An audience with the Raven Queen [Lumi] Img_0811

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An audience with the Raven Queen [Lumi] Empty Sat May 18, 2024 7:33 pm


Based on the words spoken by Lumikki the armored warrior could clearly sense a fondness toward Iceberg. A fondness for one's homeland. In a way she would have to admit that she didn't know that feeling. Nor did her Monarch, after all Ryuko grew up among divinity, the same divinity that scorned her like an outcast. Although she did understand the importance of bonds and family.

When the veil lifted over Lumikki's features the Lancer showed no sign of apprehension, no disdain or fear, if anything her expression was eerily calm. "I would not think of making a honored ally of my Monarch wait. Your words were more than plenty to convince me that the time is right to carry out the second order I was given."

The Lancer slowly rose from her seat, a hand reaching for her halberd as she took a step aside from the table and, bend the knee? She kneeled, halberd resting at her side as she spoke. "Monarch Ryuko-"

A feminine voice rang through the air as the air seemed to start to shift and distort, for a moment it seemed like it might have been some sort of Dimensional magic, but there was no sign of a gateway opening. Instead the figure of the Dragon Monarch appeared at her herald's side, a hand resting lightly on the woman's shoulder. "Excellent work Lancer."

The dragon lady spoke, her voice soft and gentle as she took over the cape and turned her attention toward Lumikki. Her tail swished lightly, her wings stretched out slightly from her back while on top of her blond hair a crown adorned her head. A light tilt of her head followed, a smile lingering on her lips. "Do forgive the sudden intrusion into the conversation Lumikki~ Although the timing was impeccable since I just finished tending to some business in Caelum and was on my way homewards."

A soft hum followed as she sat down in the chair Lancer had been seated at mere moments ago. "I can see why I sensed my herald's interest peak, I heard your beauty was one worthy of a bard's tale, yet they did not mention it was otherworldly as well~"

A playful remark, a hand raised to her chest in a greeting. "I am Ryuko, Dragon Knight of Pergrande, Monarch of Dragons, and hopefully one of these favored with your friendship in the near future~"

As she finished speaking she gently clapped her hands together, leaning forward toward the table. "According to Lancer you wish to get to know me better, a desire that is mutual~ Although I had prepared to send a diplomatic delegation to the North as a gesture of goodwill and an offer of aiding you in your endeavors--- one as interesting as yourself deserves my personal attention."

As she finished speaking she leaned backward in her seat, her gaze fixated on Lumikki. "And perhaps a bit overdue: it is a pleasure to meet you in person~"


An audience with the Raven Queen [Lumi] Empty Sat May 18, 2024 9:56 pm


Lumikki was more surprised by the sudden rise of the Lancer than she was about the appearance of another, to which only fueled her amusement. ” Here and there magic is a fine one to have indeed. Sometimes I find meself envious of its convenience.” The Demoness chuckled as her new guest settled, placing the cloak of the messenger now onto her own shoulders.

” Hardly an intrusion if yer answering on me request. Welcome to the Paradise Dawn, the snacks and tea extend to ya as well,” Lumikki gestured to the assortment on top of the table and one of her servants brought a new cup to pour her some tea.

” Kukuku ye flatter me, I figured I’d show sincerity by revealing me face. I could agree that it’s a welcome sight seeing yers. I never heard stories of dragons appearing so fair.” Lumikki’s posture fell into a relaxed one as she leaned back with her legs crossed. Her meal sat atop the table forgotten and pushed to the side, but she held her tea in hand.

” The pleasure extends to me as well, it’s a rare honor to accept such an established guest let alone a Monarch as yerself. But it would be rewarding to get to know me new friend. Perhaps we could start there as I don’t figure traveling back home will be a major inconvenience to ye and of course yer welcome to dinner and a room for the night if ye’d like.” Lumikki finally took a moment to steal a sip of her tea. Savoring the flavor of the lavender and honey while she thought about the events passing quickly before her. It was all so amusing indeed, more so that there was hardly a prospect of being visited before despite being a Demon of note. So to be given the opportunity for making interesting friends made her new role more appealing than she’d figure it to be. As she did not take the seat by ambition or desire but for the resolve to assure her guild’s stability and power didn’t waver.

An audience with the Raven Queen [Lumi] Img_0811

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An audience with the Raven Queen [Lumi] Empty Sat May 18, 2024 10:19 pm


Ryuko couldn't help but chuckle at the Demoness her words. "Indeed, it can be quite beneficial for one to possess. Although the magic of this cape is a one-way direction." A smile lingered on her lips as she tapped the rim of her cape with a hint of affection. "Perhaps I shall entertain you with some tales about 'here and there magic' another time~" A graceful nod was made by the Dragon Monarch as she took one of the snacks and took a light nibble from it, savoring the taste. "One of the things I adore about occasions like this: trying out new delicacies~ A close second to having a tea party with wonderful company."

A soft hum followed as she heard Lumikki's compliment, a brief grin lingering on her lips. "I'm not too surprised, in the past my kin rarely took forms like this, after all we are proud of our legacy, but there are some who prefer to blend in with the mortal races. I prefer to take a bit of a middle-road." As she accepted the cup of tea that was poured she turned her gaze toward Lumikki.

"Ah~ A fair suggestion~ How about we make it a bit more entertaining?" A little smirk emerged on her lips, a hint of a tricker's mischief in her actions. "There is a certain game mortals like to play to get familiar with one another. I believe it is something along the lines of: Truth or Dare?"

She paused, trying to get a grasp on Lumikki's thoughts through her expression as she chimed softly. "It is quite simple really, every turn you can pick between answering a question truthfully or to accept the challenge in a form of a dare. While you are permitted to decline the dare it will lead to some sort of penalty~" She brought a hand to her cheek and pondered softly. "Ah~ how about, whoever gains three penalty points first will have to aid the other in the 'problem' they are facing."

She gently took a sip from her drink, her gaze softening as she hummed the next part. "Makes it a bit more interesting than just conversing, right?"

There were plenty of things she wanted to find out about the woman across the table, but Ryuko genuinely felt that an idea like this, a playful suggestion would be more appealing to Lumikki. She didn't know why exactly. Perhaps intuition?

"Dinner does sound lovely, although I might not be able to stay the night. Responsibilities will see me back home at some point~"

At the very least dinner would be a wonderful way to turn her thoughts away from the fact she had just devoured a ancient Fae Dragon, and she did need to be home tonight since she had promised to spend some time with Maple. Between meeting foreign leaders, war crimes and tending to the wife she had quite a busy lifestyle for sure! Not that she minded.


An audience with the Raven Queen [Lumi] Empty Mon May 20, 2024 4:12 pm


” Truth or dare, ye say? Never heard of it even when I was a mortal….Perhaps it was a game throughout Fiore? Either way, sounds amusing….I think I’d entertain ya in the game.” Lumikki even before becoming a Demon, was often one to enjoy jests and games. It was pieces of her childish nature from living with her Nan, a woman who embraced the fun and creative things of life. As far as Nan was concerned, the people needed more things in life for than to just simply survive, a sentiment that Lumikki would agree with entirely. Becoming a trait that only got boosted in her Demon existence, as her strength was apparent, but a game could offer more fun. Equalizers if one would, made the field open to chaos cloaked in the appearance of order. And Lumikki was amused to try her hand in a new game.

” Well then Ryuko, truth or dare?” Lumikki leaned over to grab of of the lemon cookies on the tray before her, breaking of a piece and chewing with an impish smile. She figured if her guest presented her the game, it would be on her to start it. And as Lumikki waited for the Dragon’s response, she’d try to settle on a response of her own for when it was her turn to do so.

The implications of a game to discover more about someone was a bit new to Lumikki who was used to normal conversation, her eyes, or ravens to fill in the gaps needed. Yet nothing filled her with the joy this game did right now, and so she decided that what ever Ryuko asked, Lumikki would commit in earnest. The Monarch crafted the perfect situation to avert Lumikki’s vague and uninspired answers. There was no desire now on the Demon’s part to play coy and boring as now she wanted to entertain more interesting answers.

” This tea has been nice, but I think some wine should suit the mood better. Would ye pass me some of me favorite plum wine?—Oh and would ye join me in a glass or two Ryuko?” The grin on the Demoness’ face only widen. Ryuko may have enjoyed playing a state of calm but Lumikki felt best with a mischievous vestige. A facade the blurred the serious from the not was an interesting match to one that made everything seem like it wasn’t interesting at all. Indeed they were an entertaining representative of their kinds and their nature.

Lumikki received her glass and held it up into the air,” Shall this be fun, and when it ends, we’d be as close as sisters.” A musing toast to begin the game and perhaps even a budding friendship.

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An audience with the Raven Queen [Lumi] Empty Mon May 20, 2024 7:53 pm


"Certainly, it has been a while since I enjoyed sampling some wine, so I shall join you on this occasion." She smiled for a moment as she received her glass, hearing Lumikki's toast the Dragon Knight gently raised her glass. "To a blossoming friendship between sisters." As she answered the toast her expression softened for a bit, a memory of the distant past lingering. Family, there had been times she found herself beloved by such a bond. Her father was perhaps a bit eccentric but he was a dotting parent who had taught her a lot. From the cold nature of divinity, to the sacred rite that allowed her existence to remain. Indeed, even if her father was still chained by the responsibilities forced upon him by the pact with the Joyan Pantheon, Ryuko still held a deep fondness for her father. Not that her mother was a terrible person or anything, it was just that her father had always been on the forefront of her childhood.

"Since this is after all a game to get to know each other better, I shall begin with answering a question: Truth."

She chimed softly, raising the glass to her lips and taking a soft sip from it, just enough to savor the flavor of the wine. Despite being a dragon in nature, she was of origins still a Demigoddess with the body of a dragon, and her fondness for mortals and their culture clearly reflected in her willingness to experience the little curiosities of their society.

"I always felt intrigued by this game. According to my Pa it was a game invented by a great conqueror." She paused for a bit, trying to recall the tale. "This Conqueror was both strong and smart, to the point his retainers believed themselves unworthy of walking at his side. Yet the Conqueror desired to know his retainers better, so one day, while he was enjoying some wine after his conquest of a new region he did the most unusual thing: He rallied the nobles of the country he had conquered, told them they would be able to retain control over their domains and such and then skipped the political talks straight away by offering them to share in the wine and play a game with them. It is said that it was through this game the Conqueror was able to bond with his retainers in a playful manner, growing more adored by his retainers, but at the same time the Conqueror also learned about the various things his retainers would have otherwise not dared to mention. It was quite a clever move on his part."

She smiled, taking another sip from her drink. "In that regard I can understand his notion well: Even if I have to keep up a strong and calculating mindset in my endeavors, I do desire to know what bothers my retainers, a difficult matter to accomplish when so few dare to speak their mind around me. I don't blame them, they are the same people who saw me burn down a village and its militia to make a point about what happens if one were to oppose me, but in hindsight: If I did not do this the chance for mutiny among my retainers and the unrest people would suffer from the conflicts would had been much greater."

She heaved a gentle sigh as she mused the thought.


An audience with the Raven Queen [Lumi] Empty Tue May 21, 2024 1:29 pm


Lumikki chuckled at the choice as she figured it would be the one her guest selected. Though she was not disappointed in the slightest with Ryuko’s decision. After all, it would be the best way to start off a game like this. Lumikki took another sip of her wine, she was in no rush to ask her question, instead she took a moment to mull something of interest or to her liking.

As Lumikki pondered, Ryuko would do her the honors of explaining the origins of the simple game. Something Lumikki appreciated as she often enjoyed learning more about different cultures.” Clever, clever indeed. He must of been a man cheeky enough to know how to pull back tension. At least enough to pacify the men whose home he took hold. I will admit, the method of the game is an effective one. If I were to use meself as an example, then I could agree I’ll be more likely to confine in ye if ya make it fun for me. Tis the nature of games I suppose, but the mutual vulnerability could go a long way as well. So I guess that begs to differ, just how far this game will go?”

Lumikki reached over for another cookie, this time eating it in one go. Her hand covered her mouth to block her ambitious chewing, but she was satisfied.” I am aware of the need to prove yer point. After all, people need to be broken of their before ye build something new. Still, I’m not sure a simple game like this could build that sort of damage as quick as ye like, but proving yerself a force of nature though is highly rewarding.”

She clasped her hands together with a look of amusement,” So tell me Ryuko. Of all the begins here with power, why is it ye choose a Demon to assist ya in yer endeavors.” It wasn’t the most exciting question, but it was indeed in the forefront of her inquiry. Though Lumikki knew she didn’t particularly present malicious, her very existence was still a threat. So a friendship of this magnitude was a curious opportunity she didn’t expect, and asking this first cleared her up for more interesting questions later.

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An audience with the Raven Queen [Lumi] Empty Tue May 21, 2024 3:10 pm


"As far as we let the game go~" Ryuko mused softly, another sip of the wine as she briefly lowered her glass and took one of the snacks to sample. She nodded her head quietly in Lumikki's response, taking her words into consideration while she waited for the question to be asked. Meanwhile her mind drifted back to the story, it was true, it would take more than a little socializing through a game to resolve the situation in Pergrande. But how she would resolve that matter was a story for another time. When the question finally came she couldn't help but chuckle softly. "I chose to align myself with 'Lumikki Hrútr' not just 'a demon'." She paused for a moment to let the words process as she continued. "In that regard, we are quite alike Lumikki. A dragon born and raised among divinity, a demon dwelling among the mortals of Earthland. We are both seen as threats by our respective communities."

She finished eating her snack as she spoke. "Certainly, demons are frequently known to have an impulsive longing for chaos, a desire that can be borderline destructive to those around them. But they are still capable of individuality. In that aspect, I chose you because it felt far more interesting~"

A playful wink followed at the end of her remark as she leaned back in her seat, gesturing for one of the servants to refill her glass while she continued. "I was always seen as an outcast in the Joyan Pantheon. My existence was only tolerated as an after-effect of the pact between the gods and my father, in that regard I always felt myself closer to my Dragonic heritage and the intriguing nature of mortals and their civilizations."

A light shake of her glass followed after it was refilled and brought it back to her lips. "Besides, I believe the bards in Iceberg will be more excited to recall the tale of how a Demon and a Dragon ended up saving their homeland. It makes for a story that is different from the norm." Another sip followed as she smiled, enjoying the flavor of the wine while she hummed softly. "I hope that answer is satisfactionary~ Now it is your time Lumi~ Truth~ or~ Dare~"

She chimed softly, her gaze settling onto Lumikki as she waited to hear her response to the next round of their little game.


An audience with the Raven Queen [Lumi] Empty Sat May 25, 2024 9:04 pm


" I suppose we are, aren't we? No matter the company we'd normally occupy, there is always an underlying threat attached to our nature. Not that it bothers me all too much, this was what I pursued as a mortal and it's gladly the price I paid." Lumikki leaned back into her chair and mulled over her words. The Demoness enjoyed the sentiment though it still tasted a bit bitter." Beings such as yeself from glorious births and origins miss the grit and struggle one would only encounter as a mortal. Where everything could contribute to yer death, ye have the grace of godhood to accompany ya where mortality can't. This place some beings sit at, hel even sat upon since the beginning of time... leaves ya lofty and naive. Tis why gods and demons, even angels do the most to meddle in their lives. A fate I'd never want to adhere in again if I could. So as a "friend" I'd advise ya with this. The more ye crush a mortal, the more likely they'd pursue yer downfall. Ye'd best make them think they need ya, but not in a way that entraps their way of life...."

Lumikki a being of Iceberg would understand the challenges toward surviving. Such things are woven into the fabric of her culture and its way of life. As she stepped into being a member of a guild, that pursuit would only thread in more opportunities of danger, but the tools to handle such have long been afforded to her and the presence of her Uncle kept her tethered and fair. So when creatures of divine origin come to meddle with the temporary, she knows the song and dance all too well. Being now on both sides, she could sidestep many of the potential pitfalls but someone of Ryuko's standing could very well be naive. Lumikki could not be so sure of her new friend's understanding but her advice was wise nonetheless. Should the Dragonkin accept it, it would be one of Lumikki's greatest gifts to her.

As Ryuko spoke further, it would fill in more gaps in the Raven Queen's understanding. The Monarch is far less naive than those fresher Demi-gods that she's encountered before. Her lips would pull back in a smile as she took humor in Ryuko's depiction and origin." Aye, we have the pension for destruction written into our core. And if ye start as a Daemon, then ye'd understand how troubling maintaining yer control is. As I've said prior, higher beings rarely know restraint but mortals are far more tempered by their lessons, as ye could gather from meeting me now. Still, I happily adhere to me nature, but what one never seems to consider is that destruction comes in many forms. I could destroy a person from their sense of self, but the ripple of that action would never travel far enough for one to notice. Yet for the mortal, I have effectively destroyed their world. Still, what I value more than simple destruction, is the joy in chaos--a concept that doesn't rely on a mortal's sense of evil and good. The storm could destroy a village as much as it could clear the path and that is how I'd like to see meself. There is joy in watching these beings as ye drift in and out of their lives. Pushing them into directions they'd never see for themself. Small acts from the shadows will stretch farther than most cataclysm attacks and subtly is a fine place to stand. If I learned anything from me previous Guild Master, it would be this. Power to destroy is far too easy, is it not? Almost anyone could do it. For ye, it's but a whim, and afterthought really. Real power, the fear of reeeeal destruction, comes from becoming so imposing that no one dares choose to strike first. And if I am to entertain this world, this is the throne I choose for a seat. But I've already spoken so much, friend. So I choose truth so ye could choose what I spill te ya. Oh-- but before we do, I'd agree. The singers and storytellers of Iceberg would never have presumed such a tale. Though care in me lands, tis no threat but a mere warning. Dragon Slayers first came from me lands, but if ye claim yer one of me own, they should part just fine. Of course, inversely, they adore Slayers out there."

An audience with the Raven Queen [Lumi] Img_0811

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An audience with the Raven Queen [Lumi] Empty Thu May 30, 2024 12:01 pm


Ryuko nodded her head lightly in agreement. "I agree, if you were to regret your choices now, I'd say that would be an inexcusable slight to the efforts you made to get this far." She paused for a moment, stirring the wine in her glass as she continued. "I won't deny the fact I can't imagine the trials and hardships you had to overcome to get this far, but I firmly believe that if this is a path you have chosen yourself, it is one you should walk with your head held high, no matter the choices you might be forced to make along the way."

The Demoness her words made Ryuko chuckle softly, a chuckle soon turning into a heartfelt laughter. "Aye, it is one thing that mortals could certainly teach divinity: Their time on their golden thrones has left them arrogant, conceited and if anything, made them disconnected from reality. They see hardship as an expected trial to overcome, rather than a feat worthy of praise." Yet she brought a hand to her chin and pondered for a moment. "Nay, I never considered myself divinity, if anything: It is my goal to someday bring these other-realmers with their noses to the dirt, to make them understand what it means to be 'mortal'."

She smiled at Lumikki as she added: "Besides, demon and dragon, in the end we still fall under the overarching term of mortals: stab us hard enough and we're likely to die, although I do hear tales that some demons possess nifty like powers of reincarnation. Although I do understand the point you tried to bring across: The denizens of Earthland are free-spirited beings after all..."

So she decided to accept the gift gracefully, pondering more about the current affairs in Pergrande. Yet as she listened to Lumikki's remark about the concept of how chaos and destruction were interwoven into her existence the Dragonkin contemplated their words. "I see~ So you prefer to be the subtle puppeteer, playing with the strings in the shadows of the theater known as 'the world'. Yet as she heard the term Dragon Slayers she hummed softly. "I believe I met some of these so-called Dragon Slayers before, these who were gifted with the magic of my kin. Although I hold them no ill feelings despite the crude name choice. Who would even consider calling themselves a Slayer of the one bestowing their powers onto you? Although it does remind me of a concerning rumor I once heard..." She paused, a light shake of her head as she continued. "Perhaps a tale I tell you later."

So truth it was? Ryuko gazed down to her glass, taking a sip from it after which she resumed speaking, a glint of excitement in her eyes. "Did you know Lumikki, that there is power in a name? Whether it is the True Name of an Existence, or the meaning behind a title, often they carry a power with them far greater than most mortals could comprehend. It is something that always fascinated me so tell me~ What is the meaning behind the name 'Paradise Dawn'?"

Although as she waited to hear Lumikki's response she added with a sly smirk. "And no looking up records of your predecessor's musings now~ I want to hear what Paradise Dawn means to you."


An audience with the Raven Queen [Lumi] Empty Thu May 30, 2024 9:18 pm


” I think we’d make fine friends lass. I don’t even think I could work it any better meself. Dragging their nose to the dirt is brilliant phrasing, and reminding them of the complexities of mortals is what gives me life. Bloated fool, the lot of them. Useless in their stagnation as there is no need for change. I resend me prior statement, and apologize for the relation. Clearly yer nothing like the so called divinity. I won’t say I speak ill of ‘em all. I’d say, still have favor for those of Iceberg, but I acknowledge their flaws like any other. It is the useless and arrogant that vex me so, like the Demons on their thrones or Seraphim in their clouds.” She’d grin in a malicious way as her emotions were taking over and the elation from the conversation was far too compelling to maintain some pointless facade. Lumikki relished in chaos and destruction, it just wasn’t the mortals that she thrived on destroying.

” There are indeed perks to our natures and bodies, I would not deny how much I savor this new found existence, but I agree. We could still be felled if not careful. This is why I choose not to underestimate anyone, especially mortals with far less to lose. Why risk me eternity for petty conflict when I could observe and enjoy all they have to offer? Least that’s me stance on the matter. I never thought Dragons would be compared to Demons admittedly though, but I like yer points of comparison. It broadens me perspective. I truly thought ye were something completely other but I hardly met dragons before to make that claim.”

Ryuko entertained her musings and provided a rebuttal of her own. The response was more fascinating than Lumikki expected and it made her enjoy the conversation all that much more.” As a God slayer meself, I always wondered. If Dragon Slayer was a means to go by, does that mean the Gods themselves bestowed me with power.? Or is my very magic and therefore being an emulation of them so that I may take a bit of their grace for me own? It’s been a vexing notion that plagued since I was mortal, but there are hardly any beings of note for me to inquire such thoughts. Am I akin to a “corrupted” interpretation of a God or a Demon with grace?” She’d finish her glass of wine after that admittance, too annoyed to think about it further and too sober for her liking. Her cup was refreshed immediately from one her servants, only to need another pour soon after.

” As the Guild Master, ye could be sure I look into such things as the names and the origin of the guild. The first Guild Master cultivated this but sadly could not remain long after. From what I gather, and from what I believe. This name is simply their blessing that all their members remain free. That this place would be the oasis, and that they’d always make it through the night to see the dawn. Tis how I see, or at least observe it in me own men. It was in how the Angel lead as well. So it will be the tradition I maintain for as long as I sit here, that is, if I don’t wonder somewhere else.” Lumikki would smirk before taking another sip,” Truth or dare me love?”

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An audience with the Raven Queen [Lumi] Empty Fri May 31, 2024 6:36 am


Ryuko couldn't help but smile for a moment. Although she had yet to confess one of her ambitions involved her conflict with the Joyan Pantheon. "Indeed, not all of them are as haughty and self-serving, some have had a fair taste of hardship before securing their place. Like you mention: the Icebergian and Sevenese are, according to folktales not shy of allowing mortals who proved themselves worthy to walk among them."

She went silent for a moment as she pondered on the thoughts of Demons and Seraphim. "Although it has been ages since we saw Demons and Seraphim actively in large numbers. I think the only time in recent history was during the conflict between both of them, at least Albion recounted some of these tales to me in the past."

Yet noticing the comparison between Demons and Dragons had entertained Lumikki she couldn't help but hum softly. "We both start with a D and end with an S~ Although I admit some of our kin might take offense if we compare ourselves, yet they are often prone to forget that most of us are still quite strongly affected by emotion. Take the tragedy of Nidhogg for example. A rage so strong it took the combined effort of a legion of mortal heroes and the act of kindness from a fellow Ancient Dragon to put him down. Yet I can't blame him, to have been betrayed by a mortal after they slain his beloved sister... Family has always been a strong bond with me, and I'd dread the day someone be foolish enough to sever that bond..."

Ryuko couldn't help but answer Lumikki's musing as well. "Although the term is similar, I believe in the case of a magic like the one you recount, these are in fact more appropriate. Aren't a majority of these magical gifts found in the form of oral teachings and scrolls? It is quite likely they were taught as a method, or a means to oppose them. For example a God Slayer could in theory be taught for the sake of opposing the gods, in that regard a 'God Slayer' is quite appropriate. But Dragonkin usually teach their magic for more personal reasons. Take for example myself, I inherited the Monarch Dragon's magic because I am carrying on his legacy of uniting our kin and returning them to Earthland once more."

A nod of fascination came about as Lumikki explained the origins of the guild title, or perhaps it was her belief in what it meant? "Hmm, so the term Paradise represents an Oasis of freedom where one can be themselves, while Dawn represents your hope and desire that they will endure through whatever hardships they experience, so that they can return to their Oasis when the Dawn of day approaches?" A soft hum followed as she nodded her head lightly. "A fascinating notion."

She smiled briefly, a hand raised to her cheek as she pondered. "In my case I named my organization after a long-standing desire. My kin are divided, scattered across the other side of the realm and the few that remain on Earthland have lost hope of seeing a glorious time return. It is my feverish wish to see their hope rekindled, that the Age of Dragons is renewed, and for that I wish to bring 'Order' to the horde, to unite them all behind a singular purpose. Although our organization also carries the title of 'Dragon Dominion', because I seek to turn Pergrande into a sanctuary for my kin to dwell in, should they desire to coexist among mortals."

As she finished taking another sip she hummed softly. "How about a change of pace? I pick Dare this time~"


An audience with the Raven Queen [Lumi] Empty Mon Jun 03, 2024 1:26 pm


” It’s a pride of mine and a reason that despite me status as Demon, I still honor me pantheon in its entirety. They are not so far removed to forgo their presence to the world and the warriors in it.” She spoke with a smile painted on her lips, as if the association brought a sense of elevation to her character. These were the gods she was raised to revere after all, the ones that painted many tales her Nan provided. And from her understanding, from the little she’s gathered from the rest of the realm, many weren’t as amicable. As Ryuko pointed out, Joyan being just one of the pantheons to exhibit such.

”I have to dig up old tomes to gather the little I know now. If ye find the kindness in ye to tell me more later on, I’d love to hear it. The sins of me kind aren’t me own, but history in itself holds a lot of value. Least we feel as such from where I’ve come from.” She’d hungrily listen to Ryuko recant an old tale, from which Lumikki had never heard. Dragons like other higher beings were enigmas is this world, their history and myth faded to legends at best and lost entirely at worse. The prospect of learning more from such timeless beings filled her with hunger and joy. She wanted to be the keeper of tales in time, and perhaps friendships like these would catapult her to heights unknown. Perhaps she could work toward archiving the stories of the world in time.

”He has me sympathy, I’d do the same. Tell me the story again sometime with more detail. I’d love to understand that history of yers and the motivations of Dragons.” Though eager to learn more, her voice was somewhat somber, as she didn’t enjoy the idea of that level of suffering. If she were to never berserk, she wondered if she’d warrant a legion herself. Though perhaps the blessing of slow and subtle destruction, is the likeness it wouldn’t be noticed and stopped. Even if they were to perceive the approaching ice age, finding her at fault and hunting her would make for a harder ordeal than a Dragon crashing at one’s door.

Lumikki cared little for her explanation but was more intrigued by Ryuko’s guild. Especially when it seemed so budding and new. Lumikki counted here blessings to meet them first, hoping that it meant well for their combined future. Though she’d shake her head of the thoughts, annoyed her found seat and power cluttered much of her thinking. The eagerness to propel her guild further had trumped many of her selfish desires but the Demoness didn’t want to succumb to so much political selfishness. No, she’d rather enjoy Ryuko for more passionate reasons. Like the desire to show their combined power should the time come.

”Dare? Well admittedly that took me by surprise. If that’s the case….let me think……” It took the Demoness quite the amount of time to decide, her eyes darting every which way for inspiration. Their friendship was too new to do anything dastardly, and Ryuko being the first to claim dare meant the wrath of retribution should Lumikki tease to hard, opening her to a more chaotic dare at the Demoness’ expense. It’ll have to be simple….something in line with what she’d do herself…..

”Aaah, I think I got it lass. Something fair if I say so meself.” She got up and walked toward a table off to the side, grabbing a fresh bottle of wine still full and sealed. She’d hand it toward one of her servants to open it and take it in hand once more before walking to Ryuko herself. ”Dwarves aren’t shy of drinking their fill and holding it well. Many of our celebrations have use drinking in the spirits deeply so that we give our fullest in merriment. This could be seen as one such occasion, do here darling. Drink the whole bottle in one go.” She’d place the wine on the table before Ryuko and smile expectantly. At least this will show her how the Dragon fairs around her and her own.

”Dare.” Lumikki said, when it was all done.”I can’t have ye doing all the hard work to build this friendship of ours, can I?”

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An audience with the Raven Queen [Lumi] Empty Tue Jun 04, 2024 4:48 pm


Ryuko couldn't help but smile at the pride and joy she could feel from Lumikki when she was discussing the Icebergian Pantheon. It was true, the other-realmers were just as diverse in nature and powers as the mortals that walked upon Earthland. There was a certain charm to hearing someone talk with such joy about a topic, even if she herself held little to no fond memories of the Joyan Pantheon.

The only time she could remember was when she was discussing the very same topic with Mishiko in ages past. But for now she chose to instead observe Lumikki's reaction to the tale she told her. "I will, it is a tale that strikes quite close to heart, so perhaps another time I will tell the story in its entirety." Ryuko promised with a gentle smile lingering on her lips.

She watched with a hint of curiosity as Lumikki pondered on the nature of the dare, something which Ryuko replied to with a soft hum. "In the end, a bit of boldness is never unwanted among my kin~"

She couldn't help but find her smile brighten at Lumikki's idea as the lass described the nature of dwarven celebrations and as Lumikki offered her the bottle Ryuko couldn't help but grin. "And here I thought it was about to be something challenging, but I admire the thought behind it." She eagerly accepted the bottle, bringing it to her lips as she started to jug it down in one go, one gulp after another till the entire bottle was emptied on her behalf. "Hah~ You better don't think about sending me the bill Lumi-chi~" Ryuko chimed teasingly as she placed the bottle back on the table. "Among my Dragonborn there is one dwarf who has a similar interest in celebrations, that and I agree with the notion that a true celebration is one where we can indulge without fear of judgement, and if we do something wrong? Then it is up to us to live up to the consequences the next day."

When Lumikki made her choice for a dare a sly smirk of mischief painted itself across the dragon knight's lips. "Hmm a dare you say~" She paused for a moment, shifting her chair to the side as she playfully patted her lap. "Us Dragons, quite like mortals have our own share of interests, many could say that they make us as diverse as the other races. In my regard, I always have a fondness for the soft and fluffy, which brings me to this dare: I dare you~"

She brought a hand to the side of her head, trailing along one of her horns as she chimed softly. "To let me touch your feathers~ I'm curious what sort of feeling their texture have. Do you hear through them? Can you feel with them? All sorts of questions that fill me with equal amounts of curiosity as they do with fascination~"


An audience with the Raven Queen [Lumi] Empty Thu Jun 06, 2024 9:18 am


The Dragon took the drink in stride, her resolve not event tested let alone wavering. It seemed clear enough that in a playful sense, the two could get along fine. When Ryuko finished polishing off her bottle, she thought over Lumikki’s dare. Though it hardly took her anytime to settle on the choice like it did for the Demoness before.

As Ryuko tilted her head, Lumikki followed suit in wait for the request. Observing the Dragon’s fidgeting as she told Lumikki what she had wanted. ”Admittedly, I would of never guessed that would be a request let alone from a Dragon. Didn’t think yer like cared for such minute things but it’s no bother to me.” Lumikki sat on the corner of the table to Ryuko’s right. Lightly shaking her self off while her form began shifting. Her two large wings split into three and feathers began to speckle her skin. Covering her in a thick plumage for most her body, save for spots that consisted of hardened darkness instead. Her eyes were more piercing than before now that she sat in her harpy form, but her posture posted no malice. Four wings unfurled from her back flapped enough to place her comfortable atop the table, the upper most pair harboring a set of talons of their own at the point where the wing folds in. A motif that extends to her legs as they became talons as well.

”Yer free to feel where ye’d like,” She spoke in a sing-song voice with the hints of a tundra wind whipping at snow. Though her tone was almost matter a factly. Lumikki tilted her head as she waited for Ryuko’s approach, feeling odd in her current form. It was not one she showed others often, as often it was summoned out of her for battle or distress. But to sit in this appearance, she found oddly satisfying.

”Truth or dare?”

Would choose truth in the next round.

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An audience with the Raven Queen [Lumi] Empty Sun Jun 09, 2024 2:30 pm


Ryuko couldn't help but let of a soft chuckle as she explained with a smile. "It is nothing to be surprised of, like I mentioned by childhood was mostly spent as an outcast among divinity so I frequently tended to escape into the mortal realm so a lot of my interests were affected by them." As she finished her explanation and Lumikki allowed Ryuko her approach the dragon girl first began by gently brushing her fingertips over the larger feathers of the demonic form of Lumikki. "Hmm, they are surprisingly soft, it makes me wonder if you are able to adjust certain things about their properties."

She smiled gently as she continued to trail along the feathers closer to Lumikki's body, a soft hum following. "Although less prominent, my body has some telltale of my true form, although the scales that adorn my skin in certain locations are softer than they truly are. I primarily allowed their toughness to lower so that it feels more pleasant to the touch. In truth dragon scales can be very tough and durable against both physical and magical impacts."

With her explanation seemingly finished she was satisfied in having her curiosity answered. For a moment she started to ponder about the next round as Lumikki asked the playful question, leading Ryuko to answer with a soft hum. "I shall pick Truth this time~"

With her answer revealed her gaze remained fixated on Lumikki for a while longer when suddenly her Dragoon lifted her head. "Monarch, there is someone approaching your throne." Upon hearing these words the Dragon Knight's gaze turned sideways for a moment. "Return to the keep, if the intruder is of the unpleasant variation you have permission to call upon the legions, just... don't mess up my bedroom if you end up in a fight~"

The Dragoon nodded her head lightly as a pool of black mass emerged underneath her, allowing the woman to sink into the shadows and disappear entirely. "We been having a recent influx of foreigners wandering our lands~ It is only natural due to the conflict drawing in curiosity, albeit I hope the war can be settled before other nations get involved."

She heaved a soft sigh and soon clapped her hands together. "But let us not dissuade ourselves from enjoying this game. She is more than capable of defending my throne, so that we can enjoy our pleasantries for a while longer."

Indeed, she was enjoying herself a lot so far, and if she had been forced to cut this game with Lumikki short the one who had disrupted these pleasantries would have to face quite a wrathful dragon. "I do hope you won't have to deal with such political headaches on the day you turn your gaze homeward Lumi-chi of the Fuzzy Feathers~" A playful smile lingered as she waited to hear Lumikki's question. Indeed, this game was not finished yet, and she would enjoy it to the fullest.


An audience with the Raven Queen [Lumi] Empty Sun Jun 09, 2024 7:07 pm


Lumikki lightly flapped her feathers as Ryuko made her approach. Her warm fingers passing over some of the pinions of Lumikki’s wings, causing them to ruffle a tad to the sensation. “Properties?” Lumikki gasped, she chest puffing up slightly by the statement. “Unlike when I was but a Daemon, these are real. Yer touching me real wings, albeit not in me entire form.” She’d flap her wings a little harsher than before, blowing wind into Ryuko’s face and messing up her fringe. Though one could note if they noticed, that Lumikki’s gesture was entirely silent, like that of an owl’s wings.

As Ryuko dragged her fingers next, through the plumage of her body. Lumikki jerked lightly, a small squeak escaping her lips as she let the Dragon entertain her curiosities. She wasn’t used to others touching her, nor in this form. So as a harpy, there was feelings of vulnerability in the shared experience, as if she were naked. Lumikki leaned forward in a playful jest, her slitted eyes aglow to make shine her intensity. “If that is what ye mean, I could harden ‘em, aye. Though I lack the practice to make it useful just yet, perhaps one day…on day I could fight with hardened wings and Talons~” Her wings unfolding to full length curved around Ryuko, and Lumi playfully tapped her forehead onto the Dragon’s before pulling back and folding her wings. She was in no rush to return to her other form as this one felt freeing with the exposed feathers.

Lumikki pondered her question before the interruption, yet the exchange hardly deterred her from mulling things over. This was a matter for Ryuko alone but the mention of her friend staying pleased her deeply. ”There is alway conflict in Iceberg. We fight among each other, tis simply the tradition. But I can’t complain, it keeps up strong. If I were to do more to climb the ranks, like ye imply, then I don’t see conflict beyond the Jarl’s themselves. Iceberg doesn’t accept weakness, but I am not weak….And clearly neither are ya. Much to like indeed.” Her wings fanning from the excitement, a chill expelling from her movement but not enough to be displeasing.

”What is it like to be among the Divine? Granted I doubt its the same for all pantheons. I can curious all the same. What pantheon do ye even hail from?” She tilted her head dramatically as she spoke, the Demoness genuinely perplexed. While a shadow tendril passed her the glass of wine she formerly entertained, but with the glass pressed to her lips. Lumikki found she wanted more. “Pass me a bottle.” She’d request and it would be Alvis to hand it to her opened and ready.

Lumikki gently blew the mouth of the bottle, freezing it to her liking and leaned back as she took a deep swig. Gulping down much of the contents before parting ways with the spirits to breathe. “Playing civil is nice, but so is acting on desires. Both tea parties and drinks could make for a good time….Oh!” She glanced at one of her wings and plucked a fairly large feather, having it over to Ryuko. ”Were doing an alliance right? If yer sincere, take this feather as a sign of me compliance. So long as it’s intact, ye could assume me loyalty for the cause mentioned. Of course, ye’d need to put more work and time to assure that feather is forever~”

An audience with the Raven Queen [Lumi] Img_0811

Pokedex Entry

An audience with the Raven Queen [Lumi] Empty Wed Jun 12, 2024 5:37 am


Ryuko couldn't help but giggle softly at Lumikki's reaction to her remark. The gentle caress of the dragon knight along the feathers. "I see~ It would be interesting to see you being able to adjust the nature of your wings, after all in combat looking beautiful is only one part of it all." Yet she had to admit she was both amused and intrigued by Lumikki's gesture, the light flapping of her wings producing no sound yet the light breeze made it clear it was no illusion. A fascinating trait to her wings to say the least.

The soft squeak earned a slight shift of the curve of her lips, a mischievous smirk as she whispered softly. "Ticklish, aren't we? Good to know that my 'sister' has such an adorable weakness concealed to her." Ryuko's smile lingered as Lumikki leaned forward, the intense shine of the harpy's eyes being a fascinating display that left her gazing into them. "I see~ I would love to see the day you can fight like that, it would be a spectacle to behold." And so she enjoyed the exchange of pleasantries, having finished sending Lancer back to her throne room.

"Understandable, conflict can make one stronger, and the absence of it can make one vulnerable as well, it is a trait I grown quite familiar with during my time in the mortal realm."

Ryuko raised a hand to her chin, pondering for a moment. "The Joyan Pantheon? Well, similar to most they tend to remain in their own realm, although they were quite onto themselves. Usually the ones worshipped as Kami only appeared when summoned by Amaterasu or if something happened that demanded their united attention. I rarely left my father's domain in the divine realm, neither curiosity or interest in the others could motivate me to do so. Most saw me as an outcast, only permitted there by the grace of Amaterasu's pact with my father, so I frequently went and enjoyed some escapades into the mortal realm." She chuckled softly at the memory. "Although my father was often overprotective of me, aside from him the only deity I could get along with was Ryuujin, who was like an uncle to me. He shared a lot of my interests and often was there to keep me out of troubles when one of my adventures went out of hand and drew the attention of the Kami."

She smiled briefly at the memory as she pondered for a bit. "Unfortunately, I am currently quite at odds with some of the Divine, especially after one of them tried to claim my head. But that is a story for later."

When Lumikki plucked a feather and revealed its nature her gaze softened, gently holding the feather in her hands as she pondered for a moment. "O mai~ Now I'll have to think of a suitable gift in return." She paused for a moment, when finally an idea showed itself in her thoughts. A light raise of her hand allowed the shadows around her to start to gather and form into the shape of what appeared to be a pendant of some sort, although the pendant contained a crystal with what looked like embers flickering like a flame. "It is an old trick of mine~ I like to call it a 'Life Crystal', simply said as long as the flames within continue to burn you will know I am alive, and should you be in dire need of my aid, I will rally to your side should you call upon me."

She smiled at these words, looking at Lumikki as she waited to see her reaction. "Hmm Truth? How about this~ Has there ever been someone, or something that you consider truly precious? For example in my case there is a mortal I'm incredibly fond of. In a way she has been there for me exactly when I needed someone, a presence that soothes and makes you adore the time you spend with them. Although the term love might be a bit cheesy to use, I think in this case it is a feeling even stronger than that. It makes me wonder: Have you ever loved someone Lumi-chi?"

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