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Oh Fairyland [Open to 2]

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#1Mysterious Merchant 

Oh Fairyland [Open to 2] Empty Wed Jun 05, 2024 3:15 pm

Mysterious Merchant

Magnolia was one of his favorite cities in Earthland. If he could, he'd drop by this city every time he set foot in Earthland, but alas, his travels didn't always lead him in that direction. He'd only just closed up shop in Oak and he's already moved across the country, determined on making a quick pit stop in Magnolia before heading off elsewhere:

"Hmmm, I wonder how the mages of Fairy Tail are doing... It's been a while since I last stopped by their guild."

The Merchant still remembered getting scolded by their Guildmaster from setting up shop inside the Guild... He'd learned his lesson this time and set up shop elsewhere. Instead, he asked a friendly looking shopkeeper to set a little stall in his shop. Not a particularly well known one for sure, and one that catered mostly to newer mages than more seasoned, worldly travellers... But he was certain he might find one or two people interested in buying...

  • Open for 24 hours, max two purchases.
  • Each player can make only one purchase, this includes players who made a purchase in a previous thread this round.
  • Characters must travel to this location.
  • Requirement: The Character must be S-rank or lower.


Oh Fairyland [Open to 2] Empty Wed Jun 05, 2024 4:47 pm

Ittindi hadn't even meant to drive into Magnolia, he had been so absorbed in his thoughts he had just ended up here almost by fate. As he pulled off by a magic shop he often frequented, Ittindi decided to see if there were any custom magical suits he might of acquired. He had bought his last one in Era, but the markets here were just as good. As he wandered into the shop he could hear the hushed whispers as everyone talked about a unique individual with a stall set up.

Ittindi had heard tales of a merchant like this before and he wondered if he had the ability to help him become a greater scion of humanity.

"I've heard you can unlock the hidden ability of humanity and help me trascend my powers."

Ittindi would offer the price he heard in passing hoping he'd be accepted. He'd stare at the merchant waiting for an answer.

(Purchasing Divinitas Color Gold)

#3Mysterious Merchant 

Oh Fairyland [Open to 2] Empty Thu Jun 06, 2024 4:44 pm

Mysterious Merchant
@Ittindi has purchased Divinitas and complete his purchase in the topic of the respective item.

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