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Tiny Little Thieves [Quest]

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Tiny Little Thieves [Quest] Empty Mon Jun 10, 2024 7:08 am

Another day, another jewel for Rhea. With every task she took, she learned more about Fiore and Era City. Yet, she remembered that she was still an outsider. Her Stellan attire made her stick out like a sore thumb among the native women who flaunted elegant dresses and pounds of makeup. But she shrugged it off. She had a job to do. Today, her mission was hunting goblins. An old wizard named Munder had hired her to retrieve jewels from these mischievous creatures. As she made her way through the outskirts of the city, she pondered the nature of goblins. Were they really monsters? They were definitely a nuisance, but not quite the ferocious beasts she was used to facing.

Once she reached the woods, she picked up the pace. She moved swiftly and silently, her senses alert for any sign of the goblins. It wasn’t long before the elf heard the familiar snickering that always accompanied their mischief. Following the sound, she soon spotted them; five goblins, hunched over and drooling as they examined the stolen property. Without hesitation, Rhea shouted at them, startling the goblins. They bolted in different directions, but the slayer was too fast. Her Stellan training had made her a formidable hunter. She darted through the trees, her movements fluid and precise. One by one, she caught up with the goblins, dispatching them quickly and efficiently. A swift kick here, a sharp slap there, and soon enough, the goblins lay unconscious on the forest floor, groaning and whimpering in defeat.



Tiny Little Thieves [Quest] Empty Mon Jun 10, 2024 7:12 am

Rhea knelt down and fished through their pouches, retrieving the stolen jewels and a little more while she was at it. As she stood, she couldn’t help but shake her head at the simplicity of the task. It was way too easy. She had faced wyverns and dinosaurs, yet here she was, dealing with goblins. Alas, a job was a job, and she had given her word to Munder. With the jewels safely in her possession, Th young private made her way back to the city. The sun was beginning to set as she walked towards the wizard’s tower. She ignored the curious glances and whispers that followed her. Her unique appearance always drew attention, but she was growing accustomed to it.

Finally arriving at the old wizards home, she knocked on the heavy wooden door. It inched open, revealing the old wizard’s wrinkled face. His eyes lit up as he saw the jewels in her hand. “Ah, Rhea! You’ve done it...” Munder grinned, his voice cracking with excitement. “Come in, come in!” The Slayer followed him inside, the house filled with the scent of herbs and incense. Munder led her to an usually cluttered table, where he placed the jewels alongside various other trinkets and artifacts. If she didn't know better, she would have snatched it all and ran off. Munder turned to her with a smile, his eyes twinkling.

“You’ve done a great service, Rhea Alvarez of Stella. Here is your reward,” he said before handing her a small pouch filled with jewels. Rhea took the pouch and nodded. “Thank you, senior~. If you ever need my help again, you know where to find me.”



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