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Old Friends: Vanishing Point [Epic]

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Old Friends: Vanishing Point [Epic] Empty Sun Jun 09, 2024 12:28 pm

Saturn was informed that the mindrache caravan was missing a few people; that the bandits even despite all their efforts had captured some people. An elder or two, a guard and even a few younglings. Saturn felt his blood boil; he felt himself starting to feel the rearing of something deep down. A growl escaped his lips; the first of its kind and saturn set off. Not even waiting to hear that the caravan was willing to accept the losses as long as they were able to stay here. Saturn told vestige and echo to remain as he left; the two would be the focal point of defenses. His eyes cracked open and he’d stare at the vestige.

Time for words is over.

The vestige nodded, taking it’s more combative form and saturn left without saying anything else. He could feel the mindrache, he could smell them, he could sense the one guard with the high powered magic. Likely they had caught them all when resting; saturn was frustrated as he stood upon the edge of the local forest. Staring at the bandit camp; he could hear laughing. He could hear the whimpering of the captives; he could hear horses and the clinking of coins. Saturn felt his blood boil.

Saturn felt his form twist; he felt something deep seated starting to take hold and he’d have to breathe out. He knew that this wasn’t a time or place to lose his temper; he had never lost it before and he wouldn’t now. But something was different about him. He moved with an unnatural swiftness; he moved so fast that the first bandit guards were dead before they could even raise the alarm. Purple and black lights piercing through their helmets from range.

The gates burst open from being both yanked from within and kicked from outside. What he saw made him even more furious than before. A merchant with a pouch and a man at a table sat there or had been sitting a moment ago counting coin. The mindrache were in a line, muzzled and bound so that they could do nothing but whimper.

A fraction of a second later; saturn was in front of the both of them. Table flying through the air; had around the bandit’s throat, slamming the merchant down into the ground with a foot and his spear already launched into the approaching guards knocking them off their feet. His face contorted in anger and several lines of magic sliced through the muzzles, sliced through the bindings on the mindrache. The one mindrache guard didn’t hesitate to leap up and blast another of the bandits. Looking to saturn for instruction the behemoth only had one word for him.


It was all that they needed as they hurried out through the gate, saturn crashing into the camp. Flingin bodies this way and that. He felt his darkness take hold and it wasn’t long before his unnatural speed became even more so; he was like a streak through the camp. Ripping and tearing people apart; flinging them against different’ walls or crashing into them with a body many times their size. The bandit leader eventually stepped out of their tent. Staring at the carnage that had only been going on for just under a minute. His eyes widened slightly and he’d move forward, hand going to his axe just as he felt the shadow of something in front of him. Looking up all he saw were pinpricks of red before his head was removed from his shoulders, his body crumpling to the ground and saturn stood amidst the wreckage. Inside was the red mindrache, in the same sort of binds but it looked like theirs were reinforced. Likely due to the strength that the small dragonid possessed. He’d cut them free and send them out of the camp as more bandits came back from their patrols.

They hadn’t expected what they saw; saturn didn’t let them process it for very long. It was a bloody sleepless night; there were no screams as they didn’t have the chance to. Eventually as the dawn rose saturn stood in front of the mound of the bodies of the bandits. Staring down at the merchant who had arrived to buy them. He held the wolfenstein crest, lady wolfenstein’s crest specifically. An eye twitched and he’d toss the merchant into the mound before setting it ablaze with a torch. Walking out and shaking his head.

These beings were filth raised by the wolfenstein leader; a being that he couldn’t compare to in their twisted ways. These men had likely been offered a great deal of funds to do this and they weren’t going to be missed he felt. Eventually saturn made it back to the campsite; noting that he hadn’t a single drop of blood on his frame and his weapon was clean. He stood there for a long few moments realizing that through the course of the whole night he… couldn’t recall using his weapon at all. It was a strange sensation and there was a feeling deep down that something was wrong.

The mindrache were happy to see him, happy that the elders and guards were returned. They didn’t seem to mind it as much, many of their people went missing throughout the years so this was just to be expected right? But knowing that lady wolfenstein was behind all of this; likely financing a great deal of things… Made saturn realize that maybe she was trying to get more mindrache to summon another being like him. His eyes traced to echo and the little fella nodded his head; understanding what saturn was thinking without words. The both of them had been summoned by lady wolfenstein through great effort and sacrifice of others lives for her grand game. It was infuriating and saturn would simply just tell the mindrache he was grateful that they were okay now…

They had a lot of work to get to and they couldn’t just sit idly by and let people go missing anyways.


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