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Monolith DS Spells |Set 1|[Pre-Approved]

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#1Lily Knight 

Monolith DS Spells |Set 1|[Pre-Approved] Empty Thu Jun 06, 2024 10:08 pm

Lily Knight
Name: Dash Spell
Rank: B
Mana Cost: 100
Requirements: Monolith DS
Type: Supplementary
Element: Earth
Range: 15 Meters
Cooldown: 3 Posts
Duration: Instant
Effect: Instant
Effect: The user stamps down causing a Brown magic circle to appear directly under them, a burst of light will propel them, which allows them to dash in any direction up to 15 meters away at the users own lunge/dash speed.

Name: Binding Projectile
Rank: A
Mana Cost: 200
Requirements: Monolith DS
Type: Supplementary
Element: Earth
Range: 20 Meters
Cooldown: 4 Posts
Duration: Sustain
Effect: The user clenches their hand before releasing it creating a bolt made of magic roughly 20 centimeters in length as well as a magic circle. This bolt can be thrown at a target at spell speed. Upon hitting the target, they will receive an A-Rank binding effect, while the bolt will melt and disappear. The user must continue to sustain this spell for the effect to be maintained.

Name: Defensive Wall Spell
Rank: B
Mana Cost: 100
Requirements: Monolith DS
Type: Defensive
Element: Earth
Range: 15 Meters
Cooldown: 3 Posts
Duration: Sustain
Effect: The user swirls their hand at a location or target to cast this spell, a magic circle will appear from below the location and at the user’s hand before a wall of magic 8 meters in height and 10 meters in length grows in mass at the focal point after the equivalent time to travel from the user to the location has passed. This wall has 1x A-rank Durability. The user must continue to sustain this spell for the effect to be maintained, paying for each person impacted by this spell.

Name: Defensive AoE Spell
Rank: A
Mana Cost: 200
Requirements: Monolith DS
Type: Defensive
Element: Earth
Range: 20 Meters
Cooldown: 4 Posts
Duration: Sustain
Effect: The user swirls their hand at a location or target to cast this spell, a magic circle will appear from below the location and at the user’s hand before a dome of magic 8 meters in diameter grows in mass at the focal point after the equivalent time to travel from the user to the location has passed. This dome has 1xS-Rank Durability.  The user must continue to sustain this spell for the effect to be maintained, paying for each person impacted by this spell.

Name: Offensive Projectile
Rank: A
Mana Cost: 200
Requirements: Monolith DS
Type: Offensive
Element: Earth
Range: 20 Meters
Cooldown: 4 Posts
Duration: Instant
Effect: The user clenches their hand before releasing it creating a bolt made of magic roughly 20 centimeters in length as well as a magic circle. This bolt can thrown at a target at spell speed. Upon hitting the target they will be damaged for 1x A-Rank damage, while the bolt will melt and disappear.

Name: Offensive AoE
Rank: A
Mana Cost: 200
Requirements: Monolith DS
Type: Offensive
Element: Earth
Range: 20 Meters
Cooldown: 4 Posts
Duration: Instant
Effect: The user draws back their arm towards them before clicking their fingers at a location or target to cast this spell, a magic circle will appear from below the location and at the user’s hand before a mist of magic 8 meters in diameter grows in mass at the focal point after the equivalent time to travel from the user to the location has passed. This mist then will coat those within the area and damage them for 1x A-Rank.


Monolith DS Spells |Set 1|[Pre-Approved] Empty Sun Jun 09, 2024 8:51 am

Spells have been approved for training.

#3Lily Knight 

Monolith DS Spells |Set 1|[Pre-Approved] Empty Fri Jun 14, 2024 8:52 pm

Lily Knight
Trained one spell - Defensive Wall Spell

Buying the rest of the spells.

1 B rank= 150,000
4 A rank = 800,000


Monolith DS Spells |Set 1|[Pre-Approved] Empty Sat Jun 15, 2024 9:35 am

These spells have been approved for use~

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