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Baska Tournament II [B-Rank] [Solo]

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#1Tsukishima Higurashi 

 Baska Tournament II [B-Rank] [Solo]    Empty Fri Jun 21, 2024 11:57 am

Tsukishima Higurashi
The news of Tsukishima's triumph at the previous Baska tournament spread like wildfire, capturing the attention of adventurers and guilds far and wide. Alongside the announcement of Sleeping Calamity's rebirth, in which Tsukishima played a pivotal role as one of the founding members, came a wave of new challenges. The lich, ever eager to test his burgeoning powers and explore the limits of his abilities, soon received an invitation to participate in the upcoming tournament.

Intrigued by the promise of facing worthy adversaries, Tsukishima accepted the invitation without hesitation. The journey to the Colosseum was uneventful, a stark contrast to the anticipation that churned within him. Despite his undead nature, the thought of the impending battles set his metaphorical heart racing. He relished the opportunity to showcase his skills and strategic prowess, fully aware that each opponent he faced would bring him closer to evolving his already formidable innate lich abilities.

Word Count: 151

#2Tsukishima Higurashi 

 Baska Tournament II [B-Rank] [Solo]    Empty Fri Jun 21, 2024 11:58 am

Tsukishima Higurashi
Upon his arrival at the arena, Tsukishima was greeted with a potent mixture of awe and fear. The tale of his triumph at the previous tournament had clearly preceded him, and whispers of his name floated through the air like an ominous chant. Spectators and competitors alike watched him with wide eyes, some filled with respect, others with palpable dread. As he moved towards the preparation area, he keenly observed his new competitors, sizing them up with an experienced gaze. These warriors were a cut above those he had faced before—hardened veterans, powerful mages, and cunning assassins. The anticipation thrilled him, and a low chuckle escaped from him as he approached the center of the arena, eager to take on his first challenger.

The first match was set against a pair of twin swordsmen known as the Blades of the Fiore. The brothers had garnered a reputation for their impeccable coordination, using synchronized attacks to blitz and overwhelm their opponents. They stood in the arena, a picture of confidence and menace, their identical swords glinting in the sunlight.

Word Count: 178

#3Tsukishima Higurashi 

 Baska Tournament II [B-Rank] [Solo]    Empty Fri Jun 21, 2024 12:00 pm

Tsukishima Higurashi
Look, brother, the rumors were true. There actually was a bag of bones at the last tournament.” one of the brothers sneered, pointing the tip of his sword at the lich. His voice dripped with condescension as he surveyed Tsukishima’s skeletal form. “How pathetic that those idiots lost to withered rags and bones. I’m almost sad to put it out of its misery.” the other brother taunted, a cruel smile playing on his lips. Tsukishima merely tilted his head, his eyes glowing faintly with a necromantic light. The brothers’ words washed over him like a gentle breeze, barely registering against the ironclad will that drove him. He knew that underestimating him would be their downfall.

With one fluid motion, Tsukishima raised his hand, channeling the dark energy that pulsed through his being. The ground beneath his feet trembled slightly, and a palpable sense of foreboding spread through the arena. The crowd fell silent, their anticipation mounting as they sensed the imminent clash.

Word Count: 162

#4Tsukishima Higurashi 

 Baska Tournament II [B-Rank] [Solo]    Empty Fri Jun 21, 2024 12:01 pm

Tsukishima Higurashi
"Awaken." Tsukishima spoke, his voice resonating with an eerie calm. In response, a gray portal shimmered into existence before him, pulsating with an otherworldly energy. The crowd's gasps filled the air as a tall, imposing figure emerged from the portal, the demonic butler Lucian. He bowed deeply toward his master, his eyes gleaming with malevolent obedience.

"What is your command, my lord?" Lucian's voice was a blend of menace and reverence. “What the hell is this?” the brothers shouted in unison, their confident demeanor shattered by the sudden appearance of the demonic servant. “He...he...he registered as a summoner-type mage. This...this is his magic.” the tournament referee stammered, his voice quivering with a mix of fear and astonishment. “He what?!” the brothers exclaimed, their shock mirrored by another collective gasp from the crowd. Recalling Tsukishima's previous tournament fights, it had been assumed that he was a melee-oriented lich. No one had anticipated that he wielded the powers of a summoner.

Word Count: 162

#5Tsukishima Higurashi 

 Baska Tournament II [B-Rank] [Solo]    Empty Fri Jun 21, 2024 12:02 pm

Tsukishima Higurashi
Tsukishima's skeletal hand extended, his finger pointing directly at the two brothers. "Crush them." he commanded in a low, chilling tone. With a predatory smile, Lucian straightened and turned his gaze upon the Blades of the Fiore. The air around him seemed to darken as he advanced, his presence exuding a palpable aura of dread. The brothers, momentarily frozen by fear, quickly regained their composure and launched into a frenzied attack, hoping to overwhelm the demonic butler with their synchronized strikes.

But Lucian moved with a grace and speed that belied his imposing stature. With effortless precision, he parried their attacks, his movements a blur as he countered each strike with devastating efficiency. The twins' flawless coordination began to falter under the relentless onslaught. The crowd watched in stunned silence, mesmerized by the unfolding spectacle. Tsukishima stood calmly, his gaze unwavering as his servant dismantled the brothers' defenses. Lucian's attacks were ruthless, each blow calculated to inflict maximum damage. Within moments, the twins were driven back, their once-coordinated movements now desperate and erratic.

Word Count: 173

#6Tsukishima Higurashi 

 Baska Tournament II [B-Rank] [Solo]    Empty Fri Jun 21, 2024 12:04 pm

Tsukishima Higurashi
Is this the best the infamous Blades of the Fiore can muster?” Tsukishima taunted, his voice dripping with contempt.

Desperation etched across their faces, the brothers attempted one final, coordinated assault. But Lucian was ready. With a swift, fluid motion, he deflected their strikes and delivered a crushing blow that sent both brothers sprawling to the ground. The arena erupted into a cacophony of cheers and gasps. Tsukishima watched impassively as Lucian stood over the defeated twins, their swords shattered and their bodies trembling with pain.

Victory is yours, my lord,” Lucian said, bowing once more to Tsukishima.

Tsukishima nodded. The display of his summoning prowess had not only secured his victory but also cemented his reputation as a formidable and unpredictable contender. As the defeated brothers were carried off the field, the crowd's awe and fear intensified but Tsukishima felt unsatisfied. As a plan begins to form in his head, Tsukishima, now hovering at his max of ten meters above ground, moves to the center of the arena and begins to speak.

Word Count: 173

#7Tsukishima Higurashi 

 Baska Tournament II [B-Rank] [Solo]    Empty Fri Jun 21, 2024 12:06 pm

Tsukishima Higurashi
"I am unsatisfied." Tsukishima's voice echoed through the arena, cold and commanding. "I expected great challenges. Compelling fights. Everything from the previous tournament and what has been offered tonight has been lackluster. I deserve better. You, who have paid for entertainment, deserve better." The crowd roared in agreement, the lich holding them in the palm of his skeletal hand.

“With the tournament committee’s permission, I propose that all competitors come to the ring and face me together. I’ll even throw in one million jewels on top of the prize money for whoever can topple me. Agreed?” The crowd's cheers grew deafening, and after a moment of tense deliberation, the committee gave their consent. As the impromptu challenge was accepted, Tsukishima descended gracefully beside Lucian. “Have you finally decided to provide me with a serious challenge?” Lucian asked, a smirk playing on his lips. “Yes, but I figured I would test something out. Bael did mention I could summon his army. Time to really put that to the test.” Tsukishima replied, his tone laced with anticipation.

Word Count: 175

#8Tsukishima Higurashi 

 Baska Tournament II [B-Rank] [Solo]    Empty Fri Jun 21, 2024 12:07 pm

Tsukishima Higurashi
The arena was soon filled with competitors, each eager to claim the substantial reward. As they surrounded Tsukishima and Lucian, the lich raised his hand and violently swiped it forward. A tear appeared in the fabric of reality, rapidly expanding into a massive gateway that dwarfed the portals he typically summoned. An ominous dread filled the air, thick and suffocating, as the Demon King’s army began to emerge.

Demonic soldiers marched through the gateway, each one clad in armor bristling with sharp thorns. Their shields and swords gleamed menacingly under the arena lights. Two demonic horns protruded from their helmets, framing their grotesque, rotted faces. Empty eye sockets, glowing with a sinister red light, burned with hatred and killing intent. The crowd fell silent, awestruck by the terrifying spectacle. The demonic soldiers, a nightmarish incarnation of violence, filled the arena, their presence radiating pure malevolence. Tsukishima stood at the center of this chaos, his eyes alight with a cold, calculating glow.

Word Count: 161

#9Tsukishima Higurashi 

 Baska Tournament II [B-Rank] [Solo]    Empty Fri Jun 21, 2024 12:12 pm

Tsukishima Higurashi
Wonderful.” The Lich says as he and his ever growing army glared at their opposition. “Now then, entertain me.” With that, the battle commenced. The arena erupted into a whirlwind of clashing swords and magical explosions. Competitors launched themselves at the demonic horde, their attacks desperate and fierce. But the Demon King’s army, bolstered by Tsukishima’s impressive power, proved to be a relentless and overwhelming force.

Lucian moved with lethal grace, battering down opponents with effortless precision. Beside him, Tsukishima directed the flow of battle, his commands transforming the chaos into a symphony of destruction. The demonic soldiers fought with terrifying coordination, their every move a testament to the lich’s dark mastery. Amidst the fray, Tsukishima remained a beacon of immense power. As the minutes passed, more and more of the army began to emerge from the tear. The challengers, despite their valor and strength, found themselves overwhelmed by the sheer might of the lich and his summoned army. As the battle raged on, it became clear that Tsukishima's challenge was not merely a test of strength, but a demonstration of his unrivaled dominance. The arena, once filled with hopeful competitors, now echoed with the sounds of their defeat. The crowd, initially filled with anticipation, now watched in stunned silence, witnessing the true extent of Tsukishima’s power.

Word Count: 217

#10Tsukishima Higurashi 

 Baska Tournament II [B-Rank] [Solo]    Empty Fri Jun 21, 2024 12:34 pm

Tsukishima Higurashi
When the dust finally settled, the arena was littered with the defeated. The few who remained conscious were battered and exhausted, their faces etched with disbelief and terror. Tsukishima surveyed the scene with cold satisfaction, his glowing eyes taking in the remnants of the once-proud challengers. “Is this what you wanted, my lord?” Lucian's voice was tinged with dark amusement, a faint smile playing on his lips. “Yes.” Tsukishima replied, his gaze unwavering as he looked over the fallen competitors. “This is only the beginning.

Tsukishima had not only secured his place as the tournament’s most formidable contender but had also showcased the terrifying potential of his summoning powers and the might of the Demon King. His demonstration left an indelible mark on all who witnessed it. With a snap of his fingers, the portal and the demonic army vanished, leaving only Tsukishima and Lucian standing amidst the carnage. The sudden absence of the monstrous soldiers intensified the surreal atmosphere, the silence broken only by the faint murmurs of the awestruck crowd.

That was quite enjoyable, my lord. I do hope you are able to provide such fun again.” Lucian remarked, his smirk widening. “There will be more, I assure you.” Tsukishima responded, his voice as cold and commanding as ever. With a casual wave of his hand, he dismissed Lucian, who bowed deeply before fading. As Tsukishima turned to leave the arena, the weight of his victory settled heavily over the crowd. The spectators, still reeling from the spectacle they had witnessed, began to murmur among themselves, their conversations a mixture of fear, respect, and speculation about the lich’s next move.

Word Count: 272
Total Word Count: 1,824 / 1,200 [20% WC Reduction]
Quest Completed

Learned Portal into the Abyss A-Rank Spell
1,824 / 1,200 [40% Spell Training WC Reduction]
[83 base intelligence + 65 (Armor)]

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