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Old Friends: Gateless [Epic]

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Old Friends: Gateless [Epic] Empty Tue Jun 11, 2024 10:57 pm

When Saturn stepped back into camp it wasn’t what he was expecting; apeprantly when he went out to rescue the others the rest of the camp elders had vanished. Saturn stood there with echo; feeling numb. The demon felt his actions hadn’t mattered much; not even a few hours later would they find the leader he had rescued with their life taken from them. Saturn lamented the fact that he couldn’t protect them but echo assured the demon that there wasn’t much that they could do against people like this. Saturn had taken care of the obvious elements and now there was only the ones that weren’t left.

Something he was bad at; so the two of them discussed their next moves together for quite some time as the camp was in an uproar. They had already found the other council member and his trial was swift and just among them. Banishment from the caravan; some wanted death but echo had talked them down from that. The mindrache wouldn’t be able to survive on his own and he would slowly find himself falling from grace in entirety. The two sat by the entrance and watched them leave and after a while… Saturn sighed.

We made such good progress and so many wise ones gone.

We have the future to look forward to, they were rooted in their time and were hard to change. So we’re going to have to make that change instead.

Saturn nodded his head and as time passed more knights arrived; more of the mindrache turned to echo for help. He took a leadership role as best he could; handling disputes and handling instances of dissension. Saturn was proud to say that the mindrache demi-god was performing wonderfully. Saturn turned his head to watch some of the younger ones mimic what they had seen the other day of echo telling off some bandits that thought they could just walk in and take some of them. It was an interesting sight to say the least.

It was hard to keep going forward for many; they were listless. The family of the council members were hit the hardest by either their disappearances, deaths or banishment. There were some that felt hopeless and saturn would sit there listening to them. The few sparse bandit attacks were dealt with swiftly by saturn, his knights or the mindrache guards. Saturn could feel like people here were getting restless but that they were making good progress. There was much to do and what felt like little time to do it in. But maybe that was for the best?

The timeframe was short but that was fine; it meant that they had to come up with a new decision. But as time passed it was obvious to saturn that they needed to act sooner rather than later. More bandit attacks; more kidnapping attempts. They kept thwarting each and every instance with one another. People were looking up to saturn; people were looking up to echo. Saturn could feel the hope starting to flourish again.

The two of them would have to make plans for the mindrache, give them hope. They’d have to give them direction. There wasn’t much that could be prepared for outside of that. They’d have to continue forward together; relying on one another for decisions as they were of one mind. Many of the mindrache were thankful to have a strong united leadership of sorts. Saturn handling more of the external affairs while echo handled the ones within. It was going smoothly for a time, a few weeks it felt like. But there was always going to be some problems they couldn’t immediately handle. When people got sick or the lack of supplies. Saturn and echo would have to push forward. For the people that they promised to make the world for. To build for.

The two of them would spend many sleepless nights together; working on various trade deals, schematics of what they thought would fit for the colony. They would need builders soon if they were to make any serious headway and getting them to cart out supplies this far was going to take a lot of effort. Maybe they could perhaps use magic to supplement that? There were many ore veins here that would be good for trade and many locations good for hunting or fishing or crop growing.

The two would present this information the next time that the mindrache had a ‘town meeting’ of sorts. There were many that were surprised that such a spot wasn’t already taken by some other group. Admittedly there had been some ruins not too far from here but saturn didn’t feel as though telling them was a good idea at the moment. Perhaps later when they could fully study them and find out the reason for those ruins.

The meeting went on for what felt like days; talking about local resources, where to build houses; how to build them. The sort of jobs they could have here, the sort of resources they could expect through trade. What sort of professions they wanted to get into and what would be needed and expected of them as time passed. It was a dizzying amount of logistics that the both of them weren’t entirely prepared for. They’d have to take many breaks; front he ones that the mindrache needed to the ones that they needed to recharge.

It was good progress though, constructive. Hardly a word to push them aside and not take what they had to heart. Some people were concerned about the amount of guards they’d need from outside sources but saturn was able to convince them that setting up at least an outpost for rune knights in the future town was going to take that relief for them. The knights that had been assigned here didn’t seem to mind it either. Many of them had made fast friends with the mindrache and he was glad to hear that some of them were even talking about moving their families down this way if the town took shape. More than just mindrache huh?

The next few days were of more discussions; they wanted to make Echo their representative in the entirety of things. Something that echo seemed to be taken aback by. Not that he didn’t mind it to say the least but he certainly wasn’t about to deny that he hadn’t considered this from time to time. He was already doing so much it just felt natural to be a leader and representative for the groups. Echo would work together with the mindrache for a bright future for all of them. Even if saturn wasn’t going to stick around echo would have a place to help build and push for a future with everyone. Saturn was happy to see his friend work so closely with the people he was supposed to be from. It really made him feel as though the both of them could have a future in this world if they were able to do this.

Protecting a group of people from all threats made saturn feel comfortable in that role. That he could make a difference when he put his mind to it; that while he had lauded his passive nature and pacifistic views he had to admit that when he fought the bandits something felt right about taking them out. That his justice had grown a little bit that day just as much as the people around him had. It was reassuring to him and reassuring to those around him.


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