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Old Friends: Paper Boats [Epic]

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Old Friends: Paper Boats [Epic] Empty Wed Jun 12, 2024 6:48 am

The third day arrived swiftly; the third assault just as swiftly so. They had many armed men, many mages, many more that would be rich if they succeeded. What was a hundred or so to what seemed like a throng of fighters willing to lay down their lives for mere coins? Saturn stood up in the midsts of the plain that led to the beachhead. The mindrache were still working on the ritual; mere moments from success as they charged forward. Saturn braced himself knowing this fight would be one of…

There was a shout from the ritual site and saturn’s head turned, his eyes cracked open, widened and with a jump, he his companions and the entirety of the mindrache caravaners avoided the tidal wave of water that was sent their way from the crashing of an island just outside of the beaches waters. It was like a wall of force that passed underneath them and he got to see it destroy the oncoming horde without much of a resistance. Many mages fired their magics as it but were swept away too. Saturn was hanging onto his companions tail as he watched it sweep them away. Eventually landing back on the ground. The assaults wouldn’t continue, they had managed to summon something that would be extremely difficult to assault. He’d fire up a flare into the sky; signalling for the knights to come down and prepare their forces.

He didn’t want the knights to partake in this knowing that they likely would have been swept away too. It was a tick in his head that had made the lot agree to it even though they wanted to help one another. Saturn knew there would be more fighting; the sensations and feeling of the massive island pulled from the realm told him that there were creatures still on it. The mindrache were worn out from the three days of ritual and battles. The knights were fresh; so he’d send them ahead to establish a holding on the island. It had it’s own beach and the mindrache could camp there while the knights, saturn and the few mages or guards from the mindrache that were capable would clear out the island.

He was feeling hopeful; they had made it so far together. Saturn created a light and dark bridge for the forces to cross. It was rudimentary and was something he hadn’t done before but it was easy for him to imagine. Maybe that’s why it worked so well? Once they were on the beach of the island itself he stared up at the various buildings that littered it; there would be many a creature within the island that they’d have to clear. It’d be a task that’d span weeks he felt.

With the camp being well under its way to be established saturn and his companions set off. Not wishing to waste a moment; many of the weaker creatures were already dissipating into nothingness. Beings with too many mouths, too many limbs, some were just jibbering messes. Others had roots in this reality, wolves, bears, tigers and such. Some were even dinosaurs but they didn’t last long from a mix of this realm and saturn’s forces dealing blows to them. It was only when you got into the effect of the forgotten magical creatures. Bursting beams of death; roars and torrents of fire from beasts many times his size. But it didn’t seem to matter as saturn himself would work with his companions to redirect the attacks somehow. Together they were very strong, apart they were powerful sure but against beings this size they’d struggle on their own.

Well maybe his companions would; as night fell on the first of many saturn felt something deep and dark tell him that he could deal with this whole island on his own if he’d just let them. Saturn stood there as the voice deep down wasn’t anything strange; it was his own. It wasn’t temptation it was truth. Saturn stood there as he could hear the sleeping restless forms behind him. His senses yawned up, he felt his perception shift. He felt the world fall away; the smugness of the voice within had only ever turned into the truth.

He felt the soil beneath his feet, the trees against his scales. He felt the rumbling of the ground as he took each and every step. He could see forward, to the sides and even slightly behind him all at once. He was looking everywhere, he felt his hair and horns tug at many a tree. He felt the hot breath from his mouth wash over his body. The clinking and troubled nature of his iron will upon this place. He felt his long tail brush against many a form and the fire that stirred from it eventually made it to his heart.

The first night did weeks of work. There was hardly a creature that could stand up to whatever he had allowed into this world for the time being. At the end of it? Many trees had been uprooted; many strong beasts had been slain. Even more so had been banished outright by the monstrous form. He had been a passenger in his own body. Something that he had only felt a handful of times before. Putting his hand to his head he’d groan a little bit as his mana wore thin. He felt his body shrink; he felt his body grow less powerful. The scales receded and the golden fur popped out again. He felt two sets of eyes close and the third remained albeit tiredly looking around.

His horns didn’t grace his skull anymore and his ears flicked as he reached up towards where he thought they were. He’d be standing on one of his own footprints; not realizing that he was many times heavier in whatever form he had taken. He barely remembered the night but he could see the destruction that had come from it. A gated level of destruction and the island had been secured. Saturn stood there watching the last beast in front of him, a dragon of sorts with many sets of wings. Breathing heavily through a blood laden form. Saturn almost felt bad for it as it started to fade away into nothingness. The mana of the realm not mixing with this world and it’d eventually fade into oblivion. Saturn looked down at his hands and then back towards the camp. Heading there with a tiredness that spanned his whole… year? Year of life it felt. There was a numbness as he came out of the treeline; seeing the camp of the mindrache and knights. They looked surprised to see him but the Colonel was grateful that they didn’t question where he had been. Only what he had been doing.

Saturn stood there for a long time; casting his gaze back on the trees. He could hear nature of the land healing itself now that it was in the realm that it was supposed to be; the mana was weaving itself back into the world of things and he even felt that it was starting to move forward with life just like they were. Saturn turned his head back to the various mindrache and knights; many of which looked a bit more confused as saturn’s silence stretched on. Eventually he’d look down at his hands, what wasn’t covered in armor or cloth eventually returned to that of the social affairs. The danger of the island had passed with the last breath of that dragon.

Bringing a better tomorrow.


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