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The illussive darkness

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The illussive darkness Empty Wed Aug 28, 2024 4:20 pm

The motor of the white speedboat roared as its propellers cut through the clear water at a high velocity. Bobbing on the surface of the sea like a buoy, the boat quickly traverses the sea effortlessly. Zeta sunglasses blocked out the beaming sun rays allowing her to spot the coast of Luluhawa Island easily from a distance. With a smirk growing on her face she revved up the engine to increase the speed of the boat exponentially.

Her hair flowed wildly in the air from the high speed travel. The refreshing feeling she felt by the water droplets splashing on her body each time the boat slammed into the sea after coming off of a wave was tantalizing and soothing. A feeling she can only feel when traveling on the sea. Taking up a mission on Luluwaha island was her favorite way to escape from the freezing cold temperature of Pergrande.

WC 151


The illussive darkness Empty Wed Aug 28, 2024 4:21 pm

Pulling up to the shore of Halawai Town, Zeta found herself confronted by a group of men that looked like soldiers. 10 soldiers were lined up at the docks and in the middle of them stood a short stocky light skinned man with a blue Hawaiian shirt and white shorts. Zeta would park the boat and hop on the boardwalk to anchor it.

“Good Morning Gentleman, I am here on the behalf of the hunter’s manor. I was briefed on your quest and here to provide you my top level services” Zeta politely introduced herself to the men and as she took off her sunglasses. “Ahhh…Welcome, Welcome! Since you were briefed on my demands this makes things easier. Call me Herman” The stocky man clapped his hands and one of his guards stepped forth with a suitcase in hand. He lifted it up onto his forearm and unlocked it. Zeta knew she was tasked to mainly observe and get intel but could it be possible they want her to do something more heinous. These thoughts swirled in her mind as she closely watched the suitcase get unlocked and opened. What was inside was a surprise but also to be expected. A camera with extra lens for enhanced zooming capabilities rested neatly on a red cushion within the suitcase.

WC 218


The illussive darkness Empty Wed Aug 28, 2024 4:22 pm

In Zeta’s mind she felt relieved as she was hoping to not need to kill any targets with this mission as it would force her to stay away from the island for a while to let things cool down. Seeing that it was just a camera she smiled and lifted the camera from the cushion in suitcase and attached the lens that was adjacent to it. “I will need you to do a 24 hour surveillance of the guards and Keanu. I need photographs of their outpost, shifts, normal locations and anything else you can find” Herman holds up a picture of Keanu while explaining his demands. “Got it, I will start now” Zeta departs from the men heading over to the main road that leads into the town.

Stopping at a few stalls along the way, she purchased a sun hat along with a few bracelets they sold to tourists as trinkets of lulu. She took several pictures of her surroundings while occasionally taking photographs of guards stationed around certain stalls and buildings. As the day went on she continued she took dozens and dozens of pictures. She even took lots of photos with the locals while asking about the guards and even keanu.

WC 205


The illussive darkness Empty Wed Aug 28, 2024 4:23 pm

Notified by an off duty guard about this woman asking around for him and taking pictures in areas where tourists were usually not located, Keanu went on a search for her. Zeta used her darkness magic to conceal herself leaving her invisible while she continued to watch and take pictures of the guards at their post and the moments when they shifted patrol. When midnight came around, most guards were stationed off duty but she noticed that a good number of them went to the beach area. As she followed them while staying invisible she noticed that they were entering a secret area that could only be accessed through the use of an earth magic user. The magic user would manipulate the sands of the beach along with the rock structure to create an underground passageway. After taking numerous shots of this, Zeta retreated back to the town as there was no way to get past without an altercation.

WC 159


The illussive darkness Empty Wed Aug 28, 2024 4:26 pm

While waiting in her room within the inn she got a knock on the door. “Room Service” a polite man's voice was heard from outside the door. The man proceeded to knock on her door again after they were met with several minutes of silence. “Helloo, room service” Zeta continued to ignore the man and turned herself invisible. When she looked out the window from the 2nd floor, an array of guards could be seen entering the Inn. The knocking becomes more aggressive and constant. Zeta slips out the window, using her magic to melt through the walls of the closet to enter another room. Luckily for her it was vacant. The room she entered had a balcony with an emergency ladder. She took it and escaped the Inn into the night and hid away taking pictures of the guards swarming the Inn. When the crack of dawn came Zeta met up with Herman at his estate. She returned the camera and informed him on all she experienced. “Thanks for your diligence, I will get you a ride and ticket plus new clothes to help you leave unbothered” Zeta thanked the man and was well on her way after getting rewarded.

WC 201
TWC 934/500

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