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Spring Sale [Open to Two]

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#1Mysterious Merchant 

Spring Sale [Open to Two] Empty Wed Jun 12, 2024 2:23 pm

Mysterious Merchant

Forced to raise a hand to hold onto his hat when the great engine which had brought him to this location huffed and readied itself to move on, the Mysterious Merchant was for a second or perhaps two at the most bathed in a swath of steam, and emerged fresh from the other side of it with a mitt atop the crooked bonnet he wore and perhaps a look of optimism and hope as he moved clear from the station upon steps which almost seemed to look like he were gliding upon air. Though, given what folk knew of him, that would hardly be a surprising discovery ultimately.

"The bloom of spring is always most beautiful here~"

Not that he seemed to worry all that much about the rumours which surrounded him but rather the coin which oh so inevitably seemed to burn the holes in the pockets of folk who had accrued too much of it, as per usual were his own stores saturated by the oddities to which he seemed to well inclined to collect, though today along with those eager eyes and easy wallets did he hope to see something special with it. The splendour of nature, finally and freely unencumbered by the hand of father winter…

  • Open for 24 hours, max two purchases.
  • Each player can make only one purchase, this includes players who made a purchase in a previous thread this round.
  • Characters must travel to this location.
  • Requirement: The Character must be S-rank or lower.

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