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Pest or Mess 5

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Pest or Mess 5 Empty Fri Aug 09, 2024 1:16 am

Plop…plop…plop…the sound of water droplets slowly dripping from a recently used pipeline can be heard throughout the tunnels. The once deserted silent tunnels were now filled with shadowy figures with bright red eyes grumbling as they watched Zeno and Avery closely. These figures could be compared to wall flowers due to how tightly posted up they were against the faces of bricks. The choking toxic smell that permeated the tunnels from the burned rats was seemingly gone, as if he had never cast a single spell. This puzzled Zeno, but he kept his face composed, and his eyes locked on Alice as she guided them through the tunnel until they reached a dead end. They eventually came down to a dead end he found during his initial venture but did not spot anything noteworthy. “Wait here” Alice commanded the two faes as she strutted over to the wall, placing her hand upon the grooves of the bricks, spawning a magic circle beneath her palm causing the wall to tremble for a couple of seconds before sinking into the ground. “Through here” She stepped to the side and gestured with her hand for the two faes to enter the dark corridor. Zeno and Avery both activated their fae eyes before entering the dark room, Alice followed, closing the stone door behind them.

WC 224


Pest or Mess 5 Empty Fri Aug 09, 2024 1:20 am

With Zeno's and Avery's eyes fully activated, they can see any entity's soul even within the darkest of areas. They instantly spotted several souls glowing in the distance, but what was striking about these souls was how vivid and massive they were. The energy spewing from these beings was like massive geysers of light ranging from different colors, each having its own color representing its magical affinity. Zeno learned about how powerful vampires were during the early years of his studies, but this was something on a whole other level. “Alice, what…who are these? What’s going on” Avery, who was scared to his limit, was quivering so hard while holding onto Zeno it caused both of them to rock back and forth intensely. “These are the elders of our group and, as you can see, they are comatose. We are waiting till they awaken before we migrate again.” Ask Alice proceeded down the hall she lit lanterns hanging about, revealing more and more of the decrepit architecture. “Only a few of us are fighters, but we cannot afford to lose any more of our family.” After lighting the final lantern, the whole room becomes fully visible to Zeno and Avery, to their surprise the room is littered with coffins, treasures, and advance-looking machinery not from Fiore.“Searching and looking for more members of our kind is not a wise nor easy task either. We have gathered lots of things we cherish that others would want for themselves, including humans. This is all we have to our legacy and why we cannot leave” Alice stared at the two fae with a burning sense of conviction in her eyes as she spoke.

WC 283


Pest or Mess 5 Empty Fri Aug 09, 2024 1:21 am

After Zeno listened to Alice’s plea for help, this put him in deep thought about how to progress from there. He needed to ensure that he got something in return for all of this, otherwise, the family would deem this mission a failure, which was not an option for him. Three effective ideas came to his mind that ended with him getting something to show for his mission. Option 1 was to wipe out the withered and weakened vampires to spare them from what awaited them and seal the deal with the humans. Option 2 was he would take their treasures and the Elder vampires with him to the family, which would remove the target over their heads and allow them to find an actual location to live more peacefully, but not even Zeno could promise they would receive anything in return from the family for this. He only knows that it has a high probability of a better ending than what awaits them here, but it won't be without a cost. Option 3 is to help them conceal themselves further and sabotage the tunnel’s infrastructure to buy time for the elder vampires to wake up from their comas. “Alice, I would like to speak to Avery about this matter before making a final decision. Is that alright with you?” Alice nodded and walked over to the coffins, rubbing each of them tenderly.

WC 235


Pest or Mess 5 Empty Fri Aug 09, 2024 1:22 am

It was clear to the two faes that this case was even more complicated than it seemed. Zeno mentioned the three options he thought of to Avery in the hopes they both settled on one together. They both decided option 2 would be the best choice of action but, persuading Alice would be the hardest part. If violence becomes an issue, Zeno instructs Avery to contact the family as soon as possible, to let them know of their discovery. They both nodded in agreement and then Zeno called Alice over. “We have agreed on a solution to your dilemma. Since humans wish to see you pushed out of these tunnels, presumably to have your riches, we decided it would be better if–” before Zeno could finish his declaration, Alice cut him off. "To give to the fairy folks you call family? The nerve you have to think you can try and steal from us by using our situation against us. I was warned about your kind and its underhanded actions, especially the ones from the Unseelie court. I won't let you take nothing from us, hell, this will be your tomb!”

Wc 191


Pest or Mess 5 Empty Fri Aug 09, 2024 1:24 am

Furious at what she had found out from the two using her telepathy, Alice flew into a fit of unbridled rage and started channeling her mana in mass amounts.“H-how, whatever… Listen, Alice. It is not what you think it is. The family has done dealings with lots of dark races, they would help you, I assure you” Zeno shouted out to Alice, pleading for her to listen and calm down. “I Know you read our minds and heard me list the options, you would know we are not stealing your treasures, all of you can go together to the family and plead your case to them. Hurting us will only make things worse for your family” Zeno calmly talked to Alice while approaching her slowly, keeping a few feet of distance between them. “Look, I'd rather not have any bloodshed be spilled on a matter that can be solved peacefully.” Alice's breathing grew ragged and heavy as she continued funneling mana overcharging herself full of mana till it started leaking out from different orifices such as her eyes, ears, and nose. Hearing Zeno speak increased her anger, but also added droplets of reason in the pool that was her anger, causing ripples in her judgment and letting reason seep in.

WC 212


Pest or Mess 5 Empty Fri Aug 09, 2024 1:28 am

Alice started getting flashbacks of the bitter and hard memories of the journey with her family over the decades. The days of being chased, attacked, and threatened by all races. They survived the array of seasons all while avoiding the sun from facing insurmountable pain. She felt an overwhelming number of emotions causing her to cry hysterically and her mind to nearly fade to black, but there was one sensation that triumphed over all her emotions. That sensation was exhaustion. The idea of giving up had crossed her mind several times. She could not deny that. This opportunity could be a complete scam and destroy everything she and her family have worked so hard to maintain, but this was also a way out. Feeling mad at herself for thinking such thoughts, her magic control became unstable, causing her spell to lash out. Zeno quickly placed his hands on the ground, summoning vines to restrain her. Struggling before a burst of mana freed her from the vines. “Tch” Zeno groaned as he asked Avery for assistance. The two of them summoned vines to restrain her again. This time seemed more effective, but she continuously struggled and screamed out. The vines suddenly snapped and Alice fell to the ground unconscious. “Rest now my dear Daughter, You have served us well. Zeno, Avery, my daughter linked our minds, so I heard everything and I accept your proposal, but only on one condition” A gentle yet strong disembodied voice could be heard from behind the two fae. Processing what he said, Zeno remembered seeing Alice go over to a coffin and interacting with it. When shifting his gaze to that same coffin, he was astonished to see the lid had been opened. The pressure he felt was not one of malice but sheer power. What was the condition, Zeno wondered? “Take me alone to meet Aster. It has been a very very long time” Shocked to hear the butler of the manor's name being spoken, Zeno gritted his teeth and nodded his head.

WC 339

WCR 20% + 1500 = 1200
Twc 1484/1200

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