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To be done 1

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To be done 1 Empty Thu Jul 11, 2024 7:47 am


Tenevi sat upon a branch alone in the outskirts of Orchidia city. A dead rat hung still and cold in the tight grasp of her lower left talon. The life long squeezed out of the poor, pathetic small creature; but it would be the first of many more.

The sun hung a little low in the sky, soon it would be evening. But the clouds were already dimming the skies before the sun could give its final kiss goodnight. The wind stood fairly still, the fragrant flowers growing pungent in smell and presence. It was almost a serene moment, one of those little slivers that remind you how much life is worth living.

The harpy had been here for a few days, along with a flock of ravens who aided her in the task of observing. There had been word that the rats were creating large nests once more. Which would become a problem really quick as it always had. Orchidia had a bad affinity of being somewhat a beacon for such pest but the residents could not tolerate it more than needed.


To be done 1 Nerili11

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To be done 1 Empty Thu Jul 11, 2024 8:00 am


This did not have to be the burden one could think it was. True, it was an annoying hinderance. The festering creatures could become an overwhelming problem easily should they be left alone. But Lumikki saw them as something more, something quite beneficial to her. And so when the time rose that the problem was reaching its britches, after what ever extended period of time to let it grow, she would allow her ravens to feast.

The boisterous birds would alway relish these moments. It was a nice boon afforded by their cunning Queen. Sure they could ravage the rodents themselves, and they did, but with the intervention of their lady they were able to eat up so many more than they could agitate themselves. All without the need of their cunning efforts and tempered patience. No, usually the rodents would be forced out at once but to succeed in that plan, sometimes there would be a need for planning and preparation. This is where Tenevi had come in.


To be done 1 Nerili11

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To be done 1 Empty Thu Jul 11, 2024 8:07 am


The harpy was here to study the routes and movements of the rodents. Learning where all their tunnels may lie. The purpose was because she would need to know all the points to smoke them out when the time to clear the out had came. And that day seemed to be now as she was finally confident in the plan.

Just a few minutes before, Tenevi lodged the last of the smoke bombs that her master provided her for the task. Their bulbous forms taking up most of the space to enter and leave the many holes poking out from below. Each one prepared to go off relatively at the same time, give or take a few moments between them. And soon the time for the running would begin.

The lone branch from where the harpy now sat was just above the last hole left unbothered, and it would continue to be left that way as it would serve to be the funnel from which most of the rats would prefer to escape. Only they did not yet know this was the intended reaction.


To be done 1 Nerili11

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To be done 1 Empty Thu Jul 11, 2024 8:19 am


Lonu, one of Lumikki’s many personal ravens flew from the east, the direction of the guild hall, and settled just beside the harpy. His anticipation was obvious but his calm demeanor was commendable.
”It would seem it is almost time, isn’t it my friend. I see you even already snatched yourself a snack before the feast begins. Good for you.”
There was much mirth and giddiness in his voice as his body was somewhat shimming in an elated dance. The bird had been looking forward to this for days now.

”As it would seem like indeed. I believe we still have three minutes before the first one is set to go off. Really, these things have been proving quite helpful in this kind of work. It means we do not have to bother or Revna every time this job needs to be done.” While her face looked so cold her voice was actually incredibly warm. The harpy very much grew to enjoy his company, so much so that it softened a few of her many walls. ”Oh yes, quite the boon indeed. If I had the capability in this form, I would probably be salivating myself. This is indeed one of my more favorite times a month, admittedly.”


To be done 1 Nerili11

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To be done 1 Empty Thu Jul 11, 2024 9:00 am


”I could understand those sentiments,” she would speak as she rose her lower talon high up enough to scoop the rat into hand. Her lips pulled back just enough to expose her fangs and gapping mouth before she tucked the rat in her maw and swallowed it whole. Just as the rodent slid down her gullet, the bombs finally began to explode. Three went off at once and began the stirring from deep below. Soon enough, the rodents were mad-dashing to the exits still clear of smoke, only to be met with a blockage that would soon expel smoke too.

The out pour of rodents bled through the small opening of the last available hole. Their piling up bodies now tearing the ground’s opening in their passing. The ravens hardly wasted much time either. The already dimmed sky was darkening further with their unanimous flight, all converging onto the point where the rats were going. Promptly picking up many of them and scooping them into their talons to eat from within the branches.

It almost felt that for every rat there was there was a bird to seize it. Many of them were taken and quickly consumed. Some particularly gluttonous ravens even going back for seconds or thirds. Tenevi herself, was sure to make quite a meal of them. Though rats were not her favorite thing to feast on, this only aided her master in completing the task and with a belly full, she could barely carry herself home when all was done.

”Another mission completed.”

1000 +50%wcr due to dress, ring, companion.

Curtain Call

To be done 1 Nerili11

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