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Nokk Empty Mon Jun 24, 2024 4:56 pm



Name: Nokk

Age:30, December, X762

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Lesbian

Ethnicity, Father: Encan

Ethnicity, Mother: Encan

Class: Sentinel

Race: Demi-Human [Shark]

Rank: D-rank

Guild: Guardia Compagnia

Tattoo: On her left shoulder, same color as her spots.

Face: Nokk - Pkingsora


Height: 2 meters / 6'7

Weight: 300LBS

Hair: Seaweed green + Brown + Black

Left Eye Gold/Blue

Overall: Nokk is a physically stunning powerhouse of a woman; her body is akin to that of athletic weight lifters. Spending most of the time in the ocean swimming and diving she's built up an incredible amount of stamina and endurance in a short time. Her skin is a multi colored smorgasbord of hues. From the base being a gray or brownish black with white or brownish black spots all across her body. There is white segment that could be considered her underbelly that runs from her groin all the way up to her jawline. Making her other colors pop a bit from the plainness of it all.

Her tail is a strange disjointed floating yet empty and hollow instance. Where the entrance of it is a shark jaw and teeth as though you'd expect from a living one. Largely superficial this tail helps her swim through the water with it's fins and large powerful musculature. It has no physical connection with nokk body wise yet it acts as though it's connected.

She has two sets of ears though one half of them are damaged on her right side. Her feet and hands are webbed which helps her swim through the water and her teeth are razor sharp. Her tongue is a golden yellow much like the inner segment of her eye. She has a perpetual smile on her face at almost all times. It should be mentioned that while she doesn't particularly wear any clothing of note; only when in towns or social settings does she even wear pants.

Extra: Nokk has a myriad of scars all across her body from her time in the ocean, she's missing a good chunk of her right ears and her entire right eye is missing. She has a huge scar that's going over her right eye that looks like it's from some impressive beastie and tons of other marks across her body. She covers the missing orb with a eyepatch.


  • Honest: Nokk is honest to a fault, she's never one to consider a lie unless it's to try to help someone feel better. Even then it sits strangely in her mouth and she has to fight herself to not say something that'd make it difficult to keep up even a helpful lie like that. She keeps it as real as she can and tends to avoid saying the wrong thing by just... well saying whats on her mind.
  • Beyond Friendly: Nokk has a interesting issue where the moment she meets someone that she considers them a friend. She always has the interest of other people at heart and has so much love within her heart to give it her all to every person that she meets. It's not forced, it's just a natural state of being for her.
  • Optimist: While many people are half empty or might see things in a negative light nokk is in fact directly opposite. She sees the silver cloud in any situation regardless of how extreme it is. She can't help but talk about the good in things and tends to use this to cheer people up.
  • Bright: Nokk might not look it but she's exceptionally intelligent, fast on the uptake and her demeanor is well. Bright and cheerful. She's fast on her feet when trying to aid others too.
  • Helpful: Nokk is the type that always wants to be there for others; regardless of what sort of harm that it'd put on her. Her body certainly shows the fact of this. She tends to prioritize others over herself when it comes to rendering aid, which has often left her needing something like food or jewels later on.

  • Water: Nokk just really likes the water, to the point of ussually staying in it to some capacity.
  • Singing: Nokk has a lovely singing voice and when not working she tends to sit around and serenade the wildlife.

  • Heat: She really doesn't like feeling like a dried out fish.
  • Pirates: They're the reason she has a few of her scars and they tend to be awful people too. While she doesn't immediately lump pirates into a 'not friend' category she's very observant and careful around them.

  • Helping Others: She just wants to help everyone she can. Doesn't matter who or what you are.

  • Losing Friends: She's lost a few good ones in her short time in this world and it hurts.
  • Losing Family: While she doesn't have a stereotypical family [as in not actually having any at all] she fears losing the ones she may gain in the future.


Strength: 6

Speed: 6

Constitution: 6

Endurance: 6

Intelligence: 6


Magic Name: Water Dragon Slayer

Magic Element: Water

Magic Description: Dragon Slayers are a unique type of people who utilize a form of Lost Magic, Dragon Slayer Magic. Each Dragon Slayer has their own form of Magic, just like each Dragon is a master of their own element. In addition, they also have the ability to consume the element which they utilize, just as long as it is not created from their own Magic. Dragon Slayers are known to possess keener senses than those of normal humans such as smell, as well as distinctive characteristics and features such as slitted pupils and noticeably sharper teeth.


History: Nokk wasn't born in the stereotypical sense of the people of earthland. She was in fact, recently a summoned individual from someone trying to replicate a summoning ritual that had bore fruits like individuals of great power akin to demons or demi-gods. They had used only sea life to perform the summoning and were instead rewarded with Nokk rising out of the depths like a confused whale shark. She was a mix of all the traits of the sea life that they had gathered together slapped onto a person. Though they bore her no ill will it wasn't before long that they chased her off into the ocean.

Left more or less to her own devices Nokk spent a few months swimming around, eating fish and spending most of her time trying to get accustomed to well... living. She ran into a group of encan sailors a few months into her life and quickly formed bonds with them all. Trailing after their ship while it sailed the seas and eventually making landfall for the first time half a year after she had been summoned.

The world as it was was a huge surprise to her; from the way that society operated to the way that people talked. She didn't really understand people right away but was quick enough on the uptake that she was able to learn Encan and some fiorian from her travels. She quickly grew to love the sea shanties that the sailors ang and the colorful language always sat a bit odd for her. Gifted with strength and stamina she was able to keep pace with the slower moving trade ships; when tired she'd just hang on for a little bit or laze on the deck to regain her stamina.

Throughout the year she had to help the sailors fend off large beasties and other problematic sea creatures. Earning many a scar, losing her eye and damaging one set of her ears. Much of her body gained scars and she wasn't terribly bothered by it though she felt that she should find a replacement for her eye somehow she wasn't sure how to go about that so she never really looked deeply into it.

Some time passed and the first major incident that left her lost and confused happened. Her ship that was full of merry men and sailors alike was attacked by pirates. Boarded, raided, whatever you would call it. She wasn't able to help them in the same capacity; the swords and guns they had bit deep and she was forced to run after nearly being run through by the pirate captain. The ship that she had been following for the last year was ransacked, burnt till it sank and she had to watch many of her once friends drift lifelessly through the ocean while she rescued the ones that were still kicking.

A great. Terrible wrath came from nokk that day; her friendly demeanor all but shattered. She called upon the ocean for a great and terrible storm to consume the pirates draining much of her mana and leaving her dazed for a time as the storm crashed against the fleeing pirates. It tore their ship to pieces and nokk learned quickly that the feeling of revenge wasn't one she liked. She'd turn around on the same foot and rescue the same men responsible for destroying her friends ship.

Once she had finished for what felt like an age of diving to find people struggling she eventually decided that maybe she should find friendlier waters again. Hearing good things about fiore from the travelers that had been rescued off of the ships she headed that way. It was a long swim and she had plenty of time to do her business...

Discord: GrinningSaturn


Nokk Empty Wed Jun 26, 2024 2:10 pm

This character has been approved. You are not new here. You know the drill love~ Nokk 1f61b

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