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Leading them to a better tomorrow? (With Iza)[FCM – Refugee Plight]

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Leading them to a better tomorrow? (With Iza)[FCM – Refugee Plight] Empty Tue Sep 10, 2024 8:32 am

Yijun following after the people that are running for their lives from the riots and the titan attacks, he was going to help lead them toward safety which the safest place that Yijun could think is toward the area that the Paradise Dawn calls home as they were strong and it would be outside of the reach of the riots that keep kicking up and the random titans that were showing up. He hoped that Iza wasn't going to be too far behind but he knows that the elf had no real reason that he had to follow him or even attempt to help him with his views on people. Yijun gets in front of the people and they looked at him and he spoke up and to them to try and get them to calm down. "I am Yijun, I am here to help and get you to safety and will be helping to keep you safe stay close and don't panic or lose your heads." Yijun calls his spear out and holds it in his hands and he needed to make sure that he would have it ready for anything that would come out of the forest for them.

#2Iza Bicdic 

Leading them to a better tomorrow? (With Iza)[FCM – Refugee Plight] Empty Wed Sep 11, 2024 7:11 am

Iza Bicdic
Iza wasn’t sure if he was doing the right thing. If these people were from Joya he could understand his need to protect them. Still, these people were from Fiore, a place he had no loyalty to. He bit his nail as he followed Yijun. If it wasn’t because his friend was here, then things would probably turn out differently.

Iza followed his partner and soon enough they saw a lot of people who were frantic and trying to find out what to do. When he heard Yijun speak and explain what he was trying to do for them, he stood next to him. He looked over to him wondering where they should go.

“Do ya have a plan on where ta go?” He asked him as he was looking around.

A lot of these people were scared of everything that was happening. He knew the feeling and wasn’t sure it should have been happening in the first place.



Leading them to a better tomorrow? (With Iza)[FCM – Refugee Plight] Empty Wed Sep 11, 2024 8:02 am

Yijun looked to Iza that seemed to have just appeared out of no where to him. "I am thinking of getting them closer to Paradise Dawn controlled land, maybe that will wake them up to actually come and help with this disaster that is going on. There are a lot of people here helping but it is hard to tell who all here is from there and aren't just random people. No sign of the warden or his crew as far as I can tell." Yijun tapped his staff and he started walking with the group of people through the forest and he tries to keep them out of the way of the creatures that were in the forest as well as he can hear roars of the titans as well as the yells of the rune knights fighting them and trying to stop the riots that are taking place but Yijun knows right now it is just better to keep the people safe and not going off on their own to be killed.
(176) (379)

#4Iza Bicdic 

Leading them to a better tomorrow? (With Iza)[FCM – Refugee Plight] Empty Wed Sep 11, 2024 8:18 am

Iza Bicdic
Iza heard his plan and it seemed like he had a smart plan. they were going to escort these people to Paradise Dawn and let them handle that. It was the best choice as it would allow these people to actually be safe from danger. He was sure that nobody would attack places Paradise Dawn controlled. In the end, he was fine with this plan. The quicker they were able to get these people out of their watch the better.

“I see, I hope this works. The betta we get them ta safety the betta off we are ta handle otha things.” He said to Yijun.

When they entered the forest, Iza would get on top of the tree branches. He was a wood elf, so this was second nature to him. He moved around ahead to make sure that they were going on the right path. When he saw there was no danger ahead of them, he would come back to let Yijun know.



Leading them to a better tomorrow? (With Iza)[FCM – Refugee Plight] Empty Wed Sep 11, 2024 9:13 am

Yijun was lucky that he had someone so capable like Iza with him as he would have been in trouble if he didn't. He followed the path and he watched over the people behind him which was a mix of races and they all looked scared. Yijun was not going to let them get harmed at least not on her watch there was going to be a lot of people that could have a break down at any given moment as monsters ran past them heading for the city and Yijun still wondered where the heroes were. He guessed he could give Kaito a pass as last he knew they said he was in the east so he probably didn't know about the attack on the north. Yujin saw animals running away as well it seemed that the city was probably going to fall and that was a strange thought but he couldn't stop as he Transformed and moved debris from the path so the group could pass the area and no one was having to be left behind.
(179) (558)

#6Iza Bicdic 

Leading them to a better tomorrow? (With Iza)[FCM – Refugee Plight] Empty Wed Sep 11, 2024 9:24 am

Iza Bicdic
Iza would continue to scout ahead. He was an assassin, so scouting was a hard thing for him to do. While he looked around the area, he found a bunch of paths that they should go toward. He would make his way back to Yijun and the group of people and he would look over to Yijun.

“Follow me, there are several paths we don’t wanna go through. If we do, a lot of ya gonna die.” He said to the group of people.

He didn’t care for their reaction. If they wanted to live they would follow him and if they didn’t they could choose to ignore him. He would drop down from the tree he was currently on, and he would start leading them to where they needed to go. He didn’t care for their lives, but he knew Yijun did. He also didn’t want the two of them to get in harm's way.



Leading them to a better tomorrow? (With Iza)[FCM – Refugee Plight] Empty Wed Sep 11, 2024 9:45 am

The crowd hearing what the man said got more scared and started to panic a bit from that as they didn't want to die. Yijun turned to them and spoke. "He is just being honest and helping you all understand the gravity of needing to follow us and not run off alone." Yijun knows that Iza was rough around the edges and spoke plainly so he was use to it but he knows that a group of panicking civilians are not going to understand that so he made sure to smooth it over fast and they followed after the wood elf who was leading them to the safe path as they didn't need to get ambushed by thieves either as people might be aiming to take advantage of the chaos as well as try to cause their own form of damage to the area and get away with no one knowing what was from the riot, the titans and from thieves attacking people to take advantage.
(168) (726)

#8Iza Bicdic 

Leading them to a better tomorrow? (With Iza)[FCM – Refugee Plight] Empty Wed Sep 11, 2024 9:57 am

Iza Bicdic
Iza had a smirk on his face as it seemed like they had indeed become nervous with his words. It was then that Yijun did his best to calm them down and that was what he was here for. Iza said the truth as he didn’t care for them and Yijun did his best to get them to understand. It was a good partnership between the two of them.

Still, thanks to Yijun getting the crowd together, they were able to follow the two of them. There was a path that Iza had led them to and once they got there, he would come to a stop. His eyes looked around to see this was as far as he had gotten within the forest. They weren’t out, but he figured he could do some more scouting.

“I’ma go ahead and see what we can do from hea. I will get ya a path soon Yijun.” He said to his partner as he had gone ahead.



Leading them to a better tomorrow? (With Iza)[FCM – Refugee Plight] Empty Wed Sep 11, 2024 10:21 am

Yijun heard the man as they got to the stopping point. "I have faith in you Iza, I will make sure to stay vigilant." Yijun looked around the area for if he sees anything as the other man went ahead to keep scouting and the people behind him have calmed down and are taking this small lull in moving to rest and make sure their loved ones are okay and a small girl grabbed onto Yijun's pant leg and she looked up at him and Yijun looked at her then looked around and he wondered if this girl was an orphan as no one was looking at her or seeming scared of him going to harm her on accident. Yijun kneeled while staying on the look out and the girl said she lost her mommy back at the city. Yijun tells her once they get her to safety they will be getting back up to go and look for more survivors. The small girl seemed to be more at ease after hearing that.
(175) (901)

#10Iza Bicdic 

Leading them to a better tomorrow? (With Iza)[FCM – Refugee Plight] Empty Wed Sep 11, 2024 10:30 am

Iza Bicdic
Iza would look around ahead and he would see that there was a path out of the forest, but there were a lot of obstacles getting there. He knew with the group of people back there, it would be impossible. That sucked and he would move back before he was noticed. The wood elf would move around to a different location and he was trying to find the best optimized path for them. Still, he was trying to find quick paths, but none of them were working. The two paths he found so far just led them to trouble and that was not what Yijun and he wanted.

He would continue looking with Sylph on his shoulder. She was looking to see if she could help out but enjoyed the ride on his shoulder. Iza soon found a path, for them, but this one would take them a longer time, but it would get them to their destination. He would make his way back to the group to let Yijun know.



Leading them to a better tomorrow? (With Iza)[FCM – Refugee Plight] Empty Wed Sep 11, 2024 10:45 am

Yijun could hear things getting closer and the small child stayed close to Yijun. Yijun wondered if they were staying close to him cause she saw something or not. He was going to make sure that they all made it out of the forest though he knows that with how close the titans were getting they might get stepped on and he was ready to make a layered defensive spell so they can be protected as the titans probably wouldn't even see them as long as they were keeping quiet and low. He sees the wood elf coming and he walked with the crowd following him as they would make their way toward the new path that Iza had found and he wondered if there were still beasts in the forest that might be eating the ones that weren't as lucky to have gotten away from the city like these people had and if any of these people were wolves in sheep's clothing and would strike in a dangerous place.
(170) (1,071)

#12Iza Bicdic 

Leading them to a better tomorrow? (With Iza)[FCM – Refugee Plight] Empty Wed Sep 11, 2024 10:54 am

Iza Bicdic
Iza had arrived at the group and it seemed like they were all on edge right now. It made sense, but at least he was able to find a way out of this place. He would land on the ground and he would explain to Yijun about everything he had seen. There were huge animals gathered up in one place as if they were guarding themselves from danger. He knew humans were seen as a threat, so that was not a good place to go. The other path had titans still around, which was not good, so he couldn’t take them on that path.

The one path they had was the perfect one, but it would take them a while to get out of the forest because of that.

“So yea it seems like the animals hea are defending themselves and there are some titans just roaming around the forest as well. It seems like a lot of things going to shit hea.” He said to Yijun



Leading them to a better tomorrow? (With Iza)[FCM – Refugee Plight] Empty Wed Sep 11, 2024 11:09 am

Yijun looked at the man then to the crowd behind him. "Yeah we need to do all we can to avoid them and get these people to safety." He looked at the wind spirit the man had. "How are you feeling? I don't mean to be rude and not speak to you as well." He knows that he was super focused but he didn't need to be rude to the other that was with them at the moment. The people are sticking close to them and Yijun keeps his guard up as he doesn't know where the next attack might come from and if he will be able to stop death from landing on them as there was sounds of fighting going on as well not far from them so he is guessing that it was the knights fighting the titans to try and drive them back away from the north to try and be heroes.
(160) (1,231)

#14Iza Bicdic 

Leading them to a better tomorrow? (With Iza)[FCM – Refugee Plight] Empty Wed Sep 11, 2024 11:15 am

Iza Bicdic
Iza heard him and he nodded. He understood what they needed to do. In the end, he knew that they would be rewarded for helping out. Sylph looked at Yijun as she asked him how she was doing. She would smile at him and give him a thumbs up.

“I’m alright, I’m just resting up. I used a lot of mana when we fought against those giants. There being no fights right now is helping me do just that.” She said to Yijun.

Iza heard her and he would pat her on the head for her hard work in supporting him.

“We should be fine with the path I found for us. If anything shows up then it's just bad luck for us. Still, if there is anything that appears in our path it will be little to none.” He said to Yijun as if that was the truth.

He hoped that they didn’t have to fight anything, but the world did weird things sometimes.



Leading them to a better tomorrow? (With Iza)[FCM – Refugee Plight] Empty Wed Sep 11, 2024 11:30 am

Yijun nodded and was glad that she was getting to really rest and not have to over do her self if it can be helped and he hoped they didn't end up in a fight but the path seemed clear and good so far besides a few spots that had offered little to no cover but the sounds of the fights and riots had started to fade away a bit so that means that they were on the right path to get themselves out of this place and hopefully they can get to somewhere that has a good place to rest as the group was starting to get a bit over exhausted and needed another break as the path was long and a bit rough on the balance and feet and some of these people look a bit beaten up as well so next time they stop he is going to start healing them and hope his minor skill in it is okay for them.
(165) (1,396)

#16Iza Bicdic 

Leading them to a better tomorrow? (With Iza)[FCM – Refugee Plight] Empty Wed Sep 11, 2024 11:38 am

Iza Bicdic
Iza would continue to lead them on where to go. while doing this it seemed like they weren’t going through any trouble. That was good for them as it meant this would be smooth right? Nope, not at all, it seemed like the people here were tired of walking and Yijun had told them that they could rest a bit before they continued on. He sighed with disappointment as it seemed like this was the first time they all done something like this. When they rested Iza had approached Yijun and wondered if he was doing alright.

“How are ya doin? We been doin a lot and I know ya been doin ya best. Do ya feel like ya getting stronga through all of this?” He asked curious to hear what he had to say.

The two of them had a goal to achieve and they seemed to have been working together to achieve it.



Leading them to a better tomorrow? (With Iza)[FCM – Refugee Plight] Empty Wed Sep 11, 2024 11:45 am

While they were stopped he had started going around and using his healing on the people that were with them, as some of their wounds looked worse when they got closer and the small girl was following Yijun around as he did it like she wanted to help him and once Yijun was done he took a seat and the little girl sat within a certain area of him that wasn't too close but was also not too far away. When Iza spoke to him he looked at the man and spoke back. "I feel like I am growing yes and I am also having to use spell types I hadn't had to before like healing. Do you feel like you are getting a good amount of growth from this all?" Yijun wondered if someone was testing them with all of this stuff but he had no idea who would even want to attempt to do that as these were real people that got really hurt and maybe oprhaned.
(171) (1,567)

#18Iza Bicdic 

Leading them to a better tomorrow? (With Iza)[FCM – Refugee Plight] Empty Wed Sep 11, 2024 12:01 pm

Iza Bicdic
Iza heard his words and he was glad to hear this from his partner. If he was strong then it meant he had nothing to worry about. He watched him get to work and he would ask him the same question as well. The jester thought about it and he rubbed his chin as he looked at his friend. He wasn’t sure if he was getting stronger, but he knew he had growth that he hoped would continue.

“Ta be honest, I just think my mind is getting betta at readin situations. I have ta go back to my home and eat a fruit that might kill me. I been dreadin ta do it fa ova four hundred years, but I think soon I will make my way home.” He said to him as he wasn’t feeling stronger.

He honestly wondered if he should be saving jewels and buying things to make him more powerful than he was.



Leading them to a better tomorrow? (With Iza)[FCM – Refugee Plight] Empty Wed Sep 11, 2024 1:00 pm

Yijun looked at the man a bit weirdly. "A fruit that might kill you? What is that?" Yijun had no idea what the man was meaning but he knows that it must be dangerous if it was going to maybe make him die from it happening. "Well I hope if you do eat this fruit that it doesn't kill you. I know I need to start to invest into items or maybe get one made for myself that will help me to keep up." He knows he is still weak and that he has a long way to go before he can even think that he is even on the level of the peers he has in the guild though he needed to make sure that he didn't stop trying and that he made the most of the things he can do, which was getting equipment and items that will help him to stay alive and get tasks done making sure that he can stay alive.
(170) (1,737)

#20Iza Bicdic 

Leading them to a better tomorrow? (With Iza)[FCM – Refugee Plight] Empty Wed Sep 11, 2024 1:18 pm

Iza Bicdic
Iza heard him and he figured that it would confuse him. Still, it seemed like he was interested in knowing what it was. Then he spoke about buying items as well or making one for himself. He thought about that too and he did get a new dagger tailor-made for himself.

“It’s a fruit that is sacred within the wood elves community. It grows within our sacred tree, which we worship. Usually, this tree gives life to elves who die at birth and gives them the ability to become more than just a wood elf, but an Athlas Elf. This would allow me ta become stronger, but I’ve been nervous ta try it cause I don’t wanna die. As fa getting items I need some too.” He said to Yijun as he was thinking about what to get for himself to help him in battle.

He had to prepare himself for battles that might come their way.



Leading them to a better tomorrow? (With Iza)[FCM – Refugee Plight] Empty Wed Sep 11, 2024 1:50 pm

Yujin knows that he needs to figure out what would even before he walked into a shop he knows of a few things that he wanted to get but he knows that comes when he hits his the next rank and he can go all in and see if he could find the stuff he is looking for as he knows that he needs to be a good fighter and make the most of what he can of the stuff he can get. "I know I need to get stronger and not just let myself get stagnate here." He wanted to make sure that he could help to keep the faction on the map and not have people that still believe in the old shogun coming and attempting to over throw the current Shogun if he can even stand up to them though he knows that he needed to make sure that he also didn't neglect his own body as well.
(163) (1,900)

#22Iza Bicdic 

Leading them to a better tomorrow? (With Iza)[FCM – Refugee Plight] Empty Thu Sep 12, 2024 6:59 am

Iza Bicdic
Iza heard him and he nodded. They couldn’t become stagnate indeed. The only thing ahead for these two was hopefully growth. He was hoping that things would come easier for them as the future unfolded.

“Ya will get there, so no need ta worry bout that Yijun.” Iza said to him as he would pat him on his back.

When it came to becoming stronger, it was natural that they did that, but one thing was for certain when it came to their country being attacked, they didn’t have to worry about that. Rumor had it that Mishiko was seeing someone, a being known to be the strongest in Earth Land. If they messed with Joya, then he would get involved.

The group had rested a bit and soon enough time would go by. The jester felt like they had stood here too long and they needed to make their way out of there before something dangerous occurred.

“I think we should start movin. My experience tells me we should never stay put too long unless we want bad things ta happen.” He said to Yijun.



Leading them to a better tomorrow? (With Iza)[FCM – Refugee Plight] Empty Fri Sep 13, 2024 7:57 pm

Yijun nodded to the man and he got everyone moving and puts the little girl on his back as she was clearly over exhausted and she didn't have anyone to carry her so he figure that he would handle it and if it looked weird it looked weird but no one in the group seemed to even care as they walked the paths toward safety and freedom and Yijun had to wonder if there was even a reason for the attacks on the city or if it was just some ones messed up game to have fun at the cost of others lives and that be the end of it or if there was a deeper reason and the north might be in even more trouble than anyone might know and have trouble coming to take on those that will stand her against the darkness that was seeming to be taking over the north after Yuurei stepped down from being the guild master of Paradise Dawn.

#24Iza Bicdic 

Leading them to a better tomorrow? (With Iza)[FCM – Refugee Plight] Empty Yesterday at 5:40 pm

Iza Bicdic
Iza watched as his friend picked up the little girl and it seemed like the group had decided to move even though they didn’t want to. The jester would lead the group as he knew where to go. That was what he could do for them. He didn’t want to, but he really did it for Yijun. It was a long walk, but they would suck it up because the clown wasn’t stopping. The little girl was napping on Yijun’s back as it seemed like she was indeed tired with all the walking.

The group wouldn’t face any problems with their travel through the forest. It was due to Iza’s scouting abilities. He was happy to show off his abilities, but the group would soon make their way out of the forest. When they got out they would notice that they were near the mountains.

“This should be enough? I don’t think there is any problems happenin around these parts. We can take them to the first city and then be on our way right? At least there isn’t any giants comin to these parts, which is a good thing.” He said to the group that now this would be a straight path to their next destination and then Iza could do something else.


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