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Deep trouble in the Deep green

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Deep trouble in the Deep green Empty Fri Jun 21, 2024 3:34 pm

The deep green, a land surrounded by life from all reaches. Many do not traverse this forest without a purpose due to its slightly ever-changing nature. To protect the peace and stability of the forest, the fairies leave little surprises called fae traps. These traps range from inconvenient little tricks to fatal encounters.  These traps have become more of a common place over recent years. As of late, the forest residents have come to an impasse on how to deal with the recent bandits and hunters constantly using the forest as a worksite. Several meetings have been held to try and decide the next option to take against these humans, but it has always been a stalemate. 50 percent of the residents want them gone at all cost, while the other 50 percent don't care if they stay as long as they respect the forest and its inhabitants. During the most recent meeting, the Chief of spirits came down to speak and made one thing absolutely clear to the inhabitants of the village. "There have not been many current attacks, but humans are not to be trusted as they are too erratic" said the chief of the forest spirits. This was something that everybody agreed upon.

WC: 207


Deep trouble in the Deep green Empty Fri Jun 21, 2024 3:36 pm

A few weeks after the meeting was adjourned, Zeno went to the deep green to pay respect to the spirits and touch down with some of the fae living among them that he trained with. The last time he visited the forest it was very lively, loud and welcoming, but not without caution, as the forest was deemed too dangerous to enter unless you were some sort of seasoned hunter. Not knowing the current state of things, he traversed the forest in his human disguise as he would often forget to unmask himself. Immediately, he noticed a lot of fae traps were set up, and the forest was much quieter than he remembered. This put him on high alert, suspecting that something was amiss. He was decidedly careful about his next move, choosing to shed his disguise hoping to put the onlookers' minds at ease. Closing his eyes and channeling the sidhe within him, Zeno's body started to shine, the dark pigmentation of his skin dissolved, leaving behind skin of a gray color with a pinch of blue. “It has been awhile since I took this form” he said to himself. “You're still alive I see~ you lucky we didn't shoot you down before you transformed” a familiar voice ranged out from the distance. “If you can't notice your own kin by now then ya need some new eyes~ maybe some more training too, Darren, Vincent?” He said with a smirk.



Deep trouble in the Deep green Empty Fri Jun 21, 2024 3:40 pm

The two young fae came down from the trees hanging above Zeno's head, holding spears taller than them at their hips. Both Darren and Vincent are fair, light-skinned fae who are shorter than Zeno, reaching up to his shoulders. Adorned in chainmail covering a lush green colored tunic matching the color of the surrounding plants, perfect for camouflage. The two were best friends who had been training together to be guardians since before Zeno first stepped into the Deep Green at least a decade ago. Now they are in their graduation phase of becoming full-fledged fairies, the only problem is the ceremony has been put on hold by Soren the chief of spirits.

The two were overjoyed to see Zeno again. They greeted him with a big hug. “It's so good to see ya doing well, ya became full-fledged fairies yet? Tell me ya at least got ya wings?” Zeno said with great eagerness in his voice. The two looked at each other and gave one another an ambitious smile before jumping backwards into the air, while in midair they sprouted their massive wings and flew circles around Zeno in unison. Amazed by seeing their growth and marvelous wings, he applauded them. “Ho ho, I'm proud of you two, not only do ya have astounding wings but ya coordination is still second to one, But what about your fairy transformation?” Darren and Vincent glanced at one another with a disappointed look, then slowly landed on the ground folding their wings inward. Hanging their heads low, Darren spoke softly “We haven't graduated yet, the ceremony has been delayed for a while now, lots of hunters and bandits have been causing problems in the deep along with impure spirits running amok. We are going to a meeting later tonight to discuss the next plan of action. Hopefully, the final decision gets made today... You should come” Vincent insisted.

WC: 319


Deep trouble in the Deep green Empty Fri Jun 21, 2024 3:51 pm

The skies darkened, but the great tree spirit of the deep green essence illuminated the forest. Its mana rans through the roots of almost all the plants and trees, causing the ones affected to have an earthly green or soothing blue glow. These were secret indicators to tell the homes of the fairies or wood elves apart. These lights were also able to change colors as a warning sign to inhabitants of the forest, informing them of nearby hunters or environmental disasters. Most that came to the deep green learned about the dangers of the forest lights through various tales and personal encounters. People seeking the ultimate thrill sought out the mystery of these forest lights but were met with disappointment or went missing.

Zeno followed his old-time friends down the path to the great tree, carefully bypassing several of the traps set up by the fae. In the blink of an eye, his two friends that were guiding him vanished into thin air. When looking around, he noticed to his right was a yellow tulip dangling down from a tree vine. This flower stuck out to him like a sore thumb, as he reached towards the flower he felt a surge of mana coming from it."hmmm strange" Zeno activated his sidhe eyes to look around for the souls of his companions but was met with nothing. Next, he tried using his thermal vision and even that resulted in nothing. He stepped forward to try to look behind the  tulip and felt the same mana surge flow through his body like a shockwave. This sensation jogged his memory of the first time he entered the fairy kingdom "They have a barrier here as well, I see"

WC: 288


Deep trouble in the Deep green Empty Fri Jun 21, 2024 3:53 pm

He channeled the sidhe throughout his body then focused his attention on the space in front of the tulip and stepped forward. The mana resonated with the sidhe in Zeno's body, unlocking the first barrier into the domain of the great tree. What followed next was a mana surge that hit Zeno like a wave from the ocean, pushing him back as if rejecting him. He channeled his mana into his hands and pierced through the mana wall blocking him. The density of the wall made it feel like he was breaking through solid rock. With a final push he broke through and what befell his eyes was unlike anything he remembered from his last visit to the deep green depths. The forest he trained in many years ago was long gone and replaced with what looked like a village made up of trees, plants, and mushrooms. In the far back area of the town was the great tree, one of the few birthplaces of the fae. Awestruck by the newly developed civilization they built, Zeno burned the image of this new deep green into his mind. “Seems like you struggled a bit to get through the barrier, maybe you were the one who needs more training, Zeno” Darren retorted cheekily as Vincent patted Zeno on both shoulders from behind laughing. “Ha Ha, very funny” Zeno smirked and continued to walk further into the village.

WC: 235

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