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Deep trouble in the Deep green Part 3

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Deep trouble in the Deep green  Part 3 Empty Tue Jun 25, 2024 3:02 pm

“Lets see” The captain walks over to Zeno, taking out the keys to the handcuffs from his jacket pocket, but before he inserts them into the keyhole in the handcuffs, he turns away. “Before taking these cuffs off you, Zeno, I believe that's what they referred to you as. I need to make sure you understand the terms and conditions of this contract” The captain calls Darren and Vincent into the room. They marched into the room in formation before turning to the captain and saluting him. “Captain, you called us?” Vincent asked, while Darren glanced in the direction of their comrade Zeno behind the bars. “Yes, since you are well acquainted with this fellow, I will be leaving you two in charge of him. He agreed to help with the research and find a solution to our crisis. His actions and progress towards the purification of corruption are tied to your graduation” he said sternly to the two fae with a serious stare, before dismissing them. Darren and Vincent salute the captain before taking their leave with worried faces.

WC 180


Deep trouble in the Deep green  Part 3 Empty Tue Jun 25, 2024 3:03 pm

Turning his attention back to Zeno with the same stern face he gave the two hunters, but this time cracks of craze spilled out from his face, leaving his lips quivering, eyes twitching, and veins bulging from his forehead. “I thought of some great incentive to help you keep motivated. Not only do your actions and decisions dictate whether they graduate into fairies. You also hold their livelihood in your hands. If no results are seen by the time of the next Great Tree Meeting, all three of you will be exiled and never granted the right to graduate under the Seelie court. Now do you still want to be freed from your cuffs knowing the stakes of failure or abandonment?” a maniac smirk grows wildly on his face with a stare that only shows the level of desperation that has reached critical. Zeno closes his eyes and looks down before making a deep sigh “Sure, let's get this over with before your meltdown dissolves this whole village.” Zeno snickers to himself, tilting his head back up and displaying a satisfying smile towards the madman.

WC 185


Deep trouble in the Deep green  Part 3 Empty Tue Jun 25, 2024 3:04 pm

The captain's wicked smile turned to an infuriated frown due to Zeno's reaction not being what he had hoped to induce. Being me with insolent behavior from someone beneath him was triggering as this sort of behavior was not the norm for him. The realization hit him that he was losing control of his composure when catching the sight of his reflection through the mirror mounted on the wall to the left of the cell. Such a state was unbecoming of him, and he sought to correct it by standing back upwards and taking a long deep breath and closing his eyes. Upon opening them again, he checked his reflection once more and saw the proud man he always was. This put a prideful smile on his face. “Ahem, glad to have your assistance on the matter, Zeno, trash of the Unseelie. Now stick your hands up and out, so I may undo the cuffs” Zeno was amused that he was able to get under his skin so thoroughly and easily, but when Orion called him trash and revealed him being from the Unseelie changed his demeanor instantly to that of a scornful one. Raising his shackled hands upward to be at a proper height for the captain to unlock. “Call me Orion, Having you call me captain like you are one of my proud hunters would be disgraceful to them and myself” Orion placed the handcuffs on his utility belt before reaching his hands out forward to unlock the cell, opening the gate allowing Zeno freedom from his cell.

WC 260


Deep trouble in the Deep green  Part 3 Empty Tue Jun 25, 2024 3:05 pm

“You sure got a mouth on you, Orion. I hope all that bolstering confidence helps you protect your people when it matters most” Zeno said with utter disgust in his voice towards the fairy captain while rubbing his wrist that was slightly bruised. “If you will excuse me, why don't you show me to my resting quarters. You surely cannot have your valuable resource sleeping in such a place like this, now, can you? A comfy bed will help me think, along with some food” he asked cheekily from Orion. Both were feeling their blood boil from the sheer disrespect they received from one another.
Looking down at Zeno with disgust raging in his eyes, he turned his body slightly while keeping his hand on the hilt of his sword. At the ready in case, things escalated. He calls for Darren while locking eyes with Zeno.“Darren! Come and show him to his quarters and get the vermin some food. You get a day of rest before I have you rigorously working. Don't waste your precious hours. I am taking my leave now, please do not disappoint me, I would hate to see failure fall on your shoulders” Loosening his aggressive stance, leaning forward to pat Zeno on his shoulders as he retorted, making sure he had the last words and heads out of the holding room.
Darren and Vincent stepped foot into the room filled with tension that was equivalent to that of a miasma pit. Witnessing a battle ready to unfold before but was cut short due to their own stubbornness to strike first. Darren and Vincent both looked at each other bewildered as this was the first they had seen such conflict unfold among their kin outside the meetings, as it was deeply frowned upon to have in-fighting. “I have never seen the captain behave like that. Have you Vincent?” Darren said with a concerned look on his face while taking a seat on the bench in the corner. “Never, but he sure HATES your guts, Zeno. Talk about a warm reception for your return.” Vincent jokingly stated while sitting beside Darren on the bench. “Lots of the old buddies are all gone from the time we trained together, we are practically all that's left from that generation." Vincent said with a disheartening tone, polishing his spear while eying all its fine details.

WC 397
TC 1022

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