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I. The Daughter of Justice [Moderate]

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I. The Daughter of Justice [Moderate] Empty Sun Jun 16, 2024 7:25 pm


Name: Chapter I. The Daughter of Justice

Difficulty: Moderate

Participants: Rhea Alvarez

Story: Rhea knew that her journey to Fiore wasn't a spur-of-the-moment decision; it was a well-planned necessity. Her wild Dragon Slayer abilities needed proper training, and Fiore, with its advanced systems and proximity to a rumored college, was the perfect place for her to grow. In Fiore, she joined the military to learn more about the land that once tried its hand at conquering her homeland, Stella, and to earn some money while improving her own fighting abilities. Within two weeks, the light Dragon Slayer quickly rose to the rank of Sergeant. But as things seemed to be going well, hidden forces began plotting against her. There seemed to be more reason for her mother encouraging her move to Fiore than the Dragon Slayer expected. What started as a random attack turned into something far more serious, forcing Rhea to return home to uncover the truth about her identity.

Rewards: Unique Custom

  • Discover why Bosocan assassins are after Rhea.
  • Discover that Rhea is the daughter of a renown Stellan rebel leader.

Required Progress: At least 10,000 words or 5x A-rank quests


I. The Daughter of Justice [Moderate] Empty Thu Jun 20, 2024 10:26 am

This storyline is approved to start.

I. The Daughter of Justice [Moderate] GPIjkMz

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