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Hot Fuzz [Gang Warfare - Itti]

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Hot Fuzz [Gang Warfare - Itti] Empty Sun Jul 28, 2024 7:33 am


WORDS: 480 | Business Blues

“A broad cordon should keep civilian harm to a minimum, but we need to make sure there's a man on every possible exit from the building, two if we have the numbers… Keep your presence subtle before we are ready to go. This one is known to fly the coop easily, though prone to extreme measures if cornered.” The fair haired femme feeling rather in her element now that her acclimatisation to her new arena had ended and her authority had been restored to the level of sergeant, the meek obedience which Anika Adler showed to her superiorities was peeled back to show something with more poise and command than before now that she had the rank to order their corporals and privates around, and did so from the convenience and cover of a restaurant which they had temporarily commandeered about a block away from their target where she and her team were currently laying low in anticipation of what was to follow.

“If you see our primary suspects, signal for myself or the commander immediately. Do not try to be a hero here! These people have taken lives before, and will not hesitate to do so again in order to ensure their continued freedom.” Making the most of the time she had as she used her ever impressive screens to bring up a map of the neighbourhood and the building which they were intending to raid as part of her ongoing duty to their gangbusting operations, the bespectacled blonde would make sure that the brave men and women who were making the streets that bit safer would be well briefed on their assignments, before along with them also highlighting the mugshots which they had on file for their principal targets.

You thought you could get away, but there is no escaping the hand of justice…! Calling attention to an ugly mug who called himself their leader as well as a couple of parties who acted as his lieutenants, the violet vision of the vixen seemed to fixate upon the trio especially and she found the hairs on the back of her neck standing up as she did so thanks to the escalating sense of anticipation they had now that the hour was almost upon them.
“Now we just need word from the commander to go…” The leggy lass left to check her watch because of that and idly watching its hand a few times before lifting her hand into that long and light mane and peeling it backward, Anika couldn't help but feel a sense of impatience given how close they loomed to the capture of a target who had proven a thorn in their side for some time, and though she knew that a cavalier attitude was likely to get her killed she couldn't help it. I mean, this day had been a long enough time coming, in more than one way really, right~?

You Are In Need of Discipline

And I shall hammer it down upon you~!
- Anika Adler

credit to nat of adoxography.


Hot Fuzz [Gang Warfare - Itti] Empty Sun Jul 28, 2024 1:34 pm

Another day of paperwork, that proved to be the most stimulating part of his work as a Major. He sat down another neat stack of paperwork organized filled out and even in some cases sent back with feedback on corrections. The other Majors were upset with his progress, it’d be one thing if it was just his bureaucratic skills putting him ahead. He was top of his class in terms of battle prowess as well, there at this time wasn’t another Major capable of beating him in battle. With his recent talk with the General his position as a colonel was all but a formality at this point.  He wanted it to be obvious for anyone to see why, as a result he had taken up more requests from the guild as of late. He'd step out of his office lint roller in hand as he went over his usual magical black tuxedo, today his cloth stripe on his top hat was a light pink. He’d take his handkerchief and wipe his M symbol before heading up to one of the roofs of a building outside headquarters. He had spoken to the shop owner prior, he often used this roof as a launch pad to move through the top side of Era.

He wanted to check Seargent Adler’s cordon work; it was possible they had found their suspect finally. Ittindi had sent a positive report, but he was pretty sure Seargent Adler’s promotion was all on her own merit. As he approached their rendezvous location, he was spotted by one of the knights on duty. Ittindi would lunge quickly appearing right next to the man while dodging his sword swing.

”At ease private was probing to make sure you’re on guard. You’ve done your job greatly son continue to serve our people.”

With that he’d jump off the roof  of the restaurant where he had been spotted. He’d do a quick once over of his reflection through his peripherals as he approached the door. Besides his hair which was in its usual mess of style and the large cross shaped gun on his back, he looked the part of a prim and proper butler. As he walked in he received a couple salutes, which he would always return sharply while thanking whatever rank had issued it. He’d walk over to Seargent Adler and issue a quick salute before he’d start speaking.

” Greetings Seargent, congratulations on the promotion its well deserved. Are we ready to get started here?”

He’d look over at the large array of screens that Seargent Adler had open for the senior members here to discuss strategy. Ittindi had a new goal for today’s journey, he needed to see what kind of motivation Seargent Adler had for being a Rune Knight. Some liked productivity, others the power and some a sense of moral righteousness.  Ittindi hadn’t found which he found the most favorable for group work. Seargent Adler would be one of his first to study for future greatness beyond the first examination.


Hot Fuzz [Gang Warfare - Itti] Empty Tue Jul 30, 2024 6:38 am


WORDS: 310 | Business Blues

“Ah, sir! Thank you very much!” The blonde belle welcoming the sight of their commander arriving as well as his commendation for her promotion, as she threw her hand up in a proper military greeting Miss Adler couldn't help but look over the refined sense of flamboyance with which the major seemed to carry himself, and with that and the growing familiarity between them spent a moment wondering just what he was like away from operations. I mean, he did seem quite the peacock when it came to his wardrobe, and choice of automotive as well, no?

“Our men are ready to move out, we have a tight net planned to snare the target. We should have the manpower to put down their numbers, and limit their leader's chance to fly the chicken coop, as they say?” Now not the moment for delving into one's private life and the fair femme forgetting the matter in favour of attending to the business which had brought them here, the ever businesslike boscosi quickly answered the query she was given about the state of the squad, and once more seemed to gesture to the maps her magic could provide them with to demonstrate their plan of attack.
“The mission is ready to go when you are, sir. Do you have anything to add…?” Nodding soon afterward and then looking across the room to a strike team who seemed as eager as she was to move from anticipation to a state of action, after clarifying their methods and the readiness of the operation she waited on the word of the man in charge in order to get the wheels on this machine moving. After all, she had just gotten her rating with the firearm which the forces of this land now used, and was keen on seeing just how much of a difference she might now make in a fight with it…

You Are In Need of Discipline

And I shall hammer it down upon you~!
- Anika Adler

credit to nat of adoxography.


Hot Fuzz [Gang Warfare - Itti] Empty Tue Jul 30, 2024 11:01 am

”Nothing to add lets move out, I’ll let you continue control of operation Seargent Adler nothing I could add here. Were you going to go out there yourself?”

Ittindi planned on going out to see the action, but he didn’t want to shame Seargent Adler if she preferred the desk, Ittindi sure did. He did, however, prefer being in the field if he was going to be out of a forward operating base, he hated desk duty in those situations. Realistically he just liked being at the most important job at his location, when in garrison the greatest impact is through paperwork and it’s the opposite when out in the field. Ittindi strived for efficiency.

He would have to resist the urge to shoot a rocket straight into the building as his own dramatic entrance.  It might lead to some of the criminals escaping, and Ittindi didn’t want o be responsible for that. There were already so many criminals in Era from the time when the Rune Knights were complicit or busy Ittindi never fully understood what was going on in that time. It was when he was a criminal, so he wasn’t overly concerned with the politics of the world.  

It was a shame that General Saturn wasn’t as ruthless as Ittindi had hoped. It’d be nice if they had the clearing to kill more criminals during the mission but only if the gun gives the ok had remained the rule for so long in the Rune Knights. Sometimes Ittindi wondered why they had to wait, he wondered how much happier he’d be if he had already fallen prey to the cycle. Instead they waited until one or two major criminals appeared from the lot and dealt with them. Like some giant breeding ground for the strongest fighter.

It’s to early in your immortality to be gloomy wait until the first millennium passes then come back to me.

WC: 319/825


Hot Fuzz [Gang Warfare - Itti] Empty Wed Jul 31, 2024 7:24 am


WORDS: 520 | Business Blues

“Of course, Sir! One leads from the front!” The blonde boscosi nodding with a definite sense of affirmation when the commander asked whether or not she would be joining the operation, though Anika certainly had a talent for matters of administration and organisation she was no slouch either when one considered the more direct application of her duties, and announced with both boldness and a sense of pride that she would be fighting from the front lines just like the men and women she had assembled here.
“I actually thought you might be best served striking from above, to make best use of your heavy ordinance, sir? Though naturally, I will defer to your experience in these kinds of situations.” Taking a step closer to the man in charge given how he had let her continue to retain command of the operation despite the disparity of their rank, with a flick of her hand she called up another screen and gestured to a balcony which overlooked the building they were due to attack from the other side of the street, and offered a little advice to him given what she had seen of the man's arsenal in their last little get together. They could easily set it up, while he knocked it down, no~?

“Okay, people. It's time to move out!” Speaking of it seeming that they had little left to discuss really and as such the young woman keen on striking whilst the iron was hot, the longer they waited the greater the chance of either their agents being discovered or their would-be targets fleeing the coop as it were, and so with a swipe of her hand she bid those under her command to arms and action along with it.
“Get in your positions…” Their strike force filing out of the building accordingly and using a back door so as to lessen the chance of notice, the mulberry eyed minx marched behind a couple of her corporals who were armed with shields as they passed through the alleyways which would deliver their force discreetly to the point of their assault, and as she neared her apparent date with destiny she urged the people around her to get ready as she drew the pistol she carried and prepared herself.

“Let's move, move, move!” Pausing for a moment in the shadows as she looked over how the people about her were prepped, the bespectacled beauty took a few deep breaths as she made every moment she could count before someone in their 'prize' would get wise as to the action which was to follow, and then bellowed out an order to set the whole thing into motion.
“Lay down your weapons and surrender! We have you surrounded!” Raising her pistol accordingly as she did so and marching into the street with the weapon trained on the doorway, by spreading her hand she summoned a blank screen to act as her own shield as she marched forward with the van in order to enclose the crooks within, calling out to all who might hear her a warning which she had to expect would go unheeded. Though, procedure was procedure, no?

You Are In Need of Discipline

And I shall hammer it down upon you~!
- Anika Adler

credit to nat of adoxography.


Hot Fuzz [Gang Warfare - Itti] Empty Thu Aug 01, 2024 9:42 pm

Ittindi would nod at their shared philosophy on leadership, he wondered if Seargent Adler was from nobility. He’d have to ask her if they were ever on a longer assignment together. The idea of unleashing fiery hell from his newest weapon did appeal to Ittindi. He also hadn’t gotten to test out its more destructive capability in the field, relying on private tests in arenas instead. Though part of him wondered if she wanted him away from the mission for her own sanity. It mattered little to Ittindi since he could just interview anyone who was working with her while he was away.

”I don’t mind taking overwatch, I’ve been meaning to experiment more with this in the field.”

He would indicate his cross when he mentioned this, as he would see her mention a couple of good vantage points. Ittindi would move after every shot so he would need a couple spots to retreat too, better to start in Seargent Adler’s suggested spot in that case. He’d study the screen, before nodding to Seargent Adler that he was good.

The next couple of moments before the order never seemed to loose its tension, it’d was one of the few things that Ittindi enjoyed about field work. With Seargent Adler’s command to move out, Ittindi would follow behind the shielded warriors, until he was close to his roof. Then he would break off from the group climbing faster, but still aware of his need for stealth. Once on the roof Ittindi would scan his surroundings for retreat points, different firing angles among other things. Onde satisfied he wasn’t being watched he’d pull out his cross, then making as small as a profile as possible he’d get in the prone ready to use the rocket function at a moment’s notice.

It was the typical opening of a Rune Knight, escalation of force was an important concept that was skipped all too often. Ittindi had seen multiple crime lords let off for such reasons, the proper methods ensured a proper arrest. His eyes were sweeping all the exits he could find, as well as any major movements in front of windows. He knew that they would resist, criminals like this kind couldn’t help it. They only saw themselves as getting training in prison not punishment.

Ittindi would wait for an indication he could use his weapon from Seargent Adler, if none were received he’d continue his job of overwatch. Hoping that something interesting would appear before him to shoot, he had yet to die since being able to force an explosion. It wasn’t something he wanted to try Rune Knights or a city nearby.

WC: 442/1,267


Hot Fuzz [Gang Warfare - Itti] Empty Mon Aug 05, 2024 2:55 pm


WORDS: 510 | Business Blues

"Psh… Die Pigs!"

The bespectacled blonde doing everything by the book and perhaps that very fact inviting her enemy to fancy their proverbial chance and take a pot shot toward her, though Anika had given them an offer for surrender it seemed that at least one among their number still appeared to think that they might be able to fight their way out, and with a flick of his hand seemed to summon a mote of fire which he intended to shoot right at the woman in charge. How rude, really.

Unfortunate…! Perhaps there a sense of ingratitude in such a deed but the lavender eyed lass hardly surprised by it, she drew the screen which she had created across herself as the conjured conflagration shot through the air in her direction and squared her stance as she did so, and was left to groan for a moment as air around her heated up upon impact between the two of them. Though, it seemed that on this occasion the ward of the woman would prove the better between the two.

Squeeze, don't pull…! The shield which the slender soldier had carried with her cracking upon impact and perhaps some of the flaming wrath licking the pavement either side of her but otherwise the boscosi seeming unharmed, Miss Adler coached herself mentally as she trained the muzzle of her shiny new weapon on the frame of the fool who had flung a fireball her way, and then let loose a shot of her own which thankfully proved far more decisive. A projectile seeming to belch from the mixture of magic and machinery within her mitt and lance through the distance which separated them, while the result was far from as flashy as blazing blast which she had shrugged off it did seem more effective as it struck the centre mass of her enemy, and sent him sprawling backward in the wake of the attack. Though really, from the looks of things their little exchange had seemed more of a starting pistol going off what followed.

“Looks like they won't be going quietly into this good night!” One of their targets seeming to be blasted away by her burst but others quickly seeming to stampede forward in order to take his place, the shot which Anika had sent toward the building appeared to be tantamount to kicking the proverbial hornets nest from the looks of the multitude of angry looking figures who lurched toward them, some bearing weapons in hands and others seeming to gesture to create spells like their sentries had.
“Let's do what we came here to do!” Not that our fair femme seemed all that intimidated by the pack and instead seeing fit to place her faith in the formation and soldiers she had brought with her, the violet eyes of the vixen seemed to narrow for a second before she glanced up toward their archangel playing 'overwatch', and gave him a little flick of her hand in order to tell him to let loose and purge this den of injustice as he saw fit…

You Are In Need of Discipline

And I shall hammer it down upon you~!
- Anika Adler

credit to nat of adoxography.


Hot Fuzz [Gang Warfare - Itti] Empty Mon Aug 05, 2024 3:51 pm

A textbook case of criminals being stupid in the sight of superior firepower. The Rune Knights had the monopoly of violence for a reason, and Ittindi planned on enforcing it with maximum prejudice. Seargent Adler didn’t even seem to be fazed by the dangers of the field, firing her gun with precision at the aggressor. Moments after, more individuals started to appear from the building. As they gathered, Ittindi would smile privately for he knew what would come next. With one signal they’d all be burned, cleaned off the street, the first shell would be the strongest followed by a smaller secondary to make sure that any combatants that had decided to step outside were ready for hospitalization. Even from here Ittindi could feel the heat from the explosions and hoped that Seargent Adler enjoyed the sight of an explosive firearm.

Ittindi had managed to avoid using his magic for anything but the most serious situation. That and when he was training with others, thinking of his fellow destruction students that he was unlikely to run into while pursuing the goals of the Council. The explosion had been greater than he expected, he was sure that if the leader was out with the crowd he’d still be in fighting shape. Not to mention the others who were still probably hiding in the building waiting for the right opportunity that’d probably be soon with the screaming Ittindi had created.  

”Hmm, that thing packs more of a punch than I thought.  I’ll have to request a fire fighting squad with me in the future if I use in urban centers.”

His head would do one last quick glance around the building before he’d sling his cross back to his back. Ittindi didn’t stay in the same vantage point after firing, especially something as obvious as an explosive shell. He’d back up and get a running start jumping to a roof adjacent to his current building. He’d roll clearing it easier than he thought. Finding another angle, he’d get back in the prone and go back to overwatch, wondering what fun he’d get to have next.

Ittindi hoped that the main criminal would go for Seargent Adler to pad her record, but he didn’t mind taking care of it himself either. He’d see the glint of a magical item in one of the windows, and Ittindi would wait for visual identification. Sure enough, the criminal inside would move the blinds magical gun visible. Ittindi’s shot would ring across the night as the glass shattered, and the man’s weapon fell out the window, while the target seemed down.  Overall, the operation seemed to be going for the Rune Knights side.  It all felt to easy, which as a result Ittindi was scanning the windows doors even harder.



Hot Fuzz [Gang Warfare - Itti] Empty Wed Aug 07, 2024 1:59 pm


WORDS: 560 | TOTAL: 2380 | Business Blues

Good grief… Talk about overkill. Still, one can hardly argue with the results…? The slender sergeant certainly feeling a sense of satisfaction in what she had done with her pistol but the weapon seeming like no more than a toy when compared to the arsenal which her superior could unleash, the violet eyes of the vixen widened as she watched a fresh flavour of hell seem to rain down upon the street and the people in front of herself and her fellow soldiers, though as she watched their would be attackers seem to drop because of it she could in no way deny the relief therein. Certainly seemed to thin the heard out well, didn't he?

“The major has given us an excellent chance here! Let's close in and…” The practical airstrike seeming to provide the boots on the ground the chance to settle the issue once and for all, with what was left of their targets seeming to be reeling from the ambush and the action which followed Anika knew that they would do well to strike while the proverbial iron was so heated, and with a wave of her hand began to usher her officers in to make good on such potential. Though, it was the sound of something giving a low howl and a large door erupting which gave her pause, however.

“Wait!” A large loading door on the building seeming to fly open and half apart as a beastly automotive erupted from within the building with a couple of familiar faces inside, it would seem that so quick and decisive an opening to this fight had prompted the remnants of the gangs leadership to hop into a car, and roar loose with every intention of doing as much harm as they could.
“Back!” The bespectacled boscosi yelling to her fellow knights a moment before she flung herself out the way of some very angry steel and the tires of the car which carried the bosses away from battle, Miss Adler winced as she force with which she flung herself seemed likely to leave her bruised tomorrow, but guessed that was likely to be better than being a rather limp ornament upon the hood of her adversaries.

Damn, they had an automotive?! That wasn't in the report…! Live to fight another day seeming to be the motto in the moment but for now it seeming that the blonde was more annoyed that they had overlooked this asset in the assessment of this gang, after pushing her palms back beneath her Anika turned her head and straightened her glasses as she looked over the strewn bodies of her officers, and though she was happy to see many rising with them felt only fire within her veins as she watched the car which had only narrowly missed her now swerving to try and dive through the roads beyond.
“I'm not settling for disappointment today!” Shaking her head because of it and hardly hiding her fury as she shot a sharp stare toward the man on the balcony, she barked out a vow even if she wasn't sure if the distance and clamour of their environment would allow him to hear her, but it didn't matter really. After all, if she were a betting woman, she would have to guess they both hated to lose, and would have the same idea in regards to preventing that…

You Are In Need of Discipline

And I shall hammer it down upon you~!
- Anika Adler

credit to nat of adoxography.


Hot Fuzz [Gang Warfare - Itti] Empty Thu Aug 08, 2024 8:59 pm

Seargent Adler and her men took advantage of the chaos perfectly and more importantly precisely. He’d see them quickly dispatch the criminals; he still couldn’t shake that feeling of uncertainty. He knew that it didn’t pose any danger to him since his danger sense wasn’t going off. That was the worse part, when an enemy wasn’t doing anything to hurt him directly there was little he could do but wait. The law was sadly reactive, Ittindi didn’t think it was possible to have a true arbiter of justice capable of being proactive. As he watched the action unfold another door would burst open. Just like that their main prey was escaping, though Ittindi couldn’t let it end this way. He’d run down the building and push off it towards his car. There’d no shot he’d let this pursuit end this way, he’d let Seargent Adler handle finishing the paperwork up for another successful raid.

The best part of a raid was the paperwork really, telling a fantastic story in the standard triplicate was one of the few things Ittindi enjoyed about the Rune Knight. He was being gracious by letting Seargent Adler, someone he assumed was of a similar mind handle the paperwork.  He’d go handle keeping crime off the streets, though it would be hard to drive and shoot. Ittindi had done it before so he knew it was possible, as he turned the last corner his stoic demeanor would break as he laughed.

Sitting beside his car was Seargent Adler he hadn’t pegged her for someone competitive. That was alright, the Rune Knights could stand to gain more Knights who took their job serious besides to flex their muscles. Ittindi would keep jogging towards his car while he shouted at Seargent Adler.

”Driving or Shooting Seargent Adler?”

WC: 299/2,029

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